I gently swiveled my neck back and forth, easing the tension that had built up during a tense late evening meeting. As middle management at a global software company I can end up working sucky hours on calls with Dubai or Kyoto, but I’d gotten lucky and today’s call with the dev team in Romania had finished pretty quickly. As such, I was rounding the corner into my block just after 9:30. I earned good money so I’d splashed out on a top of the range electric car, one of the few nice things I allowed myself instead of pouring money into my kids or their college fund.
Besides the critic in my neck, I felt pretty good as I neared my house. I was about to turn and pull into the drive when I saw another car in my spot. Weird.
It was an old banner and my instant assessment was that it must be a teenager’s first car. Had Annie learned to drive? I couldn’t recall her mentioning it.
Annie was the regular babysitter for my kids. She’d been sitting for over three years now, andI was getting quite concerned that once she went to college I’d have to find somebody new. My kids loved her! She was bright, fun, and brought a lot of the joy to their faces that I had worried I’d never see again after their mother died. Not only that, but I’d gotten to know her over the years and thought of her almost as a niece. She was innocent, cheerful, full of life and love. I was going to miss her as much as my kids.
A little suspicious about what was going on, I parked on the sidewalk and quietly exited my car. My house is on a bit of a rise, so I walked up the front yard and quickly snuck up under the bay window. Peeking inside, I saw the TV playing a Disney movie and toys straight about the rug. I moved around to the other side of the window and looked in to see the couch and a shock hit me square in the chest. Cute little Annie was on her knees in a sundress, her head gently bobbing up and down on some teenage kid’s dick. The guy had his eyes closed and was mouthing words with his hand in her hair, and she was obviously facing away from me.
I sat back to think. I was pissed, obviously, that Annie had invited some kid I didn’t know into my home with my kids, and that my kids could come downstairs at any time and see this depravity.
Depravity? I asked myself. Am I that old? Didn’t I do the same thing when I was their age?
I looked in again. She was obviously pretty new to this. She had the cockhead in her mouth and was basically just repeatedly bobbing up and down on it, completely ignoring the shake. Her hands were still and on his thighs, they were both dressed… It wouldn’t surprise me if he was a new boyfriend and this was their first time doing anything. She’d certainly never mentioned having a boyfriend before, and we talked pretty often.
I decided that, as a responsible parent, I was going to have to break this up. Shock was the name of the game. As silently as possible, I shuffled to my front door and gently opened it.Once inside, I closed it behind me and, thankful for the short pile carpet, crept to the blinde door. I stopped and listened in.
“Ohhhhh that’s so good baby, so good. Keep going, keep going, I’m getting close, oh baby, oh baby.”
I quickly decided to wait and go for maximum embarrassment.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, oh fucking yes Annie, yes, Annie,” the guy was getting louder and louder.
“Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Fuck!” Then quiet panting took over.
I throw open the door and stepped into the room.
Annie, still on her knees, looked miserable with a small load of cum around her lips, strands connecting it to the cum remaining on the tip of his little cock. The guy looked up at me wide-eyed and shocked. They were both paralyzed.
I looked the guy dead in the eyes and said, menacingly, “get out.”
He jumped up, knocking poor little Annie back onto her butt, buttoned up his pants, and raced past me. He struggled with the front door but was soonout and on his way. I heard his car coough to life as I stepped towards Annie.
I knelt to be closer to her level. “You have some cum on your mouth,” I said calmly.
That snapped her back to reality and she wiped the cum with the back of her hand. Realizing she was left with a sticky hand, she looked around for something to clean it up with. Calmly, I got up, found her a tissue, and handed It to her. She took it, no longer able to look me in the eye, and wiped her hand. She was still a mess.
“Why don’t you go upstairs and clean yourself up, then come back down here so we can talk.” It wasn’t a question.
She nodded obediently and pushed herself up off the floor.
Once she was gone I checked the couch and floor for any wayward cum shots, but settled myself down When I couldn’t find any. On a hunt, I switched the TV to another input and on came the live feed from my security cameras.
I had a good income and, like any good father, wanted to protect my family. So I’d invested in a very nice home security system just before my wife died. I’d mostly forgetten about it, but I had a computer in the attic that was always on and recording from several cameras in the house. Because the blinde and the big bay window were obvious entry points, I had two hidden cameras mounted in the coving. I picked the one with the best view of Annie’s face sucking cock and reward the footage. I let the silent amateur porn play on a loop while I waited.
