Visit with Mistress

It was a cool late spring evening. I was a little nervous about meeting with my Mistress on a Sunday but business had brought me into town and it was the only night I could meet with her. I knew she was doing me a favor and felt even more in her debt then usual as I pulled my car over to the curb and parked. It was almost dark and the quiet street outside her house was deserted save for an occasional car driving by. I was dressed comfortably in a pair of warm ups and a long sleeped sweatshirt. Looking at my watch I noted that it was time to go. I had a case of butterflies (I looked forward to my sessions but Mistress can be overpowering sometimes) and took a deep breath as I strode up the stairs and rang the bell. I stood on her porch in the gathering dark waiting for her light to come on signaling that she had heard my ring. I often wondered about ringing twice but I didn’t want to tempt fate.

The lights flicked on a minute later and I stood in the small square of light coming through the window. I watched as her shoes, then legs, and body and finally her head appeared as she walked down the inside stairs to open the door. She was wearing black pants and a sweatshirt and as always her beauty and presence set my heart racing. Before she gets the door open I wonder to myself what kind of mood she is in and what she might have planned for me. When I emailed her asking for an appointment she had sent back her reply along with a little note about having purchased some new toys she wanted to try out on me. She opens the door and greets me in a friendly yet not too intimate voice. She is tall, standing almost as high as my 6’1″. Glorious red hair frames her pretty face and her beautiful eyes always carry a spark of mischief. She greets me and we walk upstairs to her dungeon.

Mistress is very organized and intelligent and her dungeon reflects this. Everything is hanging neighborly from the walls, the floors are sparkling and the smell of well cared for leather makes me light headed. As I walk up the last step and enter the room Mistress reminds me to remove my shoes (Damn, I know I will pay for that oversight). My eyes immediately go to the center of the black tile floor. Sitting there in the middle of the room is a very old electric treadmill. We sit for minute and exchange pleasuresants. Mistress comments on how appropriate my sweatpants are for the visit because she plans on giving me a work out. She stands and escorts me to the bathroom telling me to remove my clothes and wait for her. Touching my arm she asks if I can have any marks on my body from tonight’s session. She seems pleased when I tell her that it is OK. I began removing my clothes and Mistress stands in the doorway watching. When I am naked she tells me to come out and stand next to the treadmill. Usually she makes me wait While she changes and I can tell she is anxious to try her new toy.

She looks at me for a few seconds as if evaluating how best to proceed.

“I don’t think I will take the time to change. I am comfortable and it is Sunday,” She says.

She smiles and moves over to the wall pulling down leather articles as she moves along. The floor is cold but I feel a trickle of sweat start under my arms as I stand patiently. Mistress returns with an armful of articles and lays them on a chair. Taking a large leather body harness she moves over to me and helps me slip into it. It is a large X shaped harness with wide leather straps over each of my shoulders, crossing over my stomach and going between my legs. The straps are very wide and they cut into the insides of my thighs forcing me to spread my legs apart. Next comes a leather hood. She has me knee as she pulls it over my head and adjusts it so it fits tightly. I hear the zipper as she locks it in place over my head. I can see relatively well through the eyesholes and can breathe through the nose and mouth holes. The smell of the leather mixed with her perfume makes my cock twitch as Istand back up. With my vision now somewhat limited to what is right in front of me I am forced to try to puzzle out what she is doing by using my hearing (also dimmed by the hood). She returns to me with a metal rod that slips behind my back, pulling my arms backward. It nestles in the crook of my elbows and attaches somewhere in the back of the harness down by my lower back. This forces me to bend forward slightly as she tightens up everything and attaches my arms to the rod using leather bands built onto the rod. The tighter she pulls the more my back is arched. The harness is now pulling up into my crotch very uncomfortable.

