I have been a landlord for more years than I care to admit and I got offers but have always avoided any sexual contact with tenants. I have seen my share of women naked or next to naked in the houses when I show up to repair something. Many of the women were behind in rent and were trying to offer sex for rent but I wanted nothing to do with it … except once.
I had a tenant, 35 when she moved in, mother of 2 teen/preteen kids, well built, about a size 10 and a set of boobs to die for. She had rented from me for years (8 to be exact) and on several occasions got behind in rent. She was cute and had made vague comments that sounded like she would be willing to trade sex for back rent .. but I ignored them in keeping with my rule – don’t mix business with pleasure. Instead I made a deal with her that she clean my house twice a week in return for 200 a month reduction in rent.
That worked fine for a few years – and believe me on some of the hot summer days when she cleanedMy house I got quite a show. Many times she came over in short midriff length T shirt with sleeps cut out and really tight shorts – clearly no panties under them and camel toe showing. When she reached up for something her tits would be uncovered (nipples always erect) and from the side I quite often got a good view.
Since she cleaned in the computer room she soon found out my kink for blowjobs and spanking. I came back one day to find a note that said she had bumped the computer and the picture that came up was really sexy – I checked and it was a naked girl over a guys lap getting a spanking .. I forget to minimize it before leaving. Not that it makes a difference if she saw that or the desktop wallpaper – a naked girl, legs spread, pussy lips glaring out at you and being caned. So clearly she knew where my interests lie.
In her eighth year as a tenant she fell into a habit of being later and later with her rent and not showing up to clean my house. After numerousustrips to her house to see when she would have money she asked me – straight out – if I would consider spanking her and fucking in trade for some of her back rent. I told her she was a cute girl and although I would love to have sex with her I just had a rule against trading favors for rent.
Finally she was two and half months behind and I told her she had to come up with some money by the weekend or I would have to file for eviction. She broke down crying but promised she would have some money on Saturday. When I got there Saturday I could see boxes all over the house so it was obvious she planned on moving soon. Her kids were gone for the weekend. She had her sleepless midriff T shirt on and the short shorts, button at the top, a short zipper and the camel toe showing. The shorts were so tight they really rode up into her crack and it looked moist.
She confessed that she didn’t have the money she promised and knew she had to move. She guided me into the living room saysg she knew it was a lie when she told me she would have money for me and she felt bad about lying. She said since she knew what I liked to do to naughty girls she wanted me to spank her for lying. In the middle of the living room was a straight backed chair which she sat me down in. Standing by my side she said she knew it would be bare bottom – she unbuttoned her shorts, unzipped and took them down, stepping out of They. I had been correct, she wore no panties under them and had a well trimmed pussy (guessing she wore Wicked Weasels or the like) – just a small triangle strip. Then she took off her T shirt and stood there showing a perfect set of 36Ds with super erect nipples. I looked, she stood and looked I did.
Finally I grabbed her nipples and twisted and pinched, she buried beending at the knees and twisting towards me she moaned and said lets get this over with. I put her over my lap and proceeded to spank her, harder and harder until her legs were kicking and she was, betweencries, telling me how sorry she was for having constantly lied to me. When I had her butt a real cherry red I stopped and just rubbed her butt trying to sooth the soreness away. Once or twice my hand moved to her crotch and I could feel how wet she was. She knew what I was doing and tried pushing her groin towards my fingers. I felt the urge to insert a finger into her wet vagina but I restrained myself.
After the spanking she stood up and kissed me, saying again she was sorry. We moved into the kitchen area and she got me a glass of Ice Tea. Watching her move about naked like that really got me stiff which she quickly noticed. We sat at the table and discussed when she would move out – she was moving into her Mom’s house to save money but she promised she would continue to clean my house to pay off her back rent. I jokingly said She could clean my house dressed as she was now and she smiled. As I stood up to leave she said she expected me to chastise her if she didn’t do the jobright – I agreed. She put her hand on my cock through my shorts and said she could fix that – I decided still saying I didn’t trade sex for rent.
