
It always amazing me how the simplest of things could change your life. Turn left instead of going right, hit the brakes instead of the gas, dress for a party instead of work, or, in my case, accidentally take the wrong pill. I had been working for a new company; I am a financial consultant and general troubleshooter for big businesses, when this occurred.

It began, truly, with another car running a red light. The car broadsided me and I ended up spending several months in traction. After the hospital stay came an even longer rehabilitation. Unfortunately, neither could eliminate the pain that I was forced to live with. Luckily, the man I am, and the one I was to become in the future, both learned how to deal with pain–to even make pain pleasure and desirable.

How to start is the most difficult question. Well, for me at least it was rather easily solved. You see the car that broadsided me belonged to a company. Right on the side of the car it had the company nameemblazoned in big, bold, cursive letters: H.Y.D.R.A.

H.Y.D.R.A. stand for Helping You Deal Right Away. Just my luck I got hit, and seriously hurt, by a driver from a rehabilitation center dealing with people injured in automobile accidents. I know, it couldn’t have been more ironic if I’d plan the fucking accident myself!!

Needless to say the employee who hit me, a rather struggling long-legged, large chested blonde, gave me her card right away and we exchanged information. When the time came for my hospital stay to end and my rehabilitation to begin I knew right where I was headed. The company had contacted the hospital, explained the situation and told them that, obviously, the rehabilitation, however long it took, would be performed by them gratis.

Now I know what you are thinking–they had other motives for taking care of my rehabilitation–like avoiding a major liability lawsuit that would probably cost them millions. I thought the same thing and was just as wrongas you are. The rehabilitation, complete with all scientific reconstruction, since my body was severely damaged in the accident and insurance doesn’t cover more “cosmetic” procedures, was to be performed there and that is where my adventure at H.Y.D.R.A. begins.

They took pictures from my apartment to use as a guide, but they did not reconstruct my face and body to my previous state. Instead of doing just reconstruction They decided to improve upon it as well. When I finally was able to see my new face and body I realized I was staring at me, but it looked nothing like me previously. H.Y.D.R.A. made me better. I was now the, at least in their eyes, perfect specimen of masculinity.

My face had been altered and I had the gorgeous looks of an Olympian god. Every facial muscle was perfect, not a hair out of place. My eyes were the same basic color but now looked to be an even more striking shade if that is possible. When I stared at my naked body for the first time I realized that I now had the quintessential “six-pack” abs I’d always dreamed about. My legs were somehow thinner, toned, yet more muscular looking. All in all I was everything I’d ever dreamed of being but had yet to reach though the worksouts I did daily.

I can’t say that the first time I was awakened I was surprised to be strapped to a table. After all, if you saw your body had been completely Rearranged by some unknown benefactor what would you do? Thankfully they had a counselor on hand to explain what had been done before they ever let me off the table. She had taken her time and went into full details as to what to expect when they did let me up. So, when I was finally able to see myself nude in the rooms full-body length mirror I did not freak out–too much anyway—though I do recalling cheering Just a bit.

What I did not know at the time, though found out later on, was that other modifications were made to my body as well initially and that more were indeed planned for me. The oneModification that they made that was not immediately apparent upon waking, but after being visited by several gorgeous nurses soon became apparent, was the fact that they had also, for some unknown reason, increased both the length and girl of my penis. I mean, let’s face it, several gorgeous nurses see you naked and you are strapped to a bed you are going to get a massive hard-on unless you are gay or dead. Well, I am not gay and after seeing them I know for certain I was not dead!

My rehabilitation progressed rather normally, aside from the modifications that they had made to my body, and soon enough I was able to walk, run and exercise as I had before. The nurses and doctors all seemed to be flirting with me though I don’t know why or whether or not it was just a figure of my overactive imagination. What I did know for certain was that I can’t ever recall seeing a male nurse or doctor the whole time I was there recovering during my rehabilitation.

Eventually they pronounced me fully recovered and I was able to leave. However, for some reason I don’t recall, I never made it out that door. Instead, I awoke in some strange chamber, bound naked and gagged only able to hear some strange chanting. I tried to focus on the words but focusing only seemed to make me all the more grocgy and unfocused instead.

What came next was definitely a surprise. Coming into the room, shaded but only briefly by the lighting, was a large group of women naked except for the flowing robes that they wore. Each of the robes was emblazoned with a picture of the mythical beast known as a hydra.

