Holiday at the Inn – Chapter 2
Preface: It’s been a while since I have been able to write. Sometimes life just gets in the way. Finally I had the time and the inspiration to get back into it. Hopefully you will enjoy it and find the wait worthwhile. I expect chapter 3 to follow sooner rather than later.
Chapter 2
Several hours pass with Jake reminiscing of the amazing stranger and their amazing encounter. Attempts to distract himself fail when each noise hear through the walls brings his mind back to her. Eventually he remembers the family style dinner the inn serves and he decides to clean up for it. When he originally made reservations he planned on skipping the meal thinking he would feel like a third wheel. Now he’s almost eager to attend. It will mean meeting the boyfriend but Jake feels confident he can handle the situation.
Jake hears footsteps ascending the stairs while he buttons up a freshshirt. There’s a knock on the door across the way. Hearing the muddled voice of the hostess reminding the couple of dinner illustrations how little sound deadening ability the old building has. The next knock is on Jake’s door. He acknowledges his attendance “Be right down” without opening. He finishes dressing but waits several minutes after the couple has headed down before making his way.
Entering the small dining area Jake is commanded by Marilyn the hostess. At check in she requested he call her Mary but Jake prefers Marilyn and the sexier mental image that goes with it. He decides on using Ma’am to avoid confrontation. She takes him by the arm and it becomes obvious she will direct the night’s events. She is an older but vibrant lady who has managed to keep her beauty intact. Jake wonders for a moment how she does it. Then decides it’s with exercise, and diet. He suspects loose clothes and long hems are meant to cloak her figure. Seconds later she leans over and a glimpse of cleavage confirms his hunt. Nice shapes do exist.
First up is the couple staying in the room at the back of the house. Bill and Tammy are introduced as newlyweds. Earlier Jake had seen Bill pull luggage out of a car but he must have missed Tammy. Jake shakes hands and offers a simple hello. Bill is a little taller than Jake and carries more weight but he isn’t overweight. Jake thinks “stocky” to himself and is careful not to say it out loud. Bill rattles on quickly making it obvious he is a little too outspoken for Jake’s taste. It takes far too long to explain that this isn’t their honeymoon. They are just out for a relaxing weekend from the stresses of work. Jake contemplates tactics for getting away from “Mr. Mouth.”
On the other hand, Bill’s bride Tammy might make spending time with Bill tolerable. Her bottle blond hair offers a slightly trashy look Jake can appreciate. Adding to the appeal is her short petite frame which carries a nice figure moving the seductress in proportions. Working to hide his attention Jake maintains eye contact with Bill. Tammy finally cuts Bill off to ask Jake how long he is staying. Included in her question Jake detects a hint of sensitive tone. The tone is verified with a distinct twinkle in her eye and a subtle tease in her body language. Tammy’s attention is interesting but Jake maintains a poker face façade of non interest to avoid tipping off Bill “I’m not sure, but probably through Sunday.” Marilyn returns with a comment about dinner being ready shortly which distracts Bill. Tammy takes the opportunity to respond with a more sultry tone reaching for Jake’s arm “So we will get to see you around.” A warm smile follows while her hand drifts over Jake’s muscles. “You will!” Jake confirms adding a wink before Bill’s attention returns.“Very nice” Tammy confirms as if they had just discussed weather. “Very nice indeed!”
Marilyn takes Jake’s hand steering him towards the next couple. Again he makes sure to shake the man’s hand first. Introduction as Troy he stands about two inches taller than Jake, but he has a wy frame that seems frail. Both men are polite but neither seem interested in befriending the other. Calmly Jake moves to shake the next hand as Troy announcements her name to be Nicole. Jake repeats the name in his head a few times before slowly offering a deep “hello” to match their first greeting in the lobby. Maintaining neutral body language its only Nicole’s smile that lets Jake know she recognizes the correlation. As if Mary senses the connection, she pulls Jake away limiting their interaction.
Introduction as Joseph, the last attendee is Mary’s husband. He asks to be called Joe. Jake is surprised when Mary cuddles tighter on his arm in Joe’s presence. Joe doesn’t seem to notice her affection and offers a hearty handshake to Jake as if they had been friends for years. Joe is overweight but well-dressed and well-manicured with tightly trimmed hair and meticulous bear. When Joe moves to address the group regarding dinner Jake wonderers to himself how long it has been since Joe has seen his own penis and chuckles.
