My Buddy's Mom is now an obsession_(1)

My buddy’s Mom is now an observation.

Could not stop thinking about Rachel since I dropped her off at her friends yesterday and now I was heading over to pick her up. My anxiety and sense of urgency out of proportion to reality and now I was pulling up to Sue’s house an hour sooner than I was supposed to.

It did not matter. Sue opened the door and after the initial reaction of surprise, her expression went to a mock pout.

“Sorry stud muffin, Rachel left just a little while ago. Apparently Russell and Mr. Wagner got back in town earlier than expected.” Sue explained, and then leaned forward out of the door.

Whispering in my ear, “too bad my daughter is here other wise I would invite you in” as her fingers slowly cascaded down the front of my shirt, pausing ever so slightly at the top of my shorts.

My stomach reacted by sucking in from the light touch…the waist of my shorts bridged between my hipbones.

The opening allowed Sue’s long fingers unrestricted access and the tips of her fingers immediately found the head of my dick as it hardened to attention.

“Woo…” Sue cooed, as she thrust her hand down the front of my shorts enveloping my cock within her hand, sliding further down crackling my testicles in her palm, “oh…too bad, I was so looking forward taking advantage of you.”

I heard a door close somewhere in the house behind her. Sue quickly pulled her hand out of my shorts.

‘Way too bad…maybe next time?” She smiled and gave me a wink as she almost closed the door on my face.

Shit…now I was really horny, my dick was so hard I had trouble walking back to the car.

Against all common sense, I pointed my car towards Rachel…er, I mean Russell’s house. But as I neared their home, my upperhead started to overcome my lower head and realized it might not be the best time to show up when my lover’s husband was back in town. Maybe we could meet somewhere later…so I sent a text to her.

No immediate response, maybe she is tied up with them just getting home and all. Figured that I would waste some time hanging out downtown…but after a couple of hours of that and not getting a response, I headed home.

Without thinking, I sent more texts, about one and hour…still no responses.
Tried to rationalize…from thinking that she really did not have time, to well maybe this is for the best…glad to have had the opportunity and let us leave it at that. She is my buddy’s Mom after all.

Woke up a couple of times in the middle of the night with a raging hard on and dreams of Rachel and I having hard, violent sex. But that was just what it was…dreams.

Since Russell and I trade off driving each to school and it was Russell’s turn, my opportunity to accidentally run into Rachel was going to be slim to none this week. And, unless she would answer my text messages, I was out of luck. She did not.

The next week, I was stuck working both Saturday and Sunday, and more of my texting came up without a response.

Then late Sunday, Lori showed up at the store where I worked and made a beeline directly to the meat counter where I worked.

Now almost every day this past week I had seen Lori, but she too seemed to make pains to avoid me. Something was definitely up.

“Hey, MMF…we need to talk”. Lori at least was as sarcastic as ever.

I motioned her to a hallway.

“You have to stop texting your now ex-lover…my Mom”, she said it with almost a derogatory relish.

“You two are done…too risky, Mom says it was great but not right…then of all things she suggested we hook up,” Lori throw her head backwards with haughty sounding laugh.

“Don’t think so…unless I need a lap dog for sloppy seconds”, again with the sarcasm.

Then she turned and began to walk away, stopped, looked over her shoulder, “but then you never know” the word hung in the air as she blew me a kiss.

Well, guess that answered that…Rachel was done with me…I was hurt, but not heartbroken, just a deprived feeling.

The next week was my turn to drive, but the first few days Russell met me at the end of the driveway, so never had a chance to even get a glimpse of her.

Finally, on Thursday, Russell must have been running late so I pulled up the driveway.

I saw her walk past a window…with just that short silky robe that I had peeled off her shoulders the weekend before last. My lust rose quickly and I opened the car door.

But as I stood and faced the house, Rachel was in the window with her hand held out and her mouth forming a NO.

I got back in the car just as Russell came out.

No such lucky the next day.

Saturday early morning Russell called and asked if I could drive him to work because his Dad needed his car for a golf outing. Maybe another chance to see Rachel…told him to give me a half.

This time Rachel met me at the door…damn she looked hot, again in the short silk robe, just open enough to reveal the inner globes of those fine tits, the rush of wind from opening the door lifted one side of the lower portion of the robe. For an instant I could make out her shaft through the sheer material of her bikini underwear.

“Sorry about the last couple of weeks…can not risk it anymore…come back after you drop off Russell and I will explain” she said in a very urgent tone, just as Russell walked up behind her.

