Kelly Carlson was 18. 18 and still a virgin. Remarkable in this day and time. You might be tempted into thinking this means she looked like that old redneck saying “she wasn’t hit with an ugly stick, they used the whole damn tree.” But that wasn’t true either.
In fact it was quite the contrary. She had a lovely face that was lost in long cascading waves of shimmering Brunette hair. Her Green eyes jumped out at you, especially in the summer when she tanned a dark brown laying out by the pool. If you could see them, her tan lines and the stark contrast of the two areas of skin would be astounding. Yet, no one, save her mother, herself, and her gynecologist had ever seen her naked since she was a young girl. For Kelly had old-fashioned morals, as well.
Supporting that beautiful, almost angelic face was a classic hourglass body. But you couldn’t tell by the way she dressed. The only time you could ever have gotten an idea ofthe femaleness of Kel as her friends called her, was at the pool, or in the dead of summer, when you might get to see her legs in cutoff shorts.
Kel just didn’t feel like advertising her sexuality. She wore big baggy clothing to hide the fact her breasts were perky, though only C-cups, so not overly large. When questioned by her girlfriends who all dressed for attention from the opposite sex, Kel would Just say ‘she wanted a man attracted to her for more than her body. This was all a part of what she called her ‘don’t flaunt it’ policy.
Kel was determined to be a virgin on her wedding night. Her boyfriend since Junior High School, Vincent Edwards, seemed to understand this, as he had stopped trying to get into her panties years earlier.
Vince had the look and build of young Adonis, and This served to complete the look of innocent and cheerleader-esque appearance of Kel. They had won the homecoming pageant, more a beauty pageant for couples than anything else, on sEvery occasions.
These were the only times when Kel would reveal her lush young figure, as she always wore some form fitting gown. At times these almost appeared transparent in the style of Halle Barry or one of the young J-Lo’s of the day.
Kel wasn’t without compassion for Vince physical needs or his carnal desires for her, in fact her compassion was of a woman far more mature than her young years. So she had become rather adept at sucking him off and using her hand to satisfy him. She even let him finger her pussy once in a while, as long as he was careful not to rupture her hymen, and she allowed him to suck her breasts as a compromise to no fucking.
Kel was actually quite fond of the feel of Vince hard cock in her mouth. She had learned to deep-throat, so taking his average size cock all the way to the balls was Not an issue. She had learned a trick to take him all the way in then to start swallowing, allowing her neck muscles to ripple up and down the shake of his cock, milking his balls in just a few short minutes.
She had even started to get a little of what she called kinky with Vince. She would insinuate a spit slicked digit in his ass, as she sucked him and the prostate massage that accompanied the blowjob would make his orgasm that much more intense.
Yet, any time Vince would see a new action on Kelly’s part as perhaps signaling a change of heart regarding her virginity, and he would get a little aggressive sexually with her, Kelly would regain control of the situation quickly before it got out of hand, because she found his becoming aggressive sexually stimulating.
Vince was getting rather frustrated with Kel. When they both started College. His freshman buddies, brained at their conquests with all the freshman girls free from the restrictions of home and not holding back with the heady freedom they were feeling. Vince wasn’t without his share of the fawning freshman females. Yet, he remained true to Kel and their relationship. That was all about to change though.
Kel and Vince had a group of friends who were their crowd in high school and all had applied and been accepted to the same University. The small town they came from generated similar interests and the small state they lived in limited the number of state schools available. All were from middle class families except one of the girls, Debra.
Family financial constraints required They attended state schools to get the best tuition rates. So the ‘brat pack’, as they had dubbed themselves, remained intact as they all left home for State University.
One night shortly after they arrived at school, they were partying at Debra’s apt. Debra was the little rich girl who Daddy spoiled to no end. The rest of the ‘brat pack’, all had stuffy little dorm rooms, but Debra had a spacious condominium apartment. They all went there to party, regularly. At the condo, there was limited threat potential and Debra had a beer supplier so they could drink and not worry about getting busted for being underage. Besides Debra also had an ample supply of pot for them to enjoy. There were usually eight couples there, all friends from high school, and paired up for years. Almost zero threat potential, at least until that group started to break apart. First Debra broke up with her boyfriend Eric. Then Connie and Ken broke up.
