Kelly’s Quest – Part 3 of 4

This is a story I wrote a few years back. It about a woman who is added to pain and knows that it can destroy her, but still seeks the blissful “golden cocoon” that lies on the other side of the pain and humiliation. Her addition controls her, but she finds help from an unexpected source– her Uncle Jack and her sister Tracey. She also finds out that she is not the first of her lineage to have “the yearning.”

This story is more about bondage and erotic pain than actual sex, so if that is not your kink, you may want to skip this one. Those who understand, will understand. Those who do not are often offended. You have been warned.

This is part three of four parts. Each part stands more or less by itself, but makes a lot more sense if you have read the previous parts.

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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright (c) 2008 by The Technician.

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk,or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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“Kelly? Kelly? Can you hear me?”

I thought I was hearing my uncle’s voice through the control earpieces of the machine. The last thing I could remember I was hanging high above the barnyard calling for more pain, more pain. But now my hands were at my side. I was in a bed. There was no hood over my face. The hearing aid-like control devices were no longer in my ears.

I opened my eyes and uncle Jack was standing beside the bed. My mother and Tracey, my older sister, were standing with him.

“You didn’t want to come back,” mom said. “I think you have the yearning even stronger than I do. I understand the draw of the calm place, but it is very dangerous. You need to be taught how to control the yearning, or it will destroy you.”

Uncle Jack held uphe control box for his machine. “You know, when I designed this, I put in the overload protocols only because I thought they needed to be there in case the machine malfunctioned. I never dreamed anyone would willingly exceed safe levels by voice command alone. We definitely need to talk about how to help you stay in control.”

“OK,” I said weakly, “But first answer one question for me. Why did I find the golden cocoon when my boyfriend spanked me, but not other times… until tonight?”

Mom smiled at me and began to explain, “It all depends on control and giving over control. In order for me to find my calm place – what you call your golden cocoon – the pain has to be inevitable and beyond my control, but at the same time, I have to ultimately cause it or control it. Otherwise, it is just pain and the calm place eludes me.

If you ultimately are in control of the pain… if you choose the pain, the calm placeawaits. If you did not give over control… if you did not choose the pain… if you cannot go into the pain and meet it where it begins… then it is only pain. If you are in control, but have given over that control, then you find the calm place. It is how your body and mind is wired.”

“But what about Tracey?” I asked.

“I’m not weird like you, little sister,” Tracey replied. “Pain is just pain to me, and I don’t want anyone, including myself to tie me up and hurt me. Although… after watching you last night, I find that I am a bit envious of your weirdness, or yearning, or whatever it is.”

“So what do I do now?”

Uncle Jack answered me. “You stay here with me for the rest of the summer while your sister and your parents go to Europe. You explore your yearsnings and your cocoon, but do it safely.”

He looked down at me and said very sternly, “You must always have a safety backup– that is someone you can trust, like me, who knows where you are and what you are doing, and who will come rescue you if something goes wrong. I think after last night you recognize that things which no one can foresee can go wrong with very dire consequences. Any other questions?”

I grinned up and him and asked, “Yes, what other interesting things do you have hidden in secret rooms up in the barn?”

“I think I’d better give you the tour tomorrow,” my mom answered. “But for now, you need to rest. Get some sleep and in the morning we will go explore in grandma’s playroom.”

When she saw the shocked look on my face she added, “You don’t think the yearning began with me do you? You look as shocked as I was when mom told me about her mother.”

The next morning mom and I walked across the barnyard to the barn and went up tothe hayloft. I tried to imagine her making this trip naked carrying special release chains, but that image still didn’t fit my memories of her.

Once we were up in the loft, she took what looked like a small saw down from a hook on the wall and then inserted it between two of the boards. She lifted up with the handle and a secret door opened inward. Then stepping a few feet to the left, she again inserted the saw and a second door opened just like the first. “I think you already saw part of this storeroom, let me show you the whole setup.”

The storeroom was about the size of a large walk-in closet. One wall was lined with shelves on which was arranged a variety of dildos, plugs, gags, and small control boxes like I had seen the day before. Another wall was covered with wooded hooks from which hung a variety of leather harnesses and hoods and strange, long sleeped gloves which seemed to be one piece, rather than two separate gloves.

