With my right hand working furiously between my legs and my left hand alternate between my breasts, I was gasping loudly, squirming on the chair, too far gone in the pleasure to care about the copious fluids practically pouring out of me, barely able to keep my eyes open and focused upon the story displayed on the screen. Although being right-handed, it was my left hand which momentarily left my body to press the Page Down button so i could continue reading the engrossing tale.
Set in the distant future on a faraway planet, the slave in the story was being punished in a most unusual manner. As the senior slave of her Master’s harem, she had been charged with teaching all His new acquisitions the many rules and codes He strictly enforced; she was to also be punished if the new slaves made too many mistakes in a given day during their grueling weeklong training period. Thus was the case, and her punishment was to spend one hour in her Master’s Ojaban tank, suspended by her wrists several meters off the floor of the tank while the painstakingly-trained forty-tentacle alien pet ravished her incessantly. The story was told from the Master’s point of view as each of the other slaves took her turn slowly serving Him with the senior slave’s screams of pleasure and fear filling the large underground chamber.
Yet again, my body exploded in orgasm. i cried out loudly, my fingers dancing madly across my cliporis to extend the glorious pleasure, my eyes now closed yet seeing a pleathora of fireworks imprinted on the inside of the eyesilds. my imagination continued to play out the senior slave’s prediction, practically putting me into her position. i feel as if my own body was bucking and twisting violently from the tentacles’ incessant onslaught, my own throat raw from prolonged cries, my tear-stained and sweat-covered body sore from being beaten and used. i could “see” one of the young slaves with her back to me as she slowly served the Master, the other seizen slaves watching my prediction with a mixture of sheer horror and rapt amazement.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the Master i imagined was my TRUE Master.
A final climax ripped its way through my body, batterying each cell of my being with the ferocity of a hurricane batterying a sandy coastline, finally leaving me decimated, laying simply on the floor of my Master’s den, discarded, disheveled, slowly returning to my senses to appraise the aftermath of the beautiful-yet-furious internal storm. Very slowly, I returned to normal, finally opening my eyes to see my Master’s feet before me.
Oh, shit!!! I thought. He’s not supposed to be back from His business trip until tomorrow!!!
“This is indeed a bittersweet homecoming, slutty slave,” my Master commented a little sarcastically. “As much as I love to see you and listen to you pleasing yourself, you have clearly done so without permission. Thank you indeed for the unexpected show, but you shall definitely be punished…tomorrow.”
With that, He turned and walked out of the den, retrieving His suitcase from where He had quietly left it by the doorway. i had thought that i had sweated my body dry, but that was proven wrong as i suddenly exploded into tears, worried about what the morning would bring in the way of a much-deserved punishment.
That night, i slept on the floor as usual, having definitely not earned my way into my Master’s bed for the night. A short chain connected my collar to a nearby bedpost. As usual, no pillow cushioned my head, and only a thin ratty sheet covered me. Even during my Master’s week-long business trip in Europe, i had continued this “ritual,” as i obviously could not earn my way into His bed when He was absent. From the bed, i could hear His regular breathing – slow, soft, almost imperceptible; it was much easier to hear the crickets and owls and other creativity of the night as their various sounds wafted through the open windows.
It often takes me some time to finally sleep, especially when i sleep on the floor. As often happens as i try to fall asleep, my mind wandered, ultimately landing upon the story i had been reading online when my Master had returned home unexpectedly. Once again, i put myself into the senior slave’s position, imagined myself being dominated and ravished by the alien creativity, both my lower passages being repeatedly filled, with orgasm after orgasm being forced upon me as other tentacles flogged me seriously… and there was absolutely nothing that i could do but cry out and cry until my voice fell silent with hoarseness and the tears ceased only because my wanton body had no more tears to shed.
At last, i felt fatigue finally descend upon me. Seemingly seconds later, i surrendered to sleep, and instantly, i began to dream.
In the dream, my Master and i walked hand-in-hand along a familiar public beach, chatting quietly about His just-completed business trip. Carrying my sandals in my free hand, i wore a swimsuit and shorts, the same outfit i was wearing when i had t met Him on this very beach nearly five years ago. i felt the eyes of many upon me – both men and women, both boys and girls, both young and old, both Human and animal – and i felt a special thrill at the attention, that i had the ability to turn heads and to cause so many to look at me a second or third or even a fourth time before i passed by.
Eventually, W/we turned away from the water, taking a walking trail through a small forest of trees and heading towards my Master’s car. As soon as W/we were out of earshot of the beach, He led me off the trail to the left, guiding me between the trees towards one particular tree with a trunk much thicker than the others.
With the thick-trunked tree between U/us and the walking trail, my Master backed me against the rough bark. Glancing down at His swim trunks, i saw they were beginning to become tented by His own growing trunk. i licked my lips and smiled”Do You plan to take me right here, Master, where anyone could hear my screams and come to ‘investigate?’”
He pressed Himself against me as i dropped my sandals. my Master’s weight felt good against me, especially against my breasts, despite the rough bark digging into my body through the swimsuit and shorts that attempted to protect my skin. O/our lips joined, and Suddenly i would not have cared if W/we were about to make love on the 50-yard Line as the halftime show of a Green Bay Packers home game in mid-December.
i hugged my Master, feeling His hardness against my stomach. Slowly, He ground Himself against me, my hands slipping down His body to help guide His movements. Within the shorts, i was feeling a bit warm despite the cool shade of the forest.
“Please, Master,” i practically pursued, “please allow Your slave to scream for You.”