Usually there were eight couples intertwined in various positions around the room, discrete and not taking it too far, yet not afraid to ‘get down and dirty’ if the mood moved them, so it wasn’t unusual to see a hand up a blouse or under a skirt or even to see a cock being tended to, orally, by one of the girls.
None of the other girls were Virgin. Kel had endured their girl talk about their sexual escapades for years.
Though rather prudish in her approach to sex, Kel would even blow Vince in the relatively safe setting, of Debra’s condo. With themselves unattached after breaking up with theirlongtime boyfriends, Connie and Debra floated through the house, playing hostess to the other couples. No one seemed to notice if the two disappeared for extended periods of time.
Then Lori and Jake broke up. Lori was Kel’s best friend. She was also one of the sluttier girls in the crowd. I guess opposites really do attract. She liked to fuck and was proud of it. This was part of the reason Jake had broke up with her. She had become a bit more than he could handle without the restrictions of home and parents, neary. She was the embodiment of the freshman girl set free.
He had caught her in her dorm room with several of the football players being ‘entertained’ by her. They were all big burly black men, and though Jake wasn’t a bigt, and could deal with her sexually active with others, when he walked in and saw her riding one big black cock, with another in her ass, one in her mouth and one in each hand, and three guys standing by awaiting their go at the young woman, he couldn’t take it anymore. He summarized their relationship. It helped that he already had another young sweetie ready to step in and take Lori’s place.
So this night Lori was also unpaired, but unlike Debra and Connie, she sat in the front room with the other couples rolling joints and keeping them passing. The effects of the pot, the booze, and all the sexual activity could be blamed for what would happen later, but the main reason was Lori was a slut.
It started when Kel was giving Vince a blowjob. Her expert oral ministers of his erect cock were serving the usual purpose of sating his sexual desires, but the pot was having an effect on him. When Billy started fucking Maggie a few feet away, Vince pot distorted mind started getting aggressive and he pulled Kel’s skirt up, exposing her bikini panty clad ass to the room. At first Kel hadn’t noticed, her contact high just enough to get her into the blowjob she was enjoying administratoring to her Vince.
She didn’tsmoke much pot. For she knew it made her horny, and the one time she had almost given in to Vince she had been stoned. She also didn’t like him smoking it either, for it made him aggressive, and she liked that too much, as well.
When Vince ran his hand into her panties, Kel realized what was happening. Though she was boldly sucking his cock in front of her friends, she didn’t like her ass-ets exposed to the other males in the group. All a part of her ‘don’t flaunt it’ policy. She recoiled from his touch, rising up and looking him in the eyes with a scolding look on her face.
She didn’t have to say a word to him. He knew the problem was he had gone too far. Yet, his aggressive mind state, a product of his being stoned, precluded his removing his hand from her panties.
When she had to do it for him, it was the dam breaking for her. So when he tried to guide her head back to his lap, as much as she enjoyed his aggressive demeanor and the feel of his cock in her throat, tHere was no way she was going to finish him. It would serve him right if he went home with ‘blue balls’. Kel rose from her half reclining position and went to the kitchen for a beverage other than the beer in the cooler in the living room.
Lori already aroused from the pot and the sexual activity going on around her, was taking all this in, her mouth watering and her sexually excited cunt getting a fresh shot staring at Vince hard cock Cross the room. When Vince went to the kitchen in pursuit of the retreating Kelly, Lori heard them arguing briefly, then Vince returned to the living room.
An idea began to take shape in Lori’s sex hungry mind as Vince returned to the Living room. When Kel returned and sat across the room from Vince, though he became her to come to him, Lori felt certain her idea would work. Now she just needed the opportunity. It would come before the night was over.
A little while later while Kelly was again in the kitchen refreshing her drink, Vince rose and walked towards the back of the Condo. Lori figured he was going to the restroom, and this worked well for her plan. After only a few seconds she followed the down spiritualized boyfriend of her best friend. As she passed the bedroom at the rear of the condo, a strange noise attracted her attention.
