The story so far: Phil’s girlfriend, Sadie, has a teenage daughter called Kiara. By now, Phil is regularly raping Kiara, ignoring the fact she has her own boyfriend: Jake. Today is her and Jake’s six month anniversary, and they are going to have sex for the first time to celebrate it.
Kiara tor her bag open one final time and rummaged through it, checking she had everything. At long last the night had arrived and she could hardly believe it. She was finally going to do it with Jake. It felt like her heart had been pounding in her chest since she’d tired up, and an excited tingly feeling had been spreading throughout her body the whole day. She’d got everything ready the previous night, feeling like a little girl at Christmas again.
By now, only one dark heavily spot lurked portentously on her horizon, and it frightened her. Was she actually going to be able to go through with this with Jake? Up until a month ago she’d been looking forward to the two of them having sex. That was before the horrors at home started. How would she react now to being sexual with someone she loved? Now that she’d been raped four times by her mum’s boyfriend, and she could only associate the intimate act with such terror and violence. As she checked herself over in her bedroom mirror, she tried to convince herself that tonight would be totally different. Making romantic love with Jake wouldn’t be anything like being mindlessly fucked by Phil. This time it was going to be for real. She was in love with him, and all those other times where she’d been forced to lay back and take the older man’s cock mean absolutely nothing. She’d be fine. This would be the start of a new chapter. After tonight, she’d be able to flaunt this in Phil’s face. She’d have her confident outgoing attitude back, and she’d never have to be subservient and plumant under his will ever again. By tomorrow morning she’d no longer just be a sex object for him to fuck whenever he wanted, rather her body would belong to the boy her heart belonged to: Her handsome loving boyfriend Jake.
The long days leading up to the date had been pretty uneventful. Following her dreadful ordeals early the week before, she’d been grateful it was still the Easter holidays. She didn’t really feel much like facing anyone or anything till at least the Friday. Phil seemed to be working longer and longer hours at the site and she was grateful that, whether it was through purpose or necessity, he was giving her some respite from his attacks. During the latter half of that week he hardly seemed to be hanging around the house at all. Every second he wasn’t there, the clouds lifted over Kiara’s life.
As well as that, over the weekend she’d overheard her mum on the phone to someone, talking about Phil. She seemed to be reporting the most brilliant news Kiara could ever have hoped for. On that Thursday night, the very night she was staying out with Jake, Phil had been called to stay with the rest of the construction team all night in the house they were building. They had to lay all the electric cables inside or something. Sadie wasn’t too sure. Whatever the job was though, it means they were all being paid to remain in the half-finished house and just bivouac themselves down in sleeping bags until morning, when they’d carry straight on with the work.
Sadie’s mood was nowhere near as joyous as her daughter’s. She was still feeling neglected, and this night away was making it even worse. It had caused a few arguments between the two of them, though he swore to her he’d make everything up to her once he came home on the Friday. “I’ve got the whole weekend off baby. We can have one of our lovely long Sunday mornings in bed,” he’d promised her cheerily. />
Kiara picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder, catching one last look at her reflection. She didn’t want to disappoint him. She saw herself, her slender figure dressed in whitewashed light blue skinny jeans, and a tight white T-shirt with an abstract art print hugging her curves just enough. She’d spent hours curling and shaping her hair to perfection and she hadn’t come out of her room all morning. She looked almost perfect. Only one thing was missing from the outfit that would’ve completed it: the glistening silver necklace from Jake. She’d only hurt the lovely present for around twenty minutes last Tuesday, and yet she still missed it. She’d had to tell Jake that she was storing it at home in her jewellery box to keep it safe, only wearing it on special occasions. The excuse was thin and she He knew it wouldn’t last for long. She was secretly hoping that it was still somewhere in Phil’s van and she could get it back. Ifhe had it in his possession, she would make him give it to her, she was determined about that.
Her phone read 17:20 and she knew she’d have to leave soon. She headed off out of her room and down the stairs. A million butterflies of excitement had all taken flight in her stomach now and were flapping their tiny velvet wings. “Hi, I’m going now” she announced as she came into the sitting room where her mum was lounging, watching some reality show. “Come here,” Sadie beckoned, smiling. She gave her daughter the once over and rubbed her hands before hugging her. “God you look beautiful. You’ll totally knock him out! Now just remember what I said, be careful sweetie. Call me if you need anything. Now you two have a wonderful time ok?” She beamed and squeezed her once more before laying back on the couch to carry on watching her show.
As Kiara skipped out the door and down the front path, she noticed the amber evening sun shining down on her. She was amazed at feeling so light and free all at once. Suddenly the shadows seemed to be banished, and everything was just going right.
At the building site, the atmosphere was understanding humming with tension and arduous work. The labourers were flitting about, buzzing like urgent flies around the large house and over the outer grounds. Everyone was either carrying, lifting, hammering, drilling or measuring something. Terry, the middle-aged foreman, who always seemed to be dragging a hacking smoker’s cought around with him, was in a thunderous mood. They were behind schedule on this house as it was and he was getting flak from the contractors. Once he got stress from above, he dished it out to people under him, in double rations. Of course Terry could have found more reason to smile today if one particular member of his employee hadn’t decided at very short notice to take time off. A ‘family emergency’, so he’dsaid.
