Violation at the Dr's Office: Mark

Mark gave a sudden shout of surprise as the door to the examination room unexpectedly opened. Doctor Barbara had just left, and he whipped the flimsy examination gown around him.

“Oh, sorry!” said Thalia as she stepped halfway into the room and paused. “I forget to knock! I’m still getting used to this.” She stepped all the way into the office and turned around to close the door.

Mark flushed slightly as he looked at Thalia from behind. The young nurses assistant was wearing tight jeans under a short scrub top, and he imagined cupping that firm ass …..

Thalia turned back around with a bright smile, and Mark quickly brought his eyes up. From the twinkle in her brown eyes and a slightly flushing of her own mocha face, he knew Thalia had caught him staring. He had tried to behave during the first part of his visit, when Thalia had brought him back to the room and took his height, weight, and other vitals before the physical with the doctor. Shit, he had really tried not to mess up. She was cute and he didn’t want to offend her.

“It’s okay, Mark,” she laughed, with a slight flutter in her voice. She was up on her toes a bit and looked nervous. “Doctor Barb said I could administrator the final test, for practice, if I had time before the next patient. You know, the nurse usually does this, but it’s an opportunity for me.”

What? Was she talking About what he thought she was talking about? Now that he was eighteen, Mark knew the end of each visit would include administration of a sexual function test. This was a normal test administrator to those old enough, in order to help them understand their own sexual responses and learn about their maturing bodies. The test could discover any dysfunctions and obtain any needed coaching or advanced therapies. Mark couldn’t imagine better luck than someone like Thalia administratoring his first test rather than one of the older jaded nurses. But at the same time, he found the idea humiliating. Thalia was cute, and having her do that to him in a doctor’s office like a patient was not really what he would have chosen as his ideal date.

“So, what do you think?” Thalia said. She gave him an awkward wink and rested her hand on his knee where it poked out of the examination gown. Slightly dumbstruck, Mark nodded.

“Great! Just sit tight! I’ll get all the stuff!” Thalia turned around again and began rummaging in the cabinets. “Now where could that be…” She bent over and wiggled her tight ass ever so slightly, then turned around coyly. She went up on her tippy toes and looked in the high cabinets, standing like she was on heels and again sticking her ass out ever so slightly, clnched to support her weight, as she delicately felt around. Mark felt his cock stir. His breath quickly.

“Okay, here we are! Lie back, please, and I’ll begin!” Thalia was definitely flushed now, her dusky complexion turning darker. Mark noticed with surprise that her hand shook a little. His cock was definitely swelling. As he lay back the examination gown fall back, and he moved his eyes awkwardly to the wall as the cool air washed across his growing cock, exposed for the world to see.

“Oh, oh my. I’ll take care of you all right.” Thalia stepped over to him, and looked down breathily. She snapped one of her latex examination gloves unnecessary, and picked up a pack of disposable electronechos.

“I’ll just place these first. One here, one here, and one here…” she giggled. A few electronechos went on the skin around the base of his cocked, and she giggled as her warm hand lifted up his balls. The skin tightened immediately and they pulled up against his body as his cock throbbed to full attention. Slowly, carefully, she placed another electronechos under his ballsack.

Giving his Surprised balls a firm squeeze, she turned around again and began connecting cables to the computer system. Mark leaned back on his elbows and stared at the ceiling. He couldn’t decide if he wasin heaven or terrified.

“Let’s see about beginning the test now.” Thalia reached down and stroked his cock absentmindedly. Mark was expecting her to pick up the penile stimulator he had heard about, a moist apparatus connected to a vacuum pump usually used to bring male patients to climax. However, Thalia kept struggling his cock with a gleam in her eye.

“Why don’t we make this a little more… personal today. I won’t tell if you wont ….”. She looked at Mark with hungry eyes, and he felt his heart skip a beat. Leaning back, propped up on his elbows on the table, he gave a little nod.