Mary directs the guests to dining area and motions them to sit on the long sides of a modest table. Its clear seating will be rather intimate. She guides Jake to a seat near her end and then disappears to retrieve the meal. Everyone settles in and Jake notices how all three male guests are all seated at Mary’s end while the women are seated down by Joe. He didn’t notice Joe directing people so he wonders if it’s a conflictence or possibly the result of earlier instructions from Marilyn.
Joe opens two bottles of wine and fills glasses full. Mary serves food with smiles and comments on the recipe. Once finished serving, Joe raises his glass for a toast. “Here’s to new friends close and near, to old friends far and dear, may we all find happiness and good health, for its far better than all the world’s wealth.” Jake feels Mary’s foot searching for his leg. Casually it cuddles Jake’s calm gently struggling up and down. Glasses raised they all motion for the toast. Jake’s mind contemplates what the night may hold in store with his first sip.
The meal proceeds with light conversation and plenty of wine. Jake loses count at 6 bottles but figures eight or nine were served. Discussions reveal some interest in going to town to local bar to watch a soccer match. Joe seems eager to have company and Troy commits. Jake calmly bows out while Bill teeters on the fence undecided. Nikki and Jake manage to keep their excitement in check knowing Troy’s departure opens doors for interestingsing possibilities. Tammy ends up requesting Bill stay with comments about their time together. He agrees with reluctance. Conversations break up, the table is cleared, and espresso is served with miniature deserts.
Before long the sports fans decide it’s time to leave if they want a good table. Cordial goodbyes go out to each new acquaintance and they head out. The remaining guests move to a screened in patio off the side of the house to finish their warm treatment in the cool night air. Jake chooses a small loveseat style sofa wondering if Nikki might join him. She opts for a swing facing out instead. Jake decides that it’s her way of masking her intentions. Conversations are light and relaxed. Marilyn provides a blanket to each of the ladies taking one for herself before moving to the open seat next to Jake.
Cuddled up together on another loveseat Tammy and Bill seems to be more interested in each other than the conversation. It isn’t long before Tammy asks about the hot tub. Marilyn stands and happily indicate its location outside and around the corner offering instructions for the controls. Again Bill seems oddly reluctant but they make their way off anyway.
When Marilyn returns she ignores the open end of the loveseat and sits at Jake’s side. “It’s chilly” she offers as a halfhearted excuse “keep me warm will you?” Jake politely extends his arm behind her allowing her closer. Without hesitation she flips the blanket over both of them. “So how long have you been dating Troy?” Marilyn asks of Nikki.
Nikki is somewhat amused by Marilyn’s boldness with Jake so the question comes as a bit of a surprise. “Uhhh, well, let’s see” looking off through the screen as if the answer might be out there in the darkness. “I guess it’s been about two years.” Jake feels Marilyn shifting to pull her legs up under the blanket. “And how did you two meet?” Jake slowly sips the warm espresso from his cup thinking again about the episode he shared with Nikki earlier. His thoughts are interrupted by the slow and casual hand of his hostess on his thigh. Continuing the conversation with Nikki, Marilyn demonstrates deft multitasking skills. It’s apparent that the questions and her actions are both well-rehearsed. Her nails drift up and down Jake’s leg a few times. Next they casually stroke his crotch finding his cock through his pants.
Tammy and Bill are heard making their way to the hot tub somewhere out of sight. Nikki asks about the tub’s size, again looking off into the darkness. Marilyn responds with a long story about having to replace it a few years ago while her hand tugs at the button on Jake’s pants. It pops free and she continues to the zipper. “We can all fit if we want, but maybe we should let them have their time!?” Nikki nods her headin agreement with a smile. Seconds later with disappointment in her voice she responds “I didn’t even bring a suit.” Marilyn’s hand frees Jake’s growing cock from his boxers while she responds that suits aren’t required in a playful tone.
The hand of his hostess wraps around Jake’s excitement. She firmly closes her fingers. Without moving she constructs and releases her grasp several times. Jake grows under her influence. A thumb slides up to the tip and rubs back and forth over it softly while the slow contracts continue. He watches Nikki across the way under her own blanket while feeling his pleasure build. The full scope of his earlier situation combines with the new development. His mind became focused on achieving another orgasm. He doesn’t care which woman it’s with, he just wants to cum.
Nikki’s interest in the darkness outside breaks. She looks at Jake and Marilyn curled up under the blanket. Jake keeps a poker face up but wonders if Nikki can sense something is happening. Familiar with a woman’s intuition he also knows how unlikely the pairing is. In her eyes Nikki seems to question the situation but then appear to dismiss it quickly. “Is there a bathroom down here?” she asks. Using her free hand Marilyn directs Nikki around to the powder room for the lobby remarking where the light switch for the lobby is.