The hotel’s reception was bright and airy. A fountain trickled happily away to itself in the far corner and there was soft music floating throughout. Phil had felt very out of place as he’d entered in his shabby work clothes and The well dressed porter had indeed seemed shocked as he’d explained his requirements. Phil briefly filled in the customary form, signed it and slide it back across the reception desk. “Thank you sir. We’ve put you in room 523.” He took the magnetic key from the skinny man and pocketed it, thumbing through a wad of banksnotes before handing them over. He thought it much better to avoid paying from his and Sadie’s joint account and possibly arousing suicide. “Thanks,” he responded, smiling politely. As I said, I’ll be returning later with my daughter.”
He hadn’t really wanted to have to fork out so much money to do this but he’d been left with no choice. Even after he broke up her cosy date with Jake last week, Kiara had still spoken about nothing else but her anniversary date. He was sure she was only crowd-barring it into the conversation more to aggravate him than anything. Well if she were going to be so stubborn about it, then he’d have to keep to his word and teach her a real lesson. The hotel was perfect. Not too far away from the site and the room certainly sounded cosy enough for the two of them. A whole night. in a private room, in a comfy hotel bed, next to the teenage girl, naked if he played his cards right. Tonight was certainly going to be a special night.
He threaded his way out of the heavy revolving door, and walked back down through the sunny late afternoon weather to his van. He checked the time and frowned, huddling into the front seat and hurriedly pulling off. He hadn’t been able to ascertain exactly what time Kiara and Jake were meeting tonight, but he’d assumed she would be heading down to his place during the early evening. It was now getting on for half past five, and He drove speedily through the back streets, cutting along the shaded avenues and eventually drawing up at the corner of the park. A narrow alleyway ran alongside the grass, flanked by railings on one side, and a tall imposing brick wall on the other. He brought the van to a shuddering halt, letting the wall shelter the vehicle from the view of Anyone coming down that way, giving exactly the desired effect. His heart was thumbing. He waited patiently. He’d never forgive himself if he’d misjudged this and had already missed her coming along. His fingers drummed idly on the steering wheel, his eyes surveying the pavement, watching the cross-section intently. From his vantage point, he could easily see the person heading down, long before they’d reach the end of the wall. He looked to his left, where his thick workman’s jacket sat next to him. He reached out a hand and pinched the material between finger and thumb. It was too late now, even if it weren’t thick enough.
Completely oblivious to the trap waiting for her, Kiara walked down the road by the right, enjoying the dying warmth of the sun as it went down. She picked her way through the little shortcut, swerving around boxes and putrid bins, full to overflowing with littler. She covered her nose with her palm as she walked past, seeing the sunlight glinting against the concrete at the end. As the sun continued its tired descent, the misty colours of the sky were swirling and merged together, illuminating the park with a rusty smoke.
As soon as he saw her coming he quietly clicked the door open and stealthily got down, leaving the driver’s door open. Thankfully there was no one coming behind her. This was going to be absolutely perfect. He croouched down by the crumbling bricks, and held his breath as she approached.. Closer, and ever closer. The second she drew level, he sprang out and hurled the coat over her head. He yanked down on it and clamped it in place around her chest. He could already hear her inevitable muffled gasps and screams, as he began hauling her towards the van. He said no words as he opened the boot and clumsly bundled her in.
She screamed out against the darkness that had enveloped her, but it was no use, the thing covering her mouth was much too thick to let any sound out. She felt her head bump against the hard floor of a vehicle before a door was slammed, shutting and locking her into the cramped space. AS the engine started up and the wheels beneath her began to roll, all she could think about was Jake. What would he be thinking if she couldn’t get to him? What would he do? She had to get out of this and get back to him straight away. Fear flooded her veins. Her arms were crushed against her sides and she couldn’t break free. It was getting more and more difficult to gulp for air, her hot breath coming back into her lungs from inside the tight material prison wrapped around her. The engine roared in her ears and the van swayed and jerked around harsh corners. Her body tipped and rolled around the boot, bashing back and forth against bags of dried cement and the solid sides of the van. Her mind was so befuddled that she didn’t even consider it might’ve been Phil. Though as the engine stopped and her breathing returned to normal, she could already smell the familiar scent of concrete and rotting wood, and her stomach muscles clenched.
He pulled on the brakes and sat back in his seat, placid for several seconds. He’d got her. It had all come together like clockwork and he had her. The muffled breathing from the back seemed to have died down a little bit now and given way to the occasional stifled gasp. He plotted out his next few moves in his mind before bracing himself and opening the door. He came around to release the boot and uncovered her face to let her breathe fresh air again. As he lifted the coat away, her worst fears were realized and she saw her captor, giving his usual arrogant smile. She looked up at him in despair. He wasn’t even meant to be here. He was meant to be working. He gave her three seconds respite, then quickly pulled out an old hanky from his pocket and shoved it between her lips, pushing it in with his fingers until it filled her mouth completely. “Come on, and don’t even try to make a noise.” He yanked at her wrist, pulling her out from the boot and helping her stumble to her feet.
As the foul rag pressed against her tongue and teeth, she could taste cement and pungent sweat right to the back of her throat. She tried her best to comply with his orders but the taste was making her dry wretch. As he started pulling her away she stumbled over her own feet a little, still feeling light headed from the lack of oxygen during the journey. As he held her hand tightly and strode towards the doors, she registered the sign above it, proclaiming it to be the “Hillview Crest Hotel”. Her mind was still whirring from the shock of this whole situation, coming like a dart out of the blue at her. Her thoughts were so muddled she imagined that Phil was somehow doing her a favor. Of course it was nonsense but she entered the crazy notion for a fraction of a second. Was Jake upstairs in a room? Had Phil paid for them to stay in there instead? Of course he hadn’t. She knew it was way too much for her to hope for. She clamped her lips together, trying to hold her breath.