In the middle of the room were several devices which looked like stocks, some were wood, some were metal, one was even clear plastic. “All this was designed and made by your uncle Jack. That is part of what he does for a living. The workshop is in the big shed. Most of the really interesting custom work is kept there or in another room up here.”

Mom walked to the doorway of the second room and I followed her. There was nothing on the walls of this room except mirrors. There were mirrors everywhere – walls, floor, ceiling. Some of them, or perhaps all of them must be one way mirrors because mom pointed through the door to one wall and said, “There is a gallery behind that wall, but you have to come up a separate stairway.” Then she said, “Wave to your uncle, Kelly, he is probably watching us on the cameras.”

She had pointed at a spot just inside the room near the ceiling. I felt silly doing it, but I waved and said, “Hi uncle Jack.”

A sickembodied voice replied, “Hello Kelly.” Then after a pause, it said, “Catherine, remember the rules of the room.”

Mom’s face went white and her eyes widened. She stopped and stood still in the doorway.

“Tell her the rules, Catherine,” the voice said.

She slowly turned towards me and said softly. “No clothes is allowed inside the mirrored room.”

“Louder, Catherine.” Uncle Jack urged. “Tell her she has to be naked to go into the room.”

“You have to be naked to go into the room,” mom repeated.

“Aren’t you going to demonstrate the equipment, Catherine?”

Mom looked straight ahead into the room and said, “Take off your clothes, Kelly.”

She then began removing her clothes and hung it on a wooden peg just outside the doorway. I noticed that there were 6 wooden pegs in a row. I put my clothes on the second peg and stood beside my now naked mother.

“Are you ready?” she asked. When I replied, “Yes,” she stepped into the room and beckoned me to follow. There were three items in the room. One was a large metal, artistic X that was mounted on a thick metal base. “This is a poser cross. It can be programmed for automatic movement or can be controlled remotely.”

Mom stood in front of it with her arms against the upper portion of the cross and her legs spread to match the shape of the lower portion of the X. She explained, “You stand like this facing either towards the cross or away from it.”

Uncle Jack’s voice again came over the speakers, “Face the cross, Catherine, and we will give Kelly a little demonstration.”

Mom turned and faced the cross. She pressed her body against the metal. There was a sudden clang as metal cuffs snapped around her wrists and ankles. Another clang, deeper in tone, rang out as a band encircled her waist. A mechanical voice, very similar to the one in the control earpieces last night suddenly announced, “Beginning sequence Catherine 01.”

With that, the cross began to lift off the ground. It tilted until it was horizontal and then began to slowly spin. It wasn’t moving very fast, but after a moment it began to once again tilt and to rotate as well as spin. The effect was almost as if mom were on a large wheel that was rolling along the ground.

There was a slight hissing noise, and four arm-like mechanisms descended from the ceiling. One held a multi-strand whip. One held a solid paddle. One held a long thin rod. And one did not appear to be able to hold anything at all. Instead of a hand or clamp or anything to grip with, it ended with a long, rounded metal rod.

As the wheel rotated past, the arm withthe whip suddenly snapped downward. The timing was exactly and the whip struck mom exactly between her legs. A few more rotations and the arm with the thin rod snapped. Again the timing was perfect, but this time the thin rod raised a deep red stripe across mom’s ass cheeses. She yelped in pain. For the next few minutes the X wheel continued to slowly rotate as the three whips struck at random intervals. Twice the metal rod went forward, but I couldn’t tell what it did.

Evidently it did something because mom struggled against it when it touched her. After about four minutes, the mechanical voice announced, “Program terminated by remote user,” and the wheel came to a stop.

“Any questions?” asked uncle Jack.

“What does the metal rod do?” I asked.

“Let me show you,” he replied.

Mom suddenly began struggling against the steel bands which held her to the cross. “Notice that the rod appears to be wet,” he said. “It is lubricating itself for one of its functions.”

The arm with the rod moved over the X and slowly descended between mom’s legs. She gasped and grunted as it slowly entered her rear. “I have things stopped so you can see exactly what is happening,” he explained, “but it can do this while the frame is turning.”

The rod moved slowly in and out a few times. “It can vibrate,” mom groaned, “or deliver an electric shock,” mom yelped, “ranging in intensity from milk to severe.” Mom screamed and thrashed against the X. “Of course it can also enter other body or just rub across the surface of the skin with or without vibration or voltage.”

