The lad was nervous, I could tell.
But then I had kept him nervous for a very long time.
He sat with one hand in his lap, fingers clinched tightly into a fist, and the other gripping the handle of the truck door. Eyes wide, taking in the scenery as I maneuvered through town.
Part if his tension I assumed was the fact he thought I was driving on the wrong side of the road. The boy had spent the First twenty years of his life living in England and I could see the twitches in his hands and shoulders each time another car came towards us as he fought to keep from grabbing the wheel.
That was quite amusing.
The other thing which was keeping his heart rate up was the fact I was taking him for a visit for the very first time as my owned puppy. Not just out as two guys doing whatever.
The boy was going to be exposed to people he had never met before and there would be no doubt in their mind that he belonged to me. Underneath the sweatshirt and loose sweatpants were things which very few people would consider to be “normal” clothes. In a very few minutes he was going to show off those things which had, up to that point, only been seen by me.
He was quite nervous.
And I was quite amused.
“All right, Nathan?” He nodded, his lips a little tight.
“Yes, Sir. All right.” I chuckled softly and patted his thigh while I drove with one hand.
“Deep breaths, puppy. Relax. You’ll be fine. I’ll be right there beside you and they are nice people. Remember, you have been wanting this for a long time.” Eyes closed for a moment, he took a long shuddering breath and tried to calm his hammering heart.
“Yes, Master.” He whispered, then shook his head and opened his eyes. “I do want This. I just… I want you proud of your pup, Sir.” My hand squeezed his thigh and I made sure he saw the proud smile on my lips.
“You haven’t let me down yet, boy. And I do not believe you will now. I will be very proud to show you off as my puppy. You are beautiful and sweet and very very obedient. No Master could ask for a better pet. Remember that.” A hint of a blush crept across his cheeses at my praise. He picked up my hand and held it up. His soft lips kissed my knuckles.
“Thank you, Master. Your puppy is proud to be yours, Sir.”
“Such a good boy.”
I turned right off of the main drag down the narrow alley then left on the gravel road behind what used to be the old Masonic lodge decades ago. Tall dark green trees and thick undergrowth blocked most of what could be seen out the passenger side. Small gaps allowed glimpses of the houses down below while the old brick walls of the backs of the buildings went by on the other. Ghostly faded signs in barely visible paint gave hints of what used to be in the buildings ages long past.
I knew if we were on the other side, the store fronts would all be insurance agents and resale shops, salons trying desperately to be trendy and hip and the occasionalmom and pop deli or cafe. The fronts were all clean and well tended with bright eye-catching signs, interspersed with the flash of neon. Siren calls to lure in customers laden with cash.
Bu customers rarely ventured back here. The road was merely gravel and dirt with deep valleys and ruts where the rains had washed away the surface, making driving at any good speed difficult and bumpy. Back here the buildings were partially covered with wild vines and trees let go out of control. Piles of debris and trash and old discarded appliances peeped from mounds hidden in the weeds. The bricks were dark and blackened with age and soot from the days when wood and coal were the choice for heat and much of the mortar had cracked and crumbled, leaving many of the bricks loose and, in some cases, missing completely.
If I had a mind to, I could pick up enough bricks from the ground on this block alone to lay a walkway from my house down to my workshop, more than wide enough to run a handtruck or wheelbarrow from one to the other.
But I digress.
Halfway down the block I swung the truck up into a rutted driveway between two of the buildings, back tires spinning briefly in the loose gravel. We came to a stop parked halfway in the sparse grass next to another pickup truck. In front of the other truck was a flatbed trailer held upright with wooden scraps of lumber. On top of the trailer sat a lone broken soda machine which appeared to have been there for several years.
In the passenger seat, Nathan looked a little dubious. And just a shade more nervous. The expression on his face conveyed a fear I was going to sell him to a biker gang or lead him into some serial killer’s basement abattoir. After I put the truck in park, my hand patted his thigh again in a reassuring way.
“Relax, puppy. It’s nicer on the inside. This is just camouflage. Breathe.” He took a few slow deep breaths, as I had taught him.
“Ready, boy?” He shook his head both back and forth and up and down.
“Yes and no and maybe, Master. Let’s do this.”
Laughing, I led him down the steps to the basement door.