The cool air of the reception area felt bleak against her skin and she trembled as they walked. Though the foyer was busy, no one seemed to notice anything strange about the apparent father and daughter couple wandering through. The lift was full of people with heavy luggage so he avoided it, instead dragging her up the wide staircase. Five whole flightsThey trailed, tears already threatening to sting at her eyes. He marched her along the plus carpeted corridor in a fast and purposeful manor, not even giving her a chance to misbehave. He counted along the door numbers till he found the one matching his key card. He slide it through the slot and thumbed down on the handle, letting the door swing open. She was starting to give muffled choking cooughs through the clothes and he pushed at her back, forcing her into the warm cosy room. As they entered and he slammed the door shut again, her phone was already buzzing inside her bag. He parted her lips and removed the grubby hanky from her mouth, leaving her spluttering for air.
The room was clean and modestly furnished. A small bathroom led off to the left and a flat screen TV hung from the far wall, a large armchair in the corner, and two single beds adorning the far side. He’d already planned in his mind to push the twin singles together for them tonight. Even before shehad a chance to look around herself he’d pushed her back against the wall and ripped open her bag to get to the offending phone. As he thought, Jake was already calling her to find out where she’d got to. He clapped her hands firmly together with one of his, lifted them over her head and squeezed them tightly as he stopped the ringing and used his thumb to tap out a quick text from her: ‘Sorry, something more important has come up, see you around some time, Kiara.’ Satisfied with the tone of it, he signed it off and let her see it before hitting send. He then slammed his thumb onto the power button and watched the phone switch itself off, before pocketing it. “There, that’s got rid of that. Now, take a look at our home for the night.” He stood back, giving her freedom.
She couldn’t say anything. The whole world was caving in around her and the room spun in dizzying circles. Even now he’d let her go she couldn’t feelrelieved. She tried to swallow but her tongue just glued to her gums, as dry as dust. She was still coming to terms with how the evening was turning out. She bolted into the bathroom, slamming the door ferociously shut. Right now she just needed a barrier of any kind between the two of them. She twisted the lock, barricading herself inside. Phil raised his fist and hammered it harshly on the other side, calling through to her. “Hey! Come out! You can’t stay in there all night.” He waited and listened, hearing the tell-tale sounds of her beginning to cry properly. He took on a more sedate tone and lowered his hand. “Kiara? Listen to me. I’m only doing this for your own good. We’ll just stay here for the night. I’m not going to… I’m not going to hurt you here tonight.”
She couldn’t respond at all to him and just cried harder. She reached over and stubbornly spun the cold tap on, letting the loud hissing sound mask her bitter weeping. She then took advantage of the noise to empty her full bladder in peace. She cowered, hearing some of his words over the tap. “Shut up. You fucking evil bastard,” she whispered through her tears. As the thumbing stopped, she slowly turned the water off.
Phil soon gave up on competing with the noisy tap and he turned away. He began wondering if he were actually telling the truth this time. It was after all, a great triumph that he had thwarted her date with Jake tonight. But was the victory enough? Would he be able to stay a whole night in this room with her, just the two of them, and not at least once talk her out of her clothes and fuck her? He knew almost Immediately that the answer to that was no. He went over and began shifting the two single beds close up against each other. He posted her phone through the slot between the two mattresses. He heard the plastic crash down on the floor beneath and he laid back, relieved. He stretched out, staring down at the counterpane on the opposite side where Kiara would sleep. He began to imagine her lying there, first in her clothes, and then stripped naked. He could see tears in her eyes, the wonderful colour glinting in the soft light of the room, her shoulders jolting as he rocked back and forth on top of her, ploughing himself into her pussy. Of course he couldn’t keep his hands off her tonight. That was literally a physical impossibility.
She shook her head defiantly, wiping her eyes and breathing out, telling herself that she could easily get through this, that nothing had to happen. She stayed sat in position for at least another thirty minutes, until the room began to feel hot and clammy around her. Her breathing was becoming short as the air became thick in the little room and she had to get some fresh air into her lungs. She came out nervously, looking around her before moving her shaking body over to the armchair, sitting far away from him. She wiped her brow, drinking in the cool air, still feeling a little giddy. She saw him laying stretched out, luxury on one of the beds, his shoes now off and his cuffs undone. She also noticed with horror that there was now no gap between. She looked away, casting her emotionsless eyes down at the floor.
He shuffled to the end of the bed, sitting on it and looking at her in the soft chair. “You can’t say I didn’t warn you about this date,” he began. “I’m not here to hurt you Kiara. Or force you to do anything. It’s just you’ll be staying here tonight, with me.” He pointed to the other side of the bed. “It’s really comfy, try it out.”