All the while she is working on me Mistress is talking in a light bannering flow. She has a very dry sense of humor and likes to embarrass me as she works. Her warm conversational tone is in direct Contrast to her no-nonsense business approach to putting me into the proper position. Next she takes hold of my cock and balls and pulls me closer to the chairshe has put all her equipment into. Never letting me go she begins to work on putting my “equipment” into some of her “equipment. I feel my balls being manipulated and when she lets go of them a small (it seems big) weight drops down between my legs causing a moan to escape my lips as it bounces and pull my testicles. Next my cock is put into some contraption – what it is I can’t tell because of the hood and my arched back. I only know that as her touch makes me hard, my cock encounters some painful bondage. The harder I get the more uncomfortable. Sensing my arousal Mistress strokes me till I have a huge painful erection. Her hands feel so wonderful as they stroke me but the pain associated with my stiffness contrasts sharply with the pleasure she is giving me. She releases me and bats my cock lightly causing the constraints to tighten on me and the weight on my balls to swing. Another slightly louder groan escapes my lips. Mistress makes a little sympathetic sound and then laughs asshe steps back to survey her work. Evidently she is not done because she reaches around to the chair for another “toy” that I know will cause me more pain.

I am right. She begins playing and tweaking my nipples. Running her soft hands and sharp nails over first one, then the other. As they grow hard she grapsps the right one in her fingers and clips on a metal nipple clamp. The pain burns into me and I inhale deeply as I adjust to this new attack on my senses. Then the left nipple receives the same treatment. The Nipple clamps are connected by a steel chain that hangs down my chest. As I adjust to the pain Mistress takes my elbow and steps me up onto the treadmill. I stand there balancing in the balls of my feet, trying to keep the weight on my balls from swinging and the harness from cutting too deeply into my thighs. Mistress observes me for a moment with a contemplative look on her beautiful face. I know that look and it doesn’t bode well. She moves away and returns with a length of leather lace. She ties this around the front bar of the treadmill and to the chain on my nipple clamps. Looking into my eyes she asks me if I am ready. Before I can answer she throws the switch on the treadmill and I quickly start to walk forward as the nipple clamps tighten and pull against the leather lace.

I walk very awkwardly because of the harness cutting into my thighs. I am slightly hunted over and bow legged as I struggle to keep up with the treadmill. All the while Mistress is moving around me checking to see how her handiwork is holding up. If I walk too fast I move to far forward on the treadmill and then I have to slow down. Slowing down is very tricky because if I don’t speed back up at just the right time the clamps on my nipples pull painfully as I move too far back on the treadmill. I get into the rhythm of the thing and finally position myself where it is least painful. From behind me I feel Mistress caresing my bare ass. She runs her hands over my assand down my legs as they pump in time with the whirring of the treadmill. Her attention causes me to become painfully erect again and I lose my rhythm. I struggle to get back to equilibrium and Mistress laughs at my efforts, giving me a hard slap on my ass. She steps away and comes back with a camera. She moves around me looking for different angles to snap her pictures. I panic a little thinking about how embarrassing this must look but then I remember I have a hood on so no one would be able to know who it was in the picture. Then I start thinking about how she will have to get these developed and that she will probably show them to her friends. I wonder about her friends and what they might say about me. I labor to keep in a good position as my cock once again hardens painfully.

By now I am sweating and the bottoms of my feet are becoming blistered but I keep moving. I love the pain and sweat knowing that I am doing this for my Mistresses amusement. She starts clicking pictures from different angles. The flash catching me in each new pose. She takes pictures of me from the floor looking up, from the side, from in front and in back. She seems pleased and tells me that she has gotten some good shots. I am too afraid and embarrassed to ask if I will be able to see them when she gets them developed. Mistress puts the camera away and moves in front of me by the controls. My feet are burning, my nipples Feel sered, my thighs are chafed, my balls ache from the swinging weight and my cock feels like it is being cut to pieces. I am sweating rather freely now and I look through the mask at my Mistress pondering the controls. As she looks down at the switches her hair hangs into her face. She has the look of a teenage girl with in a dress shop, very focused and excited. Her nicely manicured hand reachings out and turns a knob. The treadmill whirs and I have to speed up, further punishing my body. I think to myself that I would walk here all night if that would please this Woman. She has a power over me that I don’t understand; I don’t want to understand. I am content to suffer as long as I can see the look of amusement on her face.