Thalia leaned down and took the head of his cock in her mouth. It was warm, and soft. She gently licked up from the base of the head to the tip of the cock, and then repeated it again a few times. She moaned softly, and took a little more into her mouth. Mark closed his eyes and concentrated on the sensing. He pulsed, he throbbed. More, he thought. More.

Slowly, slowly, ever so slowly, Thalia began to take more and more of him in her mouth. She was gentle, and the moisture warmth transported Mark. The sensing wasn’t enough, he wanted more, why was she going so slowly …

Thalia kept edging and torturing Mark. Gradually enough that Mark barely noticed, she increased the pace and her depth, sucking more each time, pulling his shake more deeply into her mouth. Faster, deeper, and her mouth glided over his shake.

After just a few minutes, Mark felt his orgasm building. His balls pulled up even further and began to boil. His cock throbbed, and almost without warning a spasm thundered through his cock, and he exploded upward and outward, pumping hot cum right into Thalia’s welcome mouth for almost thirty seconds.

Finally he felt drained and her mouth was driving him to overstimulation. Shuddering he let his hips fall back to the table, and he opened his eyes. Thalia looked up at him and smiled.

Then she glanced at the computer monitor and swore. “Fuck! No, fuck!” She dropped Mark completely and turned to the computer, furiously clicking through the software. “Oh shit. Oh shit.”

“What?” Mark managed, the sudden panic interrupting his reverie.

“The recording. I guess I didn’t start the recording properly. I forget to take it out of the initial calibration step. Shit. The response trace didn’t record – as far as the computer cares, the test didn’t happen at all.” A look of panic swept across her face, followed by more furious typing on the keyboard. For a moment she completely forgot about Mark.

“Shit. We’ll have to re-do the test. Shit. I’m gonna get fired. Mark, are you cool? Can we re-do the test? If they found out what I just did I’m totally gonna get fired.”

“What?” Mark said again. He wasn’t quite following – re-do the test? NOW? His limp cock lay across his thigh, leaking a little.

“We’ll set it up again. It will take longer, but the test always works, right? You’re a young healthy boy…” at this Thalia gave him another thoroughly non-professional look and she eyed him up and down, “… so this shouldn’t be too bad, right?”

Before Mark could answer Thalia was configuring the screen to move past initial calibration and into recording mode. She quickly pulled the automatic penile stimulator out of a lower cabinet, placed it on a cart and wheeled it over.

“Sorry about bringing Ms. Auto-Suck out for you Mark,” she said. “I hope you enjoyed the first round. This might take a bit, though, and I have work I need to do.” Mark looked on, slightly bemused still, as she clinically placed his limp cock into the auto-stimulator. She brought the apparatus to life with a wheeze, and it pulled his limp cock into it. It squeezed, relaxed, and began cycling again. This was More like the clinical test he was expecting.

“Well, gotta go! Don’t say anything? We had a good time, right?” And with that, she was out the door.

Mark lay back again and stared at the ceilingg for a minute. The auto-stimulator wheezed and groaned, violently pulling his cock, but he was spent. For the next ten minutes he lay there and wondered what would happen next.

There was a knock at the door, and Nurse Jacklyn stepped into the room. He felt the mood change. She looked a little sternly at the apparatus and his flaccid penis, frowned slightly, and then a small smile came across her severe face.

“Well, it looks like Thalia got you set up alright,” Nurse Jacklyn said, “But it seems the setup isn’t ideal.” She crossed the room and stared at him, arms crossed. Mark felt his cock shrink a tiny bit more under the strength of her consideration. What more could they do? Did he fuck up, was Thalia going to get fired after all?

She seemed to reach a decision, and switched the auto-stimulator off. “Well, this certainly isn’t working. I will bring out a more advanced setup, and we’ll start again. That’s the point of the test, after all, to help you determine howYour body responses. I find young men often like stimulation of a sort they would normally not experiment with, and I see typical penile stimulation is not sufficient in your case. A doctor’s office is the perfect place for you to learn about your body. Legs up please.”