She looked down in her lap and shook her head vigorously, too afraid he was going to touch her in some way. Just the thought was bringing fear into her gut now. “I don’t want to..I’m fine here,” she mumbled as she looked back over to the window, seeing streetlights now glimmering down onto the pavements below. From this lofty height She could see far across the city, right over into the blurred distance, where the campsite was located. What would Jake now be thinking after receiving that message? She felt so guilty and wretched, but it wasn’t her fault, she knew that. Her eyes were still red and puffy from her torrid crying in the bathroom. She refused though now to let any more misery out in front of him and she grimaced, swallowing her tears back. Her expression showed pure hopelessness as she looked down once more into her lap.
He noticed the look in her eyes and was determined to try and make her smile. “Hey… forget about all that tonight. I just want to sleep beside you, that’s all.” He smiled warmly, edging closer and taking her limp hands in his. “We used to get on so well. Don’t you remember? When you first moved into my place? You used to love coming to the site with me and playing there didn’t you hmm? I’m not really a monster Kiara. You’ve got me all wrong.” He squeezed her hands and juggled them playedfully up and down in his. “Hey.. Remember when I let you ride in the dieter with me that time? You were telling your mum all evening about that one.” He chuckled at the story, remembering her younger face as she grinned back then. There was no reaction from his glum audience.
She kept her eyes strictly downcast and avoided his gaze as he spilled out the nostalgia. She knew it was all true, but in fact it only made the horrors of recent times even starker in her mind. She said nothing, not even blinking to show any kind of emotion. He could tell that ploy wasn’t getting him anywhere and he looked her over. “You’re looking beautiful,” he said, his words actually since for once. He knew none of it was for him, but he wanted to tell her anyway. She let her hands rest lifelessly in his,Not even trying to free them. She finally looked up at him and nodded very slowly, though she didn’t smile. She still offered nothing by way of a response so he continued unabated. “Aww yes.. Very very beautiful.”
The yawning silence soon became awkward and he tugged lightly at her hands. “Come on. Come and lay with me a little bit. I know you’re really upset. But come on. We’re in a lovely hotel room. We’ve got all night. Things aren’t so bad.” He pulled harder at her hands and stood up. She told, taking a deep breath as she got up and walked dejectedly over to the near side of the bed, hesitating as he released her hands and wandered round to his own side. She stood, looking down at the patterns on the covers. A shiver ran through her, imagining that something very bad would happen if she got onto it. She felt confused and exhausted plagued every bone in her body. She slowly lowered herself onto the soft covers and satto the side, taking off her boots as they began aching her feet. she lay back, staying huddled closer to the bedside table than to the middle. Her body shook, a mixture of fear, disappointment and fatigue taking control of her. She rested her troubled head on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling, her ears listening out for any movement from him.
He lay back beside her, and stayed in his part of the bed for the moment, not wanting to scare her with any sudden advances. He remained looking directly at her even though her eyes were staying focused on the ceiling. No emotion coming from her at all. He couldn’t raise a smile or even a scowl of anger.
He went to speak again when a loud rap came at the door. He checked the time and got up. A bashful Asian porter stood at the door, a tray with a bottle and a corkscrew held on it. “Your… order sir..” Phil took it from him, signing his little slip of paper with one hand and letting the door swing shut again. “Hey look… something to celebrate our night here!” he exclaimed cheerfully as he came back in. He twisted the cork off and poured some of its fizzing contents into a glass from the table. First one for him, then he filled a second and placed it on the bedside table on her side. “Come, toast with me. A new start for us all. To you and me getting along again!” He raised his glass expectedly and looked at her.
She took in a deep breath. She thought of refusing to do anything, but that wouldn’t help her keep the peace. If his plans were to go correctly, they’d still have over twelve hours in this place, and she was petrified about rousing his anger in any way so early on. She reached out tenatively for the glass and raised it. Her grip was so weak, it barely made any tinkling sound as it tapped against his. She took a Small sip, the sweet liquid actually feeling refreshing as it tricked down her pared throat. She liked itso she took a little more, still feeling fine before setting it down on the bedside table again. “Please don’t touch me,” she said defensively. “I want to go see Jake or mum,” she told him. She felt incredibly foolish at making such a request, but by now she had nothing at all to lose. Even going home would be safer than being here with him on their own.
“I’ll let you go home tomorrow morning I promise you. But I don’t think Jake will be very interested in seeing you now. Do you?” Right at that moment Jake was sending a whole barrage of texts into her inbox, quizzing her and becoming her to answer. Her phone meanwhile was still lying totally silent, out of reach on the hard floor,. Dormant as she sat with him on top of the covers. He looked over, seeing the sadness and unrest in her eyes. “I know this isn’t what you had planned, but hey, it might be even more fun. Just think, it saves you having to explain to Jake about why you seemed to have already lost your virginity. I’m saving you from that embarrassment aren’t I?” His thumb played over the stem of the glass as he observed her, spotting her cleavage and remembering something. “And that ring. I’ve saved you having to explain to him about that as well.”
For her, bringing up that topic was going one step too far and she came to life. She looked angrily over at him and could read in his face that he knew where it was. The word ‘always’ shone bright in her head. At that moment, she wanted nothing but to have his ring back. It was her gift. In the bleak wasteland of her thoughts, the memory of it brought warmth back and she felt renewed energy. “Please, I want my ring back from the necklace,” she announced suddenly. “please.” She begged him as she turned to face him properly.
He drank thirstily from his glass, easily draining it and pouring himself anotherer. He was looking suspiciously at her as she implored him. “What makes you think I still have that ring anymore? I haven’t seen it since it flew off of your neck,” he lied, and took another sip.
