After accidentally catching my mom in the act of fucking the family dog one morning (see part 1 of Mom’s Depraved Secrets), I needed time to process it, so I went home. And stewed. I struggled to reconcile my loving feelings for my mother with my horror for what I had seen. But I also could not get this image of her out of my head: naked on all fours on the floor, with her fleshy, firm ass in the air and big tits hanging, looking really sexy except, [record scratch] … the dog’s cock buried in her pussy!?
My girlfriend came over that night and the preoccupation must have been written on my face because she soon asked what was wrong. I wanted to tell her, but for the sake of everyone’s dignity, I told her a partial truth instead.
“I walked in on my mom while she was masturbating.” I said.
“Oh, shit”, Laura said. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, it was pretty awkward. Not the kind of thing I imagined my mom doing.”
“Well, she is a woman after all. And we women have many needs, you know…” She was flirting, teasing me.
“Oh, is that a fact?” I asked with a smile.
She played along. “Yep, it’s a fact. Maybe I need to masturbate now. Maybe you’ll walk in on me too.”
“That’s not funny, it was kind of gross.”
“Are you kidding? Your mom looks great for her age.”
I had never really measured my mom’s attractiveness before, but after seeing her in that compromised position earlier, I’d been thinking about her body all day.
“Maybe, but not with the d…” Whoops, I almost told Laura about the dog.
“Not with the what?”
“Not with … the dildo she was using.” Another half truth, if you consider canine cock to be a dildo.
“Well, like I said, we women have needs.” Laura scooted closer, placing her hand on my leg. The conversation was turning her on. “Was it a big dildo? I love big dildos. The bigger the better”, she teased while rubbing my leg and smiling wickedly. My cock started to come to life and she noticed. “Ooohhh, I see you like big dildos too…”
She stood and removed her shirt and shorts. Laura had a great body, which was the trade-off for her average looks. I mean, she wasn’t ugly, but not exactly a stunner either. Her body however, always looked ready to fuck. Something about the way she moved. She was slim everywhere except in the hips. She had wide, curvy hips and two round ass cheeses which gave her a ridiculous hourglass figure. In the right clothes, it looked unreal, like something drawn for a comic book. She shrugged off her bra and kicked off her panties. Her breasts were about right for her body, somewhere between a B and C cup, and shaped perfectly, round with a nice natural hang, and puffy nipples that pointed straight forward.
I went straight for her pussy. I grabbed her by the ass and lifted her up, laid her back on the sofa. I did some tricks with my tongue to get her nice and wet, then quickly plunged my meat between her soft cunt lips. I could tell this was not going to last long. The moment my dick was parked in her wet warm hole my mind flashed onto the image of my naked mother from that morning. Her ass, her big boobs, her huge areolas and fat nipples, her sweaty, glistening body. And that was it for me. I came hard inside Laura and she could feel it. “ooooohhhh”, she purred. She didn’t get off yet, so I used my hand to rub her clip while I slowly pushed in and out of her with my still hard cock. She lifted her big ass off the couch to meet my movements and was soon shaking in orgasm. I laid on top of her and thought about mom while we caught our breath. What would I say to her next time I saw her?
It wouldn’t take long to find out. Mom called me the next morning to invite me for dinner. I accepted. Luckily my girlfriend had plans already, so I would go alone. Mom and I clearly needed to talk privately.
When I arrived, mom hugged me as usual and invited me to the kitchen. She wore her normal outfit of yoga pants and cotton tank top. I watched her as I followed her to the kitchen, the movement of her butt as she walked was mesmerizing, each chef bouncing up and down with each step.
She didn’t waste any time. “Honey, you saw something yesterday you weren’t supposed to see.”
No shit, I thought to myself.
“I don’t know how to help you understand, other than to just be honest. Is that okay? I mean, I’m sure this has changed your view of me, and I don’t know if this will repair it, but at least you’ll know the truth and can do with it what you will.”
Here’s what she told me:
“When your father died, I was devastated. You already know that, and you helped a lot with my recovery. Thank you for that. My friends helped a lot too. A couple of them would email me things to cheer me up. Photos of cute kittens, funny internet videos, articles about celebrations, just random stuff. It became like a ritual, every week they would send new stuff, and over time I joined in and started sending things back.”
She didn’t look me in the eyes while telling her story, and I found myself singing glances at her chest, trying to make out outlines of her nipples. For the millionth time in the last 36 hours I pictured her naked and thought about her huge brown areolas.
“At some point it turned competitive, we were each trying to outdo the others by sending the funniest photo or cute video. At one point it morphed into who could find the most disgusting things. One of them sent a videoof a naked woman masturbating a horse. The first time I saw it I was shocked. But then I watched it again and it was kind of intriguing. The woman seemed to really be enjoying it, and the horse too. I watched it many more times.