While she was speaking, Nurse Jacklyn was swinging up the stirrups at the end of the examination table. She then pulled Mark up to sitting briefly as she raised the other end of the examination table halfway, and then let him lay back against it. Now she quickly lifted each of Mark’s legs into the stirrups before he could say anything.

“What? What’s this about, then?” Mark asked, now confused. Weren’t the stirrups for the girls?

“This is about a more advanced stimulation. Just relax, this is perfectly normal.” Nurse Jacklyn buckled each ankle into the stirrup. “We don’t want you to kick out in response, or get the equipment twisted. It’s going in a very sensitive place.”

What? Mark thought again,and his heart hammered. That doesn’t sound right. A more sensitive place? And as he thought this, a dark idea stole into his mind and his palms became damp.

Nurse Jacklyn pulled something else out of the cabinets and placed it on the cart next to the auto-stimulator. Mark looked down in earnest curiosity, and a little fear. She had a longer rod, about eight inches long and a half inch in diameter, with alternative silver and black rings. She connected a more complicated cable to that, and connected the cable to the computer. She turned back to Mark and pulled on a pair of latex gloves.

“Okay, Mark, we’ll take this slow. I see in your chart that this will be a new procedure for you. Don’t worry, there’s nothing to be afraid of. We are recording your biometric responses and will adjust according to your arousal – that is the purpose of this test, after all. Trust us to know your body better than you do.”

She leaned over and slowly pulled the penile auto-stimulator awayfrom his penis. She then pumped a squirt of lubricant on her left gloved hand from a bottle on the cart, and brought it up between his legs, just under his scrotum. She leaned over again and gently picked up his cock in her right hand. “This might be easier if you close your eyes.”

As Mark squeezed his eyes shut, fear and an uncomfortable curiosity came over him. Exactly what was she going to do? This was part of the exam?

Her left index finger came to rest against his anus, slippery with cold lube. Without waiting, she pushed it gently into him. He gasped. He’d never had anything in his ass before, and the sensing was unlike anything he’d ever felt. It felt incredibly rude, and dirty. His body immediately clenched on her finger, but she had slipped it in half an inch. She squeezed his cock with her right hand and began to pull on it a little bit.

Rapidly, she slipped her finger in up to the second knuckle. The thick greasy lube prevented him from stopping it, though his ass was fully clenched. He shuddered and gasped at the extraordinarily intimate feeling, and then gasped again when she crooked the fingertip ever so slightly against him. To his surprise his cock was growing rapidly.

“There we go. You young men always make such a fuss about this. Prostate examination is normal for the health of older men, you might as well get used to it. One minute now.”

Her right hand squeezed and massed his cock, which was approaching rock hard now. Then she held his cock lightly and began gently slipping her finger in and out of him, burying it to the second knuckle each time. His ass alternatively squeezed and released against the intruder, but nothing he did could prevent it from sliding past his entrance each time. He felt violent. His ass was beginning to burn, and he Felt a deep clenching and pressure deep in his gut, at the base of his cock.

Then, suddenly, she withdraw completely and stepped back. She changed her gloves, picked upthe rod, and gave it a squirt of lube as well.

“This is a more advanced response probe. Just like with temperature, we get a much more precise reading from an internal probe. I’ll place it now.”

She grabbed the base of his cock with her right hand again, more roughly this time. The tip of the half inch rod pressed into him, and he exhausted. It was twice as thick as her finger, and he started to panic for a minute. He wasn’t planning on anything going into his ass today when he came in for a visit. He shifted his hips hoping to delay what was coming.

“Hold still,” said the nurse, and she pulled him down firmly by his cock. The tip of the response probe pressed into him, and he held his breath. He looked down in panic, and was just in time to see her bring up her left hand in a smooth motion, sliding the probe into him.

