Virgin Territory Ch. 01

Chapter 1 – Induction

She stood where he had indicated as he reclined in the large black executive chair opposite, watching her. The silence began to get uncomfortable, his scrutiny seeming to bore straight through her.

‘Strip’ the command took her by surprise and she looked at him in confusion ‘It’s not difficult Jess, surely even you can take your clothes off?’ his tone mocking.

She made to answer; his gesture for silence stopping her ‘How soon you forget the rules; rule number one, thou shalt not speak unless asked a direct question. One black mark already and we haven’t even started.’ She watched him shake his head in disapproval.

She had almost forgotten his first command, his raised eyesbrows and obvious impatience suddenly reminding her. She hesitated; she was not that naive to think she was not going to get naked at some point during proceedings, it was just the clinical way in which she had been ordered.

‘You have fifteen seconds Jess; please don’t make me add another black mark so soon, that would be disappointing.’

She could still back out, call the whole thing off but as he started to count the seconds down, she found herself fumbling with her street clothes, fighting to beat the deadline.

Only when her clothes lay in a dishevelled heap at her feet, with a second to spare, did he rise from the chair, coming to stand in front of her naked form.

She watched him look her up and down, his eyes examining every minor detail of her body, her self consciousness made her want to cover her nakedness to protect herself from his scrutiny. Her arms twitched as she instinctively moved to cover herself.

‘Stay perfectly still, I have given you no command to move; what’s that, three black marks already? That shall be something to look forward to later.’

He continued to walk round her as if in consideration.

‘Now, place your right palm on the back of your head, then your left palm on the back of yOur right hand, keeping your elbows ninety degrees from your body.’ The voice soft, commanding, coming from behind her. She did as she was told.

‘Good, now spread your feet apart, in line with your elbows’ the stance was very wide and she almost overbalanced in her worry to do as she was told, not wanting to incur any more marks against her.

“You claim to have been a gymnast and dancer in Your youth, yet your poise and elegance has obviously been lost due to lack of discipline or maybe pure laser. I do not like to see sloppines Jess, sort it out. Each time you fail to execute this position smoothly, you will be punished. For each position I shall teach you, you have one attempt only to get it right, so concentrated!”

She flinched as his hand trailed down her back, cupping her right buttock with a squeeze, his other hand following suit. Running his hands back up her sides, he reached round, weighing each breast in turn; she felt as if she were a piece of cattle at auction and the thought made her blush with embarrassment.

Swiftly, before she had a chance to realize what he was going to do, he trapped both nipples between a finger and thumb, squeezing hard. She let out a small whimper, unprepared for the sharp pain, whilst trying to step away from his hold; the pressure merely increased, making her gasp and with his body solid at her back, she was going nowhere.

‘No moving means just that Jess’ he warned, she gritted her teeth. Her nipples throbbed as he released them, allowing the blood to flow back.

She steeled herself as he croouched before her, his hands on her inner thighs. She felt his hands rise higher, dropping her head to try and see his intentions. A singing sensing made her yelp as he flicked the delicate inner thigh area.

‘Remain looking straight ahead; god, you’re a fidget, we’re going to have to do something about that.’

Her head snapped back to its original position, the sensing of the sting still tHere. She felt her outer lips peeled open, exposing her further, his breath making her tingle. She tensed as she felt his fingers start to delve within.

‘Look Jess, tense all you like but I will continue, may I suggest a little relaxation may make all the difference’

She will herself to relax as his fingers entered her; she feel more join the first as he tested her opening.

‘Well, you really are the horny little devil aren’t you, so little stimulation yet so obviously turned on.’ He withdraw his fingers, standing to raise his wet fingers to her lips, his meaning clear.

She tasted her own juices as his fingers entered her mouth, sucking them clean as he instructed.

Abruptly he pulled away from her ‘I have left you some clothes more appropriate to your situation, you have until I return to put them on. Once clothed you should return to this mark, on your knees with your hands placed in your lap, palms upwards, left hand on top of right. Keep you head bowed and contemplate why you are here as I wish to have an answer from you. Please do not disappoint me any further by failing to be ready’.

She watched him across the room to the wrong iron spiral staircase she had earlier descended, his boots ringing on the metal treads. She heard a door bang shut above; the audible click of the lock telling her she was here until he decided otherwise.

She frantically looked round the room for the clothes he had mentioned, not knowing how long she had before his return.