She didn’t believe a word of it. She knew it had stayed in his van, and if he’d found it, he wouldn’t have just thrown it away. His need for control over her would mean he’d keep hold of it. she laid back down and continued looking at the ceiling, her eyes now following the patterns and the swirls, idly picking out soft pictures in the outlines. She scooted herself to the edge of the bed again and stretched out a little, her mind telling her to leave now before he did something, every part of her screaming that it was not safe to be here. Yet she had no way of escaping apart from the window, and for a moment, she looked over, thinking about jumping out. A few broken bones would surely be better than a night here. She pushed her hair over her face as she considered it. He saw her staring over that way and planted an elbow closer to her, resting his head on his hand and looking down. “Say I did happen to have found that cheap jewellery. How much do you want it back?”
Her heart skipped at the idea that she might be able to wear it again. “I really want it back, it means so much to me, please give it back,” she pleased as she turned over on her side and looked up at him. She was desperate. It was beautiful and it really means everything to her when she thought about it, she felt herself being more concerned about the ring than anything else. “Please, it’s mine.”
He looked contemplative before getting up, pushing his overalls off, drawing them over a hanger in the wardrobe and then coming back. He lifted his hand as she looked at him, fear in her eyes. “Don’t worry. I’m just getting comfortable. I’m not going to do anything.” He slipped easily back on the bed, in boxes and his shirt. He felt excited at finally having stumbled over a subject that got a reaction out of her. “Mm well,” he said calmly, pretending to mull things over in his mind. “Say I actually had located it in my cab and kept it. The one with ‘always’ written on it right?” He grinned and moved his leg forward, brushing against hers. “I guess if I remember exactly where I’d put the thing, I could get it back for you.” He paused and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “But nothing is free in this world Kiara. You know that.” He let the beginnings of a threat hang in the air before delivering its final blow. “Maybe if you took your clothes off here and… say let me have sex with you, then I might just be able to find it again for you.”
She flinched and moved her leg away, trying to shuffle back from the contact. She shook her head instantly at the suggestion. “That's not fair, I’m not letting you do that with me again,” she protected, her voice becoming slightly hoarse as her throat constricted a little in alarm. The
self-satisfied grin on his face sickened her and, not for the first time, she found herself wondering how her mother came to ever love him. “Please, if you have it then just give it back, it’s not fair for you to do this.”
He ignored her panic and concentrated on her eyes, now with the bit firmly between his teeth. “Just one night,” he started up again. “Here with me. On this soft bed. Would it be that bad?” He leaned forward and levelled her with a penetrating star, adding more gravitas to the proposal. “You’ve taken my cock four times inside you already Kiara. Just once more to tot up a fifth time, and you’ll have that ring back in your hands tomorrow morning.” He felt an amorous warmth flowing through him at the idea of maybe getting her to spread her legs for him, even if it would be under total duration. “It’s just not fair,” she repeated. “I never wanted that in the first place. Please Phil. What’s so bad about my mum? She loves you. I don’t.” The truth had now finally been spoken, the last two words were what she’d been waiting to tell him for a while and to her surprise it seemed to have affected him. With fear rising in her again, she got up off of the bed and drifted back over to the chair.
He felt sick to his stomach at her blatant confession and watched helpedlessly as she distanced herself again. “But you could Kiara. Don’t you see? We’ve done so much more than you and Jake have. I care more about you than he does. I can make you happy. You just have to give into it a bit more. That’s all.” His mouth was a little dry as he began to spill more of his feelings out. “I love you Kiara. Maybe I always have, I just didn’t realis it. If you care anything about your mum at all, you’ll do everything you can to make sure I stick around staying at your house.” He let the sentence finish there, only subtly trying to make it sound like a threat. She curled up into the soft fabric of the chair, drawing her knees up to her chest and hugging them tightly, it felt strange, all the talking, it was making her head go in different directions as she tried to Make sense of everything, all of what he was saying. He reckoned after all the hell he’d put her through that he loved her? The thought was completely absurd.
Seeing as he had been so honest with her, she decided to give the same in return, bracing herself before starting to speak. “I don’t want to have sex,” she said weakly, her voice still falsetling through her tears. “Not with you, it doesn’t feel right, it always feels so wrong, I don’t like looking at you when you do it because it feels like I’m hurting mum while you’re hurting me.” She began to speed up, confidence growing inside her as she unburdened herself. “You’re too big. You’re too rough. You don’t give a shit what I want, or how I feel, just as long as you get pleasure out of it from using me. Do you know how that makes me feel Phil? Cheap. Cheap, and disgusting.” It now feel like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders as she spilled out everything she had up in her mind.
He listened carefully and once she was done he knelt up and planted his hands in front of him. “I know and I’m sorry for that. You should never feel disgusting about yourself Kiara, you’re beautiful. Beautiful and so very sexy. I never wanted to be so rough with you. When you were dreaming the other night it was so wonderful and tender between us. I’ll take it slow with you this time. I’ll make you enjoy it. You wanted to experience loving sex tonight and you can..Here with me. I won’t hurt you I swear.” His voice seemed to fill the whole room, warm and inviting. It had an added glow to it as he leaned forward and made his one final gambit. “And then, once we leave tomorrow morning, I’ll get the ring for you from the van and you can have it back. Straight away. I promise.”
