A Change Of Mind

A Change Of Mind

I was into my third pitcher of some off-brand Irish Red

When the “too-tall-brunette” approached my table. She had that

tell tale look of too many whiskey sours and not enough self-

appreciation. She was well put together, having chosen a seaten

dress the sank low enough down her chest to show the

malnourishment in the visibility of her sternum and the slight

swell of her small breasts as they disappeared behind the material.

It was fairly short, stopping high on her thighs at the dangerous

line of showing us all if shewere wearing panties that night if she

had some obstacle to step over. Brief eye contact and a complicated

look told her she was welcome to continue her approach. She

turned the chair so she’d be facing me directly without having to go

Through the trouble of turning her head to speak to me. She sat,

giving the chair a little scoot forward as her legs crossed exposing

More tight than I deem tasteful. Especially considering her thighs

weren’t much bigger than my biceps. Her one saving grace came

with her opening line. She was brundt, honest, not giving any note

of struggle in her intended purpose in the club that night.
“Do you wanna fuck me?” She said it with that slight head wobble

of confident sarcasm with her final word turning into a sort of

open mouth smile before closing into a semiconductor smile. Her next

move was expected, looking down briefly for aim before taking her

straw into her mouth with her lips pursued much more than

necessary in an attempt to appeal to my fansies of fallatio as the

cylindrical object slide in and out slowly during her sip. She was

fixed on successing, and, if I were any other man, I’d have her

stumbling behind me in her too high heels as I dragged her out to

My vehicle to give her a sure answer to her question. Though, she

wasn’t prepared for my response. I dropped my head a bit, with a

soft smile and a breathless half laugh. I then looked up with the

same soft smile and an inquisitive squit as I pondered the best

way to decline.
“See… The majority of men have these mental responses to the

sight of a female. They see a woman like the brunette by the bar.

Her hips are wide, suggesting the form of child bearing. Her

breasts are ample without being imposing. Her hair naturally

beautiful, lacking the obviously false bright highlights or the

dramatic sheen of way too many hair products. And her face… You

can see she isn’t a fan of make-up, and she doesn’t need it. The

sight is a natural beauty. In our minds, she’s near perfect. All we

need to know is if she’s capable of forming words into sentences

properly enough that we don’t have to struggle to decipher her

meaning. And while many would say she’s overweight, most of us

men, if we were being honest and able to overcome our hard-on for

adjusting to current social standards, would say that she is by far

the most attractive female in the room, and possibly in a ten mile

I cotinued looking at the pump brunette as I picked up

my glass for a long drink. It was almost as if I had forgotten too-tall

was even sitting there for a few seconds. Then, looking over, I knew

I’d made my point with her. She had those “are you serious” eyes,

and her previously on-display lips had tightened up like a drum. I

smirked a bit, having a sense of pride in my ability to tear down the

esteem of this girl who most fools would call a goddess. She looked

down and away, ensuring herself that she had not sparked my

Interest. She stood, smoothing her dress, picked up her glass with

a jerk and walked away.
“Have a nice night” I offered a parting word that she ignored. My

eyes returned to the better looking brunette. I gave myself about a

half second before deciding I didn’t need to talk to her, finished my

last glass and left the club.
The only reason I went to that club was to wind down

with some drinks. And these days, it was so infrequent, the

waitresses didn’t even remember my name anymore. I suppose my

lifestyle and age were no longer that of the club hoping type.

Thankfully. Being 39 and a single father didn’t leave much time for

a social life. I continued pondering these thoughts and recalling

barely the last time I had taken an offer like too-tall’s as I pulled

into my driveway. Looking at my home, it’s no mistake that long

hours and no friends can help to build quite the lavish life. My

house was much too large for myself and my daughter, but we

managed to fill the space with enough stuff to make it look like a

comfortable home and less like a warehouse. Since I dedicated

myself to work and raising my daughter, I’ve done everything in

my power to be sure she had everything she wants and needs.
Alicia, my daughter, was 8 years old when her mother

passed away. It was a car accident of her own fault. I guess it’s not

such a great idea to drink a fifth of tequila before heading to pick

your child up from school. I’m thankful everyday that she never

made it to the babysitter’s house. We were separated at the time,

Though Alicia always spend more time with me, work allowing. She

preferred my company over the lethargic half attentionshe

received from her mother. After the wreck, I devoted every waking

minute to her. I showed her as much love and care as I could to

Distract her from the fact that her mother was never coming back.

Surprisingly enough, she never seemed to mour. Two years later

she actually told me, in her best “I’m-a-big-girl” performance, that

she didn’t care that mommy was dead because mommy wasn’t a

good person and never took care of herself. I nearly lost it.
I guess I managed to do my fatherly duty. She never

went without anything and knew I loved and cared for her. She

was always in the know about things when her age and body

changes cam about. I even went as far as to have the birds and

bees talk when she began having her period. I wasn’t shy about it. I

didn’t stumble over the words or try to beat around the bush.

Beyond all that, she was well educated, well rounded in morals and

behavior, and just a good girl. I was proud of her. And there we

were. Four years after her mother’s death, we had become a well

adjustedfamily. Just the two of us.
It was actually just a week after her birthday when our

lives began to change. It was a normal day, she had come home

from school, done her homework, and was showing before

dinner. Like any other day. I was bringing a load of laundry to my

bedroom when I hear her yell for me. In her always playful

“Daaaad!!” Then a moment’s pause too short for any response

before repeating. “Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!”
I laughed and shook my head. “Yes, dear!” I was at my bedroom

door, just five feet away from the bathroom.
“I forget to get a towel!! Bring me one!!” This wasn’t uncommon.

She’d forget, I’d grab a towel from the linen closet at the end of the

hall, and hand it to her through a cracked bathroom door.

Innocent and simple. Not thistime…
“One second, sweetheart!” I walked to the end of the hall, opened

the door, and grabbed a towel. I turned to head to the door when

she yelled out again.
“I’m so cold! I’m coming to get it!” I kept walking, assuming I’d be

at the door before she could exit. I was stopped stone cold in my

tracks when she came bounding out the door. She saw me stall and

stopped. I dropped the towel almost instantly as the sight hit my

eyes. She was driving wet, and obviously cold, as evidenced by

her tight, hardened, young nipples standing up on her barely a-

cup breasts. Her hair was pulled mostly behind her back, but the

strands left over her shoulders made for a continuing water

supply, streaming over her torso and following her natural curves

over her hips and between her legs. Of course, my eyes betrayed

my better judgement as I took in the sight of her pussy. It was

completely smooth. I couldn’t decide if she hadn’t grown any hair

yet, or she’d been grooming herself. My eyes continued down,

appreciating the sight of her legs as they glistened in the hallway

light. They weren’t the slender, immature legs of a girl her age.