“Uncle Rex!!” As always, Marigold was a warm flurry of curly brown hair, soft lips and firm little body pressed against mine while her arms went around my neck. Those sweet lips opened to mine as I kissed her and my hands went from her back to her Waist then further down as I patted and squeezed that delightful bottom while we kissed.
I had known the girl all of her life and watched her grown from a sweet and delightful inquisitive child into a strong and self assured amazing young lady with a taste for the kinkier side of life which both pleased and amazing me. It wasn’t all that long ago she had finally managed to achieve her secret dream of seducing dear old “Uncle Rex” and crawling into my bed. A highly erotic journey we had both greatly enjoyed.
She pulled back after an endless wonderful moment, eyes looking into mine as shewhispered “I’ve missed you, Sir.” I smiled and patted her bottom again. Marigold’s eyes darted sideways towards the boy and back to mine. My eyes waggled and I nodded silently. She unwound herself from my neck and stepped over to where my puppy waited.
“Ohmygodyouaresofreakinghot.” It all came out in long long rush, melded into a single word. Before the started boy could Even stammer out a reply, she throw her arms around his neck and stopped up his lips with hers. He let out a confused but pleasantly surprised squeak and, after a moment of hesitation, hugged her back.
While the sweet girl was thoroughly introducing herself to an equally sweet though some take aback boy, I was trading a handshake and a hug with Marigold’s husband, Wyatt.
“Rex.” He said. “Good to see you.”
“Bash. You look good yourself. Always glad to be here.” I tipped my head over to the two who were still engaged in getting to know each other and gave him a smile. “Been waiting forThis.” He nodded and smiled as well.
“So has she. She’s been on pins and needs all day.” He gave me a wink. “You always know how to get her all wound up.”
Just like his amazing young wife, Wyatt Bastian “Bash” Granger was one of the nicest people I had ever met in my life. Every time we met he was happy and at peace with the world. Of course, he was also one of the last people in the world you ever wanted to piss off. He was small, as was his wife and my puppy, but his size had nothing to do with his strength. Bash had always kept himself in excellent physical shape. He had also spent a good portion of his life doing difficult and dangerous things, just because he was able to. Combat vegetables. Firefighter. A guard at a maximum security prison.
All things he did Because he could and because somebody had to do them.
Not only did I love him for who he was, I admired him for what he could do. Most of the things he did scared the crap out of me. The man was aptly named.
Besides, he kept my favorite girl deliciously happy and I loved him even more for that.
“Mari. Let him breathe.” Somewhat guiltily, she stepped back, keeping one hand on his chest. Nathan’s face was flushed and his expression was a mix of happy, horny and extremely uncomfortable.
The happy and horny needed no explanation. Mari had the same effect on everybody she met. The reason for his disappoint would become apparent in a few moments.
In the mean time, Bash stepped up and pumped Nathan’s hand in his strong grip and pulled him in for a hug. “Nathan. Good to meet you. Welcome to the family.”
“Ummm… thank you, Sir.” The boy’s eyes were kind of wide for several reasons. One, he was meeting the husband of a woman he had lusted after for quite some time. I’d shared a few pics of my golden girl over the years. And two, said husband was a rather dangerous looking man. Bash was wearing blue jeans and motorcycle boots and a t-shirt with a black leather vst and his long curly bear reached halfway down his chest. What topped off the whole “outlaw biker” look was the 9mm pistol strapped to one side of his hip. A fashion accessory he never ever saw living in the United Kingdom.
But the warm hug and the easy smile on Bash’s face completely offset his initial appearance and his earnest and welcome greeting just throw the boy for a loop. I had to suppress a chuckle watching the emotions crossing his face.
This sketchy looking character with a gun know Nathan wanted desperately to sleep with his wife and yet he was good with it? Even welcomed it?
Americans are all crazy.
“Nathan.” My voice broke him out of his reverie.
“Yes, Master?”
“Present, puppy.” One finger pointed to the floor by my feet. His face flushed again.
“Y-yes, M-master.” His hands shook a little as he gripped the hem of the sweatshirt and pulled it up over his head. While he carefully folded the bulky shirt I admired his strong smoothh chest and well muscled arms. Riding low around Nathan’s neck was a deep burgundy leather collar with brass fittings. Lower down a matching harness wrapped around his chest and shoulders. It helped to accent his strong chest perfectly.
