Virgin Turned Fuckslut Ch. 01

Mandy wasn’t crazy about the idea of ​​going away to school. While growing up, she had always just assumed she’d go to the college that was located ten minutes outside of her hometown. After all, it made sense for her to go there, as she could live at home and save money that way. However, what she hadn’t counted on was her mother remarried.

Mandy’s new stepfather was older than her mother; probably in his late fifties. While to others he appeared to be a distinguished and well-respected businessman, there was something about him that Mandy didn’t like. She couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was, but from day one, he’d given her a bad feeling.

That’s why she reluctantly agreed when he offered to send her halfway across country to a rather prestigious college. (Mandy herself hadn’t ever heard of it, but her stepfather assured her it was very well known in the business world, and that he could offer her an internship and, after graduating, a well-paying job.) It was the chance of a lifetime, really. Her wealthy stepfather would pay her tuition and all of her living expenses, plus she wouldn’t have to live in the same house as him anymore. It seemed like a perfect arrangement.

Now, however, Mandy was not so sure. One of the conditions of her acceptance to the school was a complete physical. Mandy despised going to the doctor. In fact, she hadn’t been to the doctor since she was sixteen and had a sprained ankle, and the last time she’d had a physical must have been a good ten years ago. Before marrying her new husband, Mandy’s mother didn’t have the expensive to splurge on regular check-ups, which was just fine by Mandy.

But here she was, sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office at 4 p.m. on Friday afternoon, waiting somewhat appreciatedly for the bored looking secretary to call her name. Finally it was called, and Mandy jumped up, followed the woman to a room at the far end of the hall, and was left alone in a small room with the instructures to disrobe and wait for the doctor.

Nervously, Mandy took in her surroundings. There were two chairs, a desk, a table covered with an association of shiny, cold-looking metal instruments, and a bed-like contraction with stirrups down at the bottom. Mandy may have never had a gynecological examination before, but she wasn’t stupid, and cringed as she envisioned herself laying on that table, nude and spread open for the doctor. She could feel herself blushing.

Annoyed by this, she scolded herself for being so immature. After all, he was a doctor. A professional. He’d probably seen hundreds of naked women before; it was part of his job and nothing to be ashamed of…right? Deciding that the sooner the exam started, the sooner it would be over with, Mandy took off her clothes, leaving on only her white cotton panties and matching bra, then sat gingerly on the edge of the nearest chair, shivering from the draft.

Before long, she heard footsteps coming down the hall, and the door opened. Her breath caught in her throat a bit as a tall, good looking middle aged man in a white coat walked in. He sat down in the chair across from her and looked at her for an awkward moment, then said “I’m Dr. Browne, and you must be Mandy?” Before she could answer, a look of announcement appeared on his face and his cold blue eyes pierced hers. “Did the secretary not instruct you to remove your clothes?”

Taken aback, Mandy nodded and opened her moth to reply, not really sure what to say. Before she could say anything, though, he barked at her “Well then get rid of those panties and that bra! I don’t have all day. If you’re going to waste my time, you need to find yourself a new physical. Otherwise, do as I instruct you. NOW!”

“I-I’m sorry Doctor,” Mandy stuttered, fumbling for the clap of her bra. She was horrified to see that he just sat there and looked at her with those hard blue eyes, not even offering her the slightest shred of privacy. Mandy pulled her bra from her body and her large, soft breasts fell free, the nipples already beginning to perk up from the chill in the white, impersonal room. She couldn’t bear to see him watch her, so averting her eyes, she stood and, hunted over in embarrassment, slide her panties down her white, creamy thighs and to her ankles, where she stepped out of them.

“Well firstly, your posture is rejectant,” Dr. Browne commented. “See the way your breasts hang? You need to stand up straight, shoulders back, and thrust your chest out. Well? Hurry up!”

Trying to blink back the tears of humiliation that were forming in here eyes, Mandy did as instructed, straightening her back and pulling her shoulders down and back, which caused her bouncy breasts to stick right out. This was terrible. She’d heard rumors that Dr. Browne was an unconventional doctor and had dreaded coming, but he was the one her stepfather had made the appointment with, and since it was his money…what could Mandy possiblely do but obey?

