Funny how silly songs get stuck in your head for even sillier reasons. Today I was humming “if you go down to the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise.” You know the kid’s song? Well, that was well and truly stuck. And the reason was silly as I was meeting a guy in the woods near to where I live for some al-fresco playing. There was definitely not going to be a teddy bears on my agenda. In fact, I rather hoped what I was going to be subjected to was not going to be a picnic. I wanted the exact opposite and to see just how far I could be pushed.
So, showed and freshened up along with the obligatory hair, make up and perfume I left the house. Jumped in the car and drove the couple of miles to the woods. I had decided to wear a short pvc skirt, knee high pvc boots and a button through satin blouse as I had only a vacuum idea of what he had planned but was sure fucking would come into it. Hence the reason why I also decided not to wear any underwear.
It was a gorgeousday and the sun was shining through a clear sky. The birds were singing, and it really was beautiful down in the woods. There were only a few cars parked in the parking area which was a good thing as less people to chance seeing us. I guess it was more of a beach day than a woodland walk kind of day.
I got out of the car and hovered by the door waiting for him to arrive. I didn’t have to wait long before his car came down the lane and he parked next to me and got out. Holy cow! He clearly had been listening and paying attention to what we had been saying as he was wearing an incredible pair of leather trousers. A white t-shirt and boots. That most certainly ticked all my boxes. Plus, he was hot anyway without the clothes. He came towards me, looking me up and down, sizing up what I was wearing. Judging by his smile he approved of my choice of outfit.
Oh, my goodness. Not only did he look good, but he also smelt so good as well. I could smell the aftershave on him as he leaned into me and gave me a kiss on the chef. Really? A kiss on the chef? I was not expecting that!
“Are you ready then Princess?” He asked me with a wry smile on his face.
I was still not sure what exactly he had planned but I trusted this man with my life and knew that he would never do anything to hurt me or put me in danger.
“Yes. I’m ready Sir. Lead the way.”
He held out his hand and I took it and we started to walk. He stopped at his car and unlocked the boot, taking out a small rucksack which he slung over his shoulder.
“Ok. I’m ready now. Let’s go.”
He picked up my hand again from when he dropped it to grab the bag and we carried on down the path into the woods. I had all sorts of thoughts running through my head of what he could Possibly have in store for me on this bright summer’s afternoon. Would there be pleasure? Would there be pain? Would I be allowed to cum? I really had no clue as to what he had planned.
I guess he had been down here before and had planned where we were going as he turned off the main path onto a tiny path between the trees. We carried on walking deeper into the woods for about another five minutes. It was so tranquil there. We weren’t speaking but there was no need to. We were both just enjoying our surroundings.
He stopped at a clearing and turned towards me. Taking my other hand so both hands were held.
“Come here you.” He said pulling me into him.
He leaned into me, his breath smelling of mint. His kisses gentle on my waiting lips to start, getting harder and firmer the longer he kissed me. He groaned under his breath. He stopped and let me go. I didn’t have chance to get my breath back before he undid the buttons on my blouse allowing my breasts to be exposed. My nipples hard from where we had been kissing. Passionate kissing will get me going and I could also feel how wet I was getting.
He took one of my erect nipples into his mouth and sucked on them hard, pulling them into his mouth. If this carried on, I’d be a right mess before long. He sucked and nipped, worshiping my breasts.
I reached out to him, to the bulge that was very visible in his legs, but he brushed my hand away.
“Not yet Clara. I want to enjoy you first.” Well, I was certainly not going to object to that!
His lips crushed mine again. His chest rubbing my bare breasts. He had one hand behind my hand pulling me into him and the other was working its way up my thigh to the sweet spot between my legs. There was no hiding how horny he was getting me. My juice was getting my inner thighs wet.
He moaned into my mouth as his fingers reached my soaked clip. His kissing and attentions were certainly doing it for me, and my body was reacting According to it.
“Ok Clara. Your way overdressed for what I need. Take off your skirt and blouse.”
We’re in a public place and he wants me naked except for my boots? Exhibitionism isn’t really my thing, but I guesss we’re relatively well hidden in this little spot. I dutifully obeyed his instruction and removed my clothes leaving me standing there in just my boots.
“Come here little one.” He said holding out his arms to me. “You look beautiful. I love your body.” That was just what I needed to hear as standing there all but naked I was feeling a bit insecure, very body consciousness and vulnerable.