Jake tries not to appear interested even though he watches Nikki make her way out of the room still wrapped in the blanket. Just as a squeaking hinge confirms her exit Marilyn shifts. The blanket is pulled over her head and some surprised Jake offers no resistance. Sensations of an experienced artist working quickly flow through his body when her warm mouth replaces her hand. “Oh fuck” he moans like a virgin school boy. From below the blanket Marilyn hums deeply “Ummmmhummmmm!” sucking him even harder.He adjusts to give her a better angle. She responds with another deep moan while his tip slips down into her throat. As if she is on a mission the talented lady works his cock up and down with a determination he isn’t accustomed to. His mind races with thoughts of how amazing Marilyn’s skills are and he loses track of time. His body prepares to cum for the gracious hostess.
Through the thin walls flushing water is heard but Jake is oblivious. His intention is to cum regardless of the risks. Marilyn presses her face farther onto his cock, swallows his tip several times stroking him with each motion. She then sucks firmly as she pulls herself off.
It takes several seconds for Jake’s mind to realize that she isn’t going finish him off. There is more than a little frustration but the squeaking hinge prevents his case from being made. Instead, with the calm nerves of a cat burglar Marilyn sits back up, wipes her mouth off and smiles for the enters Nikki.
“I think it’s getting colder” Nikki comments looking into the darkness again. She stands by the screen door seemingly unaware of the sexual presence. Jake waits impatiently for a hand to come finish the job that had been interrupted. Instead Marilyn sits up to the edge of the sofa pulling most of the blanket with her. Jake lifts the edge up trying to make sure Nikki’s vision is blocked in case she looks back. There isn’t much free fabric to work with. Luckily Nikki’s attention stays focused outside. Then, as if it were some sort of cruel joke, the once warm hostess stands to join Nikki taking the blanket with her. Jake chuckles at the situation knowing that Marilyn’s body provides some temporary observation. Regrettably he puts himself away still erect and eager to cum. He then sits back and take a last sip of his espresso trying to regain his composition.
The two ladies are quiet while both peer into the night. Having lost the conversation with his own distractions Jake waits to see what holds their interests. After several long seconds Marilyn says in a hushed voice “I hear the pump.” Nikki follows that with “but do you hear people?” Jake realizes that they are listening for Bill and Tammy in the hot tub. His mind evaluates immediately thinking back to conversations about bathing suits, “we can all fit”, “not needed!”, the amazing blowjob he was receiving moments ago, and the awesome sex he experienced earlier in the day. His mind began to imagine just how interesting the night may be.
Standing to join the ladies at the screened wall Jake hides his eagerness. He picks up the wine glasses from earlier and brings them to the girls. “And what are you two ladies up to?” he asks in a deep but purposely innocent voice. As Nikki begins to answer, “Just wondering if Tammm . . .” she is cut off byMarilyn announcing that she will go check. With careful haste she opens and closes the screen door avoiding unnecessary sounds. Then short quick steps carry her into the dark towards the back of the house.
Nikki casually steps back against Jake. His arms take her shoulders through the blanket. She shrugs and moans with acceptance leaning her head back to his body. Jake whispers into her ear, “I’ve been thinking about you all day and all night!” Nikki smiles responding “Me too!” Jake’s hands reach around her to embrace with one just above her breasts, and the other lower at her tummy. He pulls her tightly to him. She cuddles back “I didn’t wear panties just in case and all night I have been soOOOoooo wet just thinking about you.” He kisses at her ear. “Feel me!” she commands. Jake reaches down below the blanket, finds her thigh, and draws his hand slowly up under her dress. Half way her dry skin becomes moistwith her lust. Jakes is happily impressed to have had such an effect. Farther up finds the moist skin becomes slippery. And when Jake’s fingers gently touch her bare mound they slip easily between her well lubricated lips.
A noise around back reminds each of them that Marilyn is due back. Jake slips one finger up between Nikki’s lips to gather her scent. That finger is then brought up to his lips so that he can taste her once again. Drawing in the intoxication he is compelled to moan his satisfaction “Mmmmmhuuummmm!” Nikki smiles “Oh my nasty man likes that does he?!” Her hand reaches for his face pulling them together for a small kiss. “Should we skip the hot tub?” she asks. Calmly Jake kisses back trying to quickly contemplate the best path. It’s pretty clear that the hot tub will end up being an experience, but he probably shouldn’t let on how excited he is at the concept. Instead he responds with a line abouthow Marilyn seems to be looking forward to it and how it might be too obvious if they back out now. “Besides,” he adds, “our anticipation has been fun all evening.” Just as Marilyn comes back around the corner Nikki agrees.