True to her word she moved that week and on the weekend she showed up to clean my house. Also true to her word she cleaned it naked. I never expected it – most tenets just move and that is the last you see of them. It’s been over a year now and every Saturday morning I wake to the door opening; it’s her coming to clean. First thing she does is get naked, then do the normal chores like vacuuming, unloading the dishwasher, making the bed and general straightening up. After a long time (the first 5 months) I told her she had worked off the debt so I would start paying her for her work – 200 a month.
Since I started paying her she continues to do more and more .. it seems she works until I would find something wrong with what she had done – just so she gets her spanking. She is fascinated with spankings and me rubbing her butt. Oftenshe will bump into me making sure her butt touches my hand.
Of course we have progressed beyond just spanking, she gives fantastic blow jobs but she is not as hot between the sheets as I imagined. Last weekend I was sound sleep when she came in (she gets there around 7am) so I awoke to her mouth on my cock, when she had it at full attention she got on top (her favorite position) and rode me begging me to pinch her nipples hard, harder, harder until I was sure she would be in too much pain but she took it and more. Finally she exploded into the most verbal climax she has ever had with me – almost a jungle cry of joy.
She collapsed, as did I, and shortly after that I got up to take a shower. I was in the shower and she stepped in grabbing the soap so she could later me up. Carefully she lathered me and rubbed so softly until she got to my limp cock, lingering there she worked the cock in a stroke motion while she caressed my balls – no man can take that for long so my cock came back to life. She mounted me, slipping my soapy cock into her cunt, locking her legs around my wait, she said – now fuck me as hard as you can. I did.
She has slept over a few nights and is always ready to fuck, suck or be spanked. She tells me that living at her moms house she has no opportunity to have sex and her mom cleans her room so she can’t have any toys – her mom thinks They are disgusting. She said that fucking me on weekends is the only sex she has had since she moved in with her mom (I wonder what she did for sex the first six months). I asked her where she thought this would lead and she said she didn’t care as long as I spanked her and fucked her she was happy.
I took her to Victoria’s Secret and got her a French maid outfit and told her she needed to wear this when she cleans the house but she isn’t allowed to wear the panties. I also added a set of Ben Wah balls which she has to insert and keep in while cleaning – punishment for letting them fall out is 20 hard strokes with the cane (she has not experienced the cane yet).
I took her out one Saturday night for dinner at a quality restaurant, had her dress in her shortest skirt, most revealing bloom and had her accidentally spread her legs so the guy across the way could see her panties. She resisted at first but then agreed. I asked her if he was looking yet and she said yes. Asked her if she was getting hot and she said yes. Told her to go to the restroom and remove her panties, she turned red and said she had none on.
After dinner I took her to some adult toy stores and I could tell she was embarrassed. I made her pick out two toys – she reminded me that was a no no at her moms. I told her she was being watched by a lot of the men in the store – she said she knew. Then I asked her if she had ever seen a porn video – no she said. We went to the back and watched one – she sat on my lap, I reached for her pussy and she watched the video. When we left I asked her if it exccited her for other people to see her naked private area – she replied yes it was very hot. Then I asked her if she thought it would be hot for her to be seen naked, getting a spanking with 15 or 20 people watching her – her reply was she wasn’t sure, it sounded exciting but it might be too embarrassing but the idea sounded hot.
I bought her the skimpiest Wicked Weasel I could find, with the cover up top and skirt. We are going to the beach next Sunday and I want to see how well she will do parading around in that – she thinks it will be fine but may have to resort to the covers if too big a crowd gatherers (it is an adult beach). That being a first for her I told her we are also going to a bdsm party late Sunday afternoon where I want her to stand naked, bound to a cross and let me put nipple clamps on her and whip her breasts and pussy before I let someone else spank her – she isn’t sure about that but it sounds exciting enough that she wants to give it a try.
This is excitingng for me also, for the first time I have found a girl that is submissive, an exhibitionist, loves bdsm and is happy to try to satisfy me with no real strings attached except having a good time.
Maybe I should consider rethinking my rule of no sex favorites for rent … Naah.
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