Some may have seen this story on another site. I just recently discovered this site and wanted to bring some of my stories over here. This is a work of fantasy and fiction which had been in my head for the longest time. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it!
Please feel free to provide comments!
As I sat at my desk sifting through different acceptance letters I didn’t want to believe it, but soon she would be gone. Not out of my life mind you, but off to college and her first time being away from home. Reluctantly I would have to cut the proverbial “apron strings”, officially releasing my daughter Tashia to the world. Granted I knew this day was coming but it was still hard to bear. She was the typical “Daddy’s girl” through and through; sheltered, innocent, curious. The fact that she melted me in a heartbeat was the biggest of my worries. If she had that effect on me, how would the boys at school react to her?
She always had the uncanny ability to make me drop what I was doing and tend to her every whim. Not that she took advantage of it mind you, her requests were always geneuine, but it was due to the fact that I raised her on my own since she was very young. In short, her mother left us to pursue career opportunities in Europe and felt having a family would be too much of a strain on her. At first she made return trips home to see Tashia but soon those became more infrequent, leaving me to play the role of Mom and Dad. At first it was hard on both of us but soon the bond became evidence and almost inseparable.
Watching her grow up through the school years had been a blessing in disguise and my life reversed around her. As the years went by, she changed from a quirky adolescent to grow woman with a level head on her shoulders. She was everything a proud father could ever want in a daughter; incredibly beautiful, smart, determinationd, adventurous … did I mention beautiful? She definitely took after her mother when it came to genetics.
Her mother was part Asian and blessed with subtle exotic features, long dark brown hair, deep brown eyes, flawless skin, captivating smile, and a dynamic although flirtatious personality. We met in college and our sex life was always beyond incredible. She was always very spontaneous and adventurous and her sexual appeal seems to never satisfied. I, of course, benefited from it until her career became more Important and our time together grow shorter.
To say Tashia was an exact image of her mother would be an understatement. If you were to hold a picture of my 18 year old daughter and her mother when we met in college, you would think they were twins. At times, I’ll admit, I had to realize it was my daughter I was looking at and not my ex-wife. I could rationalize it in my mind but trying to convince my cock was an entirely different matter.
I saw once more but had to smile in spite of myself. Although the time for letting her go was approaching at least I knew she wanted to spend the rest of the summer with me before she left. I was also glad she decided she wanted to stay in state and go to the University of Oregon; a duck. I laughed to myself, “She’ll look cute in green in yellow.”
A “ping” from my computer speakers brought me back to reality as I glanced up at the screen; a Skype video from Tashia blinked. It was amazing how quickly my face lit up whenever she called, messaged, or came into a room.
“Hey Daddy!” she said excitedly.
Instinctively I activated my Skype video, “Hey baby! How’s my little girl doing?”
“I’m good Daddy. I was just in the mall doing some shopping and thought I’d message you.”
Off to the side of her I could see a mountain of shopping bags already. Not that I minded of course. I tend to spoil her and it made me happy to do so; on the other hand, she spoiled me by being a wonderful daughter and taking care of things around our home.
“I can tell you’ve already done quite a bit of shopping already,” I laughed.
She glanced over to the bags and smiled shyly, looking up at me underneath her big brown eyes, “I hope you’re not mad Daddy. There were a lot of sales going on and I tried to bargain shop.”
Sensing her regret I quickly replied. “It’s ok baby. Daddy’s fine with that.” I didn’t want her to think I was upset. “I know you need a lot of things before you take off for college. I think Daddy tends to spoil you.”
A broad smile etched into her face, “You do Daddy but I love you for that! You take such good care of me.” Subconsciously she hooked a long strand of hair behind her ear.
“So tell me princess, how much damage did you do?” I asked playfully.
Casting her eyes down she bit her lip then looked back up, “Promise you won’t be mad?”
“She always melts me when she does that,” I thought to myself. “Of course princess, Daddy won’t be mad.
“I spent about $325 Daddy.”
I was pleasantly surprised, “That’s all?”
Her eyes brightened as she excitedly replied, “Does that means I can buy more stuff?”
I held up my hands in feigned surrender and laughed, “No no baby, that’s good enough for now as long as you bought what you needed.”
She pouted her lip, “Ok Daddy. There was just one more little thing though.”
“Uh oh here we go. What is it?”
“I think I might need a new laptop.” Her expression changed to that of a child waiting for a scolding.
I learned forward and rubbed my chin lightly, thinking. “What’s wrong with the one you have?”
“I think there’s something wrong with it,” she replied. “It’s not running right.”
I knew she had taken computer classes before but there were some things even the younger generation needed help with. “I’ll check it for you baby.”
She smiled brightly, “Thank you Daddy! I love my laptop and I’ll need it for school.”
“How much longer until you start heading home?”
“I’m heading home in a little while Daddy is that ok?”
“Ok baby. Just give me a call if anything comes up. I’ll start looking at your computer and fix it for you before you get home.”
She playedfully kissed at the camera, “I love you Daddy!”
My heart smiled in return, “I love you too babygirl.”
After closing Skype I logged of the computer and headed down the hallway to Tashia’s room. Walking into her room I smiled to myself; I loved how tidy she was. Everything had its place and purpose … something she definitely picked up from me.
I made my way across her room and noticed her pink laptop sitting on the nightstand and sat down on her bed. Opening it up I was relieved to see she was still logged in Windows. I opened up her browser and decided to go to a website I frequently to clean up my browser. As I started typing, the internet history began displaying cookies automatically for “Literotica”.
“That’s odd,” I thought to myself.
My curiosity got the best of me as I clicked on the link and noticed she was still logged in to her Literotica account … DaddysLittleSlut. A familiar tingle wound its way through my cock as I clicked on the name to read her profile as my chest began to rise up and down rapidly. Ilaid there in shock as I read her profile:
I love reading and writing Incest, Dom/sub, and Bi/Lesbian stories.
I love Daddy/daughter role play and love to please my Daddy in any
way I can ๐
All of my stories are a combination of reality, fantasy, and fiction.
I only write stories where I portray myself as the main character.
It makes it more exciting to me, not to mention keeping my pussy
wet ๐
I couldn’t believe what I read. I glanced down to her “member since” date; apparently she’d had this account for almost two years now and hearing the words she was using caused my cock to rapidly grow and pulsate in my shorts.
“I love Daddy/daughter role play and love to please my Daddy in any way I can ;).” The words echoed in my head over and over. My heart pounded in my chest as my image of Tashia started to unravel. My emotions conflicted as thefather in me was crushed while the man in me awakened with lust. Part of me wanted to shut the laptop and forget I ever saw anything while my desire wanted to know more … and as usual, sexual desire won.