With a sense of purpose in her voice Marilyn confirms “They have gone!” stepping back inside the screen room. From a wicker cabinet she gatherers towels. Jake is instructed to gather more wine. “Two bottles” She clarifies. Nikki is asked to get the glasses and the wine opener. With the mental checklist complete Marilyn leads them outside.
The darkness seen from the patio is contrasted around the corner. There a quarter moon hanging in clear skies provide enough light to see. A few more steps through the soft light and the three eager bathrooms arrive. Wooden steps lead up to a small ring of decking around a tall cedar hot tub. The whole setup is nestled into a nook created by the house and adecorative screen covered in aromatic flowering vines.
Marilyn quietly points out “hooks for clothes are here to keep things stay dry” while handing out their towels. They each take one still some surprise at what they are about to do. Then as if to break the ice, Marilyn pulls her dress off over her head. Beneath the dress is a simple cotton bra that quickly follows with her next motion. Without looking back she moves to the steps and starts climbing. It’s a pleasant surprise when Jake takes notice of her lack of panties. Even with his mind contemplating her being panty-less all evening, the gentleman within offers a hand which she takes until she is near the top.
Limitations of the moonlight might hide some of Marilyn’s age, but Jake is still impressed with her figure. Better looking than many women half her age he decides. By the time he looks back Nikki has followed the example and is hanging up her dress and bra on the nexthook over. “Again no panties” thinks Jake amused at his newfound luck. He again offers his hand to the woman climbing the stairs. Nikki takes it and ascends to the top holding on until she descends to the first step of the tub.
Jake begins to undress still undecided if he should keep his boxes on. Comments between the ladies about the water and how nice it all is carry on until one reminds him quite loudly, “Don’t forget the wine and the glasses!” Jake looks for a safe dry place for his shoes but give up. The pants drop off and get hung by belt loop next to dress number two. Then as he works down the buttons of his shirt he Finds the two ladies side by side peering out to him with grins. Nikki asks, “WHAT is TAKING you so long?!” to which Marilyn follows with “Uh yeah, what seems to be the problem?”
Chuckling Jake leaves the last two buttons and reachings for the wine. The women watch with big smiles as he laughs at the situation. “What is it cabana boy?” asks Nikki. Marilyn chimes in directed at Nikki, “Oh I like that” before turning to Jake “What’s got you ticked cabana boy?” Jake hands them the wine and glasses chuckling again. In his mind the title seems inappropriate given his substantial status and physics but he goes along with their game. His attention reverts back to the buttons while the ladies Ask again “C’mon cute cabana boy what’s so funny?” Finally as he reaches back to remove his shirt he smiles up and responds “I just realized I’ve had more clothes on than both of you combined tonight!” The ladies giggle loudly in appreciation of the moment. In a deeper coy voice Marilyn points out “You still do too!” with a finger pointed at his boxers.
Another chuckle while reaching for his waist band and Jake is happy to remedy the situation. Still some aroused but nothard the cold air is brisk on his penis. Both ladies get their good look in and grin. A scenario where Jake slips on a wet step flutters through his mind causing him to keep his actions calm and cool despite the possible affects cold air can have on a man’s tool. He tries not to smile with his excitement and hopes his cautious actions are perceived as relaxed confidence. To himself Jake thinks, “A hot tub with two women!” That by itself isn’t a first, but optimism is high that several firsts will follow.
Stepping down into the tub displaced water rises up to spill over the edge. Sounds of pouring water complement dancing wisps of steam swirling up from the contrast in temperatures. Sitting amidst the sensitive swirls are Jake’s newest friends still sporting eager grins that seem to tip off their intentions. Jake smiles back innocently unsure if he should let on what he expects to develop. He decides to try and keep the cool and collected demeanor going a bit longer. To demonstrate this he moves between them as if their charms have no effect. He then works to open a bottle and pour three full glasses. The women quietly watch his every move. When he hands each one a glass the silence continues. He moves back through the water to the opposite side and take a seat. Jake feels his plan may be working. He hasn’t let on that he even thinks something might happen even though at that point he would gladly cut off a toe to ensure that something good did. Maybe even a finger!
