Ten Cocks to Say I'm Sorry Ch. 02

It took several minutes to catch my breath. The very thought of what just happened to me, it was overwhelming. I knew I had an inner slut that could propel me to do some unimiginable things, like when my master, before he was my master and just my boyfriend, sodomized me in the parking garage stand well to the Towson Movie Theatre when I was only 20. Or when I sucked his cock behind a refreshment stand at Busch Gardens in Virginia. Or when I masturbated with a friend’s contact lenses solution bottle (unknown to her!) at the library where I work while Master listened on his cell phone. But this was beyond my wildest imaginations.

I had just been rapped by a monster of a black man, in a seedy, filthy little peep show on Rt. 40, and even more amazing, I was PROUD OF IT! Master said no sex, but it’s not like I had any choice in it. I was proud of the fact that I put myself out there, for my master, for his honor, and his trust. I took the chance, and in my mind, proved my worth. I wanted to call him right then and there, but knew he wouldn’t take my call. He was insistent: don’t both contacting him until I had sucked and swallowed the cum of ten cocks, PERIOD.

So back to work it was. I had done two, and had eight more to go. My mouth wasn’t even tired yet by any means, although the cock that just fucked me clearly left some damage to my pussy. It ached like hell. I was loving it! Master once called me a pain slut. I didn’t know what that means until he threatened to fuck me without slapping my face or tits. Then I understand! The pain was as necessary to me being fucked as an orgasm. In fact, I’m not sure I could have a vaginal orgasm if not being hit while being fucked. That’s probably why I prefer anal sex, the pain is automatic!

But I digress. Collecting myself, smoothing my long skirt down, straightening my blouse, teasing my hair back to style, I was ready. Standing up, I slowly unlocked the door, inching it open and looking out. There were fiveguys crowded around my door, clearly waiting for whatever this woman invading their private space did next. I assumed the two lucky guys, #1 and walrus man, had informed the other patrons of me and my mouth, but who really knew what they were thinking.

I excused myself, pushing past them. At least three guys took a cheap feel of my ass cheeses, and I prayed no one would ask me a question, as the only answer I could give would lead to who-knows-what right there in the hallway. I’m a mom, and a professional library, I couldn’t risk getting arrested. My life would be over. Well, my normal “vanilla” life anyway. I was lucky, not a word was uttered. I’m not sure what I was planning on doing, but I wanted to look around and see what the rest of the video arcade had to offer. What I really wanted was a glory hole. I figured with a GH, I could control the situation much better. No chance of being raped again. My cunt couldn’t have handled it!

About half or so of the little bootshad their doors shut, but even most of those didn’t have the little indicator light on above the door. I glanced in two or three of them, and saw no hole. But I couldn’t see around the door. I wasn’t quite so brazen as to actually look around the ajar door, as I could feel a dozen pairs of eyes burning my clothes off as it was. Finally, I found what I was looking for! A glory hole! It was on the far wall of a booth that was showing a gay film. Normally, guys having sex with each other isn’t all that much of a turn on to me. Men are made to use and abuse women, not each other. But whatever. Not like I was watching much of the films anyway.

So I entered, quickly looking the door, and taking a seat. I fumbled in my pursuit for a couple of tokens, dropped them in the slot, and was treated to a scene of two guys 69ing Each other. It was kind of cool, so I watched it a moment or two, keeping an eye on the glory hole. Sure enough, within seconds, light began to pierce the hole, indicatingsomeone had just started the film next door. I bent over, and angled my head enough to see my neighbor’s screen. Two girls pretty much doing what the fellows on my screen was doing. Much better! I watched a second, until I was suddenly face to face with another eye ball. Literally.

The guy next store took his time taking a peek. He just kept looking at me. I could not tell anything about the guy other than he was white. Well, maybe young, hard to tell with just an eyeball! So I sat back, thinking what to do. My mission objective was clear, but my tactics sadly lacking in planning. Fortunately, I didn’t have to do much planning. The eyeball withdraw, and a few seconds later, I was treated to the third cock I got to see that day. This one a little short, about 4 inches or so, and thin. Poor pathetic guy. No wonder he was here! Not that it mattered to me, I’m not normally a size whore, walrus man notwithstanding.