Russell had a goofy expression on his face as he eyed his mother up and down, then rolled his eyes. “For Christ sake Mom…somebody in the neighbor hood will see you flashing Jay”.

Even though in the back of my mind I knew that this was probably going to be the official end of very short affairs, I barely let Russell shut the car door when I dropped him off.

I raced back to Russell’s house… could not have been gone fifteen, maybe twenty minutes at the most.

Took multiple knocks before Rachel opened the door…she must have been just getting out of the shower as she was still wet…the robe sticking to specific points of contact.

“Jeez Jay…what did you do fly? I barely got out of the shower”. She said as she shushed me in.

“Let me get dressed…then we can talk,” She turned towards the stairs.

“That’s ok…you do not have to get dressed” I said half-heartedly with the biggest possible smile.

The smile was contagious as a smile came across her face, “Uhm…yes I do, this is a conversation to let you down…not up” her eyes rose along with her voice.

“Me or you?” I questioned jokingly as her now tout nipples projected from the thin fabric of her robe.

Her eyes followed mine to her chest…the smile still on her face, and then she closed her eyes and bit her lip.

I closed the two-step gap between us in one stride.

She raised her head and again the word no formed on her lips just before mine met hers.

Her hands opened against my chest, starting to push me back, but her effort was short lived. Instead they worked behind my head pulling me closer to her.

My hands were soon all over her as the robe slide to the floor, Rachel’s smooth, soft, still damp body yielded its treasures to my fingers.

Do not remember going from the bottom of the stairs to both of us naked on her bed, my cock embedded deep within her, our lust overwhelming us. Barely a couple of weeks apart had apparently built an insatiable desire.

First I was on top, then she rolled me over and took control, either way our rhythm never broke stride. I wanted to hold on forever…and from Rachel’s violence she was hanging on too.

Just as Rachel dug her nails into my chest, arched her back, and yelped loud…I explored deep within her…filling her with a multiitude of ever receiving after shocks.

She collapsed on me, but I was not through. I needed her whole body so I rolled her over and explored her with my mouth, tits, her nipples that are so exhaust, then her flat stomach…and finally the promised land.

Spent a good fifteen minutes showing my love for her cunt when I felt her pull my dick to her mouth. Another fifteen minutes, I was ready to cum again…but I wanted it elsewhere.

As if we were a practiced synchronized team, we were now in a normal missionary position, my cock at the entrance of her womanhood. Her cunt began to yield, and then pulled me in.

We fucked long and hard…neither of us willing to give up the moment. Cannot say how long…but longer than ever before. It was unsustainable though, and as her legs came up and locked across my back…my rhythm was starting to escalate.

From her rocking and emrithing, she too was building to a climax …Rachel did not hold back…she screamed…her finger nails again digging into me, my cock exploiting deep within her.

Then….”SON OF A BITCH!” a yell came from the open door behind me.

My head spun…Rachel’s stretched around my shoulder…there was Russell, his face bright red in anger, his fists clenched at his side.

“YOU MOTHER FUCKER!” He screamed as he slammed the door.

I scrambled to get my clothes on…Russell was stomping up and down the driveway when I caught up to him.

Anger seen from his eyes…and before I could say anything, he nailed me with a hard right cross. Down I went.

Now, I know that if push came to shove, I could take Russell. But…my guilt, shame…whatever precluded me from doing anything but avoiding additional pumping.

I jumped to my feet and avoided two wild swings from him and tried to say something to him.

Instead…he yelled, “Get the fuck off our families property…you are not welcome here anymore”.

I left just as he slammed the door on the house.

The thought hit me like a brick…I went from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows withinminutes.

A few hours later at work, I got a text from Rachel. It said she had calmed Russell down and hoped he would keep his silence, but that I should not expect Russell to be my friend again…and that she and I just had our last hooray.

We were done.

The next week I stayed as clear away from Russell at school as possible and it appeared he did too. But Lori cornered me once and sarcastically made it known that I fucked up for sure and now I did not have to ever, worry about the benefit of her sloppy seconds.

At the end of the week there was note stuck in my locker. Definitely came from Russell.

“How would you like it if I did your mom? Or better yet…if I told your mom that you did my mom?”

Holy shit…if he told my Mom…no fucking way. Mom throw Dad out about eight years ago because he apparently had an affair with a married friend of hers. Rachel and her were friends too…plus Rachel has known me since I was in diamonds. Mom would throw me out in a heartbeat.
Thankfully Friday night came and went without any catastrophe, even my younger sister did not give any indication of my issues with Russell and she was a quasi friend of Lori’s at school.