They had taken a more feminine shape. following the more than

appealing swell of her hips, taking that gentle dip in at the knees,

Then the wide flare at the top of the calves and perfectly toned

down to delicate ankles. As my eyes shot back up to hers, I enjoyed

the foreshadowing of a perfect hourglass shape that was begging to

take form. As our eyes met again, I had a brief thought of comfort

realizing it had only been about 2 and a half seconds for all of this

to occur. Her arms clamped over her chest.
“Ya gonna gimme the towel, daddy?” She spoke in a higher pitch,

and gentler tone than usual. My head was whirling. Luckily I was

able to act fast enough. I reached down and picked up the towel,

hurriedly moving forward and throwing it around her shoulders

and pulling it together in front of her arms. The way the towel

swallowed up her tiny form brought me back to reality.
“I’m so sorry, baby. You caught me off guard.” I feigned a smile

and turned away, heading into my bedroom.
“It’s ok, daddy” was all I heard as she purchased off to her bedroom.
I entered my room, closed the door quietly, and leaned

back against it. I closed my eyes tight as my head landed against

the door. And of course, as they closed, the image I had just seen

took over. That perfect little body. Dripping wet. All the right

curves glowing in the light. Her little half-surprised, half-scared,

innocent look on her face. The way the valleys of her hips dropped

into her mound. My god, I thought, it was the most beautiful pussy

I had ever seen. I shook my head. Opened my eyes, feeling the burn

as the light hit them. I looked down, kind of mumbling to myself.

Nothing cooperative. Just making sounds as my brain worked like a

freight train to explore the image. My eyes closed again, and there

she was. The way her left foot turned in a bit. Not a defect, just a

result of her quick halt. Even that small detail had me going crazy.

Her innocent was the primary factor. Even if she were a foot

taller and had l arger breasts, her innocent still would’ve had me

at a loss. I had to gain some composition. I had to eliminate these

Feelings I was having. As I began to open my eyes, my evil hand

went straight for my cock. Until that moment, I hadn’t realized I

was harder than I had ever been in my life. My hand gripped it

gently over my shorts. I groaned almost silently. Then gave in. I

Dipped my hand into my shorts and came in contact. My cock had

never been so hard, so hot, nor had it throbbed so much. It was

like holding a beating heart. I stroked it slowly, my thumb on the

top side, three fingers along the bottom ridge. I closed my eyes

again. She was still there. It took all of fifteen seconds before I was

blasting a massive load of cum into my shorts. My mind was

immediately thankful that I had a master bath to clean myself up. I

was just taking my cum covered hand out of my shorts when the

quick double knock of my daughter started me.
“Daddy! What’s for dinner?” Your pussy. I shook my head again.

Damn my lack of a sex life at this very moment.
“Just a minute, baby. I’m changing.” I knew she wouldn’t come in

if I said that. I walked to the bathroom as I heard her footfalls

diminishing down the hall. After a quick clean up and a change of

shorts, I headed downstairs.
Walking past the living room on the way to the kitchen, I

glanced nervously towards the couch, seeing her sitting there

watching tv like any other night. She didn’t seem spooked at all. I

He heard she heard me come down, but she didn’t turn and give me

Some weird look, like “what a perv”. She just went about her

business like nothing had happened. I had no such luck. I had to

keep my composure.
“What areya hungry for, sweetheart?” I always used pet names,

unless she was in trouble. I felt like if I used those terms of

endearment, she would never question my affections. Of course

now my mind lashed out at me. -You’d like to see just how sweet

she is- So frustrating.
“I dunno, daddy… How ’bout pizza?” I was off the hook. I knew I

Couldn’t keep my head clear enough to cook a decent meal.
“Sure thing. I’ll get it ordered.” I picked up the phone and ordered

our usual large pepperoni and large sausage and green pepper

pizzas. We always got the same thing. Sort of a routine when it

came to pizza hunger. After hanging up and laying the money on

the table in anticipation, I knew I had to join her in the living room.

I gave myself a silent pep talk. Telling myself that I could withstand

her near proximity without going back to the vision of her

immaculate nakedness. I walked towards the living room.
As I entered, she glanced up at me before returning her

eyes to whatever cartoon network show she had found. As I sat on

the opposite end of the couch, she looked over and began to move.

-Not my lap. Not my lap. Not my lap-
“What’re ya doin’ way over there?” She bounced over to me, throw

one leg over mine and nestled in beside me. This was our usual tv

watching posture. She enjoyed being cuddled. She was a very

touch oriented person. She turned more towards me, sliding an arm

over my stomach and hugging herself tighter against me. I was

going crazy. After my little fantastic session in my bedroom, I was

Still a little on the aroused side. Her firm, warm thigh over mine,

Mostly exposedas she wore those soffe cotton shorts with the

waistband rolled up at all times in the house. Her arm wrapped

around me, drawing my attention to the fact that her braless

breasts were pressed against me, separated only by the thin

material of our shirts. I swear I could feel her nipples. As if they

could still be hard from earlier. I shook my head a bit, clearing the

Thoughts. I was hard again. Not entirely engaged, but enough that

she’d probably notice if she moved her leg over a few inches, or if I

had to stand to pay for the pizza. The doorbell rang at the instant

the thought crept through. I rose slowly, trying to keep my pelvis

turned away enough as I passed her. I wasn’t hiding anything. I

knew, if she had looked up, she would’ve seen the bulge. I just kept

“Pizza’s here" I tried to keep other subjects in mind. Dinner. Tv.

Drinking a beer with dinner. Baseball. Anything! It wasn’t

Embarrassedly, I paid for the pizza with a half raging

erection pushing my shorts out a good four inches. Luckily, my

doorway is dimly lit, and the pizza delivery boy made no gesture of

notice. After paying, I closed the door and laid the pizza’s on the

“What’ll ya have to drink, baby?”
“Water is fine, daddy”
I filled her glass, and grabbed myself a beer from the

fridge, then skillfully picked up the pizzas and headed back to the

living room. I thought surely the shadow of the pizza boxes would

conceal the bulge this time. I moved around the coffee table and sat

as I set the pizzas down on the table. I then sat our drinks down,

opened the box, and retrieved a piece for myself before setting

back, crossing my legs to avoid her cuddling and to cover my

erection that just wouldn’t quit.
“Uh… You didn’t bring me a beer?!” She joked. She knew I

wouldn’t cave on that point, but loved to play on the subject all the

“Haha… I know you’ve been sneaking them behind my back! No

more for you!” I joked back.
She sipped at her water before grabbing a piece from her box and

relaxing as she ate.
It was an hour later. I had done well. My erection was

gone. She hadn’t persisted with the cuddling. She had retrieved me

two more beers through that time. It was getting late now.