One spoke and I assumed she was the leader of this unusual group.

“Well dear,” she began, “our little company deemed you worthy of modification and has improved your body greatly over its previous state. I expect you are rather grateful for this and now is the time to repay that gratitude.”

I was at a complete loss for words.

Luckily for me my naked state andCurrent situation left me in a position to do nothing else than get a rather large hard-on.

As the leader reached for it she said, “Since you now have this gorgeous cock in the place of the some smaller one you had previously I am sure you are in the mood to use it. At least it seems to be ready since it is standing up at attention looking, and feeling, like a miniature flagpole.”

What other Modifications had they made to my body? Did I really want to know? What did they have planned for me in the future? I am sure I did not what to know that. The future was some scary and uncertain at this point and I had no intention of letting my deviant mind drive me to distraction with thoughts of it.

How many women were in the room ogling me I did not know. What I did know at the time is that the room seemed rather tightly filled.

My eyes took in all the sights around me marking each one for future usage if necessary. My ears told me what they could of what was being said in the room even though mostly it was just a general murmur. My nose, which I am told by doctors prior to my incarceration, has an abnormally good sense of smell on the level of a shark or bloodhound, told me that the women in this room all had one thing in common aside from their good looks: Everyone of them was aroused and horny!

I watched, half hornified at not knowing what was going to happen to me, half fascinated at what was already happening to me.

Hands caresed me, pulled me, teased me and tortured me. Lips worked their way everywhere on me without limit. Pussies got lowered to my face one at a time as if I was a machine to pleasure only them. My cock got harder still and something was strapped onto it but I was unable to see it through the crowd of women who were using my body only for their own sexual gratification.

Something heavy and thick was inserted into my ass from below and I immediately felt full as it pushed deeper and deeper inside me. Then, when I felt I could no longer tolerate the pain of its intrusion, it began to heat up somewhat milkly. My ass opened to accommodate it with less pain as it heated gradually up. Once my body became used to its intrusion it began to slowly expand more and more.

As my ass opened up I could feel that this was just one of its surprises. The next surprise was that something wet and bubbled was shot deep into my bowels. The effect of whatever it was that was shot into was to get me drunk and high silently. Not only that but I was beginning to see sounds and hear colors.

It was obvious that I had been drugged though to what end I would have to wait.

My wait seemed like forever and when I again came too, after passing out sometimes during this process, I was inside some type of sensing Deprivation tank and I could only see and hear though the video monitor glasses and earpieces that were obviously on me now. The funny thing was that the pictures flashed by so fast myConscious mind could not comprehend what they were seeing and the sound was just some soothing nature sounds. I took it in stride and figured they had not harmed me so far so there was little chance that killing me was in the future.

I got so tired I just fell asleep in the tank.

Eventually I came to.

When I was helped from the tank I was in a different mood then when I went in. I was a lot more relaxed and definitely hornier. It almost seemed as if sleeping had somehow kicked my sex drive into overdrive. Of course that is not possible, but it certainly seemed that way.

The woman who helped me from the tank was naked, except for that robe I described earlier. She was a brunette with hair that cascaded down her back in ringlets about 1/2 way between her neck and her ass. Her face was angelic and serene and she appeared as gorgeous as every other woman I had met so far. Definitely a fuckable woman. Of course what made her most fuckable to me was her excessive breast size, easily a 55DD or larger, and the fact that her black ass was a lovely pearl shape that just begged to be filled with hard cock.

As intensity as my desires were for this woman they seemed to be still when she spoke to me.

“You will now get on all fours and remain that way from now on. You are not to speak until spoken too. You will do whatever is demanded of you without hesitation or question. Is that clear slut?” she said.

“Yes Mistress,” I replied not knowing why I had said those words.

“Follow me then slut and keep up. I’d hate to have to tan that ass too soon dear,” she into.

Crawling behind her, and keeping my head down submissively, I somehow still manage to notice the walls are mirrored as we pass from one room to the next. The mirrors seem to go on forever. Abruptly though they stop right as we reach a room right out of the Spanish Inquisition. I am not sure what is coming next but I know it involves me and most likely a large amount of pain

What was I to do? I’d been transformed into the modern day equivalent of an Olympian god, but still I was on my hands and knees as some slave. So far, somehow, and I don’t know why, I enjoyed this position. Was this to be my lot in life?


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