Saturday morning started out great too. I had to work the morning shift so I was up early, but Mom got up earlier and made me breakfast.

Mom generally got up early on the weekend because she is an avid jogger, has even run quite a few marathons. And though I never tried to think about her in this way, she is pretty attractive…a relatively thin athletes body and as she stood with her back towards me…I had to chuckle as a memory popped into my head.

A couple of years ago, Russell and I had volunteered for a charity run, part of a larger marathon event. We joined in at about the halfway point where a fork in the road dovetailed into the main road.

Well, at the time both of us were sixteen and of course hormones were raging. Where we didtailed in was with the female runners and the first thing we did was check out the spandex lady runners around and in front of us.

One, about fifty yards ahead of us, garnered both our attention. She had a very muscle shape and the firm ass on top of two long slender legs. Her blond ponytail trailed in her wake.

Russell elbowed me and nodded in her direction, I nodded back and we both put it into overdrive.

Being cool, we maintained our straight-ahead concentration until we were dead even…with her between us.

At the same time Russell and I turned towards her….Holy Shit! It was my Mom.

She did not have a clue as to what we did, but internally I was embarrassed as hell.

And then annoyed as Russell dropped behind her and stared at her firm, tight ass.

So that is what I thought of with Mom standing at our kitchen counter.

Do not get me wrong, Mom is very pretty but she is more of a runner than a clotheshorse.

But at thirty-eight, now, not then, she has just the same physical physique as if she was college runner. Right down to her chest, it is obvious in the skintight spandex running suits her boobs are barely a handful.

For a fleeting moment I wondered what she would look like next to Rachel…oh well, had to get to work.

All day the thought of the note kept popping up in my brain, and then the image of my Mom. By the end of the shift, my mind had rationalized the possibility of Russell and my Mom. The more and more I thought about it, yeah…I guess my Mother is more than doable.

I scrolled through the chronology of time since Dad got kicked out. It took a couple years before Mom even went on a date, and since then, I could count on one hand the dates. Only one guy actually camearound more than once…that was four years ago. He was my eight grade science teacher…Gregg. They met at teacher-parent conference.

He was in his first year of teaching, at least new to our area. Thinking about it, he could not have been more than twenty-five at the time…and Mom would have been about thirty-four.

In after thought, all but one of the guys she dated was younger than her…all by more than a couple of years. Holy shit…my Mom is a cougar!

Ok…ok, it does make sense, she is so physically active, maybe guys her age cannot stay up with her…I mean athleticly…then my dirty mind jumped to thought if her athletics related to her performance in bed. Damn…what the hell brought that thought on?

Driving home I had put all those thoughts to rest and concentrated on the music emanating from speakers. Then just as I was approaching the interaction connecting the main roadto the county road taking me home…I saw Russell drive past.

He was coming from the direction of my home. The hair on the back of my neck rose…perspiration popped out of my forehead… could swear that I even smelled fear.

I drove extremely slow those last couple of miles and took my time going into the house, trying to gather my thoughts for what was surely going to be some kind of confrontation with my Mother. The best-case scenario would be that Russell nailed her…wight lower my impression of her…maybe slightly, but knowing her, she would not allow any actions out of spite. If not, and she went her normal high road attitude…I might be sleeping in my car for the rest of my life.

Entering the house as quietly as possible, the first thing I noticed was the big bottle of wine sitting on the kitchen table. And then, my Mom’s hand reaching forward and setting down a half filled glass in front of her.

Mom slowly raised her head, her eyes boring through me as if I was a maggot. Obviously…she did not get laid. Worst-case scenario was upon me.

She gulped down the remaining wine in the glass and as she started to refill it, “Sit your ass down,” she demanded in a commanding tone, that and the fact my Mom rarely swore, I immediately plunked my butt down.

Mom has never had more than a small glass of wine as far back as I can remember, and even at that she would get a little tipsy, so her slugging down a tumbler full fortified the thought I was in major trouble.

From the remaining contents of the bottle, this was not her first glass.

She took another gulp…and it started, “Your buddy Russell stopped over…he…he…he…” that was the end of the introduction I guess, “What the FUCK were you thinking?”

“You…you…with one of my best friends…” and then after taking another slug of wine, “where have I gone wrong? You…you went to bed with Rachel? YOU HAD SEX WITH HER”, more of a scream than a question.

Not letting up, “Jay…she old enough to be your Mother! Sonofabitch…she is older than your Mother! She is your best friends mother for Christ sake!” She throw the empty tumbler, it whizzed past me clanking loudly against the wall.