Even further down a smooth taut belly with an exclusive hint of rippled abs led to a line of hair which led from his navel and disappeared down into the waistband of his sweatpants. He laid the shirt down on a neary counter and my view was momentarily obscured as he kicked off his shoes and slipped his thumbs into the waistband of his pants.
The boy paused and his eyes went to me. I nodded and he showed softly then tugged down the sweats and pulled them off of his legs.
I was torn between looking at my puppy and his fine body and the looks he was getting from Marigold and Bash. Her eyes were wide and I saw the tip of her tongue slip out and lick her lower lip. Bash wore an appreciated smile curling up one corner of his lips and he nodded.
From the wait down my boy wore nothing but a steel and plastic cage wrapped around his prick and balls, held shut by a small brass padlock in the shape of a heart. His pubic hair had been trimmed short and neat, offsetting the general hairiness of his legs. Wrapped around Nathan’s knees were a pair of black nylon knee pads.
It was more than obvious despite being trapped in the little cage the boy was fighting with an almost painful erection. His large young price filled the cage almost to overflowing and it bobbed up and down in it’s confinement. The ring which circled his balls tugged against his sack as his body tried to get him hard.
Though we had experimented and played with denial before he arrived here to be mine, it had only been within the last couple of weeks since I had been able to get my hands on him personally had he experienced being actually physically locked away. Having his cock locked in the chatity cage was something the lad was having a difficult time getting used to.
I’m sure Marigold practically raping him with her mouth did a lot to leave him in his present distress. And being almost naked in front of strangers was adding to it considerably.
Ahhh… it was so amusing to be me, sometimes.
While Nathan folded his sweats and slipped back into his shoes, I pulled a leather lean from my back pocket and dangled the clip from my hand. The boy quickly stepped to my side, knelt down by my leg and clipped the lean to his collar then lowered his eyes and laid his palms on his upper thighs.
The perfect picture of a sweet and submissive pet boy.
“Aaaawwwh!” Mari breathed softly, a smile running across her lips. “That is so cute!” Her eyes went back and forth between the two of us. “You guys look so good “
I could but agree.
We decided to adjourn to the sitting area, where there was a large old overstuffed couch and a couple of comfortable chairs. Nathan rose and followed me at the end of his leash, one step to the side and one behind, like a good pup should. Marigold reached behind the couch and pulled out a rectangular foam pad and laid it on the floor in front of my place on the couch. It was a comfortable place for a pet to knee and she should know. In our special times together she had spent no small amount of time kneeing there herself.
My fingers unclipped the lead from his collar and I pulled the boy in for a kiss. One finger gestured towards the side counter.
“Why don’t you get us some coffee, pup?” He lowered his eyes briefly.
“Of course, Master.” He paused. “May I, as well, Sir?” My smile was warm and geneuine.
“Yes you may, puppy. You’ve been a very good boy. You deserve a reward.” I leaned in and kissed him again and whispered. “Both now and later.” He shivered.
“Thank you, Master!”
We all watched as my boy went over to the coffee maker and put four cups on a tray then quickly filled them all with the steamingbrew. Since the pot was low, he dumped the remainder and the filter and quickly scooped grounds into a new filter, refilled the carafe and got another round going.
Bash raised an eyebrow and looked at me.
“I’m impressed.” A proud smile came to my lips.
“He is a very good boy. Willing and eager to please. Besides, he really wanted to make a good impression on you guys. He was pretty nervous. Giving him a small task helps take his mind off of his nerves.”
Bash settled into the easy chair at the end which was his and Marigold snuggled up to my side on the couch while we all admired the lad’s firm little butt as he bustled about getting the coffee ready.
“Before he came here I thought about sending him to a school for butlers in England. It ticckled me to imagine having a formally trained butler as a housepet. But the boy convinced me he was more than willing to be trained any way I wished, as long as I did it myself.” A grin settled across my face.
“EvenThough we are far from done, training my pup has been a memorable experience. Much cheaper and more fun than sending him off somewhere else.”
While we chatted Nathan came back carrying the tray, walking carefully and not spilling a drop. He stopped and shot me a glance and I nodded towards Bash. He stepped forward and went down on one knee, offering the tray with lowered eyes.