Forever being the hostess Marilyn breaks the silence. She reaches for Nikki’s hand saying “you know, the best view IS from THAT side!” as if it were a point the ladies had been debating. The hand directs Nikki to sit tight to Jake’s right side. Marilyn then takes a seat tight to his left. With wine in one hand each beautiful woman leaves the other free and under the water. It’s only a moment before they both find Jake’s thighs. Jake casually comments “this is nice.” All three bathrooms smile a shared unique grin. Then the two hands gently find his member growing in the warm water. The hands confirm one another before they begin slowly rubbing and stroking. At that point Jake adds “and THAT’s even better!”
Giggling into her glass Nikki spills a little red wine down her chin. Looking over Marilyn sees this and snickers. Her hand nudges at Jake. “Help her out Jake!” She tries to be independent directing his face to Nikki’s but Jake needs no coercing. He uses his arm behind Nikki to pull her closer and kisses her lips firmly. Gone are any ideas he might have had about playing it cool. Marilyn’s hand reacts firmly on his cock at the sight confirming his decision. She then moves closer and as Jake releases from Nikki, Marilyn moves in. She replaces Nikki’s lips on Jake’s mouth. Nikki smiles at the sight when Marilynslips her tongue into Jake’s mouth and she offers a quiet little “oooohhh!”
After the kiss all three relax snuggled back in their spots. The ladies each take a sip of wine and free hands return to Jake’s member. After a few stokes Nikki looks at Marilyn and calmly asks “Would you mind?” Marilyn confidently responds “not at all” while moving in front of Jake to meet the other woman. Nikki’s hands take Marilyn’s shoulders while Marilyn continues to stroke slowly on Jake’s cock. They kiss softly, almost timing. Backlit by the moon it’s a sight Jake will never forget. A little pause for each to assess the other’s response and the kiss resumes becoming more sensitive. Marilyn’s free arm reaching behind Nikki to embrace her. Jake is again impressed when Marilyn’s other hand continues to pleasure him. Nikki kisses back matching Marilyn while confidently shifting her hands slowly to Marilyn’s breasts.
Jake enjoys the moment feeling quite lucky to have such a good vantage point. Marilyn’s body language clearly shows her enjoyment of Nikki’s touch. Jake then notices Nikki shifting in the water. At that point he realizes that Marilyn other hand has moved to between Nikki’s legs and she is adjusting to accommodate her efforts. Wondering if Marilyn is as good with a pussy as she is working a cock, Jake’s question is quickly answered by Nikki’s reaction. Nikki’s hands shift from Marilyn’s breasts back to her shoulders. There they act as braces securing Nikki while she is fondled into a very pleasant state. The kisses trail off while Nikki’s excitement builds.
Just after Nikki seems to have reached a peak Marilyn lets Jake’s cock go. Before Jake can be jealous the hostess quietly directs her guests. Jake is pulled to sit at the edge of the bench then directed to lean back into a reclined posittion. As a reward for following instructions he receives a few slow tugs. Marilyn then moves to kiss Nikki again while directing her to move to Jake’s lap. “Would you like him inside you?” she asks even though her fingers are already lining things up for penetration. Nikki nods yes and shifts her legs to help it happen.
The hot tub water dilutes Nikki’s natural lubricants leaving more friction and resistance for Jake’s cock. Nikki tenses up in reaction. Marilyn’s fingerers massage Nikki’s lips into accepting Jake deeper. She then pulls Jake’s legs together and spreads Nikki’s while leaning her back against Jake’s chest. This position drives Nikki down onto Jake pressing all of his thickness inside. He wraps his arms Around her taking hold of her breasts in a sensitive embrace. Instinctively a slow fucking motion begins. Marilyn has other plans. She straddles Jake’s legs facing Nikki and pinning Jake. She then lEans in to kiss her. The kisses work down Nikki’s neck to her chest. Jake moves his hand for Marilyn who welcomes Nikki’s nipple into her mouth. Jake places his hand behind Marilyn’s head. Then he pulls her face in tight to Nikki’s breast. After a few seconds he uses Marilyn’s hair to pull back. Marilyn’s mouth takes the nipple with it stretching Nikki’s breast. Nikki moans an approving tone reflecting her pleasure. It’s then that Jake feels Marilyn reaching down. Her fingers glide around the base of his cock then move to Nikki’s pussy.