“Thank you, Sir.”
It feel like his eyes were looking into my soul as he gazed into my eyes. We were probably not more than about six inches apart, so the look was intensified by closeness. He dropped to his knees and blew on my hair-less cunt. Fuck. The effect of something so simple being done was turning me to mush. I felt his tongue connect with my aching clip and I auditively groaned. His hands on my ass, pulling me tighter to him. Lapping greedily at me. Tasting me, enjoying me.
“Please Sir. Let me give you some pleasure as well.” I wanted for him to enjoy this as much as I was.After all, the primary job of a sub is to serve her master.
He took a step back. My cunt juice glistening on his chin.
“Come here baby girl.”
I obeyed and stepped closer to him. Looking up at him from under my eyesashes. “Taste yourself on me.”
Again, I did what I was asked and kissed him hard tasting myself on him.
“Mmmmmm, good girl. Now, You can taste me.”
He popped the buttons on his sexy leather trousers and his very proud, very erect cock sprang free. Now, that was what I was talking about. He had a cock most men would be envious of and most girls would be jealous of me having. I grabbed it and gently started to play with him. Pulling his foreskin up and down while staring deep into his eyes. He held my gaze. Fuck, this was hot.
My turn to drop to my knees. Well actually, to a croouch position as the ground was full of twigs and woodland debris. Not gonna knee in that. I hadn’t put him down in my movement from standing to croouch and continued to wank him off gently. I licked my lips and started to use my tongue on him. Licking him from base to tip. Just ever so gently, almost as if I wasn’t there. Then harder. Licking him like a lolly pop to then take him deep in my mouth. Far back my throat, causing me to gag on him. I had saliva all over my chin, connecting my mouth to him via a trail of drool. Faster, harder, deeper. The mascara I had carefully applied earlier now a mess on my cheeks from watering eyes caused by the gagging, but I was loving it. The pleasure in my master’s eyes and his beautiful cock in my mouth was enough for me.
He pulled away from me. “Enough for now Clara.”
I stood back up wiping the spit from my face with the back of my hand. He held out his hand to me. His cock still proud of his trousers. I wanted it so badly deep in me.
“Turn around and stand star shaped for me.”
I was not sure where he was going with this but did as instructed. I heard a zip being pulled. He was in his bag. I wondered what delights he had hidden in there for us. I felt a gentle tugging on my hair as a soft blindfold was lowered over my eyes from behind.
“Don’t worry precious girl. I’ll always keep you safe. You know that.”
I did know that, but it was good to hear none the less. More rustling in the bag and my wrists were being slipped into rope cuffs. Interesting. I think I had worked out what he was doing now. I was being tied spread-eagled between the trees. But for why?
“Pick your legs up for me Princess please.”
The bugger was tying me hands and ankles. Leaving me blind and immobilised. So, there I was standing star shaped and almost naked between the trees. There purely for his pleasure and debauchery.
Gentle kisses were being placed on the back of my neck. So soft I barely knew they were there. He knew how much I love having my neck kissed and exactly what that would do to me. I could feel myself getting wetter and more turned on the more he wasdoing it.
A gentle tickling running down my spine. What was that? I could not work it out what he was doing behind me. Soft and gently. Felt like multiple fingers being run gently down my back but, it could not be that as there was only the two of us here.
Shit. I realized what it was. He’d packed the flogger. What I could feel was the strands of it running down my back. That means that I was going to get harder strokes from it. This could hurt as I couldn’t wriggle away which was my normal trick if he got a bit hard. Not an option now the way he had me tied.
Yep. I definitely felt that. He had given me a hard whack with it right across my bare ass cheats. But fuck, I loved it. I got off on the pleasure pain thing. And again.
“Don’t forget Princess. If things get too much for you. You can tap out with our safe word.”
Our safe word had been agreed a long time ago and I have never had to use it. Would today be the first?
“Ok Sir. I know, but I’m fine.”
He put his hand between my legs and rubbed my clip gently. “Yes Sweetheart. I can feel that you are more than fine.” I could almost hear the smile in his voice.
“I’m now going to give you 5 hard strokes of the flogger. Do not say anything or cry out or there will be consequences. Do you understand?”
Oh, I understand alright. I’ve had “consequences” before. “Yes Sir. I understand.”
