Part 3
Arriving home I un paused the world and settled into my sofa to think. I thoroughly enjoyed my night but wanted more. Obviously I could not stay over at Joanna’s house but I could look in on her through the cameras I had installed. I booted up my laptop and activated the cameras. They were not motion sensor ones as I couldn’t afford them, so they broadcast all the time over the wifi. Sadly no video was capable of being stored. Not that it mattered as they were just there to be able to see what Joanna was doing. I opened the app on my laptop and saw that she was still sitting on the couch watching TV. In reality, only a couple of minutes had passed for her, rather than the couple of hours I had been in her house.
I plugged in my hard drive and looked through the photos I had taken from her computer and flash sticks. There were many. I deleted any that did not obviously have Joanna in them and was still let with several hundred. Iwould enjoy playing around with those at a later date. What I needed was a better camera now to take photos of her on my visits to her. I opened up a browser and searched for top end cameras. It came down to a choice between the Canon 1DX and the comparable Nikon. The prices were horrific and the lenses needed to get them to give the best results were also hugely expensive. There was no way I could afford them. I would have to steal them then! I also researched lights, flashes and everything needed to set up a studio in a room. I had lots of plans for taking pictures of Joanna! I noted the addresses of various photo stores in town and I went to bed that night a very happy man indeed.
The next morning I woke up before my alarm and rolled over, grabbed my laptop and booted up the cameras in Joanna’s house. I saw her lying there in bed, still sleep. I watched her sleeping peacefully for a while then got up and went through my morning routine. As it was a Saturday, I did not have to go to work. I planned to get all the photo equipment I needed today. I sat and read the morning news on my ipad as I drank a cup of excellent coffee. I killed time until the stores opened and then set off.
I took a cab to the urban shopping district where there were several different camera specialist shops. I made sure that I alted from the cab a fair distance from the shops. I disappeared into an alley and after checking that there was no cctv, I pressed the button. I walked through the frozen streets to my destination. I entered the shop and went straight to their security cameras. I checked that they were frozen and did not record me entering. They did not, so I went through to the huge store room and searched for either of the cameras I was after. The first one I found was the Canon 1DX, so I took the huge box it came in and left the store. I walked a couple of shops up to the next one and after going through the same thing with the security, I looked for the high end lenses I wanted. I found these and grabbed 3 different ones that I had read were the best for what I wanted. I then went to a different shop and took a tripod, various memory cards and light boxes and trigger flashes. I now had everything I needed to photo Joanna. I lugged it all back to the alley where I had originally paused everything and unpaused the world again. I managed to hail a cab successfully first attempt! Piling it all in the trunk, I got it to take me home. I was pretty sure that my stealing would not be picked up. I had gone to three different shops so as not to cause massive loss to just one- I had moral standards after all!
I spent the afternoon playing with all the new toys- working out how to take pictures using the tripod and remote trigger. This trigger would be useful as I could set it to take a picture every second or so! It was so cool, especially when I thought that I had several thousand dollars worth of kit here. Perhaps I would take up photography as a hobby? The camera was a bit big to lug around though! I was feeling very horny again now. I looked on my computer to see if Joanna was at home. I couldn’t see her in the cameras. Maybe she was out- not unusual after all! I would have to find some way of tracking her movements if I wanted constant access to her! I packed all the kit away once I had worked out how to use it all. I stored it all in easy to carry bags ready for when I next went to Joanna’s house.