This goes on for a while, her playing with the controls and me reacting as best I can to the changes in speed. She smiles and occasionally laughs at my efforts to keep up. Finally she takes goal on me and stops. I totter for a second and then catch my balance. I stand before her as she looks at me. I think she is deciding what to do with me next. She curls her finger around the string attached to my nipple clamps and slowly pulls. The tension increases and I have to inhale, sucking the air through my teeth noisily. She keeps pulling until first one then the other pops off. The hot pain runs through my chest. Reaching up she rubs and pushes against my tortured nipples increasing the painful sensings yet somehow making me feel good because she is touching me.

“Now slave, let’s get you out of this gear and tryout another of my toys,” she says with cheerful anticipation.

I step off the treadmill and she removes all of the contractions from my body except for the infernal contraction that is capturing my cock and causing me so much pain when I become erect. As if reading my thoughts she reaches out and cares my balls. Holding them with such tender delicacy that I start to respond with another erection. Mistress looks into my eyes as she plays with me judging my response and enjoying the mixture of contentment and pain on my face.

“Come with me slave,” she says as she moves away from me. She is still holding my balls and tugs me along after her.

We move over to a table at one side of the room. The table seems to be covered in a black rubber sheet. Holding the edge of the sheet up she pats the table, “up you go slave” and I move to obey. As I am sitting on the edge of the table she takes a set of soft earplugs and pushes them into my ears. I breath deeply of her scent as she leans into me to adjust the plugs. I slide under the sheet and I realize I am actually between two smooth rubber layers. Still holding the sheet up she looks down at me. Taking something from behind her she bends forward and instructs me to open my mouth. She places an oval disk in my mouth that has a 3-inch tube running out of it.

“You will breathe through this,” she says as she drops the sheet over my head and threads the tube through a small hole in the rubber.

The sheet draws across my body loosely and I wonder what is coming next. I can pretty hear Mistress as she walks around on the tile floor straightening the sheet across my body and closing it around me like a sleeping bag. Next I hear what sounds like a vacuum cleaner and the sheet over me slowly starts to tighten around me. I Feel a moment of geneine panic as I realize the air is being sucked out of this rubber sleeping bag and I am inside it. Never before have I felt so totally vulnerable. I know that the only thing keeping me from suffocating is the small tube in my mouth. Mistress keeps a reassuring hand on me to let me know she is close by. This is a major test for me. I am completely at her mercy. As the sheet pulls tighter around me my ability to move becomes more and more restricted. I am not sure that I could get out even if I struggled. The strength of the vacuum being created causes me to come close to the edge of Complete panic. I try to remain calm and breathe normally through the tube.

I am now totally immobilized. I can’t move or see and can barely hear. I continue to breathe and fight off my panic. I am totally helpless, depending on my Mistress for every breath. I feel her presence standing next to me and her hand on my chest. For a brief moment my airtube is blocked. I feel the fear rising back up as I suck for air and pull in warm liquid. Mistress has spit into my tube and I taste her saliva as I pull it into my mouth and clear the tube for breathing. This arouses me. I can’t explain why. She has used me in a somewhat degrading way but the taste of her is in my mouth and my cock responds by pushing against the rubber cover. I feel so cut off. I can feel the rubber over every inch of my skin, both back and front. I cannot see and only the sound of the whirring vacuum gets through to me, even my nose is plugged by the rubber. My breathing sounds extremely loud and I think I can Even hear the sound of my heart racing in my chest. I struggle to sense anything but I am cut off from all sensing. I feel like a vacuum packed coffee brick, stiff and frozen in position. All of a sudden I am assaulted by a sensing of cold. I am not sure what is causing this. I suspect that Mistress is spraying a fine mist of cold water onto me. It is amazing how cold I get lying there in my rubber tomb.