Probably 9:30. She looked over with her pouty eyes.
“Daddy… Can I stay up late with you tonight? We can watch a

movie! Any movie you want.” She had that look mastered. She

I never took the look into account, but it never hurt her

chances. I gave her an inquisitive look, already knowing I’d say

“I suppose, baby. But you can choose the movie or whatever. I

don’t mind.”
“Thank you, daddy!” She squealed as she bounced onto me,

hugging my neck tightly and kissing my cheek.
She was on her hands and knees. Crawling up to the

entertainment center to browser our dvd collection. I couldn’t stop

myself from watching her ass, staring at her thighs, wishing her

shorts were just a little thinner in the crotch. What surprised me

was that i saw no hint of a panty line. To my knowledge she never

went without, and I knew very well that she owned no thongs. Of

course, my brain told me she went without for my sake, soit’d be

easier for me to finger her later. More head shaking. I looked down

at my beer bottle, then finished it in a couple quick gulps. I had

more control now. Her crawling display hadn’t made me hard

again. I rose, walked to the kitchen and grabbed another beer. I

planned to bring it back to the living room, but upon opening it, I

I grabbed another and returned to

the living room to my seat.
My head was a bit fuzzy now. Guzzling my fourth beer

had done the trick. The fifth would prove well as a sleep aid. I

hoped. The other option could not be entertained with my current

company. She had chosen Watchmen. I loved the movie. She was

pretty fond as well. She was pretty fond of anything I enjoyed,

truth be told. I agreed to her choice and reached over to turn out

the lights as the movie began. As I nursed my beer, she began

scooting into position to get cuddly again. I told myself the beer

had me incapacitated, and I wouldn’t have to worry about another

incident. So I allowed her. Again her arm went around me, and her

leg went over mine. I had reclined to the side a bit. So, this time,

she was almost on her side, laying halfway over me. Her leg, her

evil little leg rested right between my legs. I could feel her warmth

just barely touching against my cock through my shorts. I know, if I

Couldn’t control it, she’d be feeling every inch of me.
I convinced myself that I was over it, that I wouldn’t

allow myself to be aroused by her again. Even if I had seen her

naked again, I wouldn’t give in. She was excessively cuddly that

night. She kept scooting in everyime she noticed she was slipping

away. Within the first hour of the movie, she had forced us into a

more reclined position. I was laid back, resting my head against

the jutting top shoulder of the couch, my legs still mostly together.

She was laid up on against my side. Her head resting against my

Shoulder. My arm laying over her back. Her arm wrapped around

my stomach. She had snaked her leg between mine, her thigh fully

pressing against my thankfully flaccid cock. I wondered if she

could feel the shape of it. My fright in the situation made me feel

like we were both naked, and that she could feel every detail. She

had to feel something. When I changed, I unwittingly donned a

pair of cotton shorts as thin as hers, with no boxes. I gave up on

the thought and tried to focus on the movie. It was then that I

noticed she had begun to absolutely stroke my side. In the position,

my shirt had crept up, and her hand had found its way under the

hem. Her tiny fingertips gently caresing my side. It was an

innocent enough gesture. She had done similar things before. But

in light of our earlier alteration, I struggled with arousal again.

And it couldn’t have come at a worse time.
The love scene. After the birds and bees talk, I hadn’t

I didn’t let her

watch porn, but I wasn’t too concerned about her seeing love

scenes on normal movies. Especially considering she could see

them anytime she wanted to if she were watching alone in her

room. This one was fairly short, and not very graphic at all. But

with my problem becoming to strike back, it was enough to ruin my

efurts. The bigger issue was my daughter’s response to the scene. I

had never thought of her to have sexual thoughts at all. Much less

for her to respond like this to a milk scene. Her hand jumped at my

side, her care became a bit more firm. I could feel her back arch

under my hand, her chest pressing against me more. Her nipples

were definitely hard now. Her thigh moved up, pressing harder

against me. She was spreading her legs. I knew because her goal

was to press her pussy against my hip. The heat of it finished me

off. I began growing. I heard breathless whimpers as her hips

rocked ever so slightly, but firmly against my hip. She was

probably unaware, but her mood had bleed through shorts and

dampened mine. I was rock solid. She had turned her head, her

forehead resting against my chest, her hips had tightened up, her

wet and waffrm pussy pressed tight to me, her thigh moving up and

down on my cock, those breathless whimpers became high pitched

pants. She was having an orgasm. I was frozen. I knew if I moved,

it might derail her. And aside from my internal chatstising, I was

enjoying every minute.
As the scene ended, I feel her tense body calming down.

She was totally silent. He thigh slide down a bit, her head laid down

on my chest as it was, her hand ceased moving all together. I felt

her heartbeat against my side. It was quick and hard. Her

breathing was a bit heavy, and she quivered a bit as she tried to

keep it under control. I relaxed my body as well. Having frozen up

like a tree trunk as she worked her pussy against my hip. I was

Surprisingly calm. Not too concerned with my exceptionally hard

Cockon blatant display in the blueish glow of the tv. My breathing

was a bit heavy as well. Her hand moved, started caressing my side

again. She made no other move before speaking.
“I’m sorry, daddy.” It was a soft whisper. The sweetest sound I had

ever heard come out of her mouth, to be honest. A warm rush

blasted through my body as she said it. I knew I needed to say

something. I slid my hand up her back, kind of gripping her side,

hugging her to me.
“It’s ok, sweetheart.” I whispered back at her. She let out a heavy

breath. Letting me know my acceptance of her apology sounded

geneuine to her.
Then, without thought, my hand moved. As gentle as her

hand caresed that small section of my side, I returned the favor

on her back. Starting over her shirt, but easily reaching the lower

hem and pulling it up with ease. I feather lightly slide my fingertips

up and down her back, letting them trail to her ribs every few

strokes. Her breathing was heavy again. Her thigh had slid up

again, contacting my still hard cock. My hand began wandering

further down her back. I could’ve easily reached a healthy handful

of her ass in our position, but at this point, my actions were more

instinctive. Like I’d done it a million times. But my hand did

Wander. I feel my fingertips brush against the waistband of her

shorts. Then again. On the following stroke, my hand had moved to

the left a bit. This time my fingertips noticed something else. Her

shorts had moved. Her action against my hip had caused them to

creep down a bit. Enough so that on my downstroke, my middle

fingertip slide gently into the cream of her ass.The sensing was

overwhelming. That same warm rush went through me. Her body

jerked slightly as it happened, but she made no move to escape. So

I did it again.
Her lack of object spurred me on. I wouldn’t go

straight for the price, but I know there were certain boundaries I

could cross. I firmed up my work on her back, rubbing up and

down more like a massage, but softening up as I reached that

cream. I grow more bold, letting my fingers slide into her shorts,

using that dip in her ass as an entry point. She arched in again, her

breathing even heavier. I went further. Going for broke, I decided

to test the waters. I slid my fingers into her shorts, my middle

finger in the cream, the others following the curves as I pushed my

hand in. I lifted my finger as I felt it getting closer to that tight little

Pucker. To my surprise again, she pushed her ass back. My middle

finger grazed her that tight pumper. She shivered, and I heard the

slightest whimper escape her lips. I couldn’t really believe it, but

she wanted it. Either she knew she liked it, or she was just so

Sexually charged at that moment, that she was willing to accept any

form of stimulation. I wasn’t one to argue.
I slid my hand into her shorts again in the same fashion.