I wanted to kill some time before Joanna got home. I was in a dilemma, I thought it would be fun to go and satisfy my horny urges by pressing the button and finding someone but, if I did that it would mean that Joanna froze where she was and would not be any closer to coming home! I decided to wait for Joanna- my lust for her was all encompassing at the moment! I hung around the house, reading a book I had been meaning to get into. Eventually, well after dark, Joanna arrived home and started preparing for bed.I watched her on the computer, the cameras I had installed worked perfectly. Joanna moved around her house with the grace of a woman comfortable in her surroundings. Joanna did not cook anything for her supplier, so she must have eaten when she was out. Did she eat alone, with friends, on a date? Was I too obsessed with her? Probably! Nevermind, I enjoyed fulfilling my perversions! As I waited for her to go to bed, I worked on a document that I had to present to Joanna on Monday morning. My attention wavered as I saw her undressing on the screen and putting on a basic nighty. I reminded myself that I would have to purchase some really sexy lingerie for me to bring over to her house to dress her in. I would have to remember to note down her sizes. I waited for Joanna to go to bed. I wanted her to be lying in her bed for everything I had planned. I did off . When I awoke, it was morning and I quickly looked at the camera feed. Joanna was up and already leaving for work. Oh no! I had slept through the night. I was pretty upset with myself but I had obviously needed the sleep. It was not the end of the world as I could always go over to Joanna’s house tonight. Also, I would see her at work in a little while. I went off to shower and get ready.
Arriving at the office, I found that Joanna was already in and had left a message for me to come and saw her as soon as I got in. I dumped my stuff in my office and made my way to hers. Joanna greeted me and we were straight into work mode. We discussed the week ahead and the big project we were working on together. As we were wrapping it up, Joanna asked me for a professional favor.
‘I’ve got a request for you, I have agreed to take on an intern for the next 2 months. Her name is Kara and she is my older brothers step daughter. Kara is 25 and looking to break into our line of work. I would like to place her to shadow you for her time here. Would you be willing? She will be able to take some of the workload off you. What do you think?’
I replied ‘ Well if she is 25, she is not fresh out of college and lacking any sort of life experience, why not? When does she start?’
‘Kara arrives after lunch today.’ Joanna replied, ‘ she will stay with me for her time here. I’ll bring her to meet you when she arrives, then I’m taking her out to get her bearings and get settled at home.’
My heart sank as I heard this. I was looking forward to having Joanna at home all to myself. However, when I thought about it, it made no difference, it was not like Kara would be able to see or know what I was doing with Joanna when I had her frozen, as Kara would be paused too. Also, she might be hot.
I returned to my office and spend the morning working. I went out for lunch, grabbing a wrap and a drink and taking them to the park to enjoy in the sunshine.
Hurrying back to the office, I settled down to work again. There was a knock at thedoor and Joanna came in leading a very petite and pretty brunette. Joanna introduced me to Kara. We made pleasantasants for a while and Joanna said that Kara would start with me first thing in the morning. I was very pleased with my first sight of Kara. As they left, I thought I had better have a closer look. I let them get down to the end of the corridor and I pulled out my phone and hit the pause button. I Walked down the corridor to catch up with them. Kara was wearing a knee length skirt and a light blouse, looking very professional indeed. Full marks for effort on her first day. She was pulling along a large wheeled suitcase that obviously had all her stuff in it. I walked round her and had a good look at her. She was quite small, longish brown hair pulled back in a pony tail. At first glance she had very small breasts. I stepped to her and pulled her blouse out and looked down her top. She had a very tight black bra on and very small breasts. I gave them a fondle and was pleased that they felt firm in my hand. I knelt down behind her and raised her skirt up. Kara was not wearing any stockings, having bare legs in the hot weather. I wondered how long this would last as Joanna was a stickler for women not having exposed legs in the office. I pulled her skirt higher and exposed Kara’s bare buttocks, thrilled that she was wearing a lacy black thong. Her bum was tight and pert, feeling Very athletic indeed. I moved round to the front and pulled her thong aside to get a look at her pussy. I was delighted to discover that she had shacked her pussy, with just a thin landing strip above her pussy, similar to Joanna’s. I was very excited now that they would be sharing a house together. I foresaw great fun for me ahead! I would definitely go round tonight! I rearranged Kara’s thong and pulled her skirt back down. I checked her over to make sure she stood as I found her. She was fine. I gave Joanna a quick fondle and walked back to my office. Once inside, Ipeeped through the window and pressed the button. Joanna and Kara leaves to life and continued walking towards the lift. I spent the next few hours preparing everything for Kara to get started on tomorrow.