I looked over her profile and saw numerous titles of stories she submitted; 22 in all. I knew my daughter was a gifted writer but never imagined in a million years that she would write erotica. As I looked over the categories of her submissions, almost half of them were “incest” stories dealing with Daddy/daughter relationships. The more layers I peeled back, the more I discovered. Being a Literotica member myself I wanted to see if she frequently the message boards and clicked on her topics. A number of posts and replies came up on the screen as I began clicking through each topic; Daddy Role Play, Your Biggest Fantasy, Girls Who Love Their Daddies, Would You Sleep With a Relative?, Incest Fantasies, Webcam Sex, Dirty Diaries, and more.
My jaw hung open as I read each thread, pouring over my little girls responses and shocked she actually initiated some of the topics. The more I read the more I realized she fantasized a lot about me. I’ll admit her responses quickly had my aching cock completely hard:
On a reply to, “Would you have sex with a relative” she replied:
I would fuck my Daddy in a heartbeat! I’ve been fantasizing about this for some time now ๐
I know he’d never make a move on me so I’ll have to entice him little by little. That should be easy since I look exactly like my mother when she was 18 lol.
The more I read the more my lust began to grow. With my cock straining against my shorts I unbuttoned them and slide it out of my boxes, stroking it slowly as precum instantly formed on the head and dripped slowly down the side of the tight skin. Mesmerized, I kept reading more.
When someone asked if she had ever seen her Daddynaked she replied:
I’ve only seen outlines of him in the shower and when the door to his bedroom has been left open while he’s changing … but my Daddy IS a heavy sleeper ๐
Instantly my cock jumped in my hand. Was she planning on doing something when I was sleeping? My heart was racing, coming to the realization my sweet little girl had a bad side … a very bad side it seemed. I wanted to see just how bad so I clicked on the Webcam Sex and Dirty Diaries topics:
The question: Do you masturbate on webcam?
Smiles shyly … I masturbate a lot on Skype with guys. I love teasing them and getting them hard until they beg to Skype for me. Watching them struggling their cock turns me on and I end up Skyping with them … I love watching them cum ๐
“Oh my gosh,” I said to myself. I couldn’t believe how bad she was and I never imagined my little girl being like this. But at the same time, I was discoveredring her as a woman and she was turning me on unlike any woman ever had.
Her last topic drew my attention as I continued to stroke my cock, wanting so badly to cum but pacing myself so I was on edge continuously. Eagerly, I opened the Dirty Diary link.
The question: What’s the naughtiest thing you write in your diary?
I usually write about guys I webcam with, especially if they’re really cute and they have a nice cock ๐ But I also write about my fansies of my Daddy *smiles*
I knew I couldn’t hold out any longer. As I leaned back against her pillow I heard a thumb as something dropped to the floor behind her headboard. Sliding her laptop off to the side, I hoped off of the bed and knelt on the floor, looking under her bed. I saw a book leaned up against the wall and pulled it out. Glancing at the cover I realized it was her diary. Quickly I lay back down on the bed, my hand Continuing to stroke my cock as I began reading her diary.
I couldn’t believe the amount of entries she had! Especially the amount of times she Skyped with guys and masturbated. It seemed it was almost a daily occurrence and some of them were my age! In graphic detail she described many of them, how bad she turned them on and once she saw them stroking their cock she couldn’t resist and cam for them. One was a 41 year old named Tim from Texas she repeatedly Skyped and emailed with that she obviously was hooked on. My eyes immediately went to more recent entries:
October 21
OMG Tim (my role play Daddy) sent me a video clip of him struggling his cock and cumming for me last night! I’ve NEVER heard or saw anything so hot in my life before! When he told me he whimpers when he cums I didn’t think anything of it, but OMG … hearing him whimper drive me crazy! He makes my pussy so wet and so easily … I swear if I didn’t want Daddy to be my first, I would tell him to fly to Oregon and be my first!
October 22
I cammed with 4 guys today *grins* … it seemed all of them were on Skype today so I was a good girl and helped them out ๐ My poor little pussy is sore lol I will say one thing though diary, Daddy was only able to email me today but he actually was turned on when I told him I help other guys cum. He said it was actually making him hard at work as I was telling him and I was getting so wet! He’s REALLY different but wow … no other guy has the same effect on me. I did end up watching his video three times today ๐
October 23
Today I Skyped with Daddy for the first time (my play Daddy of course) ….gosh his cock looks so delicious I can’t stop thinking about it. Watching him struggling his cock live on cam and seeing all that precum … hearing his whimpers when he came … and all that sweet cum pouring from his cock … it’s making my pussy throb just thinking about it again. I swear I wish he could fly out here and see me. I would suck his cock so much and fuck him like crazy!
October 25
Gosh I’m so horny today. I Skyped with 3 guys already and they came so hard watching me. The younger guys cum fast but there’s so much of it! It’s incredibly hot seeing it spurting out that it drives me crazy! I just keep imagining sucking and licking at when it comes or feeling it shoot all over me. I don’t know how much longer I can last before I have to find out for real diary but I’m trying to be a good girl and hope my Daddy takes care of this for me. Although I will say if Tim would do it first, I would completely have him. Just thinking about his whimpers again … I need to watch his video again lol
October 26
It’s getting close to Halloween and I’m thinking I’m going to dress up as a school girl for this party I was invited to. I’m hoping it entities Daddy … I’m goingto the mall this weekend to go shopping and I’m going to pick up something there. Daddy gave me his credit card to use … he spoils me SO much! I can’t believe how much I love him but also how much I want him *smile*
Ok back diary … Daddy (Tim) has been mailing me all day from work with stories he’s writing about us on lit. OMG they are so incredibly hot … he had my pussy soaked all day! I begged him to stroke his cock at work for me and he came for me. Gosh I love how he makes me feel and I told him I wanted him to Skype with me tonight and we did. He had me on edge so much all day that I came within a few minutes. He must have been turned on too because I haven’t seen him cum that fast yet, but mmmm I WANT HIS COCK!
I needed to cum. I had reached my endurance and couldn’t hold out any longer. Hearing Tashia’s words were driving me crazy as I stroked my cock harder and faster. Fumbling for her laptop I opened up her "My Pictures” folder and saw numerous pictures but my vision locked on to one with her blowing a kiss to the camera. Before I realized, my orgasm slammed into me as my hips raised up and cum raced through my shake and exploded as wave after wave of cum shot from the head and splattered against my stomach and chest. My eyes were locked on to hers as my fist kept stroke faster and faster, my toes curling against her bedspread as my mouth hung open and whimpers escaped my lips. My head slammed back against her pillow as I let the sensing take over, my hips rising and falling, and my cock fucking my hand furiously.