Time loses meaning. I concentrate on breathing and remaining calm. My body begins to heat up and sweat. I don’t know how long I have been there but eventually thevacuum goes off and Mistress opens the sheet. I am slick from smoking, despite the brief interlude of cold spray. The light shining down from overhead is fierce after my stay in what I come to think of as the rubber tomb. Mistress helps me to a sitting position and then to my feet. I realize I am still breathing through the tube and open my mouth taking a deep breath of air. Mistress takes the tube and leads me by my cock across the room. She instructs me to knee on a small rug in front of her chair. I knee with a shiver as the sweat evaporates from my body. Mistress walks behind me and I hear her opening drawers and moving something into place behind me.

Instructing me to spread my legs she positions something under me. I look down and see what looks like a saddle with a dildo sticking up out of it. It is a Sybian machine. I have seen them advertised in Men’s magazines. The dildo has a condom on it.

“Bend over slave and keep your ass in the air” she commands from behindme.

Bending over I know that I am totally exposed to her view. I feel a latex incased hand spread my ass cheeses and a lubricated finger push into me. With my head pressed against the cold floor I moan softly as she cares my butt hole, pushing her finger in and out and moving it around inside me. I love when Mistress touches me and my cock once again scars painfully erect within its bonds. Mistress hears my moans and give my ass a hard slap.

“you are a little slut aren’t you slave?” she asks softly.

“Yes Mistress I am your slut,” I reply in a whisper.

“Now slave, you will sit back onto this dildo, keep your legs apart.”

With that she removes her finger from inside me and with her other hand on my supposed guides me back to a kneeing position and down onto the dildo. I wince slightly as it pushes into me. She continues to push down on my shoulder until I am firmly seated on the saddle and firmly impaled.

” Very good slave. I want you to move youself up and down on that dildo while you masse my feet.”

With that she moves around and seats herself in front of me on the chair, crossing her legs so that one of her feet is right in front of me, chest high.

I begin to move up and down, fucking myself as I take her lovely foot in my hands. Mistress loves to have her feet massed and when I am given the privilege to perform that duty for her I try very hard to please her. I have large, strong hands that wrap around her foot, but my hands aren’t the only tools I use to massage her. I bring my mouth down to her foot. Before I begin kissing and licking her foot, I take a deep breath, smelling her. Foot fetish stories or pictures never excited me but being allowed to touch and cares my Mistress’s feet is a powerful turn-on. My cock swells painfully as I began to rub, squeeze and lick my Mistress’s beautiful foot. All the while I am still fucking myself up and down on the dildo. On one of the down strokes mistress pressesa button on a control she has and the dildo in my ass turns into a powerful vibrator. I moan and unnecessary my efforts to please her foot. My tongue licks between each toe, tasting her foot’s sweat mixed with leather. Her toenails are nicely painted; she has very sexy feet. I rub the bottoms with my thumb, pressing firmly as I move over her arch and to the ball of her foot. My other hand holds her ankle caressing up the back of her heel. I long to move my hand up her leg to her calve but I do not want to take any liberties. She told me she wanted a foot massage. I know that if she wanted more she would instruct me. My Mistress is not shy about demanding her pleasure. As I work her foot with both hands and my mouth Mistress lets out soft groans of pleasure. I memorize what caused each groan so that I can improve my massaging techniques.

My cock is now rock hard and in great pain from the bondage but I am in heaven. Sucking each toe into my mouth I swirl my tongue around, licking andsucking. Starting with her little toe I work my way through each digit, lovingly bathing them with my tongue. Sucking her big toe into my mouth I lick it and suck it with extra thoroughness, loving how she tastes. After several more minutes Mistress gives me her other foot and I start the process all over. She groans and has such a contented look on her face as I work her foot with loving care. Finally she removes her foot from me and reach over for a bottle of oil.

“You may stroke yourself slave,” she says as she drops oil onto my hard cock.

I put my hand under my cock to catch the oil and then wrap it around myself and begin to masturbate for my Mistress. Half my cock is incased in a leather sleep so I can only stroke the end. The more I stroke the better it feels but also the more the sleep hurts (I would find out in a few minutes that the inside of the sleepe was covered with short metal spikes. The larger my erection the harder they dug in). Mistress can sense myimpending orgasm.

“Now slave I will allow you to cum on my foot but you must clean up your mess.”


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