The rod pulled slowly out of mom’s ass and began to trail along the muscles of her leg. It was evidenably altering between victory and voltage because shewould relax for a moment and then thrash against her bonds. “We will program the Ferris Cross later for your exact sequence if you want to try it,” he offered.

The X tilted and rotated until mom was standing upright on the floor and then there was a loud clang as all of the bands released. “Catherine, you can play on the cross later, if you want,” he said quietly. “For now, let’s show Kelly Edison’s Iron Maiden.”

Mom’s eyes went very wide. “No, Catherine, you don’t have to get into it unless you want to. Neither does Kelly,” uncle Jack said in a very comfortable voice. “Let her decide if she wants to put herself in Mr. Edison’s grip.”

Mom pressed a button on the wall and a panel opened. A large iron status slide out into the room. It looked faintly like a naked woman standing with her legs slightly spread, but there was no detail at all in the iron. There was awhir and a pop and suddenly the front of the status opened from the middle like two French doors swinging outward.

The inside of the status seemed to be covered with small shiny dots, some appeared to be just pin heads and none was larger than the size of a pencil eraser. Mom pushed a button on the side of the status and two small platforms rose slightly in each leg.

“Step in, if you want,” she said, and I turned around and backed into the opening, stepping up slightly to get onto the platforms. The familiar mechanical voice said, “Adjusting height,” and the platforms descended slightly until I could feel the tiny dots began to press against my pussy. Then the doors began to swing closed. For a moment I almost panicked, but except for being totally dark, it was not uncomfortable with the doors closed.

The mechanical voice said, “Please say ‘pain.’”

This sounded familiar. I repeated “pain, pleasure, more, less, stop,” and of course, “oleo.”

At first I wondered why the computer that controlled this couldn’t just use what I said last night, but then I remembered that the last time I used those phrases, my mouth was filled with an electrified ball gag.

“Are you ready to begin?” it asked. “Say ‘yes’ or ‘no.’”

I said “Yes,” and slowly it was like a balloon was blowing up all around me. Each of the thousands of tiny bright dots was pressing more and more firmly against my skin. Although there wasn’t much pressure from any one dot, I was soon held firmly in place. The only places on my body that was not touched by the dots were my eyes and the area immediately around my mouth. I was just starting to think to myself, “Boring!” when the program began.

Waves of electricity flowed over my body. It was more than a ticker,but much, much less than pain. The dots were electrical contacts and each fired in a sequence controlled by the computer program. At the moment, everything was flowing towards my cliporis. What I mean is that the sensings would start at my feet and at the top of my head and would meet exactly at my clip. It was a very weird sensing. After just a bit, the program changed and everything flowed towards my right nipple. I was Almost like getting a massage from a thousand tiny fingers.

“Let’s try this out,” I said out loud.

My uncle’s voice answered, “You’re in control. Just remember the control words, and please don’t blow out the circuitry on this one.”

I laughed softly and said, “Pleasure.”

Whoa! That wasn’t electricity. Something definitely pulled on my nipples and rubbed my crotch. Those little contact things can move and work together to pull, pinch or whatever.


Yipes! That was electricity. It popped across both my buttocks as the same time and felt almost like a leather paddle coming down on my ass. I could really get to like this machine.

“Sorry to end your session early,” my uncle’s voice cut in, “but your mother has a plane to catch and there is one more thing I want you to see on your tour.”

There was a hiss and a whirr and a click and suddenly the doors to the status popped open and I was looking straight at my mother. Her hand was between her tighs and her face had that far away look of sexual excitement. It took her a moment to realize the status was open, and when she did, she turned very criminal and looked away from me.

“I really shouldn’t be here,” she said softly and looked at the ground. “It brings back too many memories or what I have given up. I can loose control too easily in here.”

I wasn’t sure what to say, but it didn’t matter because Uncle Jack’s voice interrupted us, “Catherine, show Kelly my masterpiece.”

He laughed softly and continued, “Kelly, I call this my mind fucker.”

We walked back out into the main room and mom again used her strange key to open another room. This room was a odd shade of green and was very brightly lit. In the center of the room two beams hung from the ceiling. Mom went back to the equipment closet and came back with two hoods and the collection of straws and control wires which I recognized from last night.

“Put these on, except for the hood.” she said.