After work, I hurried home to get sorted for my trip to Joanna’s house tonight. I turned on my live feed camera of Joanna’s house and saw the two women just leaving the house. They were obviously going out for dinner. They were not dressed to provocatively, so they were not going for a night on the town, rather a dinner between friends. I did not suppose that they would be back too late. I packed Everything I thought I might need- camera equipment, towels, condoms, wet wipes etc. I then awaited their return. They were not late at all and once home they more or less went straight to bed. I enjoyed watching Joanna undress and get into bed. I regretted not putting a camera in her spare room though as I could not watch Kara get undressed. Once Joanna was in bed, I gave ithalf an hour for her to fall asleep then I pressed the pause button and hurried over there. I drove over to save time, through the frozen streets, not worrying about being seen as everything was on hold. Once there, I let myself in with the spare key I had cut a couple of days ago.
The first thing I did was to go to Joanna’s bedroom and set up the camera on a tripod, wire up the flashes and the lighting kit. I then wandered through to Kara’s room to see what was what. Inside, I saw Kara lying in bed under the sheets. It was like having a new gadget or toy to unwrap. I delayed it and savoured the moment. I went to her closet and looked through her things. I enjoyed looking at her underwear- much sexy items than Joanna’s knickers. There were plenty of thongs and matching bras, those sexy boy shorts that did not show a visible panty line under a dress or pants. I was going to thoroughly enjoy seeing which ones Kara wore everyday to work as I intended to have a lookEveryday! I walked over to the bed and throw back the sheets exposing Kara to me. She was dressed in a long t-shirt and a pair of conservative black panties. I wanted her naked. I quickly stripped her naked and took in the magnificent view. She was very athletic, with a beautifully toned body, muscled but not overly so, just enough to show a hint of definition but extremely womanly. Her breasts were indeed small but firm and she had such amazing nipples, long and pointy. I played with them between my fingers, pulling them teach and lightly flicking them with my index finger. My attention wandered down to her pussy. As I had seen earlier, she had a thin landing strip above her pussy but sad lips. My ideal on a woman! I could not resist pushing my face into her pussy and inhaling her smell, womanly and sexy! I pushed my tongue between her folds and lapped at her lips and clip, causing her to moisten. It took all my will power to stop and I sat back and drank in the sight before me. Beautiful.
I then undressed, carefully leaving my clothes in a pile by the front door. I went back to Kara and carried her into Joanna’s room. I lay her face down on the bed while I dealt with Joanna. I quickly stripped off the sheets and Joanna, leaving both women lying face down on the bed, exposing their sexy asses to me. I arranged them so that they were lying side by side. I then snapped away happily, capturing the soft curves of their buttocks, moving around to see the curve of their breasts as they lay there. I then moved Joanna so that she was lying on her back with her legs up and open. I took the opportunity to have a good lick of her pussy, loving the now familiar taste and enjoying the increase of juices. Stopping, I positioned Kara so that she was kneeing with her head down in Joanna’s pussy and her ass up in the air. I rubbed Kara’s face around in Joanna’s pussy, spreading Joanna’s juices around Kara’s face. I then moved behind Kara andmoved my erect cock to her pussy. I rubbed it up and down Kara’s slit, feeling her juices start to flow as she became more aroused. I then thrust into Kara’s pussy, feeling her tightness as her pussy gripped my shaft. I very slowly move my hips, causing my cock to slowly move in and out. I pushed forward slowly to get myself as deep into her pussy as I could. It was a wonderful feeling, my cock head up against her cervix. I had deliberately not hurt a condom as I intended to cum elsewhere tonight! Throughout all this, the camera had captured all of it, snapping away every second. I stopped fucking Kara before I lost it. Leaving her where she was, I moved Joanna so that she was in exactly the same position as Kara. It was a wonderful sight, two glorious asses up in the air, pussies and assholes exposed to me. Both their heads were on the bed. I turned them to look at each other. I pulled out two butt plugs from my bag. I lubed up the second smallest one and gently pushed it into Joanna’s ass, all the way til it was seated comfortable. I then got hold of the smallest one ( the one I had used on Joanna earlier this week), lubed it up and very gently began to work it against Kara’s sphincter. I eased it past her ring, increasing the pressure until her ass had taken it all inside. I then stepped back to survey my handiwork. There before me were two extremely sexy women with their asses full of Plastic butt plug. I enjoyed taking photos of this myself! As they were on the edge of the bed, I was able to step up behind each of them and enjoy shoving my cock into their wet pussies in turn. First Joanna then Kara, alternative every few strokes. When I was fucking one of them, my hand was reaching over and working the butt plug in the others ass, stretching their ring, awaiting the day when I would fuck them both anally. I had to stop before I came as I had special plans for where I would dump my cum tonight!