So I got right to work. I was not allowed to use my hands, evenThough in this setting, they would have helped. So I knelt down on the sticky floor, and just engulfed the little guy. Not difficult with his shortness, I immediately deep throated him, per my usual MO, and held it there. As this cock was so little, I could stay like that for hours. It was easy to breathe around this little member. I swirled my tongue on the cock for what seemed like minutes, and was treated pretty quickly to my third taste of cum. Not to much, and sweet tasting, confirming suspicions this was a younger man, not to mention the speed of his getting off. If memory serves, younger men have fresher cum, and it usually tastes less, well, let’s say “bleachy”. More salty. I had only, before today, sucked nine other cocks, and in the last 15 years, only 2, my master’s and my ex-husband’s. Both of them are over 40, and my ex over 50, so it’s been a while since I drank fresh cream. But this cum was tasty. I remember wishing there was more! I swallowed, licking my lips in a realbold slutty way, but I don’t think he was watching as I could hear him zip up. Not even a thank you, ass hole!

I listened as his door opened. But I kid you not, immediately, it shut again. I was getting horny again, and hoped that the next guy would be a better recipient. I was hoping to have an orgasm myself sucking this next cock. Kiddo #3 left me wanting! I fed the slot a few more tokens, and watched as the two guys stopped sucking each other, and moved on to rimming each other’s asshole. OK, I’ll admit, that was hot! I was enthralled enough that I missed the next guy, #4, talking to me.

“Hi ya!” he said. What, did he think this was a pick up bar? “Hi”, he says again.

“I am a cum starved, cock sucking slut”, I reply softly.

“What” he asks.

“I am a cum starved, cock sucking slut” I repeat.

“What” #3 says again. So this guy was deaf as well and dumb! OK, a little louder.

“I am a cum starved, cock sucking slut” I say aloud. And he still didn’thear me. So I knelt down on the floor, put my mouth right to the hole, and said it again. I am such a trusting fool, I should have seen this coming. No sooner did I get the word “slut” uttered then I was smacked right in the nose by the next cock! What an ass! I angered quickly, and was about to sit back up, letting this guy suffer his own indignity, but the cock was gorgeous! White guy, thick and around 7 inches, and uncut! I LOVE uncut cocks! Master is Catholic, so his is cut, but my ex was a Muslim and born in Syria. They don’t do that there, obviously. An uncut cock is so much fun, the way the skin moves up and down the shake. I especially like it when the skin bunches up on top of the head, allowing my tongue to actually penetrate a little tube of cock skin! And uncut cocks are dirty! Seriously! You guys never clean them adequately.

So I get to! I was possessed. I actually squealed in delight, and attacked that cock like a baseball fan eating his Oscar Meyer! Only my wienersare made with mayo, not must! I was in heaven, sucking this cock. Yes, I took it all in, many times! Then I moved the skin out of the way, using only the pressure of sucking, and licked the now exposed head and neck of the cock. It was, as expected, quite dirty. I could taste several awesome delicious treatments at once: sweat, that weird little cheese that uncut men and street whores both develop under their folds, pussy (leaving me to believe this guy had been fucked quite recently) and best of all, piss! I bet he had just pissed right before coming back to the boots. I just LOVE piss! I never get any though. It’s been two years, I may have mentioned, since I’ve been with a lover, and in truth, have only ever tasted my master’s piss. But just the thought brought on my orgasm! I sucked and licked that cock until it was spotless, and let the orgasm rock through me. I caught myself moaning so loud, I was certain the undoubted swarm of guys listening at my door heard me. I know #4 did!I came and came, and worked that cock like it was the last cock on Earth. Fuck off, Will Smith, because “I am Legend!” Ha! Just thinking of this cock is getting to me as I write this. Master, please come see me! Someone! Anyone! Fuck me now!

Oh, sorry…. Back to the story. I blew that cock like a pro. OK, I am a pro! But still, I did my duty for ten minutes with this guy, and it was worth it. He explored like a supernova and I wasn’t about to let him down. I clamped my lips tightly around the head, moving the foreskin out of the way with my tongue, and let the river run! His cum was fantastic. Thin and watery, which I like because that always means there is more of it, I drank till I couldn’t breath. He must have cum for twenty seconds. When I was certain he was done, I swirled the cum around his cock with my licker, then used a little back sucking pressure to make sure none of it stayed on his cock, and all in my mouth. I sat back on my haunches, out of breath, letting the sperm sit in my mouth while I enjoyed the taste, still feeling the final vestiges of my orgasm haunt my sex. Than I noticed #4 look through the hole.