There were no ankle cuffs, and the wrist cuffs appeared to close with velcro. There was a large ring attached to each cuff. After I had everything in place, including the clamps on nipples and clip, mom told me to stand under one of the beams. With the whir of an electric motor, the beam slowly lowered until it was approximately level with my shoulders.

“Put the controllers in your ears and then link your cuffs to the beam by latching your rings on the hooks.” I did all that, and after I slipped the second ring into its hook, the hooks retracted into the beam. I was now trapped until the beam released me. I let my arms relax and hang from the beam. Mom came over to me and slipped the hood over my head. The hood had some weird sort of eyesices attached to it, and I noticed that she attached some wires from it to the beam above me before she slipped it over my head. I could hear her closing the door to the room and then moving about doing something.

I heard the whir of the other beam lowering and then the click of the hooks retracting. I assumed that she had secured herself in the other beam. I was wondering what might happened next when my thoughts were interrupted by the now familiar mechanical voice, “Saypleasure.”

We went through the whole list of words once again plus three new words. It asked for “up,” “down, “and “open” – probably so I could have control over the beam. Then my uncle’s voice asked, “Everyone comfy? You might want to close your eyes for a moment, this is sometimes a little bright when it first turn on.”

I was trying to figure out what he means when suddenly the eyeseces of the hood opened up. What I saw before me at first made me think I was hallucinating. Then I realized that I was watching some sort of video. Evidently there were small screens in front of my eyes that were set up so that it looked like I was seeing through my hood. I could see my mom hanging from the other beam.

I know enough about television to now know why the room was a uniform shade of green. One moment she was standing on a beach with people walking all around her, and the next minute she wasin middle of a busy downtown street. The scene changed and she was standing on a cloud, and then it finally stopped with her standing in the middle of a large grassy field. “I think I like the meadow best,” said my uncle.

“Kelly, have you figured out yet why I call this my mind fuck machine?” he asked.

I answered “No,” and uncle Jack replied, “You think you see your mother in front of you, don’t you Kelly?”

I answered “Yes?” I mean, who else could it be?

“Try this,” he said. “Nod your head up and down and see how the scene changes.” I nodded my head, but nothing changed.

“Catherine, turn your head from side to side.” The figure I was watching did not turn her head, but the image moved from side to side.

I thought I knew what was going on. I closed both my hands into fists and noted that the figure I was watching did the same. “Everything’s reversed,” I said.

“More than you realize,” answered uncle Jack. “I am going to leave you two to enjoy yourself now. I think you will figure out how everything works.”

I wasn’t exactly sure what uncle Jack meant by that, but I figured I might as well get things started. I really wanted my arms higher in the air, so I said, “Up.”

Nothing happened. I repeated “Up,” and again nothing happened – or did it. If everything was reversed, were the commands also reversed or was I perhaps controlling the other beam? I tried “pain,” and I heard my mother yelp. Yes, everything was reversed.

Suddenly I felt a tug at my wrists. The beam was rasing. It raised again, and then again. My feet were barely on the ground. Again it raised and then again so that I was hanging from my wrists. Tingling shocks fired through the clamps and then the voltage increased.

“Pleasure,” I shouted. “More pleasure.”


Mom must have understood and I was lowered back two levels and the vibrators sprang to life. It is strange what will trigger memories. I suddenly could remember that as I was growing up, my mom was continuously telling me to always give back twice as much as you are given.

That wasn’t just something about returning kinds of people. I had raised her up twice, she raised me up four times. I had jolted her with pain, she jolted me twice. Whatever I did to her, she would do twice to me.

Suddenly I felt the clamps electric bite on my clip and nipples. I could see myself wrong as the current flowed through me. Did that mean that mom wanted pain? I gave the command, ‘Pain – More Pain.” And in response my vibrators moved up a notch.

I understand why uncle Jack called this his mind fuck machine. I was in control, but not in control. And I was watching myself from outside my body. I was now hanging in a room full of snakes – it looked an awful lot like that scene in one of the Indiana Jones movies. I gave and I received pain and pleasure and was pulled off my feet and forced almost down to the ground. Finally the pain and pleasure were at a maximum and I was standing on my tiptoes. I could see the sweat shining on my body. I was now standing among the stars somewhere out in space.

Suddenly everything went dark and the beams moved to their original positions. Soft music played in the earpieces. I could dimly see myself standing in almost total blackness. Then the video and sound faded away and I was left in the deep, dark, warmth of my golden cocoon.

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