Violet was chained back in the cage feeling very satisfied somehow. She was conflicted and confused, for no man had ever made her feel as Blaine had. She was also reluctant about his feelings, knowing she would never be anything more than a slave to him, and he expected her to regard him as her Master. The thought made her uncomfortable, but she had no qualms eating the food he had brought for her. It was warm in her stomach, and made her feel at peace for the first time in days. Although her nudity, she was acutely aware of the fact that she had easily accepted her new surroundings. It was another thing that made her wonder about her own sanity.
The rest of the night passed quickly, for she slept after eating. When she awoke, she was still alone, and her body was aching both from the beating, and from sleeping on the cold stone floor. The chain rattled as she sat up and blinked. She knew her hair was a tangled mess, but had nothing to straiten it with. She wasn’t wake for long before Blaine entered the chamber, his own appearance freshly washed and sand.
“Master has a surprise for you, pet.” He said cheerfully, unlocking Violet from her restraints. “On your knees.” She got reluctantly to her knees before him, hoping that he was going to put his cock in her mouth. But to her relief, he took something else from his pocket.
It was a silver collar, simple with elegant carvings and a ring hanging from the front. The back came together with a place for a lock. Violet realized what he was doing and moved away.
“No no, pet.” He said, pulling her back. “You don’t want to be punished for this do you?” Violet scowled, but remained still as he fastened it around her neck and locked it there. “It has my initials so that people will know who you belong to if you escape. Most are eager to return slaves to their Masters because the rewards as so high.” He speaks these words as if they were nothing out of the ordinary, but Violet stared at him in horror.”Now,” He continued, pulling out a leash and attaching it to the ring on her collar. “Shall we go explore the palace?”
Violet tried to ignore her humiliation, but it wasn’t easy. Where her nakedness had not affected her when alone in the dungeon, she was now among service, who glanced at her apparently as they went by; even the women. Her face burned in horror and disbelief, but Blaine was apparently unaware of her disappoint as he led her by the leash. Violet unsnapped the leash and made a run for it. She had gone not ten feet before a surge of electricity overcame her and she crumpled to the ground quaking.
“Oh yes, pet.” Cried Blaine with glee. “I forget to mention that your collar also has a built in electric chip. I need but press a button on the control to immobilize you.” She shivered there, hating him wanting to rip His balls off and shove them down his throat. He came over and slapped her hard, leaving her face stinging. “That was for removing your lean.” Andhe snapped it on again and yanked her to her feet, then continued on down the hall as if nothing had happened. She felt mutilated, but dared not touch the lean again.
They went up two flights of stairs to the main level, and then up the grand stairwell and down a side hallway. Here he stopped outside a door with an intricate locking system on the outside and led her in after unlocking it. The room was furnished grandly, with a feather bed against one wall. It had a feather comfortable and matching pillows. There was a wardrobe on the opposite wall, and a table in the middle of the grand room with two chairs at it. There were rugs and tapestries decorating the stone, and a desk for writing on the wall with the wardrobe. All in all, it seemed very cozy, but Violet’s favorite part was the large window overlooking the sea beyond the mountains. The window was barred, but she could see through them easily enough. There was a fireplace, too, with flames crackling merrily in the hearth,and another doorway that led into what appeared to be a washroom.
There was a woman waiting at the door, dressed in the garb of the lady servants of the palace. She curtsied to Blaine.
“Thank you Susan. Pet, this is your ladies’ maid. She does not speak, and she will not help you to escape, as she is unable. She will come and go with meals, and do as you request in practical things. I will be Joining you for dinner this evening at the hour of seven, but first I have some instructions for you.”
Violet snapped her attention back to him, her irritation flaring.
“You intend to keep me here, locked away from everything?” She snapped. “I’ll escape, somehow!” He backhanded her again, this time sending her flying to the ground. She shook from the pain, then tossed her hair and glared up at him.
“You’ll be punished for that later, as well. You would do well to remember you are my slave, and I am your Master. Now, you are to bathe, and shake your body clean, aside from your head. I want your pussy smooth when I eat and touch it. You are to wash your hair and braid it, and then dress in one of the outfits from the wardrobe; I do not care which. When you have done these things, you are free to do as you choose until 6:45, when I want you to assume the position beside the table and wait for me until I arrive.”
“The position?” She repeated in a mocking voice. She had never heard of such a ridiculous thing. “What is that…sir?” She added the last belatedly and he raised his eyebrow at her.
“On your knees, your legs spread, with your hands at your sides. You are to have your shoulders back, thrusting your breasts forward, and your head down. I want to be able to see and inspect all that I own. Your gaze will stay on the ground until I order you otherwise; my slave is expected to be modest and silent.”