Mom slammed her clenched fists on top of the table, “Damn it! I raised a fucking pervert! What kind of fucking mother am I?” She said more out of anger than self-evaluation.

“I have to figure out what to do…this is really, really fucked up”, Mom stood up and went to the cupboard pulling two tumblers out.

Mom was just wearing jogging shorts and a loose V-neck t-shirt…totally non-descript. But for some reason, maybe her attempting to control an out burst of rage through her anger, or maybe the effects of the wine…possibly both. She made no attempt at modesty.

When she reached up to get the tumblers, the lower globes of her firm ass cheeks were exposed by the leg openings pulling up when she stretched.

Cannot believe, I am getting verbally reamed due to me not using restraint acceptable to normal social protocols…and here I am admiring the fine, firm, curves of my own Mother’s ass.

Mom turned around, hesitated a moment, then…”What the fuck is wrong with you…wipe that smirk off you face! Do you think this is a joke? What the fuck???” Mom’s words slurred a little.

Mom leaned over setting the glasses down, pushing one over to me. My eyes immediately focused on the opening of her V-neck. I stared at two firm, fine, half a grapefruit size mounds. Mom does have tits!

My brain quickly evaluated, picturing Lori leaning over…now my Mom…Mom’s were more filled, a little larger.

It took Mom a moment or so and then she followed my eyes.
“Shit! You…God damn it!” Mom exclaimed as she quickly sat down…her tits jiggling just so…and then her nipples poked the fabric of her t-shirt.

I was actually getting horny…wanted to find Rachel…maybe even Lori…good thing my sister was out with friends for the day…what the hell…where did that thought come from. Then the thought…if that was not my Mom sitting across from me…no, stop right there.

Mom reached to fill up her glass…then poured some in the other glass, the stretch almost exposing her right title. She caught me looking and sat back with a look of disgust on her face.

“Take a drink” Mom commanded.

I hate wine…but did it anyway, the liquid actually burning as it flowed down my throat.

Mom again followed my eyes…they were focused on her now tout nipples.

“Jay!” she yelled getting my attention, “I am your Mother for God’s sake…these are your mother’s…not some whore on the street.”

“You…you’re…you are not…no, not possible,” she went from starting a question to answering it without me knowing what it is.

She sucked down half of her wine in her glass…for some reason I did too. It was now obvious that the wine was having an affect on her; she had a slight glaze on her eyes.

A minute or so passed, she had crossed her arms in front of her, blocking my view. Then she pushed her hands down and straightened up in the chair. Her firm tits pushed at the fabric. It was an unintended move on her part and due to the wine; it took a second or so for her to adjust. She gave her head a slight shake and I heard a “Jeez” emit quietly from her mouth.

Mom then starred straight into my eyes, the fog lifting, “Jay…I am trying to take this all in and account for all the causes…maybe it isn’t all my fault, but I know at your age your libido is almost uncontrollable…I should have had a better handle on it”.

Why is she even trying to somehow take responsibility…it was making no sense to me.

Instead my brain was working as to whether or not, if I was Russell, and had the opportunity…hell yeah, my mother was doable. Damn straight!

“Jay…JAY!” Mom now screamed, “Are you listening to me?”

“Ah…Uhm…yeah…I guess”, but really was not, the wine had me completely on a different tangent…sort of.
“What was I saying then?” Mom questioned.

“Something about if you would have done differently…and my uncontrollable libido…or hormones…something to that affect.” And then I added, “Mom…you are pretty hot too”.

“What the fu…I’m your mother…where the hell did that come from?” The shock seemed to force her to take another gulp of wine.

I did like wise.

“Uhm…I dunno…but you are”, I said after swallowing.

She took another slug, and then, “You are a fucking pervert…”

But she made no effort to cover up her pert tits pushing protruding sharp nipples, as her hands again were shoved down at her sides.

The expression on her face though gave no indication of me making any type of advance.

A moment or two of dead silence passed, then “do kids your age not have boundaries?”

It was a question delivered with a serious undertone…compelling me to answer.

“Maybe…mostly physical…but…” did not know how to finish, never thought of my Mom that way, and now did not want to close the door on the possibility.

Of course the affects of the wine had something to do with that too. And from what I could detect, a lot on my Mom’s current state also.

“But what…family? Age?” Mom questioned sharply.

“Uh…not necessarily.” Again, did not want to put myself into a box.

“Do I have to worry about you and your sister…me?” Mom’s tone faded slightly

What the hell, did not even think about my sister, but…she is not too bad looking for sixteen years old…pretty much a mirror image of Mom.

My lack of a quick comeback initiated a, “You pig!” from Mom.