Gradually the last remnants of cum left my spent cock. With labored breathing my orgasm finally began to subside as my hips lowered and the pace on my cock slowed, stroking it idly as cum glistened along the tight skin.
I tried to remember the last time I came that hard; I couldn’t. Once I looked into Tashia’s eyes I was hooked; she had me under her thumb. I loved my little girl more than anything but now I was craving her as a young woman. I tried to hold on to the little bit of restraint I had left as a father and didn’t know how much longer I’d be able to maintain that hold.
Quickly I set her laptop to the side and slide her diary back under her pillow as I grabbed a towel from her bedpost and cleaned myself quickly, tossing it into her laundry basket. Quietly I left her room and closed the door and made my way to the bathroom across from her room. I wanted to shower before she actually came home, thinking that maybe that would wash away some of the guilt I felt.
Guilt started to come over me. I already spent $325 of my Daddy’s money and didn’t want to make him think I was greedy. Besides, I wanted to get home so I could spend some time with him before retreating to my room and hopefully Skyping with my other Daddy. “Damn, my pussy is already starting to tingle just thinking about it,” I said to myself. I also wanted to get on Literotica and check the message boards. I loved going on there. It still amazing me how many guys loved the Daddy’s girl role I played.
I guess it wasn’t really a role; I truly was a Daddy’s girl. I loved my Daddy more than anything in the world. Some may have thought it was an act but it truly wasn’t. Ever since our mother left I grew closer to him. I hated seeing his heart broken and despised my mother even more for leaving like she did. I guess I became possessive of my Daddy after that. I never really liked the women he tried to date and I probably didn’t make things easy for him. He had no trouble having women fawn over him; he was still in his early 40’s, very handsome, tall, and kept himself in good shape. But the way I saw it, no one was good enough for him except me. To say I had a crush on him would be an understanding; it was justifiable.
To begin, my bad side led me down this road you could say. Being the studio type, I loved writing and was very good at it. My search for writing inspiration developed a darker side when I discovered a site called Literotica. Intrigued, I searched the site and realized it was an adult story site. Curiosity got the best of me and soon I was a regular reader, and later, a member; especially in the message board forums. Innocently enough I chose the name DaddysLittleGirl and popped in to different message rooms. I frequently the Fetish and Sexuality message board and was shocked at some of the topics, but also intrigued. Initially I responded to certain topics but once guys and girls saw my name, I received messages constantly. Apparently, Daddy/daughter role play was a big taboo topic and before long, I became enamored with it.
I had to admit, initially the ideas made me wonder who could do this but after numerous menasked if they could be my Daddy, I started playing the role for them. Soon I began getting requests to Skype, which soon turned into me teasing them and watching men stroke their cocks for me, and that turned into me playing with my pussy for them. None of them really attracted me to them, outside of watching their beautiful cocks spurting cum, but one guy enamored me and soon I was wrapped in him and he became my permanent Daddy. He Still is today, although online but I dream of one day meeting him and doing everything we always talked about.
I realized with all that was going on with my bad side, I wanted to keep a diary and so I did. Everything I did and wanted to do was in there. I could always confident in my friends, especially Olivia, but I felt my diary would always listen, and sure enough, always has.
The more I played with my online Daddy, Tim, the more my thoughts drifted to my actually Daddy. This of course led to answering questions on the messageboards of actual incest ideas, etc. I had to admit, the more I was around my Daddy the more I realized I was attracted to him more than a daughter should be. At first I tried to dismiss it but the more I dipped my toes into the taboo waters, the more my desire grow for my real Daddy.
I checked my bags to make sure I had everything and headed out to the car. Besides the new clothes I bought for college later this year, I picked up some things for my Halloween costume. I planned to dress up as a school girl, complete with plaid skirt, white stockings, black buckle shoes, and pigtails. Ok, so my Daddy didn’t know about this little part but I knew he wouldn’t mind. It wasn’t a kid’s party anyway and I wanted to turn some heads.
I pulled up into the driveway and quickly hurried into the house. I wanted to show Daddy everything I bought so it wouldn’t shock him, except of course for the Halloween costume, that would come later. As I looked around the house, I couldn’t find him and decided he was probably upstairs. Setting my things down I made my way upstairs but stopped at the top; I heard something. Was that a moan coming from my room?
Quickly I walked towards my room and saw a ray of light emanating through the door and frame, the opening just enough so I could look through. There lying on my bad was my Daddy, holding my diary and struggling his cock. I couldn’t believe it! My eyes couldn’t leave his cock as his hand stroked it slowly up and down, the head glistening with precum dripping down the sides. He cock was definitely the largest I had seen, at least 8″ and thick! Instinctively I licked my lips, suddenly feeling thirsty. A tingle ran through my body but never left my pussy as I felt a trickle of moisture forming on my instantly swollen lips. The site was incredibly erotic, hearing soft whimpers escaping his lips. I slide my fingers down my cotton running shorts, electricity runningThrough my pussy as my fingers danced over it. I could not believe how hot and erotic he looked. I wanted nothing more than to walk in the room and sink my mouth down on his long hard cock, sucking and licking it until he came in my mouth. I bit my lip so my own whimpers wouldn’t alert him but it was getting harder and harder to control. My fingers continued rubbing my slippery pussy before plunging deep inside of the opening as the sounds of sounds of my wetness echoed in the hall.
I watched inquisitively as he quickly grabbed my laptop and opened it, looking at something. Whatever it was set off his orgasm as his hips raised in the air as his fist stroked his cock harder and faster. My eyes widened as I saw cum erupting from his cock like a fountain, shooting and spilling all over his stomach and chest. My own orgasm slammed into me as I gripped the wall as my knees buckled, my fingers plunging in and out of my pussy at a feverish pace. Biting down hard on my lip I stifled the moans that tried to escape my lips, mixing with my Daddy’s whimpers. The whole ordeal felt euphoric as our sounds became one. Watching and hearing him cum made me realize how bad I wanted him; God so bad!
Gradually my orgasm subsided as my fingers continued to stroke my pussy lightly, my eyes still glooped to my Daddy’s cock and the amount of cum all over it and his stomach. Slowly I slid my fingers up to my lips and gently sucked on them, savoring the taste of my pussy. “Gosh my pussy would taste so good on Daddy’s cock,” I thought.