From inside Nikki, Jake feels Marilyn’s fingers begin working Nikki’s clip aggressively. Almost immediately Nikki reacts with a full body flex. The flexing constructs her pussy tightly around his erection. Jake directs Marilyn’s head back in to Nikki’s chest while his own fingers take hold of the other nipple. Marilyn’s inputs on Nikki’s pussy continue and so do the contractions around Jake’s cock. Nikki’s breaths become short gasps. Her body complains on Jake’s chest. Instinctively he wraps his arm back around her waist and pulls her tightly too him. His cock is pressed farther inside. An accidental “oohh” slips out of Nikki’s mouth mixed in with the steady pants. Marilyn tugs her breast again keeping the nipple tightly between her tongue and teeth. Another louder and longer “ooOHHH” escapes with less resistance. Relentlessly Marilyn continues working more pleasure into the willing victim. Nikki nears the threshold of an amazing orgasm. Her body begins flexing over and over again. Each flex through Nikki’s body squeezes Jake’s cock. He feels her orgasm building. It becomes a shared experience. He uses both arms to pull her tightly against his body trying to save the moment.
With masterful precision Marilyn continues working Nikki’s body. Between contractions, Jake detects subtle changes in Marilyn’s efforts. Clearly they are in reaction to Nikki’s unspoken wishes. It’s all working. Nikki gives up trying to keep her pleasure contained. “OhhhhhhhhYESSssssssssssss” rings out loudly into the dark cool air. Jake whisper’s into her ear “That’s it baby, cum on my cock for Mrs. Marilyn!” Several pants quickly follow from the orgasmic woman. “OhhhHHH, OhhhHHHH, OhhHHH!” she continues. Jake comments her again then informs her he can feel every bit of her orgasm. Nikki grasps his arms and pulls them tightly to her body. Marilyn pulls on Nikki’s shoulders forcing her downward making sure Jake is fully inserted. Jake pushes upward to verify.
Nikki pulls her legs in and her body begins to quiver in Jakes arms as the crest of her orgasm hits. Marilyn diligently continues the inputs on her clip while watching the pleasure in Nikki’s face. Loudly Nikki cries out “Oh my fucking GOD, Oh my, Oh yes, fuck YESSS, FUCK YESSS!” before holding her breath. Her sounds become primary squeals with Jake feeling every bit of her orgasm on his excited cock. It’s amazing to be so connected to her orgasm. He is in awe at the experience and once again truly impressed with the skills of their hostess.
An exhausted gasp escapes Nikki’s lips while her body goes limp in Jakes arms. Still filled with his erection, her throbbing pussy continues massaging. The hostess gently cares her nearly lifeless victim moving in for a warm hug like embrace. Over a limp should Jake hears her instruct him to stay inside and enjoy it a bit longer. Although being eager to cum, the good student heeds the instructions. Marilyn’s cares continue while Nikki slowly regains more control. Jake holds her loosely on top of his chest occasionally kissing at her ear. The contracts slow and intensity fades. The urges to fuck build. He resists keeping his trust in his hostess. Finally Nikki pulls Marilyn in for another long and slow embrace.
The embrace is released and the always attentive hostess fetches her spend victim’s wine glass and the bottle. She calmly fills Nikki’s glass and hands it to her. Anxious to get on with his release, Jake’s patience is running short. His glass is brought to him next. Nikki’s free arm reachings over her head to touch Jake. She guides his face to meet hers for a kiss over her shoulder. “You feel so good inside me right now!” Jake kisses at her lips again and agrees “I do!”
All three glasses are topped off until the bottle is empty. With bottle and glass still in hand Marilyn moves to Nikki’s mouth, kisses, then politely asks “Can I finish him off?” Still enjoying the full feeling Jake’s cock is providing but being far too sensitive to endure any more fondling, Nikki nods and lifts herself up. Marilyn kisses her again as she stands. The kisses become more sensitive. Nikki’s hands find Marilyn’s breasts and direct her to back up towards Jake’s lap and his eager erection. With the kisses continuing Marilyn reach blindly back to put the wine down. Jake helps.
Marilyn moves between Jake’s legs spreading them with hers. She then reaches behind her without disrupting the kisses finding Jake’s cock. With a few well designed strokes she aims it and lowers herself. He slips inside her pussy instantly anticipating the joy he will find fucking her. She slides up and down a few times. The kisses pause as she speaks something about how she needs Nikki’s help. The words are too softly spoken for Jake to hear. Again her hand is on Jake’s cock when she pulls up and redirects it. It becomes obvious that her plans aren’t matching his. He feels his tip pressing firmly when she lowers herself again. With a little wiggle Jake recognizesthe situation. Her pumper gives way and accepts him. Marilyn presses down firmly forcing him deeper. The resistance his cock feels is certainly even more intense for his hostess. Another wiggle, then a little lift, followed by another press downward. Her rectum strains before accepting its fate. Then with one last wiggle and another push down, Jake’s legs spread and the full length of his hard shaft drives inside. Her body tenses up with its forces wrapped firmly around him. The urge to fuck grows even greater but his position prevents it.