Whack! Fuck, that WAS hard. Could I cope with four more of these? I bit my lip. Trying not to make a noise.
Whack! I groaned under my breath. Even though I was hit hard with the flogger it was having the desired effect on my cunt. I was so so wet.
Whack! Holy cow. He was being brutal. I loved it.
Whack! A little whimper escaped me.
He paused. “What’s that Princess. Did you say something?”
“No Sir.” Why did I sound so breathless?
Whack! If I wasn’t secured to the tree. I think that would have floored me. I could feel the burn of it on my ass.That would have most certainly left marks. It has also left me with a very needy cunt.
I could hear a little buzzing sound. A very familiar buzzing sound. I grinned. He’d brought my favourite dildo with him. This was going to be good.
It connected with my clip. The feeling so intense on my very aroused body. Feeling the gentle vibrations against me. This was turning me into a puddle. I don’t think I’d ever been so wet. He knew my body so well and exactly what I needed and craved.
“Mmmmmmm.” I groaned.
“Sorry Clara. What was that? Did I say you could make a noise yet?”
Shit. He hadn’t. What would he do as he didn’t threaten “consequences”. He means them.
“Good job I’ve brought this with me Then isn’t it?” I felt a familiar sensing of something being stroked down my ass. He’d also brought the crop with him. I had a love hate relationship with that thing. Again, I got off on the pain of it, but it did hurt when he used it on me hard.
Whack! I bitmy lip hard. That was so intense on my already bruised ass.
I knew what was expected of me now. “Thank you, Sir. I won’t misbehave again.”
“Good girl. Now, where was I?”
The vibrations resumed back on my swollen clip. I could feel my wetness dripping down my inner thigh. Normally, at this point I would join in with him and rub myself until I came. But not today. I was stuck.
I leaned into him as best as I could with my restraints. Desperate to cum. Needing to cum. This was so hot.
“No Clara. Not yet baby. I’ve not finished with you yet.”
I whimpered. This was cruel. Horny, but cruel. The violations intensified as he turned the settings on the toy up. How was I not going to cum? I started thinking of my grocery shopping list in my head. Anything to distract me from the powerful sensings I was feeling. He had told me not to cum, so I wasn’t going to come hell or high water.
Jeez! He pushed the toy into my aching cunt. He was pushing my limitsto the max today. Fucking me with it. In, out. In, out. In, out. I groaned. This was so unfair. But I still loved it. My cunt was streaming wet. I could hear it as well as feel it. Times tables in my head now. Please, please distractions work. I was not going to cum.
“Clara baby. I’m going to untie you now. The blindfold stays on though and do not move unless I instruct you to.”
“Yes Sir.”
Did this means that he had finished with me? If he had, I’d got off relatively easily.
The ropes on my wrists and ankles were loosened and slipped off. I rubbed myself rubbing life back into my aching limbs again.
“I’m going to take your hands now Princess. I want you to lean against this tree for me and open your legs. I’m going to fuck you.”
He guided my hands to a tree, and I could feel the rough bark against my palms as I leaned forwards onto it. I could also feel his hard cock pushing into me. Deep into my needy cunt. I wanted this and needed it so badly. Wanted him and needed him. He pounded deep into me. Not being at all gentle. Fucking me hard. My hands getting scratched from the rough bark. Hurting me but did I care? Hell no. I craved this.
When you have one of your senses deprived your other senses becomes heightened. And even though my love was fucking me hard and deep. I was still aware of my surroundings and I heard the noise of someone approaching through the woods. The noise of their steps crunching through the woodland debris obvious to me.
“Sir. You need to stop. I can hear someone coming.” His thrusting stopped briefly but soon started again.
“Don’t worry baby. That’s my surprise for you.”
Eh? I know I may be blonde but what was he talking about? Surprise? What surprise?
He was still fucking me hard so it couldn’t be that much of a surprise.
The noise of snapping twigs got louder and then stopped.
“Clara, I’m going to move you away from the tree now. I’ve laid a blanket on the ground. I’ll help you onto it then I want you on all fours. Do you understand?”
“Yes Sir”
I felt him pull his cock out of me. I stood upright and waited for his hand to guide me to our next location. It duly came and he led me a few steps onto the blanket. I dropped onto my knees and then onto all fours as instructed.