I watched as he closed the laptop and slide my diary back under my pillow. Grabbing a towel on my bedpost, he wiped cum from his cock and his stomach before tossing it into my hamper. I backed away from the door and quickly headed back downstairs, standing by the kitchen in case he came down.
Hearing a door shut I made my way upstairs; the shower was running. Quickly I ran into my room and opened my laptop. One of my own pictures starred at me, one I had posted on Facebook of me blowing a kiss at the camera. My pussy tingled when I realized he was reading my diary entries AND came as soon as he saw a picture of me. I was elated! My Daddy was actually turned on by me! “Things couldn’t be any more perfect,” I thought to myself.
Remembering he wiped his cum with my towel I quickly opened the hamper and pulled it out. I felt dirty but didn’t care. Opening it up I saw his cum glistening on the fabric … once more my pussy tingled. I pulled the towel close to my face and inhaled my Daddy’s scent. Instantly my mouth watered, his scent intotoxicating. Tententatively, I flicked my tongue out of my mouth licking lightly at his cum. I moaned lightly as his essence danced across my tongue. “Fuck he tastes so good,” I said to myself. Greedily I began licking at his cum like a little kitten, his taste intotoxicating me with hunger and need as my pussy throbbed.
Hearing the water stop in the shower I hurriedly tossed the towel back into the hamper and closed my laptop. I walked towards the bathroom door and knocked lightly, “Hey Daddy I’m home!”
He quickly replied, “Hey babygirl!” Daddy’s just finishing up and I’ll be out in a few minutes.”
I played along, “Ok Daddy. Were you looking at my laptop?” I wanted to tease him a little and see what he’d say.
“Oh … umm, Daddy was about to start working on your laptop but wanted to take a shower first baby.”
I grinned … he was stammering. This was going to work. I wanted to plant some wonder in his head. I had a feeling things were about to get interesting and I planned on taking full advantage of that.
I finished drying off and changed into my shorts and a t-shirt. “Damn that was close,” I said to myself.
As I headed down to the kitchen I could see Tashia by the sink. After today’s discovery I now began seeing her differently and immediately noticed her extremely short cotton shorts. My cock stirred as I gazed at her firm tight ass, individualized by the way the fabric seemed like a second skin on her bottom. Her toned legs were flawless and I began to imagine them lying on my shoulders as I fucked her deeply.
She turned around, catching me off guard, “Hey Daddy!”
She ran over, wrapping her arms around me and stretched up on her toes, kissing me on the cheek lightly. Her perks tits pressed against my chest as I wrapped my hands around her waist. I could feel her slender hips pressing against mine and hoped she didn’t feel my growing cock.
“Hey babygirl,” I smiled.
She beamed brightly, “I want to show you what I bought!”
Shean over to the counter and proceeded to empty the contents of every bag except one, showing me everything she bought. I was impressed she was able to get so much, having spent $325.
I glanced at the one bag she hadn’t shown me, “What’s in the other bag baby?”
She blushed lightly and bit her lip, “It’s my Halloween costume I’m wearing for the party tomorrow night.”
I couldn’t believe how hot it was seeing her do that now whereas before it was just something she did innocently. I raised an eyebrow, “And what kind of costume is it?”
Shifting her body nervously, she cast her eyes down, “It’s a schoolgirl outfit Daddy.”
My cock jumped instinctively as I ran a finger along my lip, “Hmm.”
Quickly she interjected, “I can try it on and show it to you Daddy? It’s not one of those naughty schoolgirl outfits I promise! It’s really cute! Olivia helped me pick it out!”
If I wasn’t so wrapped around her little finger I would have protested the whole idea. Reluctantly I gave her the thumbs up, “Ok baby go ahead. I’ll be in the living room when you’re done.”
“Thank you Daddy! I’ll be right back!” Hurriedly, she grabbed her bag and ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
As much as I tried, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her figure as I watched her ascend the stairs; her body was incredible. It didn’t help matters that I began noticing her submissive gestures. “Had they always been there?” I wondered to myself.
I headed off to the living room and sat down on the couch, switching on the TV as I waited for Tashia to come back down. After a few minutes I heard her bedroom door open and close as she made her way down the stairs. My eyes widened and traveled the length of her body, taking in every inch of her form. I was stunned! She wore a pair of black high-heeled pumps that accentuated her muscle calves perfectly. The form-fitting plaid skirt she wore was short; too short if my fatherly instinct had any say so, which it didn’t. Instead lust replaced it … it was perfect. Her tight white blouse was tied in a knot and the top two buttons undone, forcing her lively tits up and out. Her tight flat Stomach looked amazing. Finishing off the look, she wore a pair of black-framed glasses. By the time my eyes made it up to her face she was grinning. I couldn’t make any words come out of my mouth as it hung open lightly.
“You like it Daddy don’t you?” she beamed.
I stumbled to try and find the right words, “Wow Tash … it’s … ummm … wow.”
She turned around slowly, glancing back over her shoulder. “You don’t think it’s too slutty do you?”
My cock answered before I couldas it pressed uncomfortable against my shorts as I shifted on the couch. Seeing her looking back over her shoulder, the skirt rising up just enough to see the bottom of her ass was almost too much to bear. “It’s not slutty baby” I paused. “You look amazing!”
Her smile widened, “Thank you Daddy! I was praying you’d like it!”
“What’s not to like baby? You can pull it off,” I said matter-of-factly.
“I will Daddy I promise! Olivia will be there too.”
“Ok … that makes me feel a lot better!” I laughed.
“Daddy! You like my girlfriends don’t you?”
“Of course I do baby,” I teased. “I know you’ll be ok.”
Hopping up from the couch I embraced her and gave her a reassuring hug; inhaling her sweet scent now taking on a whole new meaning. As my breathing began to quickly I kissed her lightly onthe cheek and reluctantly let her go, “Now head upstairs baby and change and we’ll have dinner.”
“Ok Daddy,” she said, leaning in quickly and kissing me on the cheese in return as she ran upstairs, her sweet scent still tantalizing my senses.
I couldn’t believe how wet my pussy was. I didn’t know if Daddy noticed or not when he was hugging me but I was pretty sure he inhaled deeply. The very idea of โโhim inhaling my scent sent shocks through my pussy.
Quickly I shut the bedroom door, jumped on my bed and grabbed my diary. I wanted to write before I went back downstairs.