I got on my knees behind Joanna and started licking her pussy from her clip at the bottom up her pussy and up to her bum hole. I love running my tongue around where her ring met the butt plug. I tried to push my tongue into her as well but with the plug in it was too tight. I moved over and did the same to Kara, I loved the way they tasted so different but yet so similar. I tried to push my tongue into Kara’s as well but, just as with Joanna, she was too tight. I contented myself with lots more pussy licking and some rough fucking of their asses with their butt plugs. It gave me such a thrill to think that I was stretching their asses so that they could accommodate my cock soon. I plugged my dick back into Joanna’s pussy, slowly working my shake in and out of her dripping tunnel. I moved across to Kara, as I thrust into her pussy, I loved the fact that my cock was lubricated by Joanna’s juices. It turned me on to fuck them both at the same time and to share them together. I was nearing cumming again, sotime to move on with my plan. I withdraw from Kara and moved her so that she was sitting upright in bed with her legs spread. I then moved Joanna forward so that her face was in Kara’s pussy. I did the same as I had done with Kara, I moved Joanna’s face all round Kara’s pussy, making sure that she got covered in Kara’s delicious pussy juice. I then took several photos of this myself. I made sure I got some wide angle shots as well, showing that Joanna still had her butt plug inside her. It was now time to cum. I wanted to spurt all over Joanna’s face and get some really good close up photos of it, it being a fetish of mine, seeing a pretty face covered in cum, mine especially! I moved Joanna down the bed so that she was lying down on her back. I then positioned Kara so that she was kneeing over Joanna’s face. Of course I took photos of this, I even moved Kara up and down so that she was sitting on Joanna’s face and smearing her with her pussy juices. I then came up behind Kara and thrust hard into her pussy. I vigorously fucked her hard, not slowing down at all. I gripped her hips and pulled her back, impaling her on my hard cock. I was sorely tempted to unload inside Kara but by sheer willpower alone, I managed to pull out in the nick of time and start pumping my creamy jizz all over Joanna’s face. My first spurt went from Joanna’s chin, up over Her lips, the right hand side of her face and over her eyeshes and forehead. The second spurt coated the other side. The further weaker spurts I directed onto her lips and cheeses. Eventually, I was spent and Joanna was covered in my cum. I quickly got off, moved Kara out of the way and got the camera. I then proceeded to take shot after shot of Joanna’s cum covered face. It took them from directly above, from the side and the other. I must have taken a couple of hundreds shots. Once I was satisfied I had enough, I got out the wet wipes and wiped up Joanna’s face. I made sure that I went all over, getting all traces of my cum and Kara’s pussy juice. I did the same to Kara’s face whilst I was at it. I deposited the used wipes in a plastic bag I had brought with me.