“Ah…uhm…no…it wasn’t that, I…” trying to find the correct context.

“What do you mean…we are safe? Too young, too old…because we are family? Too ugly…too short, too tall? What are you trying to say?” Mom was definitely letting the alcohol talk.

But this also had an affect my response.

“Well yeah Mom…I’m safe…don’t think there is anything wrong with me…no you are not too young…err, I mean not too old…definitely not ugly,” and then I blurted out without thinking, “I would do you in a heartbeat”.

“Do what?” her head tilted at a funny angle.

“Uhm…I dunno…have sex with you?” my weak attempt at a probe with a hint of naiveté.

“Jay…Jay…do you have any idea what you are saying? Are you drunk?” It appeared to hit her that I might be a little intooxicated…some how this was humorous to her.

“Uh…maybe a little…but…I would” my answer was tinged by the smile now spreading across my face.

She laughed, and at the same time shook her torso allowing her tits to swing back and forth under her t-shirt, drawing my attention to them again. “Jeez…Jay, you’re a pig”.

Mom stood up, a bit uneasy, and then refilled her glass. As she set down her glass, she slipped slightly almost losing her balance. I quickly jumped up and reached out.

I thought that I was going to grab her upper arm…but Mom corrected herself by swinging her upper body to her left. My open hand was now a whisker thickness from her left title.

She froze…I froze…I could almost feel the fuzz of the fabric…my hand not more than maybe a thousand of an inch from touching her title.

Mom looked down…” Jay…you pig. Don’t you even think aboutit”.

I took that as a dare.

My hand clazped on her left title. It was actually bigger than I thought…her title was bigger than my hand.

“You SonOFABITCH”, came out of her mouth…but she did not pull away.

Even though her eyes were slightly glazed from the wine, they burned into mine with a well-known intensity I have seen over the years when I over stepped my bounds.

Yet she still did not pull way, instead she reached to the table with her other hand and picked up the glass of wine. While she did that, her weight pushed slightly against my hand… could not help myself…I gave her title a squeeze.

She downed the entire glass, my hand still coupled to her title, and then she straightened towards me…looked down at her hand-encapsulated title, “are you enjoying yourself?” The slurred question was a mix of sarcasm and alcohol.

Before she had time toEven get another breath, my left hand grabbed her right title.

Mom’s hands went straight for my wrists, clamping them tightly, she made a slight movement, a slight pressure to push them away. The pushing was so slight and lasted less than a heartbeat. Both of my hands took advantage and I felt the fullness of each breast in a couple of quick squeezes.

She still had a stern expression on her face as she looked at me with an air of defiance, but her hands were no longer pushing, but pulling.

Do not know what prompted me at that instant…but I leaned towards her, my lips touching hers. Her head jerked back slightly, then came back forward. I lightly pecked with my lips, hers responded. Both of us then yielded our mouths…our tongues moving around each ours.

Completely lost on me was the fact this was my Mother…I hope she also lost the familiar connection.

My hands somehow found their way under her t-shirt; the flesh was hot to the touch. Did not even feel myself slide around the barrier presented by the corner of the table, we were now standing toe to toe, one of my hands still on one title, the other pulling her closer by cupping one cheese of her ass.

My Mother’s hand had found my rigid pole, she slide up and down through the fabric of my shorts, squeezing, as if she was testing its hardness. She went up and down a couple of times and then slide her hand up the bottom of my shorts…she now had my naked cock in her palm.

There was no going back, I was not to be denied. With barely breaking our embrace, my hands slide her t-shirt over her head…her tits now completely unencumbered.

She pulled my shorts down and I stepped out of them at the same time my shirt was thrown across the room.

Mom stepped back…made one wiggle as she pushed her jogging shorts past her hips and then worked less likely kicked them to the side.

Her entire body naked…nothing to inhibit my vision, she is absolutely beautiful. Firm half a grapefruit size tits, flat hard stomach, slightly protruding hipbones, and…a completely shawred pussy…not one hair…I almost felt dirty with my short pubis.

Mom was returning the visual assessment, and even through alcohol glazed eyes, I noticed the sinister smile as her eyes settled on my hard cock.

“I dare you…”, came playfully out of my mouth.

“Yeah…right…like I need a dare,” Mom slightly slurred as she made the step between us disappear, grabbing my cock firmly while she turned and pulled me towards my bedroom.

The total debauched thought of me doing my Mother heightened my anticipation as I was almost pushing her. It was obvious that she was drunker than I had remembered her being and wanted to make sure I accomplished my now goal before her inhibitions were restored.


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