My middle finger slipping between her perfectly round, perfectly

firm yet soft mounds of flesh. This time I let my middle finger rest

in the cream, gently caresing slowly down to her hole. As I feel it, I

slowed down, so softly sliding my finger over it. She inhaled

sharply, then whimpered and held her breath, her hand on my

side gripped my flesh, her hidden hand gripped out, ccatching my

shirt. Her ass pushed back, forcing my finger against her firmly. I

replyed in kind, slowly pushing just a bit against the sensitive

hole. She let out her breath again with a moan.
“Mmmnnnnhh” Was about what it sounded like. It didn’t much

matter what it sounded like. It throw me for a loop. It was, by far,

the sexiest thing I had ever heard in my life. I pulled back slowly, a

grin taking my face as I feel her try to follow my hand with her ass.
As my hand moved up her back again, she moved.

Slowly she began to turn her body, until she was laying somewhat

on her side. My hand was still able to move up and down her back,

but now, as I glanced down, her chest was available to me. Until

now, my other arm hadn’t moved from it’s position slunk over the

arm of the couch. Her hand moved slowly to my bicep, gripping it

gently and lightly tugging at it. I followed her lead as her hand slide

down my arm as I brought it over to her. Her tiny hand gripped my

large wrist, and she led my hand to her chest. Nothing could’ve

stopped me from giving her anything at this point. She seemed to

Know exactly what she wanted, and I never denied her anything.

She placed my hand over one of her breasts, then covering my

hand with hers, pressed in, arching again to make the touch more

firm. I lightly gripped her chest. There was barely enough there for

me to move my fingers at all, but I did my best. As her hand

dropped away, I took her cue and began massaging her budding

breasts. Going back and forth, giving each a good rub, and teasing

her nipples with my thumb.
“oh god… Daddy…” I was mesmerized unil she spoke again.
“Are you ok, baby?” I asked, generally concerned.
“Mhm” She responded quietly.
Her hand moved down to the bottom of her shirt, pulling

it up, moving my hand out of the way. She hiked it up, exposing her

tiny breasts to my view for the second time today.
“Wait” She said it in a clearly audible voice. I froze again.
“Y-yeah, sweetheart? Is everything ok?”
She sat up straight, her shirt falling into place. She

looked sternly at nothing at all. I thought it was all over. She was

About to start screaming at me and calling the police. They’d come

in, guns blazing, and I’d be a goner.
“Yes, baby.”
“Is this really happening?”
“I… It seems to be, baby. We can stop. I know it’s wrong. I

shouldn’t have done it. I’mso sorry, ba” Her fingers hit my lips

“Are we really gonna do this?” She took her hand away. Then

looked down at her lap. “I know I’m young. But I know what sex is.

And I know this isn’t legal. But I also know I want it to happen. And

I know I want it to be with you. And it’s not just sex!” She said as

she slapped the couch. “It’s making love. I love you. And I know

you love me. And I knew it was more than just a father and

daughter kind of love today in the hall.” There it was. She

mentioned it. And apparently it had an effect on her as well. I was

relieved and scared out of my mind at the same time. She looked

over at me abruptly. “Do you love me, daddy? Like… Real love?”
I was dazed by the question. My 12 year old daughter

had just asked me if I loved her romantically. I knew if I said no, all

of this would end, and she could be scarred for life. I knew I loved

my daughter. Probably more than most fathers loved their

daughters. And at that very moment, in a few seconds of thought, I

was able to give her an honest answer.
“Yes I do, baby” My whole body was covered in goosebumps as I

said it. Her eyes were instantly filled with tears. I didn’t know what

to do. I waited.
“I love you too, daddy.” She whimpered quietly. Her eyes locked on

mine, her tears stopped, but the streams on each chef were still

There. It was an image I will never forget. We had confessed our

love, and it seemed we were preparing to consume that love. I

gave her a soft smile. Then, out of nowhere, I knew my next move.
I reached up to each side of her face, resting myhands

on each side. “I love you so much, sweetheart.” I waited no more

time. I leaned in and kissed my daughter. It wasn’t our morning

smooth as she went off to the bus stop for school. Or the goodnight

forehead kiss I had given her every night for so many years. It was

a kiss of love. Our lips were slightly parted, both wetted

Instinctually as I leaned in, my tongue lightly grazed along her

bottom lip. As I ended the kiss, my hands moved back and dropped

down around her, pulling her to me as I rose up in my seat a bit,

my cheek resting against hers in a tight hug. Her arms flow around

me, hugging tight, almost desperately. I held on until her arms

loosened. Then slowly leaned back into my original position.
“I don’t know what to do now, sweetheart.” I was honest with her. I

didn't want to be the one to make the first move if we were to

resume. She settled back into her first position, just cuddling up

with me. Her eyes went back to the tv screen. Were we dont for

“Let’s just let it happen, daddy.” Nope. She was all in. I couldn’t

have convinced her to wait. She wanted it now as much as I did.

And just as I preferred, she wanted it to come naturally as it had

moments before.
I started caressing her back again, and she went back to

caresing my side. We were slow and methodical, but it was

natural. We watched the remaining minutes of the movie, not

Really paying attention, just allowing things to progress

organically. Her thigh moved up. My cock had softened a bit, but at

the touch of her warm thigh, it woke up again. It didn’t rage back to

life,but twitched and began to firm up. She was intrigued by it

more now. I feel her hand slow on my side, just as my fingers

Dipped into her shorts again. That same arching, whimpering

motion happened, causing a quiet groan to escape my lips. I stayed

in her shorts this time. My finger gently circled that tight, slightly

pulsing entry to her ass. I didn’t concern myself with getting to her

pussy, even knowing it was a couple inches reach away. She liked

what I was doing, so I continued. Then I noticed her hand moving.

It moved fairly quickly over my stomach and down to my shorts.

She looked up at me as her thumb slipped into thew waistband. My

eyes met hers with a sort of desperation. She know what it means.

She then lifted the waist band and wormed her hand into my

shorts. Her tiny fingers sliding through my hair andplaying over

my hardening shake as they met it. My hips moved up as I groaned

quietly. My cock responded quickly, hardening almost completely

into her hand as she gripped it softly. I was tingling everywhere.

My thoughts were gone. I hadn’t even realized her moaning, or the

fact that i had my middle fingertip into her ass about a half inch.

She was squirming now. Her little hand just gripping and releasing

my cock as the pleasure confused her actions.
“Daddy… unnhh” Her hips started moving, her pussy pressed

against my hip again, but this time with the added stimulation of

my finger probing her ass.
“Mnnh… Unnhh… Mmmmmdaddy.” I started breathing heavier

than she was. The sound of her pleasure was driving me crazy. But

I didn’t want to ruin it by trying to do something more. Not yet.
She got ahold of herself enough to start stroking my cock

with more skill. Not really skill, but just better than her previous

motions. I couldn’t complain. I hadn’t had a strange hand on my

cock in years, much less the tiny hand of the daughter I had fallen

in love with. It feel better than any pussy I ever had. The love and

lust building in us both was so intense, I think just looking at each

other could’ve made us cum at that point. Her strokes smoothed

out, my hips meeting her strokes in a steady rhythm. My hand

Continued, her hips grinding into my hip, her moans quieter now.