October 30
OMG what a day! When I came home from shopping I went upstairs and heard something … a moan. When I was in front of my room, I saw Daddy lying on my bed, looking at my diary and stroking his cock! I couldn’t believe it! The more I watched him, the more turned on I got so I started rubbing my pussy. Then he opened my laptop and I found out it was my picture he pulled up and he came hard and started moaning. OMG his cock looked so fucking delicious! I wanted to run in there and suck him so bad but I started cumming with him. I can’t believe I got to see and hear him cumming … and cumming! I might have to take care of this urge sooner rather than later!
I ended up showing him my costume and I could tell his cock was getting hard, seeing his little girl dressed up like a schoolgirl ๐ My pussy was soaking wet and I know he could smell me … he kept inhaling deep while he was hugging me. Gosh I wanted him to just throw me on the floor and start fucking me … he has me so crazy now!
I slid my diary back in the same place as before, hoping Daddy would find it there again.
Feeling brazen, I changed into my short cotton shorts and tight-fitting tank top; not wearing my panties and bra on purpose. I slipped on my white ankle socks, checked my hair in the mirror and headed back downstairs.
Daddy had a dinner on the table as I purchased into the kitchen. “This is gonna be fun,” I said to myself. I walked up behind him at the counter and pressed myself into him, hugging him tightly to me, “Hi Daddy!”
“Hey babygirl,” he replied cheerfully. “I have dinner on the table already. Hope you’re hungry!”
“Oh I’m starving Daddy!” I laughed at myself. “Starving for his cock,” would be more accurate.
“Go ahead and sit down Daddy. I’ll get our sodas.”
As he sat down I walked over to the cupboard, stretching up on my toes, deliberately giving him an eyeful. I could feel his eyes all over my body as I my tank top rose up over the small of my back. I grabbed the glasses and turned around as he quickly turned his eyes to the table. Setting his glass on the table I brushed my tits up against his shoulder before making my way to the refrigerator. I bent over, giving him a great view of my firm as I feigned looking for the soda.
I looked back over my shoulder, arching my back a little so my ass would rise further in the air, “Daddy what kind do you want?”
His eyes snapped up from my ass, “Umm you pick baby, it doesn’t matter.”
I grinned as I turned around, feeling my pussy beginning to swell in my shorts. I never realized how much fun this would be.
As we sat and ate our dinner, I continued to flirt harmlessly with him, biting my lip here and there, letting my foot rub up against his leg, brushing my hair behind my ear. I could tell the effect I was having on him as he shifted continuously in his chair. I even dropped my napkin on the floor a few times and he quickly ducked under the table to pick it up for me. I, of course, opened my legs slightly so he could catch a glimpse of my pussy lips pressed against my shorts. I had to admit, I was probably turned on as much as he was.
After we finished our dinner, I cleaned the table and began washing the dishes, “Daddy do you want to watch a movie when I’m done?”
“Sure baby we can. What do you want to watch?”
I was going somewhere with this; “Can we watch Titanic? I love that movie!”
He cleared his throat, “Umm ok baby. I’ll meet you in the living room.”
I laughed lightly to myself. If everything worked out right, I was hoping he’d fall asleep on the couch while watching the movie. For good measure I decided I’d make him a drink as well.
“Go ahead and start the movie Daddy. I’ll make you a drink and be there in a second.”
After finishing the dishes I made his drink, stronger than usual of course, and walked into the living room as the movie started, “Here you go Daddy.”
“Thank you baby,” he replied with a smile as he took a sip.
“Wow this is strong!”
I laughed lightly, “I’m sorry Daddy. Do you want me to make you another one?”
“No baby it’s alright. Maybe it’ll help me relax.”
I smiled and laid down in front of the TV and put the movie in and hit play, propping myself up on my elbows right in front of him. I could feel my shorts opening against my thighs slightly, the fabric leaving a small gap where I was hoping he could just barely see my pussy lips. I could almost feel his hungry eyes devouring my body. Every now and then I’d sway my ass back and forth a little, lift my leg up playfully, and peak back to see if he was looking at me. Sometimes his eyes lingered on my ass, other times they’d snap up like he’d been caught staring.
“You’re not getting sleepy Daddy are you?”
He smiled and tingles shot through my pussy, “No baby Daddy’s fine. I’m just getting a little sleepy.”
My eyes glanced to cock and noticed it bulging against his shorts. He was definitely taking in the sights I was giving him. I loved knowing I was making him hard; his sweet little girl becoming the object of his desire. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to see it again. Knowing how I was laying would keep him awake; I decided to grab a blanket and wrapped myself up in it. Before too long I could hear his slow and steady breathing; he was sleep.
I peeked over my shoulder, “Daddy are you awake?” … no response.
Excitedly I tossed the blanket off of me and crawled over to the couch. I laughed at myself, “If Daddy could see me doing this he’d really go crazy!” I looked like a submissive kitten crawling up to him!
I gently shook him once more to be sure, “Daddy are you awake?”
I could see his chest rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern … he was out cold. He was lying on his back with one leg raised and resting against the back of the couch, his head turned in the same direction. My eyes immediately went to the bulge in his shorts as I bit my lip. “This is it,” I thought to myself.
Tentatively I slide my hand up his shorts lightly, letting it glide over his cock. Oddly it felt like it was moving just from the heat of my hand. I glanced up at his face … he was still out cold. Slowly I moved my fingers up and unbuttoned his shorts slowly, thankful they were loose fitting. Gripping the zipper I slowly pulled down until his boxer shorts were exposed. My eyes widened as the outline of his cock greeted me. Seeing it from my room was one thing, but this was entirely different. I reasoned his cock was at least 8″ long and thick! Almost instinctively Ilicked my lips and my pussy began to moisten. I shifted myself onto my knees alongside of the couch as my breathing quickened. Sliding my hand up to his cock once more I could feel the heat emanating from it, pulsating … almost as if it were alive. I stroked my hand back and forth along it lightly until it was completely hard, noticing a small wet spot forming on his boxers. Pulling myself closer I lifted the band of his boxes as the head of his cock sprung free, the head glistening with his precum. My mouth hung open slightly as I stared at the moistened head, the clear fluid collecting on his stomach. Before I realized what I was doing, I slip his boxesers down slowly, my eyes fixed on his beautiful cock. Like a greedy little kitten, I leaned forward and inhaled his scent, my tongue slowly flicking out against the tight skin of His hard cock. Feeling the heat against my tongue I moaned instinctively as my mouth began to water. Slowly I ran my tongue flatly up and down his cock befor reaching the head. The taste of his precum individualized my tongue and soon my lips followed. With a gentle grip I lifted his cock from his stomach and slid my hungry little mouth around the head of his cock, sucking softly and savoring his taste.