She knew even as she sat there that she shouldn’t trust him an inch. She knew he was a devious
self-serving bastard, and yet, something urged her on. She literally had no other choice. How could the eyes of a malevolent rapist look so friendly and sincere as he made promises like that? Putting up a fight would certainly condemn her to further rapes anyway. She had to take this risk. A glimmer of hope was being pushed her way, and somehow it seemed even more stupid to refuse it. “A-And no more Afterwards?” she asked, peaking over her knees, fear still resonating in her childrenlike eyes. Maybe things would be all right after all. She could make it up with Jake, she wouldn’t have to live with the guilt and fear anymore, and Phil could go back to enjoying her mum, it would be fine again. She saw him hesitate before he nodded and smiled in agreement. For a second it looked like she wasn’t going to move, as her hands stayed clamped together around her legs. Eventually though she unfurled herself and got up, coming over onto the bed, sitting up an facing him, scared and shaking in fear from what was about to happen.
“Just once more,” he said soothingly, moving closer to her. “Once more with feeling, yeh?” He was griping the hem of her T-shirt and lifting slowly. “You can be sensing Kiara I know it. The best and last time.” He was lying through his teeth but it seemed to be working and making her more willing, so he had to run with it. There was sweet champione still on his shallow breath as he leaned closer and looked into her eyes, deciding not to try and kiss her just yet.
She nodded slowly though she could’t meet his eyes. She still felt horrifically afraid, even dirty at the thought of doing this but she stiffly lifted her arms, letting him peel off her T-shirt to reveal her white, lace bra. It was her favourite and she didn’t wear it very often, but she’d decided to for tonight, it was suppose to be special. She felt despondent that right now her boyfriend was miles away, probably feeling angle that she had stood him up, and she was being forced to be with someone else, showing her sexy underwear off to the wrong man entirely. “Okay…” she breathed, starting to convince herself she was doing it for her mum, for her future, and most of all for her freedom.
Her breath was shaky and her fingers fidgeted restlessly as he stared at her. He sucked in a breath as he eyed her cleavage poking out, not recognizing the new underwear from before. “Aww and you even wore your special bra? I love it.” He traced the outline of it with his fingers, swiftly reaching around to the clap and undoing it. Her beautiful tits spilled out as he removed it and he cupped them both, monitoring her reactions. “Mmm wow.. You just get hotter as you grow up you do Kiara.” He leaned forward and his lips were suddenly on hers, trying to force them apart to welcome his tongue. Her eyes fell shut as the kiss began and she could instantly feel his tongue trying to make entry. She hesitated, then fearfully opened her mouth, letting his tongue glide over hers while his full hands gently skimmed over her breasts. Her skin crawled and her body remained stiff as she fought the urge to cover her bare chest from him with her arms.
She’d reluctantly conceded to let this man put his cock inside her one final time, but she certainly didn’t have to enjoy it. If only she could temporarily transport her mind somewhere else completely, and justgo through the motions physically, then, once it was done, she would never have to do this ever again and her body would once more be her own. As he pulled from her lips and grinned at her, she tried to respond, but could only must a feeble curl of her lips as she looked up at him.
He nodded encouragedly before taking his hands away and undoing his shirt buttons. “There… That wasn’t so hard was it. Just enjoy it tonight baby yeh?” He was buzzing with the anticipation of having her again and he wriggled the shirt down from his shoulders and off. He swept her hair back over her shoulders, hypnotised for a second by her eyes. “Take these off for me,” he ordered, running a palm smoothly over her jeans. “Come on. Pull these down and open your legs for Me.” his voice was soothing, despite the forthright commands. She held her breath as she looked down, concentrated on what she was doing as she nervously tugged down the zip. She started to slip them down her slender legs, making sure she didn’t let her panties come down with them. She couldn’t bear to look up at him as she revealed yet more of her young body. She tipped herself back a little on the bed, so she could push the jeans past her ankles and take them off completely. Her hands were trembling as she dumped them down on the floor and lay herself back, promptly spreading her legs apart. She Felt his eyes roaming all over her body and looked back up to the high ceiling above them.
Despite the glazed expression on her face, she still looked ravishing, everything now laid out and exposed to him apart from her pussy. He propped himself up beside her, slowly jerking his cock through his boxers’ fly, taking in the sight, his lips slightly parted as he steadily wanked over her. “And these.. Come on.. And these.” He tugged at the silky crotch of her panties, dragging them down to her knees. He left them there and lay back down, his fingers finding their way between her tighs and brushing over her tender pussy lips as he stole more kisses from her, their lips smacking loudly. “Now take my cock. Come on. You don’t want to make your mum cry now do you. You’re doing this for her, and your ring remember. Now take over from me here.” He let his cock go and shifted forward, letting the mushroom tip rub against her leg. “Come on. I know you know how to.”
her neck and face became hot with embarrassment at the words he was using and she squirmed, before reluctantly turning onto her side and letting her hand creep towards his full erection. She felt like crying when he spoke about her mum and she swallowed back poignant tears as her fingers came into contact with the throbbing shaft. She shuddered as she wrapped her hand around it and slowly moved it up and down, guilt and revulsion surging through her. “Mmmmm that’s it..” He moaned out in pleasure at the feel of her small fingers on him. He disentangled himself from his boxers, kicking them off, leaving him naked beside her.