She was just enjoying it. Not rushing herself to orgasm. I let my

hand wanderer. Sliding down into her shorts more, my fingers met a

distinct wetness. I was right there. She had stopped moving. Her

back arched, her ass poochedout in what had to be an

uncomfortable position. I was not even a half centerter away

from sliding my fingers into her pussy. I crept forward, feeling my

finger dip a bit into the start of her tight slit. I nearly came in her

hand at that point.
“please, daddy” She whispered at me again. It was like an order

from a general. I couldn’t say no or stop.
I moved my hand more, my middle finger sliding slowly

into her, it was tight on my one finger. I couldn’t imagine what it

would feel like to plumge my cock into her. It was like a dripping wet

vice. I slide in more.
“UUUNnnnhhh… Please!” I pushed further. She began panting

like a dog that had just run a mile to find no water. A little more. I

was so flushed and hot, it was almost unbearable. Just another

little push and I feel it. Herhymen. It almost forced me to stop, but I

I knew she wanted it.
“Baby… I cant get my finger in any more.” I was bold to say those

words. I wasn’t sure if she’d be able to respond.
“I know, daddy. I don’t want you to do it with your finger.” My cock

jerked in her hand. I was ready to go further now. I reached over

with my free hand, placing it over my shorts onto her hand.
“Can I take you to bed, sweetheart?” Her eyes lit up as she looked

quickly up at me.
“Yes, daddy.” She whispered. That whisper could start wars.
I let her move off of me as my hand slipped out of her

shorts, hers sliding out of mine as well. She stood slowly, taking my

hand as she did, pulling on me to get up. I gripped her hand and

Pulled her back to me as I stood, spinning her to face me. I leaned

downas my arms wrapped around her and kissed her deeply. Our

lips more parted this time, my tongue sliding in a bit to toy with

hers. She moaned into the kiss. My hands slide down her body to

her ass, gripping just below it, I lifted her with ease. Her legs

wrapped around my wait as her arms wrapped around my neck.

We kissed more as I began to walk towards the stairs.
A quick thought breezed through my mind as I took the

stairs slowly, carrying my young daughter towards my bed. Looking

back, it was mundane to think about it. I thought, I’d never go for a

girl like this. She’s too thin. Her hips aren’t big enough. She has

light brown hair, when I’d usually go for darker. Her breasts are

smaller than I’d like. Not that I really have a preference in that

area. And she’s inexperienced. I usually go for thethicker, wide

hipped, ample chested, dark brunettes who know what they’re

doing in the sack. I guess I was having a change of mind. It helped

that four years pretty much alone with this girl had developed a

love bond far greater than that of most fathers and daughters. I

renconciled myself to the fact that what I was doing was morally

and legally unacceptable, but… I couldn’t turn back. I loved this

little girl in my arms, and I intended to make her feel loved in every

possible way.
As I reached the top of the stairs and got to her bedroom

door, I stopped.
“You’re sure about this, sweetheart?” I asked with those desperate

eyes. I knew she would say yes, but I had to offer her a chance to

say no before we went through with it.
“Yes, daddy. I’m sure” She had that little sweet smile on her lips.

The same smile she used when I thanked her for something.
I continued walking. Planting little kisses on her lips

Every couple steps. I nudged my bedroom door open and entered.

There was only light from my nightstand lamp dimly filling the

room. I figured that’d be enough. I walked over to the bed and laid

my daughter down gently, remaining over her to kiss her a bit

more. The new scenery seemed to give her some drive. She

reached up and grabbed my face at both sides and pull me into a

wild kiss. Her tongue darting in and out of my mouth, mine

following suit. Her hands slide down my neck, then over my chest

and down to grip the hem of my shirt, pushing it up my torso

quickly. I leaned up, allowing her to pull it off. Her hands went for

my chest, squeezing a bit and sliding around over my chest hair.

She had this look on her face. She enjoyed the fact she could run

Her fingers through my chest hair. Almost like it was a fetish to

her. I wasn’t complaining. I then rose up onto my knees, she

leaned up, still enjoying feeling my naked skin.
“Sweetheart… You still have your shirt on. No fair.” I said with a

little grin. She smiled back at me.
“Maybe you should do somethin’ about it then.” She was game for

anything now. She wasn’t nervous anymore. And her calm

demeanor calmed me. I reached for her shirt and began pulling it

“Wait, daddy…”
“What’s wrong baby?”
“Lemme get up. I wanna do it.” I moved to the side, sitting on the

bed. She scooted to the edge of the bed and stood up. She turned,

giving me a side profile, as she lifted her shirt. She crossed her

arms over, using that more seductive slow motion, her back

arching slightly as she pulled it over her head. As her breaths came

into view, the dim light accented them perfectly. At that moment,

hers became the most beautiful breasts I had ever seen. She caught

me staring all agape at her chest. She giggled quietly and throw her

shirt at me. I laughed in turn and cast the garment aside. I then

looked up at her. She gave me a look like “It’s time” and looked

down at her shorts. She hooked her thumbs in the waist band and

Pulled. The way she was pulling caused them to slide down her

hips slowly, then quickly pop over her round ass as she continued.

She pushed them down her thighs and bent fully as she slid them

down her calves, turning to me a bit as they reached the floor,

giving me a barely lit shot of her pussy between her tights. It was

the best strip show I had ever seen without question. She stood

and kicked the shorts off her foot and turned to face me.
“Do you think I look good naked, daddy?” She was using that

whisper again. I could feel my face turn red.
“You look perfect baby. So beautiful.” I stretched my arms out as I

scooted towards the edge of the bed, grabbing her hands and

pulling her to step between my legs that now hung off the edge of

the bed. In this position, she was only slightly taller than me,

reminding me of just how small she was. I wasn’t determined. I

leaned in and kissed her lips softly, then again a bit more firmly.