I froze as a soft moan escaped his lips, praying he wasn’t waking up. I glanced up, the head of his cock still in my eager mouth, to find him still sound attend. Satisfied he was still sleep, I slowly began sucking on the head of his cock, swirling my tongue around the head, wanting more of his precum. My fingers began stroking his cock slowly and I realized the more I stroked him, the more precum flowed. Gradually I began sliding more of his hard cock into my mouth, my grip on it tightening just a little more. I couldn’t believe how delicious he tasted and I knew at that point I was hooked on my Daddy’s cock.
My pussy was soaked as I continued sucking on his cock in a slow, rhythmic pattern, my salivaglistening off of the tight skin. I readjusted my position as I leaned forward on my knees and spread them completely, allowing the fingers of my other hand to slip inside of my shorts and stroke my own little pussy. I moaned lightly on his cock as my fingers danced over and inside of my pussy as I slide more of his cock into my mouth. My hand and mouth worked in sync as they glided over his cock effortlessly.
I began hearing him moan more frequently and I glanced up when I felt his hips rising slowly. I slid his cock from my mouth and gazed up at him while I continued to stroke him, my fingers still gliding in and out of my wet pussy. Instinctively I could tell he was going to cum soon as his cock began to swell and pulsate in my hand. As I continued to stroke him my lips went back to his cock, stretching over the head while I slid as much of his cock into my mouth as I could. I could hear his whimpers begin as his hips rose up and down slowly, and then feel his cock swelland erupt inside of my mouth. Stream after stream of cum poured from his cock into my mouth as I struggled to swallow him, my own orgasm rocking me as my pussy sucked and gripped my fingers eagerly. His moans burned in my ears as my pussy juices flooded my fingers and his cum flowed across my tongue and down my throat. I sucked on his cock continuously, almost lovingly, wanting more of his cum in me as the last remnants of our orgasm began to subside and his cock began to soften in my mouth.
Sliding my fingers from my pussy I let his cock slip from my lips as I kissed the head gently, still savoring the taste of his cum in my mouth. Glancing up at him I was amazed he was still sound sleep but was happy that he was. I reached down and slide his boxers back up and fastened his shorts once more, patting his cock lightly.
As I stood up above him I could feel the wetness on the inside of my thighs and smiled; I could smell my scent in the air. I grinned and decidedto wake him before I went upstairs. The mere thought that he would be able to smell my pussy gave me shields. Leaning against the couch I gently shook his shoulder, “Daddy wake up.”
I groaned as I stretched and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, my first hazy thoughts going back to an incredible dream of my cock being sucked. The drink I had clouded my memory but it seemed so real. I remembered the feeling of a warm wet mouth teasing my cock, almost experimentally, then engulfing it and sucking slowly until I came.
Again, I heard my daughter’s voice shaking my gently, “Daddy wake up.”
“Hey baby,” I groaned. “I must have fallen wait.”
She laughed, “You did. I heard you snoring but heard you whimpering too. You must have been having a good dream.”
I laughed nervously, “Yeah it was a really good dreambut now I can’t remember it.” I lied.
I stretched once more, inhaling deeply at the same time, my head level with Tashia’s hips. Instantly my cock tingled, a familiar scent tantalizing me. I knew that scent … pussy. My mouth began to water as my cock began growing, and quickly. “Why the heck do I smell pussy,” I asked myself. It was her scent I smelled, there was no doubt about it. What was she doing that her pussy got so wet? Then it hit me … my dream.
“Are you ok Daddy?”
I stumbled a little to speak as the possible reality hit me, “I … I guess I was more tired than I thought.”
“It’s ok Daddy. I didn’t want to wake you up.”
Slowly I sat up on the couch, my legs on each side of her, “How long was I sleep?”
“You slept through the whole movie Daddy.” She laughed lightly as her tank top rose slightly, exposing her tight yOutful stomach. Visions of running my tongue teasingly over the skin or my cock exploding its seed across her tummy flashed through my mind.
“Daddy,” she questioned. “Are you still waking up?”
“What baby?” I glanced up as she hooked a strand of hair behind her ear, her smile widening. “You were staring at my tummy.”
“Oh I’m sorry baby.” Heck, why lie I thought to myself. “I was just thinking you’d look good with a bellybutton ring.”
“Oh my gosh really Daddy? You’d let me get one?” She lifted her tank top a little higher, exposing her taught stomach. By now my cock was its full length, pulsating and alive.
I stood up quickly, knowing full well if I keep gazing at her I’d probably cum without even touching myself. “Sure baby, I’d let you get one.”
“Oh Daddy thank you!” she said excitedly as she leaned up and rested her forearms on my shoulders, her fingers entwined behind my head, stretching up on her toes as she hugged me close.
Her body felt so good pressed against me, combining with the scent of her body spray and the scent of her pussy, I felt light-headed. It took every physical and mental restraint I had to release her.
“You’re welcome baby!”
I watched her as she quickly walked across the living room, my eyes once more glued to her tight firm ass. “I’m gonna head upstairs and get dressed for the party Daddy ok?”
“Ok baby. What time are you leaving?”
She paused on the stairs looking back over her shoulder. “Olivia is picking me up at about eight o’clock and then we’re picking up the other girls.”
“How long will you be out?” I asked inquisitively.
“We’ll be out until around 1 is that ok Daddy?”
I sawed, my eyebrow rising, “1:00 a.m. hmm?”
She stopped and turned around, her eyes cast down as she bit her lip. “Please Daddy?”
I had to admit, she was damn good at getting her way. “Ok just promise me no one drinks and drive ok? If someone does, call me and I’ll come get you ok?”
She beamed, “Thank you Daddy!” and ran up the stairs.
I went and sat in the recliner and clicked on the TV as I waited for the time to pass. Reluctantly my cock settled down however when Tashia came back down stairs to leave, it quickly awoke.
She stood in front of me, her hands claped in front of her, biting her lip once more, “How does it look Daddy?”
Fuck I wanted her bad. No woman ever had this effect on me before. “You look incredible babygirl … wow!” The look of amazement never left my face.
She curtsied playfully, “Thank you kindSir.”
I shook my head and laughed, “Go on baby get going. Just remember what I said ok?”
She walked over and hugged me tightly, “Thank you Daddy so much … for everything” and kissed me lightly on the cheese.
A few short blasts of a horn caught her attention. “Ok Daddy that’s Olivia I gotta run! I love you!” she yelled as she quickly headed for the door.