Violet scowled at him, and did not reply. He grabbed the leash and yanked her forward so she was inches from his face.
“Do you understand, slave?”
“Y…yes Master.” She replied, her voice shaky. “I understand.”
“Good. Six forty-five pet, no later.” And he unclipped the leash and was gone, locking the door behind him. Violet took up a pillow and throw it at the door in her frustration. Susan hurried to pick it up and place it back on the bed, giving Violet a look that suggestion she had done something horrifying. Violet glared at her, though she didn’t know why, and Susan gestured her into the washroom. A huge copper tub stood in the middle of the dropped, tile floor, and a fire stand boiling a huge pot of water. The tub was half-full of cool water already, so when Susan added the hot, it filled the tub with water of a steamy-perfect temperature. Lured by the herbal bath salts, Violet stepped into the tub and sank in up to her neck. It feel absolutely wonderful to sit there in the warmth, especially after such torture as she had felt the last few days.
Susan sat in the corner reading, apparentlytrying to give her some peace. Violet reached for the soap and washed her hair, rinsing it beneath the water with a pleasant sight. Then, she took up the razor and soap and shavled her legs, pussy and armpits. She washed her skin too, and then when she was done, she stepped out and used the lotion on the counter to renew the mood in her body. Susan bustled about behind her, tidying up and draining the water from the tub.
Violet made her way back to the room and opened the wardrobe curiously. Her jaw fell in shock and horror. Every outfit in the wardrobe was either skimpy or see-through. She saw a purple one that looked like an evening gown and pulled it out. It was made of some sheer material that would accentuate every curve of her thin frame, and thin enough to show it all, too. She put it on, and had Susan Help her with the matching corset that covered her nipples, but pushed her large breasts up and together. She felt very awkward and exposed, perhaps more so than she hadrunning about nude. An odd feeling, Violet mused. The skirt was short too, falling to mid-thigh in ruffles. She stared at her reflection as Susan combined the tangles from her hair and put it in one long braid that fell to her waist. Violet checked the clock on the top of the wardrobe. It was six-forty-two. Susan curtsied and left, locking the door behind her and leaving Violet very alone.
She stared at the clock until it hit 6:45 and then debated with herself. She knew Blaine would return any time now, and she knew he would beat her again if she did not obey his orders. She was already in trouble, if what he had said earlier was true. Grudgingly, she got to her knees and spread them, revealing her smoothly shave pussy, and hung her arms loosely at her sides. When he arrived early at 6:52, she bowed her head and studied the rug beneath her. He entered and locked the door behind him, then walked a slow circle around her. He was looking at her as if examining a new horse for his stables. Violet felt a shiver run up her spine and took a deep breath, her lungs restrained in the corset.
“Stand, pet.” Said Blaine, and Violet compiled, getting to her feet somewhat less than gracefully. He circled her again, and then lifted her skirt with one hand to feel her pussy. “Well done, nice and smooth.” He compiled, making her blush. “Sit, it’s time to eat.” And as if on cue, two men entered with plates and silverware, goblets, wine and dinner. She could tell it was chicken from the smell, and the wine was spiced, whatever it was. The men served chicken, potatoes and gravy, and then poured a goblet of wine for each of them. “Thank you.” Said Blaine, and then men stood at either side of the door, ready to clear it out when they were done eating. “Before you eat, pet, you must thank your Master for the food He brings, and do the same when you are done.”
“Thank you.” Violet said in irritation. Blaine raised an eyebrow. “…Master.”
“Good.” He gestured for her to eat, and she began. The food was delicious, and the wine was spiced to perfection. Violet had finished before she realized it, and blinked at her empty plate in surprise. With the last sip of her wine, she said;
“Thank you Master.” He nodded with a smile.
“Now,” He gestured and the men cleared the dishes away. They left. “You are to undress for me now and put your outfit away. Then we will return to the dungeons for a time to punish you for your earlier actions.” Violet bit her lip, but got up from the table and undressed, twisting her arms around to unlace the corset. Then, she hung the outfit back in the wardrobe and turned back to face him. “Good, assume the position.” He said. Violet hesitated, then got to her knees with her hands at her sides. He looked at her, then pulled a pair of nipple clamps from the pocket of his pants. He sucked on her nipples until they were hard and then clamped them on. Violet screamed in agony; the pain was intense, and yet it also senta surge of something else through her. Arousal. He grabbed the chain linking the clamps and used it to pull her to her feet.
Violet stumbled, her ever moving seems to rip her nipples apart. He attached the leash to the nipple clamp chain and used it to lead her out of the room, closing the door behind him.
“On your hands and knees, pet. I expect you to crawl and show your shade.” She fell to her hands and knees Without reluctance, crawling along after him so as not to result in him yanking the chain. Her nipples ached from the pain, and her pussy dripped fluid down her legs.