Quietly turning the knob on the bedroom, Lori opened the door just wide enough to peek inside. There on the bed, Debra was on her hands and knees, her skirt up on her back, her panties around her knees. Connie was on her knees behind the other girl, her skirt around her waist as well, held up by a huge black strap on Dildo. Connie was slamming the rubber cock into her friend with a ferocity that could only be classed as brutal. Debra was apparently enjoying the pummeling her friend was giving her, for she was moaning and as softly as her lust impassioned voice would allow, uttering ‘Fuck me’ at regular intervals.
Lori watched for only a moment before quietly closing the door and recovering her task. Finding the bathroom door closed, she knocked quietly. Vince response confirmed this had in fact been his destination. Lori replied she needed to go when he was finished and stood by the door awaiting his desk.
When Vince opened the door, Lori stood blocking his exit. Pushing him back into the room, she closed the door behind them. Lori was tall and so her height matched Vince, and she looked him in the eyes, her own eyes clouded with lust. “I saw what Kel did. It isn’t right to arouse your man and leave him hanging.” Lori breathed as her hand fell to the front of Vince jeans. Caressing his cock through the fabric, she felt it start to stiffen again.
Vince was shocked that his friend from high school and his girl’s best friend was being so brazen with him. This worked to Lori’s advantage, as he was slow to react and stood still as she spoke and played with his stiffening man meat. He made no attempt to move when the tall blond dropped to her knees in front of him and undid the fly of his jeans, releasing the turgid cock held captive inside.
As Lori sucked in his cock, she released in the urine taste she drew from inside, and thought to add another flavor. Standing again, she lifted her skirt, and pulled aside the crotch of her panties. She drew his cock through the copious fluids there and started to take him inside her. Figuring Vince for a virgin though, she wanted it to be a little different, so after coating the hot hard helmet of his virgin cock, she resumed her squat position and sucked in his cock coated in her own juices. She sucked him for several moments, showing him her own time tested deep-throat technique, then she rose, not wanting him to reach orgasm yet. That might spoil her plans. Kissing him square on the lips, she spoke.
“Meet me at my dorm room in an hour, and I will show you how a woman should treat her man. Knowing he was finally going to get laid, Vince just said “sure” and smiled. Lori toldhim to leave in about 30 minutes and she would discretely follow after a few more minutes. That way if he needed to take Kel back to the dorm before coming to her room, he could. If not, there departures wouldn’t be so closely timed as to raise suicide. It wasn’t Lori’s intent to break Kel and Vince up she just wanted to get fucked.
She let Vince leave the bathroom, and readjusted her clothes in the mirror. As she retired back to the living room a few minutes later, she stopped by the bedroom and peeked in again. The scene had changed though the activity was still the same. Connie was on her back, her panties gone now, her legs in the air. Debra had the big black Dildo strapped on and was on top of Connie in the missionary position, plowing her friend’s cunt with the rubber dick and the same intensity her friend had fucked her. The young women were in the midst of a deep French kiss when Lori opened the door, but a few moments later, the kiss broke and Lori heard Connie tell Debra, “Fuck me lover. Own my pussy. We don’t need those nasty men as long as we have each other.”
Lori made a mental note to try to gain access to her friend’s bedroom for some fun in the future. Though an avoided heterosexual, Lori was willing to try anything, and having a girl friend to turn to in time of need, might prove fortuitous.
A half hour later, right on schedule, Vince left. Kel, still angry at the events of earlier in the evening, refused to leave with him, telling him she would get a ride, from on of the ‘brat pack’ later or call a cab. Knowing it would only take her five minutes to get to her dorm room, Lori waited another 25 minutes to leave. When she did leave, Kel was in the restroom, and so she didn’t raise any suspicions.
Less than an hour later, Vince blew his load in the condom Lori had insisted he wear when she took his virginity. Lori knew Vince was safe and she was on birth control, but having had the event with the football players only a few days earlier, she didn’t want to risk passing anything she might have contracted onto her friend. Lori might be fucking her best friends guy, but she did have a little bit of scruples.