I sat for a moment and surveyed the scene. On the bed, naked were two incredibly sexy women that I had just fucked. They both still had their butt plugs in. I was already planning another session with them- I wanted to see them with a double ended dildo in their pussies, that would make some great photos! However, for now, I had to put them and everything else back as I had found it. I started with Kara as I had to move her to her room. I took out the butt plug and enjoyed watching her sphincter quickly return to normal size- man she was going to be tight! I wiped it off and put it away. Then I thoroughly wiped her pussy and ass, as I did not want her sticky juices to give anything away. I carried her back through to her bedroom, where I dressed her in her panties and shirt again. I returned her to bed in the appropriate position I had found her in. I scanned the room to see if I had everything right then returned to Joanna. I spent some time working her butt plug in and out. When I eventually withdraw it, I took the opportunity to insert a finger in her ass, then squeeze in another. I pushed my thumb into her pussy as well and enjoyed fingerprinting her like that for a while. I then paid the same attention to Joanna’s pussy and ass with the wipes. I dressed her and laid her back in bed as she had been. I then checked the room and the house back to the front door where my clothes were. I made sure that I had all the used wipes, butt plugs and everything else I had with me. I then locked the door behind me and drive home. Once inside my front door, I went to my computer and then unfroze everything. I watched the feed from Joanna’s house to check everything. Joanna moved a bit in bed but did not wake up as far as I could tell. I could not see Kara but assumed that as she did not come out of her room that she was ok. What a great night! As I was at my computer, I quickly ordered a large double ended dildo, a small slender one that I could use as a double ended in their asses and also a stick on one as well. I then uploaded all the photos I had taken tonight onto my computer to view and play with tomorrow. I went to bed a happy man!
The following morning I almost jumped out of bed. I could not wait to get to work and see Joanna and Kara. I was learning that the one downside of the pause button was that although I could do what I wanted, there was no animation in the people involved. Therefore, I was keen to see them walking and talking! I also wanted to try to gauge if they had suspected anything about what had happened. I was confident that they would not suspect me, but I wanted to see if they had more general suspicions. Arriving at the office early, I made sure that everything was ready for Kara to ease straight into her work. I happened to be in the reception area when they arrived together. Joanna had an important meeting with clients first things so she was keen to get away and prepare for it. She looked fantastic this morning but I was biased! She left Kara with me. I greeted Kara as we walked into my office and asked her if she had slept well and had not jet lag.
‘Oh yes, I slept well thanks. I had the most amazing dream!’ She said with a smile.
Fantastic I thought! Perhaps she got as much pleasure out of it as I did? I doubted it though! She had probably dreamt that she was having sex with some movie star. Never mind, I did not care, she was mine to do with as I wanted!
Getting down to work, I explained about the project that was top priority, the one I was working on with Joanna. I answered the questions she had succinctly and then gave her time to read through the documents. I took the chance to answer some emails, glancing up occasionally to look at Kara intently reading. I took in what she was wearing today, a plain white blouse, a dark knee length skirt, with stockings or hose on underneath I noted- Joanna had obviously told her what was expected. Her hair was tied back in a simple pony tail. Kara looked fresh and sexy in an understated way. I counted myself very fortunate indeed to have her to play with for the next few months.