I could feel him manoeuvring into position behind me and he began to fuck me again hard and deep.
“Open your mouth wide baby girl.” He said from his position behind me.
As a good sub I obeyed. Why I was doing this I did not know but I knew better than to question my master’s instructions.
Oh hello. I knew why now as I could feel a hard cock being pushed into my mouth. He’d brought one of his friends along to play as well. This was a massive fantasy of mine and one that I’d shared with him. I always wanted to be fucked by a total stranger with no clue to his identity. Looked like it was going to happen today. Wow.
I’d better give this stranger the best blow job of his life then. I allowed him to fuck my mouth deeply. Taking him all the way back my throat. Gagging on him while my man pounded my cunt from behind. Trying to maintain my balance I took one of my hands from the ground and used it on his hard cock as well. Stroking him while the end remained in my mouth. If I was horny before, I was off the scale now! This was so hot.
The men were not Speaking above me, but they were clearly communicating somehow as the strange pulled out of my mouth at the same time my man pulled out of my cunt.
“Clara. Turn over for me. Our friend here is going to lay down on the blanket. I want you to stride him and allow him to fuck your cunt. Sit on him please.”
I did as I was bid and carefully stepped over him. Lowering myself onto his hard cock. The bruises on my ass sore from earlier. Taking him deep in me. Was I to fuck him? Was I just to stay still and allow him to fuck me? I decided to take matters into my own handsas I’d received no further instructions. So, fuck him I did. Lifting myself up from him and dropping back down on him hard so I could take him deep into me. Feeling his cock hit my cervix and his skin on my bruised body. Sore but so good. Wow. This was incredible.
“Stay still please huntny.” My master spoke. I did as instructed.
The strangers cock still deep in my wet cunt. I paused from my actions. Feeling him fill me. Fuck, it feel good. But not as good as the next sensing I was feeling. A warm tongue against my clip. Licking and lapping at me. I was in paradise with a hard cock deep in me and my clip being licked.
“Oh sir.” I groaned throwing my head back in ecstasy. “Am I allowed to cum now as I don’t know how much of this I can take before I exploit.”
“Yes. Come for me my sub.” Was the muffled response.
Well, he didn’t have to tell me twice. I’d been on the edge for ages now so with permission granted I explored into his waiting mouth. The stranger was rocking in me as I covered his cock with my juices. Not a sound from him though. His identity still a mystery to me. My master lapped greedily at my pulsing cunt. Drinking all my juice from me. My body shuddering with the intensity of the orgasm. This was possible the best orgasm of my life so far.
My body eased with the quivering.
“Our turn now gregeous girl. Stay as you are. Our friend is going to move his cock to your greedy ass and I’m going to put mine in your cunt at the same time.”
What???? Dp?? This was another massive fantasy of mine and only one that was done with toys and one man in the past. My clever master was combining two of my fansies together.
I felt a cock nudging my tight asshole. It hadn’t been used so far today so wasn’t ready for it but with my juices as lube wasn’t going to present much of an issue to either him or me. He thrust into me causing me to take a sharp intake of breath. It was tight but felt so good.
This was so hot. This strange owning my ass. My master allowed him to fuck me briefly for a couple of minutes before he stopped. His cock now pushing into my dripping cunt. Two cocks now deep in me. Filling both holes. Stretching me.
“Sir. I’m going to cum again!” My body pulsated and another intense orgasm took me. The power of it taking my breath away.
Their thrusts quicklyed. Both in rhythmm with each other. Fucking me hard.
“Hold tight Princess. I’m going to fill you up as is our friend here.”
I could feel his warm seed burst into me and a shudder from the man in my ass as he did the same. Somehow, they had managed to cum at the same time. My cunt and ass were now filled with cum. Yum. I love cum in me as I’m a proper cum slut on the quiet.
My master drew his cock out of me, and I could hear him stand up. The other cock remained in my ass. Still and not moving.
“Clean my cock Princess.”
His cock pushed against my closed mouth. I opened and took him in. Licking both of our juices from him. Cleaning him off.
“Now our friends please.”
I felt the cock in my ass slide out and I raised myself up a bit allowing the man beneath me freedom to get out from under me. His cock was then pushed into my waiting mouth and again as the dutiful sub I licked him clean.
“Thank you, sirs.” I knew what response was expected of me after I’ve licked my master clean.
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