Violet Tears Ch. 04

Violet was dragged, in her humiliated state, from the party, tears rolling down her face. Of her sister, there was no sign, and she felt sure that Willow’s Master would unfortunately punish her seriously for her benefit.

They did not return to the bedroom, but rather turned towards the dungeons. When they passed a maid in the hall, Blaine ordered her to strip, and she did. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the maid folding the clothes nearly before carrying it off down the hall. His cold gaze was upon her, and she blushed, falling immediately to all fours.

“Well at least my little bitch has not ENTIRELY forgotten her place,” Her Master snapped, and yanked upon the leash, bidding her to follow. Violet crawled after him, crying harder now. Why had she been so stupid? Above all, she needed to remember that her old life was passed. Willow was not her sister, but another nameless slave in a crowd of many. These thoughts, though she expected them to hurt her, seemed to make her feel more secure as she hurried after him. But she was suddenly aware of the rattle of the chain leash, the harshly woven carpeting digging at her knees, and her lowly position.

It turned out the Castle had several smaller dungeons in addition to the large one. Into a smaller one was where Blaine led his disobedient slut. He closed and locked the wooden door behind them, which Violet scarcely noticed for glancing around in horror. Despite the modest size of the room, it held many pieces of furniture, as well as walls lined with various torture devices. This, she realized, was where she would TRULY pay for her outburst at the party. The taste of cum on her lips would have been a delightful end, compared to the looming equipment before her.

The most impressive of these items was what appeared to be a carved wooden horse. It seemed immobile, and in the saddle were carved two penises, sticking upright. Violet felt herself swallow. She was terrified of this device, and to her horror, that was exactly where he led her first. He paused to oil the wood, and then lifted her, setting her atop it. The double penises penetrated as harshly as knives, both being impressively large. She sobbed and wept, but he wasn’t done with her, yet.

He put a gag in her mouth, so large that it stretched her jaw painfully. Then she was blindfolded, and her arms were bound, forearm to forearm, just beneath her shoulderblades. Just when she began to squirm, he pulled her legs up and tied them securely to the wooden horse. And then, all at once, as if by magic, the wood beast was moving. A whirring sound accompanied these motions, and Violet found herself being soundly fucked by a machine. She released a terrible whimper, but was unable to squirm.

Meanwhile, Blaine had another “treat” in store for her. As she rode the wooden horse, he began toying with her nipples, causing her to while even more behind the gag. And then, there was a sequencing pain, as some sort of scorching liquid was poured over each of her nipples in turn. It took her a long moment to realize it was wax, and she only realized that as it cooled and hardened, making her highly aware of the sensings there.

But the movement of the horse never seemed to cease, and upon his command, she found herself cumming again and again, until her body would have slumped over from exhaustion. It was then, and only then, that he untied her, and removed the blindfold. He bent her over a narrow, padded sawhorse, and bound her legs and arms spread.

The blood began rushing immediately to her head, her hair falling in every direction. She tried to strain her neck to see what he was doing, but couldn’t. Finally she heard the unmistakable sound of a flogger being snapped through the air. He came before her, and knealt down, so that she could see it.

It was a wicked device, made of hard, thick leather, with sharp metal barbs at the end of each strand. It would cut her, she knew, and cut her well.Her wide, tear filled eyes met his face and she pleased with him wordlessly to have mercy on her. But there was no safe ground here, she had to pay the price.

He was behind her again, and suddenly, her skin was torn as the harsh metal teeth swiped her. She screamed, loud, and more tears burst forth, causing her to understand on the sawhorse. The damn thing refused to move, or let her move from his reach, and he struck her again.

The second was harder, and the third harder than that. Soon, she could feel little lines of blood dripping. Not serious wounds, just enough to make her bleed the tiniest bit. He struck her so many times she lost count, and eventually, her ass and tighs felt like ground meat. She was drawn there, sobbing like a child…and still…his punishment was not over.

But at least he put the flogger away. But she was soon wondering if that might have been better. He pulled from a shelf avial of silvery liquid. Violet peered at it curiously through her tears, and Blaine seemed to hum merrily to himself. He placed some of the liquid on a clothes and began to rub it into her welts and wounds.

At first, it was soothing, making her breathe a sight of relief. And then…it was as though a thousand ants were crawling across her. It itched, and burned, and she tossed about, screaming.

Blaine chuckled, “Dragon Scale potion…the worst thing you can do to soothe a wound…it does the exact opposite,” He sat the via aside as she understood, her heart pounding, now. She began to beg him behind the gag, though she knew that he couldn’t make out a single word of it.

The burning went on, even as he untied her from the sawhorse and chained her arms above her head. He bound her in a way that she hung several inches off the ground, and then put a long metal bar between her ankles. After this, he took a large, ridged device, one of the ones that vibrated, and shoved it deep into her pussy. Violet heard herself moan like a whore, and she shivered. Secondly, he put a phallus into her ass, filling her completely. If there was any chance of them slipping out, he ruined this, as well.

For over both, he secured a leather chatity belt, which held them firmly in place. She could feel her arousal already building, and she whimpered at him. He raised an eyebrow, and patted her burning ass.

“A night will give you time to reflect. The Dragon Scale potion…MIGHT have forgotten off by then,” And with that, he was gone with his torch, and she was left in darkness.

The orgasms crashed over her through the night, each one stronger and more vivid than the last. No light penetrated the tiny room, and it felt to Violet as though she were wrapped in a cacoon of arousal. The horror of it was that she enjoyed it. The sting of her welts, the orgasms, the Feel of the chatity belt and the bindings. This, she knew, was where she belonged.

When Blaine returned the next morning, and unbound her, she fell at once to her hands and knees and pressed her forehead to the floor. With the ball-gag now removed, she spoke.

“Please Master, your little slave has learned her lesson…she belongs to you, Master. She is your pet, your slut, and your obedient whore,” Blaine seemed impressed that the punishment had had such a good effect on her. He reached down and gently ran his fingers through her hair.

“Such a good little bitch,” He said, and Violet found herself filled with pride. “Come…you’re in need of a bath…and then I shall have more fun with you. It’s time for your next set of lessons.”


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