“I love you too babygirl! Be careful!”
“I will I promise!”
“Wow,” I thought to myself. “She’s going to be turning heads when she goes to that party.” Subconsciously I rubbed my cock, remembering the way she looked and the all too real dream I had, or was it?
Shaking my head I decided to give my senses, not to mention arousal, a break and walked to the corner of the living room and picked up my electric guitar; nothing, besides masturbating, beat releasing any pent up energy better in my mind. I plugged the cable into the guitar and heard the familiar hum as the amplifier came to life. For the next few hours I played until my fingers were sore.
I glanced at the clock … 10:40 p.m. I figured I could watch some TV for a while until Tashia made it back home. Besides, I had a few hours to kill and there were some movies on the DVR I wanted to catch up on. Setting the guitar back in its stand I switched off the amp and grabbed another drink in the kitchen before I plopped down into the recliner and clicked on the TV, starting the movie. After a few minutes, my eyes grow heavy and I was sound wait.
“Oh my gosh Olivia! That was an awesome party!” Tashia exclaimed; adjusting her seat as they left the Halloween party. “Guys were checking me out and grinding on me left and right!”
Olivia laughed, “Really Tash? Even I couldn’t stop staring at you!”
“I swear do you know how wet I am?” she said excitedly. “This is one of those times where I wish I had a boyfriend!”
Olivia’s green eyes glanced at her momentarily. “Are you sure you need a boyfriend for that Tash?
Tashia eyed her inquisitively, “Oh, you mean can my online Daddy help me?”
Olivia averted Tashia’s eyes momentarily; “Umm yeah!” she laughed nervously, “your online Daddy! I’m sure he can help you out!”
“Mm that’s true,” she replied, a hint of seductiveness etched in her voice. “I’m going to check my phone and see if he’s around.”
As Tashia frantically typed on her phone, Olivia reached out and turned on the stereo as the car merged onto the highway, ironically Father Figure blared through the speakers.
“Oh my gosh Tash, this song is so you!" she boasted.
“This has got to be my new song!” she laughed hysterically.
“I swear as easily as this guy Tim makes you cum it makes me jealous. Maybe I need a Daddy as well!” Playfully Tashia touched her bare leg, pouted her lip and looked up at her, “Do you need a Daddy babygirl?”
Laughter erupted as Olivia scratched her hand on her leg, “No you can’t be my Daddy … maybe my Mommy!”
“You’re so bad Olivia!”
“What can I say, you’ve corrupted me thank you very much!” she grinned. “I was never a perv until I met you!”
The pair laughed as Tashia glanced down at her phone as the car pulled into the development, a frown playing on her face, “I don’t think he’s around.”
“Awww what are you going to do?”
“Hmm… I have an idea,” she replied mischievously as Olivia drove up to the driveway.
“I won’t be denied when I’m horny Olivia,” she turned.
“Oh you need to text me later and tell me what you’re doing!”
Tashia grinned as she opened her door, “Maybe, if you plan on cumming yourself.”
“Oh my gosh Tash you better text me!”
She turned as she closed the door and gave a wave as she headed towards the house.
Olivia witnessed as she watched Tashia leave and began to back out of the driveway, “You are something else girl.” She smiled to herself as the heat emanated from between her legs and her pussy continued to soak her panties.
Walking into the kitchen she laid her keys and phone on the table, “Hey Daddy I’m home.” Hearing no response she made her way into the living room. The TV was still on as she glanced down on the couch … he was soundsleep.
She grinned in spite of herself, “This is perfect.” A familiar tingle worked itself through her as she stood next to him, her eyes gazing lustfully down at his body. Her mind drifted back to the last time he was in this position, the familiar taste and feel of his cock etched in her senses.
“Daddy, are you awake … I’m home!” Only the soft sounds of his snoring could be heard over the monotone of the TV.
Gently she knelt down beside him, hunger reflecting in her eyes once more. Maybe it was the alcohol making her brazen; at this point she didn’t really care. He had what she wanted and that was all that mattered.
She looked over his sleeping form and slide the throw back from his body, exposing him to her greedy stare. “Mm he’s wearing his boxes,” she said to herself. “This is going to be easier than the last time.” Slowly she slide her hand against the well-defined bulge in his boxes. Even in his sleeping state she could recall how well-endowed he was. Running her fingers over the soft mound of his cock, she could already feel the wetness begin to form in her pussy.
Instinctively his cock moved under her touch, coming to life as she bit her lip and moaned lightly. This is what she wanted. She reached down and unbuttoned the fly of his boxers, watching in amazement as his long hard cock emerged from hiding. Without wasting time, she lifted his cock in her delicate fingers and lowered her mouth onto his cock, moaning gently as the familiar taste and warmth of her Daddy filled her. She Continuous sucking gently but with purpose as her hand continued stroking his hard cock in rhythm with her soft wet mouth. Even though she heard a distant moan and a subtle shift in his hips, she did not relinquish his cock. She was too far beyond want and need to care.
She began to slide his cock into her throat; pausing long enough to allow his thickness to adjust to her tight throat; her submissive moans vibrating lightly through the length of his cock. She didn’t realize how much she missed the taste of his cock. Expertly she slip him slowly from her throat, massaging the underside of the shake with her tongue before flicking her tongue at the head of his cock, savoring the taste of his precum on her tongue.
Expectedly, she felt a hand on her hair as she glanced up at her Daddy while the head of his cock slide from her lips. “Babygirl … who .. what are you doing?”
Her eyes sparkled while she looked up at him, almost taking his breath away, “Hi Daddy.”
He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, struggling his cock gently while she stared into his eyes, “Baby no … you shouldn’t be doing this.”
“Why Daddy?” she pouted. “Don’t you like me sucking your cock? I saw you reading my diary and playing with your cock on my bed.”
He couldn’t believe it, she had seen him. He reached down to her hand and held it in his, taking it off of his cock. “Baby … that was a mistake. Daddy shouldn’t have done that and it was wrong.”
She knew how to play this game; she’d been practicing it for years. Now was the time to break him completely.
She pouted her lips as she cast her eyes down and then back up, “Don’t you love me Daddy?”
His heart broke, “Baby Daddy does love you! Why would you say that?”
She continued to play his heartstrings, determined to have him. “I love you Daddy so much! I want to make you happy.” She looked up into his eyes once more, almost pleading. “Please Daddy? I know how much you love me. Let me make you happy?”