“That one video sent me down a rabbit hole. I started searching the internet to see what else was out there and discovered a whole world of women with animals, mostly horses and dogs. The more I investigated, the more arousing it became. For a couple weeks I was totally obsessed, until I snapped myself out of it. I thought my grieving had taken a strange turn and I didn’t like the direction it was headed.”
I could kind of understand where she was coming from. I’d had a similar online porn experience to what she described. I got obsessed with videos of girls peeing their pants and panties, peeing in their beds, etc., for a while and I knew exactly the kind of rabbit hole she described.
“Fast forwardd a couple years and I was cleaning up my email inbox and found that email with the horse, and I watched it again. It was still a turn-on. The woman is so into it, working that horse with both hands, and then stepping in front of the stream when the horse starts ejaculating, bathing herself like she’s taking a shower.” I could tell she was getting excited by talking about it. She was speaking faster and her hands were fidgeting. “I still have it if you’d like to see. Anyway, I was back down the rabbit hole again, and surfing the dark corners of the internet. Then one day I noticed Leon licking himself, and I wanted to get a closer look. And eventually one thing lead to another … umm, and, well you saw yesterday what it has progressed to.”
Now she looked up to see my reaction before examining her shoes again.
I said, “Mom, I just don’t get it. How does one thing lead to another with Leon? He’s a dog!”
She looked at me. “Do you really want to know?”
I don’t know that I wanted to, but I guess I needed to. “Yes”, I said.
“Okay then. Well, when he licks himself, his penis comes out. That first time I just touched it with my fingers and kind of pet it with my hand to see what it was like. The second time I tried to really masturbate him like the girls I had seen online. It didn’t work, he didn’t finish, but he also didn’t seem to mind. After a few more tries he finally ejaculated and it was amazing. His penis is pretty big, and … so much cum. Errr, anyway, umm … it seemed like he liked it. One time I decided to taste him and put my mouth on his penis like I’d seen in the videos. Eventually I could make him cum with my mouth too.”
It was awkward. She was extremely excited to tell me about it and hesitant to get graphic. It looked to me like her nipples were starting to get hard.
“Around that time Leon started to approach me and would lick himself while looking at me. Signaling that he wanted to … get intimate. A little while after that we started to try penetration. I, umm, would let him mount me as if I was a girl dog, and he would do his thing. That’s when I learned that it can be painful. First, his paws scratched up my back and sides, and secondly, his knot, that’s the Large part at the base of his penis, hurts when it penetrates, and it locks us together. Which is how you found us yesterday. Also, we experimented with …”
Wow. Was this actually my mother talking? She was like a slut for her dog! I still didn’t know if this was totally hot or totally disgusting. I interrupted, “Ok mom, that’s enough, I get it, but I mean, if you’re lonely you can surely find a man to be with.”
“I’m not really interested. I had my man and lost him. And it’s not about that. I don't feel lonely, but sometimes I do get ‘in the mood’, and Leon and I have a good relationship that way. While I don’t feel good about you finding out the way you did, I don’t mind that you found out.” She paused, like she was thinking about something. “Did you tell Laura what you saw?”
“Not exactly. I told her a partial story.”
“What did you say?”
“I said I caught you masturbating.”
She looked relieved. “Oh, okay. Thanks. I don’t think I’m ready for anyone else to know about it.” She paused again, I got the feeling she was deciding if she wanted to tell me something or not. “Listen honey, we’re being real honest with each other here, right?”
“Yes, we certainly are”, I said.
“I want to tell you something but I don’t want to freak you out anymore than I already have. Do you think you can handle it?”
Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I could handle much more. But my curiosity was piqued and I couldn’t say no. “Yeah, I can handle it.”
She hesitated. “Okay. Well, when you walked in on me. It, umm. Well, it was kind of a turn-on. I liked that you saw me naked. I thought about it all day. And, umm, I think I wouldn’t mind if you saw me naked again.”
She looked at my face to read my reaction, and apparently liked what she saw. I tried to stay stone-faced, but she must have seen a glimpse of what I was thinking, which was: I would love to see you naked again but I can’t reveal that to you.
She continued. “So, you know, if you’re interested, the offer is on the table.”
As the words came out of her mouth, I found myself feeling desperate to see her naked again. I wanted her to disrobe right then and there. It took all my power to not let my eyes wander down to herhuge tits and reveal my thoughts. It just seemed wildly inappropriate, and I couldn’t bring myself to tell her the truth.
Instead I said, “Okay, thanks.” Which I thought was a good answer because it left the door open for me. But her face dropped a little, I think she was expecting more. Maybe I had inadvertently closed the door.
After that, we moved on to eating dinner and trying to act normal with each other. I started to feel concerned that our relationship had changed for the worse and maybe could not be repaired. But that wasn’t the end of this story.
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