He rolled his hips against her hand, helping confess himself that she was touching him of her own voltage. He was still searching for that romantic vibe they had when he fucked her in her sleep as he leaned down to kiss her mouth long and deep. He saw next to no reaction as he slowly slip two fingers past her opening and inside her damp pussy. “Hmmm that’s it.. Rub that cock for me. That’s so good. You are doing so well for your mum aren’t you. She’ll be so happy.” He spoke between kisses, his lust for her building as her hand continued to mechanically drift back and forth. She felt nauseous at his words as he calmly eased his two rough fingers in and out of her. Her pussy was still tight and although it didn’t hurt as much anymore, there was still that faith sting and the strange discomfort of having him probe hisdigits deep inside her body. She couldn’t bear to think of her mum anymore, every time he mentioned it, it gave her a pang of guilt. His tongue snaked into her mouth, making the most of their calm mutual masturbation. She shut her eyes tightly and she could feel her tears brimming in them as she let herself be kissed. She was wishing she were with Jake in the warm tent right now and that none of this were happening. She wanted to imagine it was the young boy’s cock she were touching. A shiver ran through her as he moved gently against her hand. By now she knew every inch of Phil’s veined shake and her pussy clenched with the thought of him soon getting on top of her and guiding the thickness deep inside.
As soon as he pulled back from the kiss, he noticed she had her head turned down and her eyes still shut. “Hey… hey..” He withdraw his fingers from her and waved his hand in front of her face. “Look this way. I said you had to enjoy this.” He pulled her chin in his direction, looking at her eyes. They were closed too that night he’d raped her in her sleep, but this time he wanted it all. “Open your eyes. Come on Kiara. Open your eyes for me and I’ll make sure you’re wearing that necklace again before you know it.” He lifted his foot to push down her panties the rest of the way, leaving her totally unclothed as well. He wanted to make sure she was not imagining herself and Jake at the starlit campsite tonight, but instead the reality of having sex with him, twice her age.
Her body compromised uncomfortable as she felt him shed the last piece of dignity from her. She hesitated for several seconds before eventually complying and opening her eyes, knowing they were damp as she looked directly into his face, unable to look anywhere else. Somehow, this was the only way she could get through it, still trying to forestall his rage from coming to the surface. She knew they wereBoth now totally unclothed but she didn’t want to think of it. “I’m sorry.,” she mumbled as he smiled down at her. He felt a geneuine warm glow as she apologised and he stroked his damp fingers through her hair. He kissed her lips again, more hungrily this time, trying to get her used to the feelings. “You are so beautiful. That’s why I do this to you all the time. Just so amazingly…” He left the sentence hanging as he lost total control of his lust and mashed his lips on hers. He pushed her head back on the pillow and manoeuvred his large frame on top of her. He grabbed his cock and dragged it up and down her pussy lips, feeling the slick walls opening to invite him inside. “You know how this feels by now don’t you.” He opened his eyes wide, looking straight at her and studying her face as he eased himself inside her, indulging in the feelings of her consciousness body not actually struggling against him for the first time ever.
She took large deep gasps of air, her eyes wide with fear as he penetrated her. She could see his excitement as he bore down on her and slowly started to push in, sliding himself into her damp folds . She clenched her muscles up tight and held her breath for a while as he drove deep, pleasure showing all over his face. “Ohh…” she half yelped and half moaned, a mixture of her feelings clashing together as he buried himself all the way. She smiled weakly up at him, hoping it wouldn’t last too long.
He started to glide easily back and forth, his strokes more laboured and drawn out than usual. He let the whole of his hard length fill her up before bringing it back so only the tip rested inside her, then pushing forward again, sliding in deep. He was trying to pretend that this fifth time was not rape, that she was somehow letting him inside her. He sped up slightly, letting her feel every inch of his shake drilling deep into her tight fuckhole. "Oh wow… that’s it… that’s it my baby.” his tongue invaded her mouth as his cock invaded her young body. He was groaning loudly, letting all of his feelings pour out. For once he didn’t have to worry about them being overheard and he was mumbling out her name against her lips, making sure her mind wasn’t drifting to her boyfriend.
Her breath quickly as he touched her, kissed her and moved inside her, all of it happening at once and somehow, she still wasn’t able to believe it yet. She knew he wanted her to enjoy it but it still felt the same as all those other times. It was gentle and with more feeling this time yes, but she still hated him, and this was still just as non-consensual as all the times he’d fucked her before. She pushed the Thought of him trying to be more romantic from her mind. All she could imagine now was a clock face, the hands steadily ticking away the last few seconds she would ever have to put up with ths vicious monster’s cock inside her. As the time quickly drifted away, she wanted to push the hands faster around the face. She rashly decided to give him what he wanted, hoping it might bring the whole event to an earlier finish and she could sleep. She was not doing it for herself, she was doing it for her mum and she was more acting out the feelings he wanted. None of this was real. She just wanted away from him, from his touches and from him taking possession of her young body.
“Say my name,” he ordered as he started to fuck her more radically. “Come on, say it and show me you like it.” Her lips could barely make the right shapes as she forced the awful words past them. “Ohh… Ph-Phil… yes…” she breathed. She couldn’t bare it, it felt like pure betrayal to do it, even if she were moaning it in fake password. She only hoped that he knew it was all just for show. But the smile on his face told her otherwise. His heartLeapt at hearing her utter his name. Though he sensed that it could very well be fake,, he didn’t buy into that thought right now. All he could think was that she was saying it and wanting him, loving the feel of his cock. He ploughed her harder at the encouragement and he was ready to give into his orgasm when he realized that would be far too much of a waste. The night was young yet and he had to get a lot more from her than just a brief missionary fuck. “Mmmm you like that don’t you.” He left it as a statement rather than a question, fearing the real answer.