15 minutes later I heard reluctant footsteps on the stairs. She slowly entered the room, her sundress clinging to her in patches where she hasn’t dried herself completely. She couldn’t look me in the eye. When she realized what was on the TV she gasped. “I… I didn’t know…”
“Didn’t know I had cameras, or didn’t know it was wrong to fuck Your boyfriends in my home when you’re meant to be watching my kids?”
She looked at the floor, dumbstruck. “Can you… can you turn it off?”
I ignoredher question. “Come sit down.” I shuffled to make some room on the couch. She hesitated. “Sit,” I ordered firmly. She shuffled over and sat down next to me, tigh against tigh.
I relaxed back and pointed to the screen. “You’re pretty new at that, aren’t you?”
She kept her eyes aimed at her clapped hands in her lap.
“Annie, if you don’t answer my questions honestly and promptly, I’ll be giving your parents a copy of this. Answer the question.”
“Dylan and I have done it a couple of times.”
“You know, this shows a huge lack of respect for me and my house. You’ll call me Sir, just so we’re clear on where you stand. Try again.”
She paused to build up her courage. “Dylan and I have done it a few times, sir.”
“Done ‘it’? What’s ‘it’?” I asked obtusely.
“That, sir,” she nodded to the TV.
“If you’re not old enough to say it, you’re not old enough to do it. Say, ‘I’ve sucked Dylan’s cock a couple of times, sir.’”
Another pause, then, demurely, “I’ve sucked Dylan’s cock a couple of times, sir.”
“Do you enjoy it?”
“Yes… sir.”
“Do you always cum in your mouth?”
A few seconds passed. “Yes, sir.”
“Do you like the taste of cum?”
“It’s… it’s okay.” She looked like she wanted to qualify her answer, but changed her mind and said just “sir.”
“Do you love Dylan?”
She looked up at me then. “Yes sir! I mean, I think so.”
“Does he ever go down on you?”
Her eyes went back to her hands. “No… no of course not, I wouldn’t want him to…”
“… to make you feel good too? Seems pretty selfish to me. First, he runs off as quickly as he can and abandons you here, then you tell me he’s happy getting head from you but won’t return the favor. Has he even called you to find out how you are?”
She hadn’t thought to check. She reached over to the coffee table and picked up her phone. I saw the empty lock screen: no calls, no messages. She held her phone tight as she sat back on the couch.
I turned my attention back to the TV. “I have to say, you put a lot of password into your cocksucking.” She didn’t look up. “You’re obviously new, untrained, and of course you’re a virgin-” she didn’t respond. “-but you wanted to make him happy, didn’t you?”
She finally plucked up some courage, “I should go, sir, mom’ll be looking out for me.”
“Before you do, we need to consider what happens next. You’re a wonderful babysitter, Annie, and the kids love you. I’d hate to lose you, but I need an apology from you and to know it’ll never happen again.”
“I’m sorry sir,” she mumbled looking down.
“Look up at me when you apologize. I want to see the sincerity in your eyes.”
She struggled but eventually, her green eyes met my brown and she rushed out another apology. “I’ll never do it again sir, I swear.”
“Well that’s settled then,” I said and got up off the couch. I went to my wallet and pulled out what I owed her. I handed her thefolded bills and she quietly got up from the couch.
“What about…” She nodded at the TV.
“You answered my questions honestly so I won’t be sending it to your parents.”
“Will you delete it?” She asked sheepishly.
“No,” I said apologetically, “despite your lack of experience, or perhaps because of it, it’s a very hot video. I’m going to keep it and masturbate to it whenever I want.” I kept my tone as casual as I could while not hesitating to use mature language. She almost seemed to shirk away at any such terminology and it gave me a pleasant kick.
I opened the door and led her to the front. “Make sure you get home safe.”
Speechless, she slowly walked out.
“Oh, and I’ll see you Saturday at the barbeque.” I closed the door.
The weekend rolled around and I took my two sons round to Annie’s parents’ house. My wife had been best friends with Annie’s mom since college and so the four of us adults had been close. When my wife died some distance grow between them and myself, but they did what they could and we still saw quite a lot of each other. They were pretty well off, with a pool and patio in the backyard, so they made good use of it in the summer. Today they’d invited a few families from the neighborhood around and it was buzzing with activity. The kids were all running around or splashing in the pool and the adults were gathered in pairs of couples with beers in hand catching up on the latest gossip.