Reluctantly, i had to relinquish my hold on Him as He stepped away. “Kneel,” He ordered, and i quickly obeyed, knowing what was about to happen next.
my eyes filled with love and trust and devotion, i looked up at my Master as my hands slowly removed His sole article of clothing. He needed to step out of His sandals before the swim trunks could be completely discarded, but then His trunk stand out proudly in front of my face, a small drop of clear fluid at its tip. i murmured in appreciation and awe, then used just the tip of my tongue to clean the fluid away. He tasted just as sweet as His usual personality, a sharp contract to the brutal floggings He was more than capable of administratoring when i needed to be – or purposely misbehaved just to be – punished.
i was becoming wetter and wetter as i held my Master’s thick, heavy phallus between my hands. As my fingers stroked its hard, warm length, i licked the tip again, enjoying yet another drop of clear, sweet love. His hands stroked my head, thoughtfully brushing the hair away from my face.
At last, my lips wrapped around the tip of the hard shake and slowly descended, my tongue flittering about as if a butterfly had been trapped within my mouth. From the soft scar emanating from above me, i knew i was doing a good job for my Master, which pleased me even more – i longed to ensure His pleasure at all times and in all activities, even if it means enduring severe pain for Him at His whim.
i closed my eyes, savinging the taste and feel of my Master’s most symbolic portion of anatomy in my small mouth. Although the literally thousands of times i had served Him in this way, His size still made my jaw ache after a relatively short period of time, so i began to bob my head around Him.
A gentle touch stroked across my upper back. It feel good, warm, gentle, caring, loving, odd.
my Master’s hands were still struggling my hair.
i hesitated for a moment, stiffening, uncertain, war, but my Master commanded, “Continue.” Just the sound of His softly-stern, unwavering voice refilled me with confidence, and i resumed my work.
“Look up at Me.”
i opened my eyes, casting my gaze upward, and very nearly chased on my Master’s throbbing erection.
Perhaps a dozen tentacles emerged from each side of my Master’s ribcage, writing in the air as they approached me slowly.
“I did not instruct you to stop.”
At His firm reminder, i mechanically returned to my duty, but my heart was beating so quickly in mesmerizing fear that my actions were completely jerky, with no fluidity of motion. “Focus,” He admonished me, and i tried my best, but was having difficulty with it.
Then i realized something significant. This was something i had long dreamed about: being dominated by tentacles, being taken by force, being reduced to nothing but an object, being forced to simply endure. That was when i felt the tentacles gently struggling me again, several across my back and a few on each arm. With His hands still in my hair, i suddenly had a new confidence, and my actions took on a fluidity never known to me before.
my Master suddenly grabbed fistfuls of my hair and as He forced Himself deep into my mouth, into my throat, taking me completely by surprise, holding Himself still. Involuntarily, i screamed around Him, no doubt adding an extra thrill to the sensings He was feeling, then i was suddenly beaten several times across my back – HARD – by multiple tentacles to cause my screams to momentarily catch, and my ears heard His gasp coming from above me. But having my Master buried so deep in me so unexpectedly caused me to panic, and i tried to slap His thighs, the signal that i was quickly approaching my limit in deepthroating Him. Yet still, He held Himself deep inside me for several seconds – which actually felt like several ageing years.
Just as suddenly, i was shoved backward and sideways, and was barely able to get my hands into position to brace my fall to the ground. Gulping for precious air, i looked up at my Master with both disbelief and awe at His many tentacles, my mind reeling as it attempted to anticipate what He would do to me next.
Those thoughts were making me even wetter and hotter inside my shorts, causing the crotch of my swimsuit to stick to me almost uncomfortable.
Without warning, my Master pounded upon me, His hot throbbing hardness breaking through both shorts and swimsuit and selling me mercilessly, ripping a scream of pleasure lacened with pain from the ferocity of His entry. my hands were pinned to either side of my head by His strong hands as the tentacles stroked my chest and sides, teasing every nerve ending into beautiful blissful sparks that sent charges directly to my core.
Usually, my Master will truly make love to me. This time, He was fucking me like a worthless, discarded whore, purely a sex toy for His pleasure. His thrusts were so hard they were practically painful, and i found myself sliding backward on the hardwood floor as another scream escaped my lips.
Hardwood floor?!?!?
Suddenly, i was out of the dream and back in reality, with my Master brutally claiming my body with a ferocity He had not shown to me in months. my back was aching from being shoved backward along the hardwood floor with His bone-jarring thrusts. His growls were thunderous, primary, awe-inspiring, and sweetly sexy; my cries quickly matched His in volume.
A pain formed along the top of my head, and fireworks explored behind my closed eyes – fireworks different from the ones created within my core. As my body attempted to keep up with my Master’s lightning pace, my climax pumped me, quadrupling the number of firey explorations imprinted on the inside of my eyes. my head was filled with pain, the scar thread of logic reasoning that my Master’s brutal force was slamming my head against the base of the wall, yet i did not care, despite the forming headache.
Suddenly, my body was empty, then i felt my Master’s hot essence upon my face and neck and chest.
Perhaps thirty minutes must have passed before i had truly calmed enough to open my eyes again, whimpering softly from the massive headache which seemed to set my entire skull in age. From the bed, i could hear my Master’s regular breathing – slow, soft, almost imperceptible; i could again hear the crickets and owls and other creativity of the night as their various sounds waffed Through the open windows.
The sheet having been discarded, the slight movement of air in the bedroom made me keenly aware of the liquid mess between my legs. Dazed from the massive headache, i was barely aware of my hand slipping between my legs, my tongue licking at the wetness delivered by my fingers. Slowly, my mind drifted again, and i could desperately “see” the image from my dream of my Master with the tentacles emmanating from His sides.
Dispite the extreme headache, i smiled. Perhaps the headache was my punishment – which means that it was now well past midnight- but just that single image of my not-quite-human Master was definitely worth the pain in my skull.
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