“Thanks sweetheart, that was fantastic! Best blow job I ever received. Just incredible” he says. Aw, what a dear! He deserved the full treatment. I leaned forward while he was still looking, opened my mouth clearly demonstrating the large pool of his cum in my mouth, then swallowed in a most exaggerated fashion, finishing by licking my red lipstick covered lips several times.

“I am a cum starved, cock sucking slut” I said, and meant it! #4 just beamed. He winked, then disappeared. Christ, did I want to fuck that man! Sorry Master, I know! But he could have had his way with Kelly, a dozen times over at that moment. Good thing he wasn’t in the booth with me, I’m not sure I would have resisted!

I had little time to ponder his fucking skills, though. I heard the unmistakable sound of the door shutting yet again next door, and the lock engaging. So I just stayed where I was, figuring this was the position best suited for cock sucking though a glory hole. Perhaps I could have managed while sitting on the little hard bench, but at that angle, well, I’m not that run away slut 19 year old I was when Master first asked me out, way back when. A few pounds and a lot of miles have rendered me a little less nimble.

I did manage to reach up and drop a couple of tokens, but for the life of me, I wasn’t sure why I did. The movie ran out half a blow job ago, and I didn’t care. Why now? So I shamelessly looked through the hole to see what fate gives me in the form of #5, ignoring the queers on the scanne. Pissman, as I thought of #4, was going to be a hard act to top. And from what I saw, #5 had no chance of topping my uncut hero. Here before me was an old man, and I mean OLD. Hey, I like older men, right? Much older. But this guy was like 80 if he was a day. Almost completely bald, wrinkled, and possessed of a very sad, lonely air about him. I didn’t know whether to feel disgust or goal. His clothes were tattered, unkempt, as wrinkled as he was, and smelled bad, even from a room away. I was reminded of my grandmother’s room at my mother’s house in Joppa. Why do all old people smell like mothballs? Yuck! There was just no way I was going to suck this walking cadaver, the excitement might kill him, and that might just spoil my fun. I was just about to stand up when I heard the unmistakable voice of my darling master echo in my mind.

“The fist ten cocks you encounter. I don’t care if they are black, white, Asian, fat, skinny, long, short, cut, skinned, young or old. You will SUCK EACH AND EVERYONE OF THEM WITH OUT HESITATION AND SWALLOW THEIR SEED, OR LOOSE THE NUMBER AND NEVER CALL ME AGAIN”! I couldn’t let that happen. I had to obey my master, I love him! I need him! I want nothing so as to please him. I am his property and willingly delete Kelly’s life choices for his. I will obey, I tellmyself. And the thought of lying to Master was out of the question. He always knows!

So I steel myself for what has to be. Hey, he’s old, how long can he last, and then I’ll be half done with my ten cock apology. This could work. Maybe…. I wait till he makes his move, which is not long in coming. “Hey little darling” he says, “I hear you’re sucking dicks today. How bout you such mine?” he says. His voice was perfectly suited for his looks, old and frail.

“I am a cum starved, cock sucking slut.” What else could I say?

“Yes, someone said as much” was his reply. Great, hall talk! You know, it’s times like this I wish I had never converted to Islam, I could have really used a drink! Time to get this over with. I put my fingers, freshly painted nails and all, up to the hole, and gently massage the opening as Master had suggested I do to get things moving. I felt like Senator Larry Fucking Craig doing it, but oh well! He took the hint pretty smartly, and unzipped his decades out-of-date pants, pulls them down around his nobly knees, followed quickly by his stained and disgusting boxer shorts. Seriously, we women martyrs really ought to get the 72 virgins in paradise too, you know? I was repulsed! His skin hung on him like tissue paper, and was about as thick. He smelled horrible, and his cock, all 3 inches of it, looked like a shriveled chicken wing! By the time he stuck it through the hole, not more than 2 inches were available to me. The hole wasn’t very wide, and his balls couldn’t make it through. It was shake or nothing. Heavy on the nothing in this case. I tenatively licked it, and forced down the gag reflex. I couldn’t deep throat this tooth pick if I wanted to, so I wasn’t entirely sure how to proceed. I licked a second time, just his head, and let the taste assail my senses. My first thought was vinegar, but that didn’t make any sense. Then I realized what I was tasting. Ben Gay! AAHHH!!!