I put the most social smile on my face I could muster and keep close to Annie’s parents. Bob was master of the grill and Luna was playing the dutiful hostess, preparing pitchers of drinks and making sure everybody was having a good time. We were catching up on work since Bob’s job in finance crossed over a little into my territory of information security, so there was Always news to share and common ground. I’d been there for about half an hour when I noticed Annie finally emerge from the house. She was wEaring a pretty red bikini that looked a little too mature and too revealing for a family barbeque day, but I appreciated the pushed up teen tits and the sculpting of her ass cheeses. At a glance, I guessed a nice firm C cup, but they could’ve been D. I think Bob and Luna caught me staring because they followed my line of vision and gasped when they saw their daughter. Bob was about to head over when Luna touched his arm and went instead.
“Kids eh?” I said, trying to diffuse the sudden tension. “Always want to grow up too fast.”
Bob grunted. “I don’t even know where she’d buy that from.”
“All kids go a little crazy when they turn 18. Not looking forward to my boys getting there.”
Bob shook himself out of it by calling that the burgers were ready and dumping them on a plate. I Watched Luna talk to Annie, both getting pretty flustered fighting in public, before Annie stormed back into the house.
Luna saw me watching and came back to me. “Be glad you don’t have girls.”
“Annie’s a good kid,” I replied. “She just wants to be grown up. I’m sure we were all the same at her age.”
Luna snorted with laughter. “I was far worse.”
At that, Bob turned around, smile on his face. He grabbed his wife by the hips and pulled her in for a deep, forced kiss. “You were pretty badly behaved.”
Luna looked at me. “Bob’s parents once caught me in his room after dark. His dad walked in while I was buck naked on my knees. God, I nearly died of embarrassment.”
I laughed. “What did he do?”
“Walked straight back out,” Bob added. “Didn’t say a word. Next day he came up to me, gave me a pat on the supposedr and a string of condoms. He never walked into my room again.”
Luna looked dreamily at Bob. “Maybe I was too harsh on her?”
Bob was torn. “If we don’t let her do it at home, she’ll only rebel elsewhere. At least here she’s safe.”
Luna gave him a peck on the lips and disappeared into the house. “It’s not easy to see my little girl as a woman.” I immediately thought back to the image burned into my spankbank of dear little Annie on her knees with globs of cum all over her face.
“I bet.”
Annie and Luna came down a few minutes later. Annie was now wearing a translucent black sarong to cover her bikini pants, and they were both a little red eyed from crying. As she emerged, Annie made a beeline for the pool and I soon saw why. Tiny-dick Dylan had arrived.
The two exchanged a chaste kiss and talked while Luna came up to me. “That’s Annie’s boyfriend Dylan. We’ve met him a couple of times now, she wanted to invite him here.”
“Sounds serious,” I said.
Bob grunted again. Any acceptance of Annie’s adult adventures was gone again. “He’s a little shit.”
I raised my eyesbrows in surprise. Not that I disagree, but that he’d be so brazen about it. “How come? He an asshole to her?”
Luna shook her head. “He’s been a perfect gentleman every time we’ve met him,” she said,gently chiding her husband. “But, yes he has been taking Annie out til pretty late at night and she’s come home with a couple of drinks in her.” Bob gave her a serious look, to which she responded “just like we did at her age.”
“We also got pregnant at 22.”
That chilled Luna to the bone.
I told them I needed to talk to Annie about babysitting next weekend and wandered around the pool. My kids called for me, so I did what any respectable parent would do and cannonballed in and soaked them and their friends. After some roughhousing and chasing, I got out and looked for Annie again.
I first noticed Dylan laying back on a sun locker before seeing Annie approaching him with a glass of soda. She handed him the drink and sat down on the locker next to him.
I puffed up my chest and straightened my back before walking over. “Good afternoon,” I said sternly.
Dylan nearly jumped out of his skin before his eyes darted to Annie’s parents.
“Hush, hush,” Isaid as I sat down on the end of Dylan’s locker. He pulled his feet up to make room for me. “I haven’t told them anything, yet.”