He pulled his whole shaft out of her and sat back between her legs, gripping the base of his cock. She looked down at him puzzled, thinking she may have had a reprieve. But he was soon breathily issuing his next plan for her. “I want to try something a little different. Turn over for me.” He made the gesture with his hands. “Why?” she asked, obvious fear in her voice, Shewas nervous, yet the prospect of turning around would at least give her the benefit of facing away from him. “Just a different position,” he told her, his cock still raging to be back inside the warmth. She knew she couldn’t afford to irritate him and resignedly turned herself over, setting herself up awkwardly on her hands and knees. He grabbed one of her asscheeks and squeezed. “Mmm you can trust me tonight Kiara. I just want to slip into you from behind.” He means it too. He wanted to push inside her deeper from this angle and kissed her neck from over her shoulder. He held her hips as she buried her face into the pillow. He could hear her tense breathing as he shifted into position. Her warm pussy lips slipped easily around his engorged tip and he moved slowly, fucking her with just the first couple of inches.
He looked down to see her young pussy gaping wide. He also saw the tighter hole above it, pumped and inviting. His mind began torace and his cock flexed as he entertained the wicked idea. He wondered to himself how easy it would be to slip out of her pussy, move up and push his cock right up her ass instead. He couldn’t help himself. He’d just have to try. He would never get a chance like this again: Her on all fours, presenting her untouched asshole to him. Before he knew what he was doing he was shoving her hips forward in one swift movement and recovering up, pulling her buttocks apart with his thumbs. He pushed his tip against her closed asshole: the only virgin hole she had left. As soon as she felt her cheeks being parted, she knew his intent. She flinched hard and gasped, trying to jerk herself away. She was squirming and thrashing violently, doing everything to try and pull her defenseless asshole away from his cock. But he was already pushing hard, trying to force her open for him. “N-no. Phil no. Not there! Please! You can’t do that. I’ve never had anything there!” Even as she panted the words out though, he didn’t seem to be listening it and her hole was starting to tear open from his pressure on it.
All tenderness was now gone as he rammed his hard cock further, pulling her back onto him. Her tortured screams were muffled by the feathered pillow and she finally gave into her tears. As a scorching blade of pain seared through her whole body, the tight ring of muscle finally yielded and his cock ripped into her. She could just about register him moaning out in ecstasy behind her at the sheer tightness of it. It feel like she was being torn apart as he shoved deeper, inch after agonising inch pushing in further, stretching her open impossiblely wide. She cried and screamed louder each time he forced his way back in, her throat quickly becoming dry from the shrinking. Even after he’d penetrated her for the first time, each additional stroke was still hard, and her ass stayed tight and resistant. He rammed mercilessly over andover, trying to loosen her up as she sobbed bitterly. He could hear the age in her voice as she gave stringed muffled screams, still begging him to stop.
By now he didn’t care that he had wasted all the trust he built up with her, he just wanted to fuck this new tighter hole nice and deep. Soon their thighs were smacking together and he was forcing her to bounce off of him every time he thrust forward. His cock squeezed its way far into her ass every time and he reached under her to grab at her swinging tits. “No..No no! Please it hurts so much! take it out of me!” She screamed harder. Just as her vision went blurry and she thought she was going to pass out, she felt his cock twitching inside her. She knew from experience it means he was going to cum and she buried her head harder into the fluffy pillow. By now her face was bright pink and her cheeks were streaked with hot tears mixed with saliva. He rammed himself harder into her ass as he got closerand closer to his incredible release. He tugged on her hair just at the last second, pulling her red face up, kissing at her salty cheek and looking into her eyes as his cock began to exploit. He held himself deep in her snug asshole, shooting ropes of hot cum deep into her bowels.
The room seemed utterly silent and dead once he was done emptying himself. He was breathing deep for air and she was still sniffling uncontrollably. Apart from that, there was no noise at all and a shocked hush descended. He pulled back, her ass still hugging tightly at his cock as he tried to get out. He slumped down beside her, breathless and grinning up at the ceiling, sensing her misery and age. She wept uncontrollably, her tears drenching the sheets. She crawled her way painfully off of the bed and dragged her shattered body over to the armchair again, trying to get as far from him as possible. She curled up on it, naked and humiliated. She was bruised and broken, a humiliating mixture ofcum and blood eking from her asshole. She squeezed her eyes tight as she continued to sob, her asshole still raw and throbbing. “I love you mum..” she whispered into the soft chair as her tears rolled down her cheeks and dripped onto her legs.
Phil stretched his body out, his cock now laying limp in his lap, spent and satisfied. He slipped under the covers himself, feeling tired. He lay there for several minutes grinning, obviously proud of himself. He reached over and turned his lamp light out before getting fully comfortable. He thought he heard her whispering away to herself and nodded in confirmation. “Oh you did so well… Just incredible.. He yawned and then laid his head down, looking over at her. “I love you Kiara. Just remember that.” He left those words inside her head even though he knew she’d never believe him. Not now. Not after him turning her sweet dreams of this evening into such horrible nightmares.
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