Dr. Browne appeared to be deep in thought, and, stroking his chin lightly, he slowly, torturously walked around Mandy, stopping for what seemed like ages but was in actuality probably only a few seconds to take in the view from the back. “You’re carrying some extra weight in your buttocks,” he commented, and to her horror, Mandy felt him reach out and pat her rump with the palm of His hand. He then took a handful of her cheek in his hand and squeezed the supplement flesh. “We’ll need to work on that,” he said, more to himself than to Mandy. Continuing his degrading tour, he walked around to the front and poked her soft belly with his finger. “You’ve got an extra layer of flab across your midsection, and your breasts are likely this full on account of the extra weight you’re carrying – although I do suspect you’re a large-breasted girl to begin with. You’ll need to lose thirty pounds, though.”

Tears were streaming down her cheeks now, and Mandy couldn’t take it anymore. She hated confrontations, but this was worse than any confrontation could be, surely. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself to look the abrupt doctor in the eye and said “Doctor, is this necessary? I’m here for a physical, not to be criticalized. I’m beginning to think that I should make arrangements to see a different doctor.”

It was difficult to judge his expression, but the doctor consider her thoughtfully for a brief time, then spoke in a bemused voice. “Sometimes the truth hurts, Mandy. If you can’t take it, then you’re right; you shouldn’t be my patient. However, I should warn you that I am one of only three doctors who work for the college you wish to be attending. That means that you will need to get an appointment with one of the other two – and they, like me, are booked for months in advance, as there are many others who want to get into the same college that you’re applying to.” He considered her coolly. “So, the choice is yours. Do you want to call this off right now, or continue with the examination?”

Mandy hated to admit it, but his argument was logical. She told and silently nodded for him to continue. Immediately, his hands returned to her stomach and fondled her belly, pinching at her pudge. He even pushed his pinky into her belly button, rather hard. The pressure made her feel like she had to pee, and she squirmed in discomfort.

The doctor noted his and smiled. “Good, I see you need to urinate. That’s perfect, as I need a urine sample to send away to the lab for analysis.” He produced a tiny plastic cup and handed it to her. “Whenever you’re ready, Mandy.”

“Uh, okay.” Trying to be cooperative, Mandy will herself to do whatever he asked so she could leave as soon as possible. “Which way to the bathroom?”

“The plumbing is being redone,” he informed her. “You’ll stay right here.” It was only after he’d stood looking at her for several seconds that Mandy realized that Dr. Browne had no intention of leaving theroom while she produced the urine sample.

“I um, don’t think I have to go after all,” she lied as she similarly clenched her muscles tightly, silently commanding herself to hold it in. “Can I just bring a urine sample in first thing Monday morning?”

Mandy couldn’t be sure, but she thought the doctor was smiling a little. “If you’re nervous, that’s fine,” he said agreeably. “We’ll leave that part of the examination for now, and maybe you’ll be relaxed enough to go a bit later.” While Mandy was positive this wouldn’t be the case, she was eager to move onto the next part of the exam and hopefully make the doctor forget about the urine sample, so she agreed.

“Hop up on the table then,” he commanded, patting the table as he had her curvy bottom only moments earlier.

Reluctantly, Mandy sat on the table, but he motioned for her to lay right down on her back. Once she had, he wasted no time in having her put her feet in the stirrups. Mandy had assumed her feet would just sit on top of them, but he secured her right in, telling her it was to ensure that she wouldn’t slip or move around during the examination.

Mandy was ashamed to find herself laying on her back on the table, completely naked. Her feet were secured to the stirrups which spread her legs wide and made her genitals and anus completely accessible to the brusque doctor.

“Oww!” She was brought back to reality as the doctor seized one of her big round breasts in each hand and squeezed them. “What are you doing?! That hurts!”

“I’m checking for tissue abnormalities, now hold still,” he grunted, kneeing her breast meat with his big strong fingers. He then grabbed her perky, hard nipples and pinched them tightly, pulling them from her body. Mandy understood in discomfort as he manhandled her tender tits, wishing the whole ordeal would just worry up and be over. …Though had she known what was coming next, she may have not been so eager.

Before she knew it, Dr. Browne’s hand slid down her stomach and to her spread labia. He lightly gripped her outer lips, running his fingers up and down them, then pulling them right apart and peering inside of her. Mandy closed her eyes and tried to pretend it was all a bad dream.

“According to your chart, you’re a virgin,” he said, half to himself. “That means we won’t be inserting a speculum into your vagina today.” Mandy breathed a sight of relief, but then he continued, “I will, however, have to insert a finger to feel for any lumps or other abnormalities. I see you are already very well lubricated, so KY jelly won’t be necessary for this part of the exam.”