Blaine led her down to the dungeon, slowly mercifully on the stairs so she could crawl awkwardly down them. Then, he fastened the leash to the bars while he prepared her torture. There was a suspension bar hanging from the ceiling that she hadn’t noticed before. She unhooked the leash, leaving the nipple clamps, and lowered the bar to just a little above her head.
“Put your arms up, pet.”He said. Violet looked up at the high ceiling where the bar would come to rest and shook her head. Blaine took up the riding crop and hit her hard in the ass with it. Violet cried out and stumbled, the nipple clamps swaying. She put her hands over the clamps, close to tears. “Do those clamps hurt, pet?” He asked, concern in his voice. “Lets try different ones, shall we?” He unclipped the clamps and laid them on the table, coming with two new ones. Hanging from these clamps were what looked like four inch long iron pegs. He fastened them to her nipples and she felt the pain again. This time though, they felt surprisingly light-weight. “Now pet,” He said, hitting her with the crop again, making her cry out. “Arms up.” She put her arms above her head, and he spread them to the ends of the suspension bar. There were grooves in the bar there, big enough to hold a rope and keep it from sliding. While she held her arms there above his head, he tied her wrists securely to the bar. “Can you move your arms?” He asked. Violet tested this, tugging and yanking the bonds in every direction. With a grouchy sigh, she shook her head. “Good.” He tugged the chain that linked through the hook in the ceiling and to the bar above her head. Violet felt herself being raised up. He stopped when she was about six inches from the ground, and fastened the chain to a pole in the ground. It held her quite securely. She struggled, twisting her legs this way and that until she could touch the pole behind her with her feet. “No no, pet. We aren’t done.” He said.
Blaine took another bar, much like the other but a little longer, and put it behind her ankles. He tied one ankle to it, and then spread her legs apart to tie the other. Then, he used another chain to hook the bar to an eyebolt in the ground. It was just long enough to reach, and left her quite helpless and quite unable to move. She struggled, but it was no avail. Blaine stood back, admiring his handiwork. “You look beautiful up there, pet. So helpless. Now…” He moved behind her. The first blow surprised her and she jumped and gasped. He was beating her with the riding crop.
“Thank you Master.” She cried, surprising herself. She had not expected to comply with his orders. He struck her again, and again she thanked him. She counted twenty strikes, each one she thanked him for, though she was again crying by the end of it. Her back felt like raw meat, and she longed for freedom.
“Now, pet, have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes Master.” She sobbed, her heart racing.
“Good. On to the reward for being such a good girl today in obeying me.” He traded the riding crop for the vibrator. He turned it on, and rubbed it up and down on her pussy. She shook and moaned, becoming wet again from the Feeling. Then, he plunged it deep inside her and she cried out again, her body convulsing with the need to orgasm. Then, he took something else from the table, a three-inch long thing made of what looked like redbeads. The end was flared out and flat. He used her juices to lubricate it, and then surprised her again by shoving it into her anus.
Violet whimpered, horny and desperate to cum. Blaine stripped down, folding his clothes carefully and laying them aside, then took something else from the table and returned to her. Violet lost her attention on him when her body convulsed suddenly and she orgasmed, the vibrator and he pussy juices falling to the floor. Blaine looked at her in dismay.
“I did not hear you ask permission for that one, pet.” He said. “I’ll have to punish you again.”
“No please!” Violet shrieked. “I’m sorry, please don’t beat me again, I…” But she didn’t get to finish. He backhanded her violently.
“You will always address me properly, even when you are begging. And you are no longer an ‘I’. You will address yourself as ‘your pet’ or simply ‘pet’. Do you understand?”
“Y…yes Master…” Violet whimpered. “pet understandings.”
“Good. Now, I’mNot going to beat you. The punishment will be different this time. Do you remember your last punishment?”
“Yes Master.” Violet said, her voice glum. She remembered the vibrator and chatity belt well.
“Good.” He said, shoving the vibrator back inside her and then locking the belt over it. “But it seems you need to learn this lesson hard, so we’ll give you something else to focus on.” He took the round things he had gotten from the table. Violet realized in horror that they were weights for the nipple clamps she wore. He unfasted the pins and put two weights on each nipple clamp. Her body compromised in an uncomfortable mixture of pain and pleasure. “I’ll return in an hour. You had better not orgasm, or I may change my mind about beating you.” And he left.
Violet screamed in frustration. Her nipples ached, pulling her firm breasts down with the weight, and her clip was throbbing again. She wanted desperately to cum and to release her juice again, but the chatity belt was holding the vibrator firmly in place and it would bring her no relief. She resigned herself to deep breathing, focusing on not orgasming. It was going to be a very long hour.
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