My hands moved to her hips, pulling her closer, feeling her

stomach pressing against my chest. My lips moved down, kissing

her neck, sucking gently before moving on to her collar bone,

feather-light kissing my way down to her chest. I was nervous

again. I kissed across the tiny swells of her breasts, not sure if I

should move to her nipples. Her hand on the back of my neck

pulling me down a bit told me it was ok.
As my lips hit her nipple, she gasped and arched towards

me. I ran my tongue around it softly and slowly, then flicked it a

few times with my tongue. My lips closed over it as my daughters

other hand moved to the back of my neck. As I started to gently

suck, she pulled me in tight to her chest, whimpering at the

sensing of my mouth on her nipple. I was fairly gentle with the

first nipple, then moving to the other side, I kissed over her nipple,

Then took it in my teeth, biting down a bit, her hands grasping my

neck tight, gasping sharply, my tongue flicking over the tip of her

nipple before I closed my mouth and sucked in hard. My hands

went to her back, pulling her against me, relishing the sensing of

her warm, bare skin on my chest. I let my hands slide down to her

ass, for the first time able to explore the perfect curves of each

mound, squeezing them gently. I thought to return to my previous

work of teasing her tight hole, but decided it could wait. I had other

things in mind.
After I had my fill of her breasts, I had nothing in my

mind but tasting her young, untouched pussy. I leaned back away

from her and met her eyes. At first glance, some might think she

was afraid, but I knew the look on her face, her glassy eyes, she

was desperate for more. She was totally in love with me, and totally

in love with what was happening.
“I need you to lay down, sweetheart.” I scooted to the side, allowing

her space on the bed, turning a bit and bringing one knee onto the

bed. She just nodded her head with a quick “mhm” before crawling

on the bed. The bed was high. As she climbed up, I was treated

with a new vision of how to appreciate her body. The way her hip

folded perfectly, her thigh meeting her stomach briefly. Her back

foot, on its toes, flexing her calm. Her ass, those perfect globes of

flesh. Her budding breasts staying in place as she crawled with

They parallel to the bed. An older woman, even with such small

breasts, would have some sag. They’d be kind of dangling there

beneath her. That quick display of her simply crawling on the bed

gave me a bit more energy. I was rabid for her now.
She was on her knees for a brief second before turning

and laying out on the bed. She had her head laid on my stack of

three pillows, high enough that she was nearly in a seated position.

I turned towards her, looking at her face again to check for any

signs of appreciation. None to be found. She smiled at me now.

An innocent little smile, then looked down her chest, my eyes

following her gaze. Her knees, till now draw up in front of her, fall

open slowly. They laid in a diamond shape, showing how nimble

she was. My mind surged with ideas about her flexibility as I

moved across the bed to rest on my knees facing her. Somehow she

Know where I was head, and brought her feet apart enough for me

to get between them. I then stretched out onto my stomach, still

perched on my elbows. Looking at her eyes again, she still had that

happy look on her face.
“I wanna lick your pussy, baby. Is that ok?” I tried to keep calm,

and not let her see how nervous I was.
“You don’t have to ask, daddy. I want you to make love to me. You

can do anything to me.” She relaxed against the pillows, her arms

laying at her sides. She was totally submitted to me.
Her words, “You can do anything…”, made me blush

Instantly. Her permission to have my way with her body was more

than enough to pull out any stops I might have made beyond this

moment. I scooted forward, sliding one hand under her leg, pulling

it back up into its bent position. I kissed just at the inside of her

knee, then moved down. Planting soft, wet kisses down the length

of her inner thigh. She jerked when I got about three inches away

from where her thigh met her hip. A little giggle. I let out a quiet

laugh in return.
“That ticckled, daddy” Another small giggle. Her youth was still

more in tact than I was allowing myself to believe. Yet, somehow, it

was driving me forward. I continued, stopping at the valley of her

hip, giving a long, gently sucking kiss. It was my favorite spot on

any womans body. The skin so soft and sensitive. Just inches away

from the price. I then kissed across her lower abdomen, my bottom

lip feeling the slope of her mound. I almost couldn’t resist it, but

managed to make it to the other hip. After giving that spot the same

attention, I moved to kiss her other thigh, working my way to her

pussy again. I could smell her from the time I planted that first kiss

on her other knee. It wasn’t the scent I had associated with pussy

for so many years. It was different. Sweeter. Like the cent of

cherries and cream. I imagined it would taste much better. There it

was. I was looking right at the most beautiful pussy I had ever seen.

Her labia sealed up tight. Not a trace of her inner labia attempting

to escape. She was smooth. Not one hair in sight. And in the light of

the lamp I was able to see that she hadn’t grown any hair yet. She

had started her period only a few months prior, but hadn’t

experienced many other symptoms of puberty.
I tried not to stare too long. I looked up at her. She had

have watched me intently. Her lips slightly parted, her chest

heaving slowly. She was ready. I dropped my gaze. I kissed the

Center of her perfect slit gently, my lips quivering. At this close

proximity, her cent was intotoxicating. It took everything in me to

Not bury my face into her like a hungry animal. Kissing again, this

time with my lips slightly parted, my tongue darting out to slip just

millimeters between those two plump lips. The taste… I couldn’t

imagine anything like it. How sweet it was. It was unlike anything I

had ever tasted. I grew bold, moving down a bit, sliding my tongue

into her slit, adoring that exploration of her flavor, then sliding it up.

I feel the depression of her love canal as I passed over it, but

Continued on, sliding my tongue slowly up to her clip. She was

understanding a bit. Her leg in my hand tightening up, her back arching,

a quiet gasp. I passed over it at first, it being well guarded by her

inner labia and hood. On my way back down, I stiffened my tongue

and expertly navigated through the delicate folds of skin, hitting

Her clip. She jolted. That sound from earlier came from her.
“Unnhh!” Only a bit more excited this time. Louder. One of her

hands went to the back of my head, almost slapping against it. Her

tiny fingers trying to grapp my very short hair. She pulled me in.
I slid my tongue down from her clip, this time allowing

myself the pleasure of slipping into her a little deeper.
“Unh! Daddy… oh my god…” Her words trailed into a whisper. She

was enjoying every second. I was finally ready to take it to the next

level. I reached up with my free hand, gently rubbing over her

mound, then using two fingers to spread her open. The sight was

amazing. Her inner labia were almost non-existent, just thin tight

folds beneath her now swollen outer labia. Her clip, in its little flesh

fortress. I pushed her open more, her tight little red clip popping

out.It was a bright red tone, and looked to be hard as a rock. I

Couldn’t resist anymore. I opened my lips, kissing over her clip,

pressing my tongue flat against it. She pulled my head hard, hard

enough that she sat up.
“MMMMmmmnnnhh… please…” She was going for more. I added

a bit of suction to the kiss, withdrawing my tongue. As I sucked in

harder and harder, I was able to close my teeth at the base of her

clip. This drive her crazy. She was almost smoothing me into her

pussy. Her legs were shaking like an epileptic. She slammed back

down onto the pillows, her back arching again. I held her clip there

between my teeth, gently pulsing my jaw, then began flicking my

tongue over the tip of her clip. What happened next was one of the

most amazing moments of my life.
“Hmm… Hmm… Daddy!!… Unnnnnhhhh!” This little girl, who had

only had her first sexual experiences within the last couple hours,

began bucking her hips against my face like a seasoned

professional. She was having an orgasm. I’m not sure how many

times she had helped herself before. But even compared to her

grinding pleasures on my hip earlier, this was probably the biggest

she ever had. It almost hurt. They she was punding her pubic bone

into my face. I didn’t care. I kept up my work. Sucking, nibbling

and licking her clip all at the same time. The only thing that stopped

me was the stream of fluid that hit my chin. She wasn’t just having

an orgasm, she was cumming. Instinctively, my mouth dropped to

her tiny, virgin hole. My lips covering it much like they covered her

clip. I started sucking and dipping my tongue in. Luckily this was a

lengthy orgasm, she just kept gushing her little girl cum into my

mouth. I was lost in the taste and sensing. My thumb had moved

to her clip, rubbing it gently in a circular motion. Her hips slowed

down. I could feel her pussy stop throbbing around my tongue. It

was subsiding. I took in the last few drops of her cum that I could

find. My thumb moved away. I finished the kiss over her pussy like

any other, then raised my head, as her hand had lost its grip.
“Daddy…” She was breathless. Whispering again. “Daddy…