This was the first chance she had to take in her surroundings; she had only seen the room briefly as he called her through to stand before him. The staircase and lack of windows confirmed she was in the basement of the house. The floor consisted of stone flagging but surprisingly was not cold, as if heated from underneath, the walls remained raw stone with various unidentifiable objects stored neatly in racks fixed at various points. She recognized a video camera and photography equipment stored in one corner and a thrill went through her as she thought of her own experience captured on film but would she actually be able to watch herself? Christ she avoided photos at all cost and then rarely could look at them without feeling embarrassed.

The cross on the floor had indicated where she should stand and the large leather chair opposite was the one he had recently occupied. One wall was screened by a heavy curtain, making her wonder what lay beyond. Her eyes finally settled on the clothes, laid out on the top of an old fashioned pommel horse. Leather, she should have known.

The skirt fitted snug around her waist, flattening her stomach, the garment then flared out, finishing mid thigh, almost like an old fashioned tennis skirt. The leather was soft and soupple and felt good against her skin as any movement made the material brush her tights.

The top was in the corset style, lacened at the back with hook and eye detail on the front; shefrowned, this was not going to be easy to put on by herself. The final item was a pair of boots, knee high and zipping up the front, the siletto heel high and wickedly sharp. Each boot had several additional leather straps attached that buckled tight over the zip fasting; D rings adorned each strap. No underwear accompanied the outfit.

The corset proved as difficult as she suspected; not being able to lace up the back, after fasting the front, she had to try and adjust the lacing until it was just right, allowing her to pull the hook and eyes closed. As the seconds ticked by, she got more and more frustrated, anger starting to surface. She heard the door open above, just as the final fasting bit home.

Franticly she scrapbled for the mark, dropping to her knees, trying to remember which hand on which, her breathing ragged through the exertion. She kept her head bowed, hearing his footsteps draw nearer. Shit, she was supposed to have thought about why she was here;There had not been time, she searched for the right answer.

His boots and part of his leather clad legs came into view before her, the only thing visible from her position.

She saw the boots move as once more he walked round her. He stopped behind her, pulling one of the corset lacings.

‘Straighten your back’ he ordered ‘can’t have you benefiting from the disappoint of a poorly lacened corset’

She felt his hands on the lacings, pulling each in turn until she felt the garment tight against her body, forcing her to concentrate on her breathing and to hold her position.

‘That’s much better’ he murmured, almost to himself as if he were admiring a favourite pet.

He moved back in front of her. ‘Now, before we commence with your first lessons, look at me?’ he commanded

She raised her head to take in his leather clad body, his face stern, his eyes staring into her soul.

‘And the answer to the question I set you; why are you here?’

She surprisesed herself when the answer spilled out without any apparent thought on her part.

‘I am here because I want to learn Sir’

‘And what is it you wish to learn Jess?’

‘I want to learn to let go, to relinquish control over my body and mind, and to feel Sir.’

‘And you consent for me to be your teacher and guide; to do my will as instructed?’

‘Yes Sir’

‘Welcome to my world Jessica and until I say otherwise, it will be in my world you remain; my world, with my rules. Should you do well, I may decide to keep you but disappoint me and there are many others to take your place’

He held her gaze, watching as her emotions crossed her face; the uncertainty, the eagerness, the desire, the fear, the want.

‘Lesson one — discipline. Please present yourself to receive the punishment you earned from our earlier encounter. Forearms on the floor in front of you, nose to the floor and stick that beautiful arse upwards and remember your posture…’

She didas she was ordered, lowering herself gently forwarded, the tight corset helping her keep her line. She felt her skirt lifted upwards, exposing her naked arse. She heard him across the room, pause and then return. She felt several strands of some kind of material trail across her naked flesh and she trembled as she realized what he held; she tensed, waiting for the blow. She had been too busy concentrated on the tease of the flogger to realize he also held a young piece of birch. She heard the swish but had no time to prepare; she could not help the yelp that escaped.

‘We have ten of these to get through Jess and I would hate to have to gag you’ he warned.

She focused, biting back the next sound, counting each stroke. Her skin felt on fire, relieve flooding through her as he gently massed her singing arse, gentle words of comfort, praising her for taking her punishment. Amazingly, a flush of pride flooded through her as she knew she had pleased him.

‘Remain in that position and contemplate the punishment you have just received and what you are going to do to ensure you do not make the same mistakes again.’

She heard a click, a whirring sound and then a soft, cool breeze against her singing arse; a fan of some kind.

Once more she heard him ascend the staircase, the locked door, alone with her thoughts, the cool air soothing her burning skin.


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