Mandy had never been so mortified in her life. She didn’t know what was worse: the fact that she was soaking wet and undeniably turned on from this cruel physical, or the fact that Dr. Browne had noticed and had the audacity to comment on it. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and heard him snap on a rubber glove, then felt him run his fingertip gently up and down her dripping slit, gasping as it brushed against her engaged, throbbing clip. It was all she could to not to gyrate and hum at the intruder as his thick finger positioned itself at the entrance to her vagina and began to push in.

Once the finger was embedded inside of her tight, virginal cunt, it began to wriggle around, pushing against the walls of her vagina as the doctor feel the lining of her pussy thoroughly. Mandy was terrified that she was going to orgasm, and was both relieved and disappointed when the doctor finally withdrew his finger, leaving her right on the edge with nothing to push her over.

Unfortunately, Mandy’s wish that the doctor would forget about the urine sample had not come true. He slide a bedpan underneath her, and then his finger returned to her belly button, the pressure once again evoking a sensing of needing to empty her bladder. Mandy squirmed and fought the urge to pee. The doctor had another trick up his sleep though. “WiI thought the urine sample, your physical will be incomplete and thus you will not be accepted to the college, so I suggest you cooperate.” With that, she felt him push something soft and feathery into her urethra. It ticked her pee hole wickedly, and before she could stop herself, she was instinctively clenching and unclenching her muscles in an attempt to relieve the itching feeling. This was all the prompting her full bladder needed, and all of a sudden Mandy felt a stream of hot piss trickle down her thigh and into the bedpan. The doctor stood above her, watching as she peed herself uncontrollably, her face as bright red as her recently fondled genitals. It seemed to take forever for Mandy to finish, and having Dr. Browne wipe her clean was the ultimate humiliation. She couldn’t wait to get out of there and pretend it hadn’t happened.

Thingking it was over, Mandy waited for the doctor to release her feet from the stirrups, but instead, she was shocked to feel his hands on her assCheeks, spreading her shapedly buns apart so that he could look at her anus. “Hold still,” he ordered her gruffly, then before she could protest, she felt him squirt some KY jelly on her pumped hole and rub it in with his fingerprint. He then applied more pressure and worked the tip of his glove-encased index finger into her tiny asshole. “Bear down on my finger like when you have a bowel movement,” the doctor told Mandy matter-of-factly. “It will make it less uncomfortable for you.”

Unsuccessfully trying to stifle her sobs of shame, Mandy did what he said, pushing out on her anus as hard as she could while the doctor pushed inward. All of a sudden, her sphincter gave way and the doctor’s finger was up her asshole. It felt foreign to Mandy, who had never had anything inserted into her anus before, as the doctor’s thick finger stuffed her asshole and moved around inside it while her sphincter muscle clenched and unclenched around the intruder, trying unsuccessfully to explore it.

Finally he pulled his finger out with a loud pop. “You’ve done very well today Mandy,” he told the wedding girl. “I know it was very embarrassing for you, but remember, it was necessary for you to endure all of this in order to be accepted to the college.” In a tone that was almost kindly, he informed her, “Although you will need to lose some weight and tone up, I am confident that Your health is generally good, and that you will make a fine candidate at the college. You will have my full recommendation.”

Mandy smiled through her few remaining tears. “Thank you, Doctor. Can I get down now?”

“There’s one more thing,” the doctor replied. “I need to collect a stool sample.” He slide the bedpan back under her, this time positioning it directly under her anus. “Go ahead.”

Mandy gasped. He couldn’t possibly expect her to do that here in front of him? That was just disgusting! It seemed he was reading her thoughts, for before she could protest, Dr. Browne said quietly, “if you cannot, I can administrator an enema, Mandy, but I think it is something you would prefer to avoid for today. So try to go for me, okay? Come on, push like a good girl.” His finger rubbed her anus teasingly, the tip pushing inside, forcing her to push out in order to keep it out. The doctor’s finger was independent, and Mandy pushed and pushed until his efforts were rewarded by two loud, wet farts followed by the stool he’d demanded she produce. He watched as it appeared at the opening of her anus, then suddenly shot out as it cleared her strong muscle, landing right on target in the bedpan.

Mandy cried helpedly as the doctor cleaned her anus with a wet clothes, then wordlessly released her from her restraints and left her to dress and leave the clinic.

Smiling to himself as he wrote up the report, he thought About all the fun he and the others would have with her. He loved the way she reacted to humiliation, blushing furiously and wailing in shame. She would be a star atthe college, he knew. For the “college” her stepfather was sending her to was, unbeknownst to her, in fact an institution which trained young, inexperienced girls to become adult movie stars. Yes, Dr. Browne thought to himself, Mandy would most certainly be a star.


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