What’d you do?” She panted a few times. “I-I don’t even… That was

so amazing, daddy” Breathing heavily.
“That was an orgasm, baby. Like what happened to you earlier…

When you were kinda humping my hip. Well… This is what it’s

Supposed to feel like.” I suddenly became an instructor. I wanted

her to know everything she could about the situation. Her safety

and comprehension outweighted how much ecstacy I was in from

the taste of her pussy and making my baby girl cum for the first

time. I saw her face flush even more than it already was. She

looked to the side a bit.
“That was the first time I did that, daddy. I didn’t even know what

was happening then. But this… I don’t think I can handle that

again. It was so amazing, daddy.” I was lit up like a Christmas tree

at her words. She was satisfied, pleased, happy. I could’ve stopped

right then and never touched her again and been happy. But we

weren’t finished.
“Well baby… We can stop if you want…” I had a geneine look of

concern on my face. I didn’t want to overwhelm her and leave her

with a bad first experience. I wanted her to feel loved, not just

“No!” She jumped as she said it. “I don’t wanna stop, daddy. We

still have to… do that other thing.” Her voice went quiet. Her face

reddening a bit. She wanted me to take her virginity. No matter

how turned on I was, no matter how much hotter things got, the

sexual nature of the situation was diminished in her words. I found

it adorable, innocent. And it settled me to hear her say it.
“Anything you want, baby.”
I crawled over her as she relaxed back on to the pillow.

She had the cute grin on her face as I got closer. I kissed her lips

softly. Her hand reached around my neck, pulling me in. Our kiss

Intensified. Our tongues dancing. Her other hand came to the side

of my face. She was whimpering into our kiss. I could feel her

heartbeat speeding. Her chest heaving faster. I thought she was

about to have another orgasm from our kiss alone. How amazing

that would’ve been. We slowed a bit. Then with a few last pecks on

the lips, I had a suggestion for her.
“Baby… It might be best if you were on top. That way… you can

control how slow we go, and how deep I go.” I knew it would be the

best way for her to enjoy it most. This was to be quite an

exhilerating deflowering. In comparison to the slim entry I felt

earlier, my cock would be like a baseball bat trying to slide into a

hole the size of a quarter. It was going to hurt. A lot.
“Ok, daddy.” She sat up as I leaned back onto my knees. Then as I

rolled to the side, lying on my back, she turned to face me.
“I know this is gonna hurt… But I don’t want you to stop if I

scream. I can handle it, daddy.” She was so brave and bold. She

had all the details worked out, and wasn’t afraid of anything. She

had resigned herself to accept every pro and con of the situation.

My baby girl was ready to lose her virginity to me. No matter how

much it hurt.
She slowly and methodically straddled my thighs. Her

gaze dropped to my cock. It wasn’t fully erect. She reached down

tenatively, gently sliding her flat hand over the length before

playing her fingers around the shaft. She looked into my eyes.

That innocent, sweet look, just the hint of a grin. That look was

enough. I began to stiffen in her grip. Her grin grow a bit as she felt

it. She started to slowly stroke me, watching me harden.
“I think it’s ready, daddy.” She smiled up at me. I wouldn’t ask her

to suck me this time. That would have to wait. But at that moment,

with those eyes, I would’ve came in her mouth in a matter of

seconds. She rose up on her knees, barely able to fully straighten

Due to the breadth of my frame and her slim build. She managed to

scoot forward, grazing my hard cock as her pussy passed over it. I

groaned under my breath as I felt the wet warmth. She looked

down, arching her back out a bit. Her hand gripped my cock from

the front briefly, and as if she’d seen it before, she let go to reach

around from behind. She lifted my cock, having to attempt to raise

herself higher. She toyed with me, rubbing the head of my cock

Along her wet slit. It was so hot, dripping wet. The sensing was

Enough to send me over the edge. Luckily, she stopped intime,

leaving the head of my cock nestled snugly at her entrance. She put

her fingers flat against the top of her slit, pulling up on it a bit as if

to adjust the angle of entry. She was bent, staring at where the

head of my cock was missing between her puffy little lips. She

had this inquisitive look on her face, like she was wondering if she

was doing it right. I was frozen again. Even when she teased

herself with my cock, how incredible it felt, this moment was

Surpassing everything we had done. We were at the final breaking

point. I almost had tears in my eyes. It wasn’t a bad thing. I wasn’t

Feeling horrible for molesting my daughter. I just feel so much love

and adoration for that little girl at that point, I nearly cried.
She looked at me, that same look of determination. She

tightened her lips, closed her eyes, and dropped. I jerked up to a

seated position, my arms went around her. I kissed her temple.

Her hand remained just at the top of her mound, the other went

around my back. I could feel her shaking, quivering in my arms.

She had only managed to impale herself on about an inch and a

half of my cock. It felt amazing, but I was more concerned with her

pain. Or her thoughts, if she was ok with what had just happened. I

felt her tiny, too-tight, but extremely wet pussy gripping the head of

my cock like a vice. She was still shaking. I put one of my hands on

the back of her head, holding us cheese to cheese. She whispered.
“it’s ok, daddy” It was almost too quiet to hear. I relaxed my arms a

bit, her head moved back. She then rested her forehead to mine.
“it really hurts, daddy”
“I know,baby. I’m so sorry.”
“don’t apologize… i love you, daddy”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
I heard her take in a deep breath, then plant a soft kiss

on my lips, her forehead still rested against mine. She seemed to

push her head forward, her hand slipping out from between us to

reach around my neck. She dropped down again. It was so tight, I

Couldn’t tell if the first bit had broken her hymen, but I was

Certain, this time did the trick. She let out a sort of whimepered

grunt. “Hnngh!” Then back to the whisper. “daddy…” She was only

about half way onto my cock. I could’ve let loose and had an

orgasm at any moment. But my mind was focused intently on her

Welfare. Still shaking, even harder now. I could feel her slightly

cold toes bouncing against the sides of my legsas she shook.
“You’ll have to do the rest daddy… I can’t…”
“Baby… We don’t have to go any further. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You’re not all the way in. And it’s a good kind of hurt. It’s already

feeling better. I just… it’s too tight. I can’t go down anymore unless

you push.” ​​
I kissed her lips. Giving her a positive acknowledgement.

I moved my hands down to her hips, gently gripping them. Her

youth came screaming back again. I could fully grip her hips well

into her back and stomach. If I lifted my hands a bit, I could nearly

squeeze her enough for my fingers to touch. I pushed down so

slowly. She inhaled sharply, her head falling to my shoulder.

