This is an edited version of a story that was originally published just over a year ago (typos and the like have been corrected). Part 2 will follow soon.
Watching the tennis on tv gave me the most intense tingles as a story unravelled in my mind.
What do you think of my 100% fantasy story?
I am sara and was given a choice, as most of the girls in my class, the final year of high school, were. I was not quite nineteen but most of the other girls were.
Eightteen was the key age for both boys and girls as apart from our chosen activity during the day we had to pour and serve alcohol to the visitors and eighteen is the UK age for this.
None had come of age though as in our community and lifestyle we were still girls and not adults until we were twenty-one. Before girls Come of age at twenty-one we are sent to various finishing schools by wealthy parents for a different perspective on life.
My choices were the same as the others, stay in schoolfor their last ever week at school or go on a finishing course for one of a group of activities. Saying I had a choice was not strictly correct, my father had the choice, and I trusted his judgment.
He called into see me on the Sunday evening and I took up her maintenance position over three pillows, my bottom high with my sit spot prominent, as with all girls’ maintenance. He removed my bedroom belt from behind my door and gave me the usual thirty to forty welts with the doubled belt and a surprise three across my back with the belt open. I did not move but could not help my squeals.
He never usually deviated with my caning, ten with the junior whippy rattan, again across my sit spot. He was never brutal but always precision in laying the stripes down. I counted the whoosh of the cane as it hit its target in-between cries, it sure f*king hurt but I accepted I needed it.
It followed the normal spanking protocol, the reason a girl went over anyone’s knee was to make her sit spot prominent, and I supposed to give a view of her privates to the spanker so increasing her humiliation.
He sat me on his knee until the sobs turned to sniffs, his hands rubbing and patting my bottom. I was told what was expected of me and how any bad results would give me great disappointment. I slid to my knees and thanked my father in the usual way.
I was not told what my final week would be and did not Know until my mum dropped me off outside the tennis academic at eight o’clock on the Monday morning alongside other boys and girls. We all had a piece of paper in hand authorising any discipline, be it a written warning and note back to our parents or an administrator warning across the bottom, to be given as and when thought fit by any one of the lady staff employed by the tennis school.
Papers handed in we were all positioned where Miss Wright had put us, in height order. She explained how we were to react on the tennis court. In position at once, legs astrideand hands clasped behind back, turn like a penguin on the spot. How we would be taught to catch the ball and make sure the balls were always at the server’s end.
How to respect everyone on court and that every evening in the dining hall we would receive a minimum five strokes of the cane in case the officials had missed a misdemeanour plus extras for the misdemeanours seen and accounted for. This would be on the bare, boys and girls alike, no gender recognition of young men being superior, all had been sent there for a reason, discipline.
The young men were asked to strip naked and the girls told to watch as they were examined. Mainly balls cupped and asked to cought three times, Miss Wright’s young assistant, Alison, had this pleasure. She also checked for cleanliness, under arms, under shaft and under balls, her deft touch made all the boy’s cocks grow to the giggles of us girls.
I so love the sight, touch and taste of a cock as I am sure most do, I was soon wet andhad a light cum shudder. Was it the sight of six young men’s cocks or knowing we would be next on show, and another shudder?
It was the girls who were asked to strip naked now and the young men told to watch. As if practiced we all gave a display as a stripper would and synchronised. Jumper, blouse, bra, shoes, socks, skirt then lastly knickers. The five girls with much bigger tits than me kept bending to make them swing, I tried but not much movement when only 30A
All the young men had movement in their cocks but were told hand on heads or have their willies strapped. It must have been agoy for them not touching.
Miss Wright instructed us to face the wall and assume the caning position, she obviously knew our background. Each girl had her father’s stripes across their bum to show she Still belonged to him. Alison was on hand to finger and prod us and gave a little squeeze to all 6 clipties, a wonderful gesture.
Then we had to stand and face the boys as nipples were pinched till hard to use as a handle to lift each title skywards and checked below for belly button type fluff. All naked, inspected and titillated Alison handed out two sets of the regulation uniform. The young men had jumpey shorts, grey shorts and grey polo shirt, us girls navy blue knickers, gym skirt, sports bra and polo shirts.
Miss Wright had seemed to take a liking to me and patted my bottom as we passed, still naked, to the dormitories which would be home for the next five days.
Alison said to be on court in an hour and Miss Wright wanted me immediately. Still naked I was taken to her rooms on the floor above, Alison knocked and left me. A young man answered the door and my nipple, still taught, led me in.
Miss Wright introduced me to her son whom she said, Although now twenty, was still a virgin, to his blushes, and would I break him. It was not obligatory as I could just go back to the dormitory, or I could do her a great favour.
I knelt before him and removed his stiff, slimy from pre-cum, cock as Miss Wright left telling him to spank me if needed or he felt I would benefit from one. He knew only too well what she meant as he had often seen her over his father’s knee.
He said he was Paul and thanked me for agreeing. I sucked him greedily as all the prelims in the changing rooms had really turned me on. He was hard and sat on a chair and had me go over for a spanking, I bit him he said, he had obviously not heard of chattering teeth down a shaft.
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