Focus, Kelly, focus. Think of Master’s cock inYour ass, his teeth digging into your shoulders while he sodomizes you, the chance to drink of his piss from a glass to show your worth, anything but this geezer’s prick in your mouth. Just get it over with. So I licked some more, moving to the shake, if you could call it that. I cleaned the entire cock, not that it took very long, before taking it in my mouth completely. It was so short, all I could think of was that I was deep tearing him? HA! I clamped my lips on the cock, intent on doing what I had to do. No one could call me a quitter. I sucked, licked, swirled, teased and sucked some more, sure that any second I would be rewarded, or is it cursed, with his cum. Hey, I really am a cum starved, cock sucking slut, but there are limits. Or at least I thought there were.

Then he started. “Oh, that’s good. You suck like a real whore.” Nice! Grandpa Jones is a talker! Hey gramps, do me a favorite will you, and shut the fuck up! No such lucky! “Yeah, you suck a mean dick, missy. I had me some good blow jobs, but usually a man’s gotta pay for one this good. You want I should pay you?” Yeah I did! But I doubted he had enough money to make this worth it.

“Oh yeah, bitch, suck that dick. You like that dick don’t you. I should bend you over and fuck you hard.” Yeah, like THAT was going to happen! So I sucked and I sucked, and I sucked that little cock some more. I really honestly expected the old guy to blow quick, but I was a little impressed. He lasted a good 15 minutes! Thank Allah he wasn’t huge or even average sized because even ol’ cock sucking Kelly has her breaking point. But this was easy, if boring. Suck. Suck. Suck. Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick. Swirl. A little nibble. Suck. Suck. Suck. And finally!

He came. A fair amount, but AAAGGG! It was horrible. This cum tasted like a straight shot of Ajax. I could have puked! It was watery, which normally is a good thing for cum lovers, but seriously, battery acid city! Fear not, my beloved readers, I was a dutiful cum drinker and swallowed it all. But a bad taste, both literally and figuratively was I left with. And this old bastard, what’s he do? He leaves his cock in the hole, just all limp and pathetic like, a little extra cum still leaking from the pee hole.

“Hey missy. You did already? Come on, I got some more for you. You want some more?” Oh crap, a question! The rules were clear however.

“I am a cum starved, cock sucking slut.”

“Good. So suck already.” So I did. Back to my knees and I take this little limp excuse for a baby doll dick back in my mouth and suck. More like just lipping at this point. Hard as hell to give a blow job to a limp 2 inch cock, but hey, WHO’S THE BEST COCK SUCKER IN MARYLAND? Yep, me! So I did it. I brought this little cock back to hardness and sucked it some more. Who’d have thought that this old guy could have managed two ections in a month, much less in the course of 20 minutes. It’d be pretty impressive, if it wasn’t such a waste. But Igave the old dead dude a treatment none the less. I’m nothing if not courteous. But I wasn’t going to finish him a second time. I needed a break, and truth be told again, I was pretty disgusted. He was gross, smelly, older then Ben Franklin, boorish and cruel. I’m OK with humiliation obviously, OK, so more than OK with it, but this fellow was just silly. Humiliation without the strength of a sincer dominant isn’t appropriate, or effective. It’s just cliché’. So after a few moments of round two with ol’ Ben here, I stopped, stood up, and started to gather my self together. I had it in mind to go find a drink of water and wash my throat and mouth of this horrid taste and maybe find a lady’s room. He badgered me a moment before I left though.

“Hey! I’m not done yet. Suck it Missy. You’re so good, come on suck it! I’ll pay!” No way, Grampa Ben, I was done. So I ignored him, figuring I had done my master’s duty already. Nothing in my orders said anything about having to double tap a living dead guy! Onward and outward were my next steps. So I fixed my skirt, ran my fingers through my dark hair, wiped my chin, and unlocked the door. I immediately heard a fair amount of movement outside my door, certain the horde of ease droppers were scrambling before they got caught. I waited a second to give them a chance to compose themselves, and opened the door, praying beyond prayer that no question would be asked of me. Because by this point, I really really had to pee!

Chapter 3 coming soon! Don’t miss out on Kelly, the cum starved, cock sucking slut’s 10 cock apology! In the meantime, if you’d like to see some of her pictures, send a fan letter to kcm2128@gmail.com or drop us a line here through Literotica.

Ta for now! Comitissa Obsequious.


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