Letting out a breathless compilation of vowels. Another inch and I

found myself bottomed outside inside her.Maybe five of my eight and a

half inches. I would’ve been satisfied with one.
“You’re in control, baby. You can handle it from here. I’ll help

“ok daddy” That whisper that could end the world. She lifted her

hips. So slowly rising off of me. She was jerking more than shaking

Now. And there were tears in my eyes. It was done. We were

Actually making love now. I was making love to my daughter. When

she reached her limit of lifting, she slowly allowed herself to slide

back down. Still so tight, still shaking, but still wet enough to

Continue. I could feel the bit of extra mood that was the blood of

her virginity. I’m sure she realized it as well, but she continued.

She lifted up again. I slowly laid back against the pillows, letting

her take control. I held her hips. She lowered again, a little faster. I

slowed her as she rested on the head of my cock again. She rose a

bit faster. “Unnh” I couldn’t tell if it was pleasure or pain. She

dropped down harder. This time I wasn’t ready. She landed hard.

Her body jerked violently.
“Nyuh! oh my god…” I lifted her up a bit, but then caught the grin

taking shape on her lips.
“Are you ok, baby?”
“Yes, daddy. It feels much better now.”
She raised up and slammed back down. I was caught off

guard. It took every bit of my fortune to hold back my orgasm. She

moaned under her breath. She wqas enjoying that pain of landing

hard on my cock. My throbbing head slamming into her cervix.

And myself… I couldn’t think of the last time it felt so good. It had

never felt so good. No one could ever recreate this feeling for me. It

was ecstacy beyond anything I had ever imagined. She rose and

fall again. Her hands dropped to my chest. Her eyes closed. She

arched her back in towards my stomach. I could feel everything

tighten inside her. She lifted and fell again.
“Ah.. Ummmhh… daddy…” She had this high pitched tone. I’d

never heard it before, but it was the sexiest thing. Then it started.

She started bucking her hips fast. Sliding dangerously close to my

cock popping out of her, then slamming back down. It almost felt

like my cock was punching through the back wall of her pussy. She

let out these long moans, just long mmmm’s rising and falling in tone

and volume. I couldn’t believe she was able to handle it. It was so

tight, I was sure I would tear her. But then, it was so wet. With one

hard thrust down, she sat up straight, almost tottering on my cock.
“uh.. ohmygod… d–daddy… unnh… unnh… OH GOD… PLEASE…

MMMNNHHH…. DADDY… UNNNHHH” Shehad another orgasm.

Her pussy threatened to crush my cock, it was spasming so hard.

She didn’t move. That last thrust did it, and she just sat there, her

whole body shaking as the orgasm ripped through her, her little

hands absently grasping at my stomach. I just held her hips.

Letting her enjoy it. When it subsided, her eyes were closed, this

long mmmmmmmm coming from her mouth.
“that was so perfect” She whispered to me.
“You did so good, baby.”
“Did you have an orgasm yet, daddy?” Her voice was so sweet. She

was generally concerned with whether or not I had finished.
“Not yet, baby. But you don’t have to-” She cut me off.
You have to have an orgasm, daddy. Or we’re not finished.” She

smiled, leaning down, laying against my chest. I leaned up to kiss

her softly on the lips. She returned my kiss, one small hand coming

to my chef.
I pulled my hips down, sliding slowly out of her. She

moaned quietly. I slid back in gently. She moaned again.
“Does it hurt, sweetheart?”
“No, daddy. It’s so good.”
I continued. I gripped her hips, she stayed laid on my chest. I was

able to control her movements now. I held her up, moving my own

hips, building up speed. I let myself get lost in the pleasure,

readying myself for climax.
“Oh… god! Daddy! Please don’t stop…” One of her hands went

around the back of my neck. She used it for leverage, and started

matching my thrusts, rolling her hips to meet mine. I began to

moan quietly with each stroke. She got louder.
“MMMnnh… Please, daddy!!… faster!!…” I let go of all safety

measures and started slamming my cock into her with abandon.

The sound of me bottoming out in her young pussy was an audible

thud. Her continued gushing of her young juices made it sound

sloppy. I keep going.
“MMmm… Baby… I’m so close. I’m gonna cum inside you, baby” I

keep going. My thrusts becoming wild jerks into her. She leaned as

close as she could to me, her head still closer to my chest. Then in

the quietest whisper…
“cum for me, daddy” One last hard thrust. I held her tight against

me. One hand on her hip, the other on her lower back. My hips

wanted to buck, but only pulsed upward as I exploded inside my

little girl.

MMMMmmmmmmhhh…… unnhh…” I could barely hear her moans as

she came again with me. So many thick shots of cum. I could feel it

pooling up around my cock as it spurted out of her pussy from

around my cock. There was no room for my cum with my cock

inside her.
I held her tight to me, the hand on her hip joining the

one on her back. I hugged her there for at least two minutes. Both

of us out of breath. Our chests heaving. Both of our bodies

spasming. We laid there in that embrace until our orgasms had

run their course. It was the most amazing orgasm I would ever

have. When we were both calmed down, and my cock had

shrinked and slipped out of her, I helped her to roll off of me. I

turned over, leaning over her, kissing her neck, then her lips

softly. I stroked her hair as we stared into each other’s eyes for

What seemed like hours. I could stare at her for the rest of my life

and be happy. We finally ended up in a more relaxed position. Her

laying mostly on top of me. Her head on my chest. I continued

playing with her hair. She finally broke the silence.
“I love you, daddy.”
“I love you too, baby.”
“Everything is ok. That was the most perfect thing I have ever felt.

It was so amazing, daddy.”
“It was more amazing for me, baby. I never knew it could feel so

“Can we keep doing it, daddy? Can I sleep here with you every

night? And make love to you before bed? Like I’m your wife?”
I wasn’t sure how to respond. The idea sounded perfect

to me.
“Baby… You know what that means? We could never tell

“I know, daddy. I’m not dumb. I just love you. I want this, daddy.

“yes, baby” I whispered to her. Nothing more was spoken. We

drifted off to sleep in each others arms.
The next morning I woke alone in my bed. I was started to realize she was gone from my bed. Immediately I began to worry that she’d been frightened and was on the phone with the police at that moment. Guns blazing. Daddy’s dead. I hurried downstairs, breathing heavily, my heart racing. I turned the corner to the kitchen after not seeing my daughter on the couch. I smelled bacon. As I looked in, there she was. She had put her shorts back on, but left her top off. Just that perfect ass in those thin shorts, and her slender, smooth back on display as she stood in front of the sink.
“There you are, baby… I was worried.” I spoke with a shaky voice.
“Worried about what, daddy?” Sheturned, smiling at me. “I made you breakfast.” Smiling again. “Oh… and look what I can do with this banana.” I then noticed she had a peeled banana in her hand. She brought it to her mouth, then leaning her head back a bit, slide the tick, pale yellow fruit into her mouth. My eyes widened. She didn’t stop until the peel hit her lips, then slowly slide it out. I laughed softly.
“Very nice, baby. That could come in handy…”

The End


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