Marilyn draws Nikki near. They kiss. Jake feels fingers explore his interaction with the hostess. They belong to Nikki whose hand is being guided by the hostess without words to detect the situation. After the initial discovery her fingers become more sensitive fondling Jake’s tests gently in the warm water. Nikki shifts allowing her other hand reach down. It begins to rub Marilyn while the first hand expands its exploreion between Jake’s legs. Nikki finds his pumped ass and rubs it. He can feel her other fingers entering Marilyn’s pussy. The hostess spreads her legs far forcing Jake to do the same. His muscles and tendons stretch to accommodate and he feels the burn that comes with such a position. His cock quickly receives a reward for the pain when Marilyn’s body shifts into a rhythmic pattern of intense contracts around it.
Nikki became focused on providing her hostess an orgasm attempting to survive the one she just enjoyed herself. Her fingers abandon Jake’s ass and shift to Marilyn’s breast. At that point Jake notices the empty wine bottle back in Marilyn’s hand. It’s sent under water. Nikki takes notice of it too seemingly curious to understand the master plan. A silent handoff takes place and Jake hears Marilyn’s firm instructions for Nikki, “Fuck me!” With a coy and pleased smile Nikki lowers herself before Marilyn. Jake anticipates the sensings and his expectations are quickly surpassed.
The neck of the wine bottle slips easily into the waiting vagina indifferent to the pleasure it provides. Jake’s cock, however, benefits from the addition. Compressions from Marilyn’s body strengthening seemingly struggling him without any actual movement. Nikki directs the bottle to begin its own pattern that includes movement into and out of the pleasured body. With more of her firm but hushed tone Marilyn directs Nikki again, “Yes, more, more, deeper, yes!” The verbal instructions are supplemented by physical instructions for Nikki’s hand.
Jake continues to feel the bottle sliding next to his cock along with the slow contracts of Marilyn’s reactions. He knows Nikki is beginning to find a combination that works for the hostess. That becomes even more evidence as suddenly twitches jolt through her body. Slightly faster contracts follow. Marilyn instructs Nikki “faster” and the request is obeyed. It only takes a few more deep strokes of the bottle for Marilyn to reach the threshold of an orgasm. “Harder!” is huffed out and obeyed while fingers continue to work the swelling clip. “Deeper!”
Nikki suckles on one of Marilyn’s breasts continuing the deep thrusts and clitoral manipulation. Marilyn holds Nikki’s head tightly onto her nipple in a pleasant response. “Yes baby, oh yesssss baby!” through stressed breaths “Fuck my pussy” The password of the moment builds as do Marilyn’s contractions on Jake’s cock. She leans back lying on Jake’s chest. His strong arms reach around gently holding her in place. As if she were reclined in gynecologist’s chair, Marilyn’s legs spread over Jake’s and her body relaxes to let the sensings have full control.
With fingers still working her clip and a bottleStill fucking in and out, Marilyn begins to ascend into a full body orgasm. Her hands guide Jake’s to her breasts. He takes one in each following her hints to roll the nipples with his fingers. Marilyn comments Nikki “Oh yessss baby, you’ve got me . . feeling sooOOoo fucking good!” Nikki responds with a smile and continued focus. Jake feels Marilyn’s body changing its efforts on his cock. The slow gripping compressions become more intense twitches. Marilyn begins to clnch and flex her ass cheats with each internal reaction. This adds to Jake’s pleasure increasing the strength of her contractions and creating a new rhythm.
The fingers rolling Marilyn’s nipples are pulled outward. Between labored breaths an “Oh yess” ekes out of the hostess. She arches her back still flexing her ass around Jake’s cock and relishing Nikki’s efforts. The pace of Marilyn’s reactions quickens to a seizure like fertilizer. Jake closes his eyes to focus on the stimulations he is receiving. The orgasmic body of his hostess in his arms and on his chest along with the intense strangulations her rectum is applying has his body loading his cock.