Kara would look up occasionally and ask pertinent questions about the project. She showed herself to be a quick learner with a sharp mind. At one point I had to get up to talk her through a diagram. I stood behind her pointing out things on the page. I kept getting glimpses down her blouse. I could not resist. I took out my phone and thumbed the pause button. Everything frozen and I lost no time I looking down Kara’s top. I pulled out the blouse from her chest to reveal a white bra that was too big as I could see her nipples easily nestling in the cups. As a voyeur, this was one of my favorite sights to see inthe street and this was no exception. I was about to have a good old grope when I realized that as I was standing next to her it would be too obvious once I un paused. So I put her blouse back in, retired a step and pressed the button. I continued pointing things out to her. When I had finished, I went to the other side of the room and prepared to email again. Really, I waited a minute and then pressed the button. I Walked over to Kara and had a good fondle of her small breasts under her shirt but over her bra. I then moved my hands into her bra, finding her large nipples and pulled on them, causing them to become erect and hard. I was also erect in my trousers. I pulled out my dick and spun Kara round in her chair. I pulled her forward and pushed my cock into her mouth. I grabbed two handsfuls of hair and used them as leverage to fuck her mouth. Amazing, she feel amazing. I comforted myself with her mouth. I pulled out til just my tip was in her mouth and rubbed my cock head aroundHer lips, occasionally pumping in a bit further. On the verge of cumming, I pulled out and thought about where I should cum? I had a nasty idea! I ran out of the room, along the corridor to the conference room and burst in to find Joanna stood in front of a group of clients. I quickly bent Joanna over the conference table. I pushed her skirt up, pulled her panties down, pushed my head into her pussy and licked her til she was wet. I stood up, pulled on a condom and thrust my cock into her pussy. I fucked her hard and fast as I was so aroused. Did it help that we were being ‘watched’ by a room full of people? In no time at all I was cumming in Joanna’s pussy, emptying my load in her. Pulling out, I took off the condom and tied it off, pulled up Joanna’s panties, and stood her upright again. I left the room as if nothing had happened! I went back to my office with Kara. I made sure Kara was dressed correctly again, spun her back round and then went to flush the condom. I returned to my office and pressed the button. I snuck a glance up at Kara but she gave no sign that anything was amiss. Man I loved this!
Not long later, Joanna came in to see us. I asked her how her presentation meeting had gone.
‘It went really well actually. Half way through I had the most incredible feeling come over me that gave me a boost of energy and I nailed it in the last half an hour.’ Joanna said, clearly elated that it had gone well.
Interesting I thought. She was clearly talking about after I had fucked her unknownly. Brilliant! That was one positive side effect. Joanna then took Kara out for lunch to celebrate. I was not invited. Not that I was bothered as I had plenty to mull over and on. I was starting to think about more than just how I could get off. I was thinking about how I could live comfortable with this power. I had proven I could take what I wanted when I took the camera and kit. Now, how could I make sure that I lived comfortably and had fun. I enjoyed my job, not just because I got to work with Joanna and now Kara, but, did I want to do it for ever? No, it would be good to have enough not to have to worry. I could not go out though and just take the money and deposit it in my account, that would be easily spotted. I would have to think up something much more clever. In the meantime though I would just Take it from ATMs. I went out for lunch to do just that. I waited near a busy ATM near the office. Every time someone withdraw cash, I pressed the button, wandered over and took a small number of bills off them. As they took it from the machine. I did not take much off any one person. After 45 minutes of this I had well over a thousand dollars easily. That would do for now. Funnily enough, would I Actually need cash, could I just take things I wanted? Yes but it was easier to have something to fall back on. One of the first things I did was to go and get a new phone, not an identical s5 but another samsung so I could give that to anyone who asked to borrow my phone. There was no way I was ever going to let another human being get his or her hands on my amazing phone with the tv remote app on it!
The afternoon passed without incident, mainly because Joanna was showing Kara her side of the business. I went home slightly early to see if my new orders hand arrived yet. Yes they had! Inside my porch was a large box in plain wrapping. It must be the dildos. I rushed in and opened the box. I pulled out a large, thick double ended dildo. I could already imagine this pushed deep in each girls cunt! Next was a Very slender double ended dildo. This would do for them anally. I could not wait! Last was a stick on dildo. I planned to use this to set up some sexy shots with the girls for me to enjoy taking their pictures.
I then paid attention to the pictures I had taken last night. The ones of Joanna’s cum covered face were especially good, as were they all in fact. They would makegreat blackmail material if the app ever failed! I was hugely tempted to share them on a sex site but did not think that would be the best of ideas. I did want to print some out though. I did not think that my humble desktop printer would do them just though. So, I went online and googled the best compact photo printers. I found several that would suit and looked for which shops near by sold them. I found one that had it in stock so I set off on foot to it as it was not far. I walked through my local mall and out the other side to some computer shops. Outside one in an alley way I pressed the button, wandered in and went back into the stock room. I found the printer I wanted. I carried it with me to the next shop where I took cables and several ink refill cars. I then went back through the mall towards home. Walking through, I saw some of the most amazingly sexy lingerie in a La Perla shop. I went in and helped myself to some undies and bras to dress the girls in later. I knewJoanna’s sizes but had to guess at Kara’s as I had not taken a note of them. Reaching home, I placed the lingerie by the door and worked on setting up the printer. I tried it out with what I thought was the best photo of Joanna’s cum covered face. It turned out superbly, so I printed out a few more of my favorites from last night. I was very pleased with the results! I found some tape and stuck them up in my study, behind the door where they would not be accidentally spotted by anybody who happened to visit.