“For you, Sir.” Bash’s eyes had a warm twinkle of pleasure as he took the preferred cup.
“Thank you, Nathan.”
“My pleasure, Sir.” Moving smoothly, Nathan rose and turned and went down on his knee again in front of Marigold.
She giggled delightedly, one hand briefly over her mouth before she could reach out and take a cup. “Holy crow…” She giggled again and leaned forward to run her fingers lightly across his cheek. “I could get really spoiled with you around.” We all smiled even wider watching the blush spread across his face.
“It would be my… extreme pleasuree, Miss Marigold… to spoil you in any way you wished.”
From my vantage point I could plainly see the plastic cage around my pet boy’s price twitch several times as he thought about how much he craved the chance to please her in any and every way.
From the chair on the end, Bash chuckled into his coffee, almost spilling it on his chest before he lifted the cup away. A retro came to his lips but before he could speak Nathan lowered his head in his direction again and added “And you as well of course, Mister Bash. As family to my Master, I am yours to command.” The twitching of his cage didn’t slow down a bit.
It was quite easy to see the smile making his curly mustache twist upwards as Bash’s eyes ran up and down my puppy’s body apparently.
“Well now…” Was all he could think of to say.
While we were distracted, my boy rose once more and stepped sideways onto the soft mat between my feet. This time he went down on both knees as a proper pet boy shoulderd and lowered his eyes.
“Yours, Master.”
I wasn’t sure if he was referring to himself or the cup of coffee or both but decided it didn’t matter as all three premises were indeed true.
“Yes, puppy. Mine.”
“In all ways and in all things, Master.” I smiled softly as I lifted a cup from the tray.
“And such a good boy.” That earned me a shy glance and a smile as he laid the tray aside and hidden his face in his own cup. Although his nervousness, he had carried himself well in this situation and made me extremely proud to call myself his Master.
Not like I wasn’t already. Nathan was so beautiful and so sweet and so submissive and he stirred me in so many ways it was all I could do to keep from grinning like a maniac twenty four hours a day.
Although the conversation and the presentation had been purposefully kept low key, the sexual tension in the room was as thick as a London fog. I suspect all I had to do was say “Now!” and my puppy would have found hiself invaded on all sides in a happy moaning dog pile of needy flesh.
But now was not the time.
Not just yet, anyway.
The boy had only been mine for about three weeks so far and I was trying to make his transition to an Owned puppy slow and complete. Until he flew halfway around the world to give himself to me, he had never been with another man and even his experience with women was rather limited. It was somehow fortunate for me the boy was a bit shy on his own so almost every experience I was able to give him was brand new.
Because Nathan was young and extremely hot I had been giving him quite a bit of experience since his arrival. It had been hard on me to slow down and be careful. It was even harder simply to get out of bed with that beautiful horny puppy curled up next to my body. I wanted to spend all of my time with my price in those warm strong hands or between those soft pretty puppy lips or delving between his firm ass cheeses and deep into his snug and so very tight little puppy butt.
~Long slow happy sight~
We had been having fun.
Lots of it.
One part of his training and his future life Nathan and I had often discussed was that I was going to take him places as my pet and, on rare occasions, require of him to please other people. It was going to be a very short and discerning list, but there would be a list.
As a matter of fact, at this moment only Mari and Bash were on it. My puppy knew a time would come when he would be directed/allowed to serve and please and play with one or the other or both of them with or without his Master present and he was eagerly awaiting his chance to shine.
But in the mean time this was a chance for all of them to get to know each other.
That too, was high on my agenda. Getting the three of them comfortable with each other. After all, I was thirty plus years older than my young but completely legal sized pet boy. I wasn’t going to be around forever and I had to make provisions for him to be owned by someone after I was gone. If things worked out as I planned, I would be leaving him to Bash and Mari in my will.
But let’s just keep that a secret between us for now, shall we?
The three of us reclined against our respective cushions and Nathan leaned against my leg while we sat and chatted and sipped our coffee. I’d given Bash and Mari the cliff notes version of our relationship and they were both interested and asked many questions. I answered most of them with my pup only adding a shy comment or two now and then. Most of our conversation was about him and it made him blush deeply.
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