Annie opened her mouth to say something but I interrupted her. “I promised not to show them the video of you sucking his cock in my home. I will, however, tell them what their precious daughter and her gentleman of a boyfriend get up to unless you are both very, very careful.”
I looked at Dylan’s drink. “Annie, that looks wonderful. Would you mind getting me one?”
She was confused but slowly rose and walked away.
I turned to Dylan who had pulled up his shades onto his head. “Now, we didn’t get to talk much the other night. I understand you’ve been taking dear Annie out for a while now. I also understand you’ve have brought her home drink. Now, teenagers are teenagers and I understand that, but Annie is an good student and I would hate to see everything she’s work so hard for to go to waste.” That last point was a stretch. Sweet as she was, Annie wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.
I paused and looked around the garden. “I want you to consider the life she has here and your place in it.” I turned back and stared him down. “Treat her right and you and I won’t have any problems. Keep going as you are and I’ll make things very difficult for you.”
I unlocked my phone, opened the security app and went into the archived footage. I found a camera view that only showed Dylan’s face and a non-descript head bobbing up and down on his lap. “In some circles, this footage will make you a hero. In others, it’ll make your life very difficult indeed.”
“You want me to end it with her?” He finally stammered.
“No! I want you to make her happy and treat her properly. Return the favour, for instance,” I shook the phone. “Don’t get on my bad side,” I said with a smile.
At that moment Annie returned with a glass in hand. I took it from her, said a polite thank you and stood up. “Annie, I’d like you tobabysit next Saturday. I have an investor coming into town for a dinner and I’ll need the evening out. If you wouldn’t mind?”
She looked at me fearfully. Could she even say no? “Of course.” Then, after a few seconds staring at each other, “Sir.”
On Saturday I took the boys out for some laser tag and came home pretty exhausted in the late afternoon, only the find Annie already there waiting by the front door. “Hope you haven’t been waiting long,” I said cheerfully.
She looked down, unable to meet my eyes. Then I saw the flicker of a smile on her lips as the boys ran up to her for a hug. I opened the door and let everyone in. “Boys, go upstairs and play while I talk to Annie, okay?” They both nodded and ran up the stairs in glee.
“How are you doing?” I asked casually as she followed me into the kitchen.
She didn’t reply, so I took a bottle of water out of the friedge and handed it to her. She grudgingly took it. I raised my hand to her face and gently raised her chin to look at me. “Everything OK?”
“Yes,” she mumbled quietly.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed with me. What you did was perfectly natural for a girl your age. You’re just curious and learning about yourself.” I smiled and went to unpack some shopping.
She slowly approached me. “Please delete the video.”
I surprised and put a hand on her arm. “I won’t do that.”
“Why not?” She became.
“Because while what you’re doing it perfectly fine and natural, you need to learn there are consequences to your actions.” I gave her a friendly smile. “What bothers you about me having it? That I’ll show it to your parents? I won’t. I blustered your boyfriend about it the other day, but I wouldn’t I really do anything to get you in trouble.”
“I think I know that. It’s just… the thought of you having that to watch, I think.”
I pulled out my phone and opened the video. I showed her and she turned away. “Watch. Watch yourself.” She slowly turned her head back and saw her past self nodding on Dylan’s cock. “You’re a very beautiful young woman. You have no idea what you’re doing, but there’s password in your eyes, a hunger to please your man. Do you see it?”
She didn’t respond, she just stared at herself, lost to the world.
“Do you see it?”
“Because of that, because of you, This is a beautiful video and I’m going to keep it.” Then, an idea struck me. “Have you ever watched a video like this before?”
She shook her head deeply. I locked the phone and gently took her arm. “Come with me.”
In the living room I guided Annie to the couch before I pulled a small key out of a drawer and locked the living room door. She looked at me with alarm. “It’s Just so the boys don’t see something they shouldn’t. They aren’t adults like you and I.” She seemed flattered that I thought us equals.
On the TV I switched to my network storage and created a new user with View only rights. Then a list offolders appeared. Two of them had names: ‘Annie’ and ‘Callie’, the rest were categories like Blowjob, Anal, Bondage, Submissive etc. Hey, I work in information security, I keep my shit organized.
I opened Annie’s own folder. “These videos are the different camera angles from your little video.” I’d made a few edits and opened a video where I had zoomed in on Annie’s face so you could clearly see the fire in her eyes.
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