As you might expect the word got around and soon Vince found out from Maggie, that Kel had found out about his losing his virginity with Lori. Vince went to her dorm room in an attempt to put damage control in effect. He had his story in place. He would tell her it was the effect of the pot and beer and that the plus was he wasn’t a virgin any longer, so he could save face among his friends, and leave her alone about it until they graduated college and got married. This way she could keep her vow of celibacy until the honeymoon. His only concern was would Kelly let him talk to her. She was rather bad about holding on to her anger.
Uncharacteristically, Kelly let him in as if nothing had happened. When Vince started trying to explain though, Kelly got angry. This only served to stir Vince uncharacteristic anger and he let her have it.
He called her a tease, allowing him to play with her body, even sucking and jacking him off but not allowing intercourse. He got really angry, and even told her she dressed like a frump. He told her Lori had said he could have her anytime he wanted, and so he didn’t need Kelly any longer. This argument had been brewing for a while, and when Vince let loose, he held nothing back. When he left a little later, Kelly was devastated. Her best friend had betrayed her with her boyfriend, and her boyfriend wasn’t interested in reconciliation as long as Kelly held onto her virginal dreams.
Kelly recovered in a couple of days, though she missed Vince terribly. They had always talked on the phone at least once a day for an hour or more. They had done this for Several years, and Kelly found she felt lost without him.
The blow came when she saw Lori and Vince strolling arm and arm across campus a few days later and then she went to theRegular weekly party of the ‘brat pack’ and arrival late, because she had debated whether to go or not, found Vince, fucking hell out of Lori in the middle of the living room floor. She of course left immediately. Vince and Lori apparently not even aware she had stopped by.
That night she decided she had to fight fire with fire. But Lori dressed so provocatively, and Kelly had no idea how to dress that way or to apply makeup the way her slutty friend did. She didn’t even have the clothes or makeup she needed to accomplish this task.
So she decided to consult one of her other friends, for help. The next morning she called Debra and told her she needed her help. Her and Debra were approximately the same size, so Kelly figured she could make use of some of her rich friend’s extended wardrobe. When she laid out her plan to woo Vince back, and then give herself to him.
Debra sounded as if she were on board with the plan and told her friend to come over that afternoon afterer classes and she would help her out.
Kelly had no idea of how Debra intended to ‘help her out’ when she arrived at her friends apartment later that day, and Debra might have given up on her plan with the slightest protest on Kel’s part had Connie, the more assertive one of the two, not shown up in the middle of it all.
Debra had wanted to relax her friend and so had put her in a large tub of bubble bath, with a large glass of white wine to soak and relax. Debra was in her room trying to find a suitable dress for Kelly when Connie arrived.
Debra thought to add Kel and her luscious body to her lesbian enourage, started with Connie. Connie was a bit too dominant for Debra, and though she had no plans of cutting Connie loose, at least not until she could replace her, she wanted someone to dominate, and Take charge of like Connie took charge of her. She wanted to dominate the more naïve Kel, but she didn’t want to break her the hard way. Yet, she liked the domination,to a degree, her friend Connie exhibited over her, and wouldn’t do a thing without consulting Connie.
So while Kel soaked in the hot tub, relaxing assured in her plan to regain Vince favor, Debra called Connie. When Connie showed up all the ideas of coercing Kel went out the window.
Connie said they would try to coerce Kel to become a part of their lesbian activities and if that didn’t work, they would ‘take’ her. Connie’s plan sounded a lot like rape to Debra, and that both excited her and scared her. As she listened to Connie’s plan, she got more excited to the possibilities the dominant friend suggested.
By the time Kel’s water started to cool, she was more than just a little bit tipsy. The wine along with the hot tub had all but turned her into a limp dishrag. She wouldn’t be able of providing too much Resistance to what was about to happen.
She dried herself then made her way to the bedroom where Debra was waiting. Connie had gone to the living room and was rolling some joints, so Kelly wasn’t even aware Connie had arrived.
When Kel joined Debra wrapped in a towel, Debra gave her a pair of thong panties and told her to put them on. Kel frowned and Debra reminded her they were trying to get her less ‘frumpish’ for Vince.
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