I checked on the cameras in Joanna’s house. Neither of them were home yet, I expect that they had stopped for drinks and dinner on their way home.
Eventually, I saw movement on my computer as Joanna arrived home. They had several bags of shopping with them- they must have hit the shops for a spot of retail therapy. I wonder what they had bought? I supposed I would find out later. I expected that it would be the usual round of clothes and costumes that girls go out and buy as a form of bonding. Well, I would bond them later! I watched them go about their evening. They both made cups of tea and sat on the sofa watching something on TV. By 10pm, Joanna had wandered off into her room and Kara had headed towards hers. I still did not have a camera in Kara’s room but I could see into Joanna’s. Joanna was lying on the bed, with her hand down her loose pants. I could not see if her fingers were moving much as there was too much loose material. Still, I was sure that she was fingering herself! I watched with a tent forming in my pants. It was compelling viewing! I was even more amazing to see Joanna then pull out a pair of panties from in her bed and bring them to her face and sniff them as she continued to masturbate. Wow! Amazing! Whose panties were they? Could they be Kara’s? I hoped so! Perhaps Joanna was infatuated with Kara and wanted to get into her knickers. Or not?! That was such an arousing thought! I wasted no time, I pulled out my phone and pressed the button and headed straight round to her house.
I let myself in the front door with the key and rushed to Joanna’s room. There she was frozen in place with her hand down her pants and the panties pressed to her nose. I took them out of her hand and looked at them. They were used but clearly not Joanna’s as I knew all of hers and they were not her size. I went and checked against Kara’s size- they matched. And I found a matching bra! Wow! This made me think! I went back and replaced the panties in Joanna’s hand and left the house. I wanted to watch what would happen! I got home and pressed the button and Joanna continued as if nothing had happened. Joanna stopped to wriggle out of her clothes and lay there naked on the bed and continued to finger herself. I could clearly see her working two fingers into her pussy and then stopping and working her clip for longer periods. All through this the panties were clasped to herface. Joanna must have taken them from Kara’s washing. Little did she know that I had already made her fantasy a reality, well, I had pushed her face into Kara’s wet pussy, she might not have had me fucking her in that particular fantasy but it had happened last night. I stared at the screen transfixed. It brought my fantasy woman to a whole new level in my mind and I loved it. I did have enough presence of mind to make sure that I videoed the screen with my phone for future use, possible even blackmail at a later stage! How could I use this to my advantage? How could I use Kara to drive Joanna wild? There was plenty to mull over. Eventually, Joanna brought herself to what looked like and incredibly satisfying orgasm, the panties were in her mouth, probably to stifle her moans as much as anything. Joanna’s body shook and her hips bucked up and down as she came. I had my cock out and spurted a huge stream into the air as she did so it was such a turn on to watch. Joanna then tossed the panties casually into her washing basket and went into her bathroom.
I was left staring at an empty screen. I came to my senses and wiped up the cum I seem to have shot off everywhere. I then settled down to think. I would make sure that Joanna was turned on all day at work tomorrow. That would be easy with the button to use. Fortunately I had a long planning meeting with Joanna and would make sure that Kara was in the room too easily enough. I shelved my plans of going round and fucking them tonight as I had just cum and was so excited to lay plans tomorrow that I wanted to get off to bed and mull it all over in my head. I had a shower and lay down to cogitate!
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