Just as Marilyn peaks, Nikki forces the bottle deeper in and holds. Firm cheeses squeeze to match the insertion, but the contractions within remains quick hard pulses. A loud and long “OooohhhhhhHHHHH!” cries out. “Ohhhh my God yessss!” follows. Jake is unable to resist. His hands take hold of Marilyn’s waist and force her to slide up his chest. She lets out a slight “oh?” as if caught off guard. Nikki retracts the bottle partially out in anticipation. Then Jake pulls the orgasmic hostess back down. Nikki holds firm and the motion drives both cock and bottle inside. A gasp of acceptance is heard even though Jake has no intention of stopping. Up again he pushes before pulling her back down. This quickly becomes a pattern with intensity building at each stroke. Using his strong hands Marilyn is adjusted to be more upright.
The repetitions continue and Jake’s hips join in thrusting upward at Marilyn’s dropping body. His lust and carnal needs have taken over. There is no concern or care for the needs of the women. His focus is singular to fuck till he cums. Blind to anything else, he drives on harder and harder not hearing the evidence of the pleasure he dispenses.
Marilyn coos out soft sounds with each intrusion. Watching with pride Nikki continues to rub and bottle fuck for the full experience. Her head is pulled to Marilyn’s breast where she takes a crisp nipple into her mouth. Jake’s lifting and dropping shifts to become more holding Marilyn up. Nikki senses a change and helps suspend her. His hips and legs take over the motions. Upward thrusts become deeper and More aggressive. Nikki simply holds the bottle inside her pussy and out of Jake’s way.
“Take me Jake, take me, take ME” Marilyn hisses toward Nikki’s ear. Still enthralled in his lust Jake is unaware of his victim’s pleasure. While Nikki continues her efforts on Marilyn she asks her “You like his cock in your ass?” Marilyn’s head bobs a delicious yes. Though his lust the question gains a small piece of Jake’s attention. Nikki then asks in a more serious tone “You want him to take your ass harder?” Jake hears Marilyn respond “Oh fuck yes!” His mind races to understand the implications that come with having such permission granted. Before it can fully register Nikki continues “Harder?” and Marilyn answers “Yes, oh yes!”
Nikki looks to Jake, “Take her Jake!” she urges, “she wants you to take her hard!” Jake responds with added lust plunging her body down hard onto his waiting cock. “Oh yes!” Marilyn respondss with a satisfied cry. Thrilled at the thought of truly fucking her ass as hard as he wants Jake is driven to take full advantage. He fucks on driven by the need. The pleasure boils up inside him. Each stroke of his hard cock into her tight ass coates his testicles closer. With each forceful fuck his head swirls with power and lust. Deep cries begin coming from Marilyn “Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh!” Nikki coaches the victim “Cum for him Mary, CUM for him!” Her cries continue faster than Jake’s penetrations. Then with a sudden flex and twitch the woman gasps “Oh fuck I am, I’m cumming!” With the next plume down Jake feels her body reacting. With one final surge it seems to suck his cock farther inside. Jake pulls tightly down and feels his eruption begin.
Throbbing lustful cum fills her orgasmic body. Her cries become whimpering moans of pure pleasure as she receives him. Jake pushes her up to pull her back down one last time. In response Marilyn’s rectum strokes to coax everything from him. She leans back to his chest again enjoying the ripples of her orgasm. Jake calmly uses his hips to slide in and out of her enjoying his last spark and delivering the final load.
Nikki places the bottle off to the side, leans over Marilyn’s spent body, and begins to kiss at her breasts. The hostess holds and hugs her while deep breaths help her to relax. Jake wraps arms around both women loosely still high on the thrill. No one seems eager to end the night. Several relaxing moments pass quietly without much movement. Eventually the women slip to either side of Jake where he wraps an arm around each. All three are pleasantly content to share and enjoy the same spent and fulfilled feelings.
Eventually Marilyn retrieves the last bottle of wine and pours glasses full while Nikki stays cuddled under Jake’s arm. Marilyn then calmly mentions how the others will be home before long. Returning to Jake’s side it seems as if she has no concerns over the potential situation. Slowly the quiet enjoyment grows heavier with realizations for the other two. Jake contemplates the faces of men discovering their partners in hot tubs with strange men. Nikki’s sips becomes larger as if she needs to throw a thought.
Finally Nikki seems to reach a decision. Slowly but surely she peels herself from Jake’s comforting embrace. “I should go.” Jake reaches a hand up to help her climb the step before agreeing “I should too.” Once again the hostess who always seem to know just what to say comes through with a comment about trying to get the guys to go out again tomorrow night. Jake and Nikki both smile at the thought and the weight they felt is lifted.
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