She removed her hand from his and slid it up against his stomach as her mouth lowered back down onto his cock, sucking it in deep. He groaned loudly, unable to contain his desire. His back arched slightly as his head leaned back against the cushions. She knew he was hers now. With renewed vigor, she rubbed her hand on his chest as her hand and mouth worked in unison once more, sucking and licking, teasing and savoring. She moaned continuously on his cock, sending warm vibrations through his cock. His mind was in euphoric bliss and his body lost to her control.
She let his cock slip from her mouth as she looked up at him and bit her lip, “Daddy? Can you sit back on the couch for me?”
He was surprised at how quickly he obeyed her command, shifting quickly on the couch until she was seated between his legs on her knees, her ass resting on her heels. She looked up at him from between his legs with a small smile, “Did you like the way I sucked your cock yesterday Daddy?”
Momentarily confused, realization hit him; it was Tashia! “That was you baby?”
She smiled sweetly, “Yes Daddy. Are you mad at me?”
He shook his head slowly, “No, no baby. I could never be mad at you.”
She blinked her big brown eyes up at him, “Did you like your dream Daddy?”
She looked so incredibly beautiful to him at the moment, in spite of the face she still looked like a school girl in her Halloween costume. “Very much babygirl,” he surprised at the memory. “What am I going to do with you Tashia?”
A smile began to grow from her wet lips, “Anything you want Daddy. I’m yours.”
His hand moved slowly and cupped her cheek as she leaned into his touch and closed her eyes, touching his hand against her face and kissing his open palm.
“Sit back and relax Daddy. Let me take care of you.”
He showed lightly and leaned back into the couch, his eyes never leaving her sight. Slowly she rubbed her hands onHis thighs and began licking the length of his cock deliberately, tasting every inch of him. Instantly his cock bobbed against her tongue as she reached the tip, flicking her tongue at the head. Quickly her lips wrapped around it and glided the entire length of his cock into her mouth, her hand instinctively returning to the shake as her other hand caresed his balls lightly. Saliva glistened off the shake as he moaned loudly, his hands reaching into her hair and gripping tightly. Her head moved up and down radically as her whimpers penetrated his cock.
He couldn’t believe how good she was at sucking cock but as soon as he began to wonder how she learned, he realized he didn’t care; he belonged to her now.
He could feel the familiar tingle in his cock that signed he was close to cumming. “Babygirl Daddy’s going to cum soon.”
She moaned louder on his cock but had to control herself. As badly as she wanted to taste hiscum again, she wanted it someplace else. She let his cock slip from her mouth slowly, rising up on her knees, her hand pressed against his thighs, her pussy dripping with hot need, “Daddy will you fuck me? Please?”
The thought of saying no never entered his mind as he reached down and lifted her onto his lap, her knees stretched to the outsides of his hips. “Are you sure baby?”
Her smile melted him, “Yes Daddy, more than anything in this world.”
His hands reached under her skirt to cup her ass in his hands, only to be surprised she wasn’t wearing any panties.
“Baby you’re not wearing any panties?”
She smiled shyly, “I took them off earlier tonight Daddy. I wanted to get really turned on tonight before I got home.”
Shaking his head slowly his fingers found her chin and lifted it up lightly, her eyes looking up at him, “We’re gonna have to have a talk babygirl when we’re finished.”
She nodded and looked down before glancing back up, “Will you still fuck me Daddy?”
He laughed lightly, “Come here babygirl.”
She squealed as his powerful hands gripped her ass and pulled her against his chest, her knees pressing against the couch as his lips found hers, kissing her deeply. Her tongue slid into his mouth as he sucked gently on it, savoring the taste of her as they explored each other’s mouth. He could feel the heat from her pussy as it hovered just above his cock. Teasingly, she lowered herself, placing her hands on his chest as she rubbed her moist lips on the head of his cock, watching his reaction.
He struggled to keep from forcing her down. “Don’t tease Daddy babygirl.”
She smiled as she lowered her pussy down onto his cock, working her hips back and forth as his thickness penetrated her deeply. She groaned loudly, “Oh Daddy,” as his cock sank into her to its full length. His mouth hung open slightly as the heat from her pussy consumed his cock. With purpose she began to glide up and down on his cock, her head leaning forward, her eyes closed, as her pussy sucked and released his cock. Her wetness coated his cock instantly and began to run down to his balls. His fingers dug into her bottom as she squealed once more, lifting her up and down onto his hard throbbing cock. The echoes of their bodies hitting against each other reverberated around the room, adding to their moans and whimpers. Not wanting this moment to end, she began grinding her pussy down on his cock. Instinctively he pulled her closer to him, his mouth seeking her tits as he sucked her hardened nipple into his mouth and clenched it in his teeth. She yelped at the twinge of pain but began whimpering, grinding his cock further and deeper into her young tight pussy. His cock continued to thrust in and out of her, the wetness from her lips leaving glistened trails of desire all over him. She interlocked her hands behind his neck, leaning her forehead against his and watching his cock bury itself inside of her tight wet pussy.
Small gasps escaped her lips as he felt her body beginning to tense, “Daddy … Daddy. I’m gonna cum Daddy… I’m gonna cum.”
With lustful need, she forced her pussy down onto him as her orgasm began to take control of her body, her muscles gripping his thick hard cock as his own orgasm began to hit. His cock erupted inside of her as streams of cum pumped into her, coating the inside of her pussy with his seed. Their moans of pleasure cascading in waves as her cum coated his cock and his cum her pussy. Continuously their bodies rocked against one another in perfect sync as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling him into his chest as his fingers glided up and down her back. He lifted her up slightly as he continued pumping his cock inand out of her pussy, releasing the last remnants of his cum inside of her pussy.
Her sweat ran down her chest as she collapsed against him, her breathing ragged as their hearts pounded against each other’s chest. He held her tightly against him as he reached for the throw and wrapped it around her body and lay back against the couch, pulling her close to him; her soft body nuzzled against him, her head resting against his neck as his hands continued caressing her back.
She looked up at him and smiled as he kissed her gently on the lips. “Are you going to scold me now Daddy?”
He looked down at her inquisitively, “For what babygirl?”
She laughed, “For not wearing panties Daddy.”
“Oh yeah that,” he contemplated for a moment. “I forget about that.”
“What if I don’t wear them just for you, no one else?”
He told, “I have a feeling you’re always going to be talking your way out of trouble easily babygirl.”
She grinned mischievously and raised herself up onto his hips once more, her hands pressed against his chest, “Who said anything about talking my way out of trouble Daddy?” as she slowly moved her hips, sliding her pussy once more against his cock.
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