It felt much wider than her finger. It was cold and unyielding and smooth, and it slip straight in. When four inches had gone in he felt a strong throb from the base of his cock and a new sensing from deep in his ass. Nurse Jacklyn paused for a minute, rotated the probe (eliciting another gasp from Mark). Then she pulled up the handle slightly to alter its angle and all of a sudden pushed it in another two inches. Mark felt impaled and frozen in place. His breaths started to come in gasps. He wanted to ask a question, but his mind had gone blank. There was a giant rod in his ass, he couldn’t move, and he had never felt more violent and confused.

Nurse Jacklyn stepped back and looked at him. Mark’s ass started to involuntarily clnch around the probe in his ass, and it began to slip backwards. With a tut, the nurse reached over and firmly re-positioned it again, once again making Mark gasp and twist. She picked up a stick from a drawer and looped it over the base of his cock and then secured it to a fitting on the base of the probe. “Now now, it has to stay in the proper position or it won’t function properly.” She gave it an extra twist and angled it sharply upward, and Mark yelped. She twisted it as she buried it another half inch inside him and tightened the strap. Mark groaned, his cheeses on fire. His ass was burning, how long could he tolerate this? It spasmed against the brutal, impalable invader.

Nurse Jacklyn stepped back again, and eyed Mark. She picked up the auto-stimulator from where it lay next to him and placed it back on his now erect cock. She clicked a few times on the screen. The auto-stimulator wheezed to life once more, but now that he was hard the tight, moist sucking was more intense, and he felt another stirring. “I’m starting the program up now. It will automatically adjust to your feedback, and if it’s possible for you to orgasm today, you will. Lie still and empty your mind.”

A Vibration began at the probe’s tip. And then, to his surprise, it began to sparkle with small electric shocks. The shocks moved up and down the probe in sequence, from each metallic ring, and each time his ass spasmed in response. The spasms were almost painful against the rigid intruder, and Mark groaned and closed his eyes.

Maybe five or ten minutes passed, with the viruses and shock pattern slowly changing. His cock strained, his ass burned. Nurse Jacklyn started making notes on a clipboard and appeared to completely ignore him.

As his ass spasmed around the jabs from the anal response probe, Mark wondered if he could cum. His penis was throbbing, but it also still felt raw and overstimulated. He lay there and tried to comply, to empty his mind.

And then, disaster. Opening the door at the same time as she gave a courtesy knock, Thalia came bursting into the room. She was staring at a clipboard with a confused expression on her face. “Nurse, Jacklyn, can I review this with you? I was with the patient in room 12 but I had a question.” Then, standing in the open doorway, she looked up and noticed Mark still on the table. She gave a little gasp of surprice and said “Oh!”.

“It’s okay,” said Nurse Jacklyn. “You’ve taken his vitals already, so there’s nothing you should be ashamed about. He had a little trouble with the normal configuration, so I have placed him on an alternate procedure.”

Mark starred at her, horror in his eyes. His legs were strapped in the air, his hands were gripping the sides of the table, and an electric rod was buried in his convulsing ass, strapped there against his will. Everything was on display for Thalia to see.

And not even that – over her shoulder, Mark noticed two people out by the office computers looking as well, small smiles playing across their faces as they looked up from their work. Mark closed his eyes as he blushed furiously, hot waves of humiliation racing across his body. He grabbed the table again with sweaty palms and squirmed, which only sent another shock of sensing spiking through his ass as it convulsed again around the hard intruder. His body bore down again, but thestrap against his cock held it firmly, seriously in place.

Nurse Jacklyn adjusted something on the computer screen, and Mark gasped again. His eyes popped open, and saw again what felt like everyone in the office staring in through the door. His hips strained upward as the fresh pulse of electric stimulation made him clnch every muscle in his pelvic floor against his prostate, and the buzzing tripled in intensity. His sweaty hands slipped off the leather table and a moan was ripped out of him, toes curling in the restraints.

“Mark, I have moved the stimulation levels up from 3 to 9, and adjusted the feedback program accordingly. Thalia, please come on in if you’re going to stand there.”

Mark was relieved to see that Thalia at least moved into the room and closed the door, shutting out the staring strangers. She lifted the clipboard to her mouth to hide her expression. Mark felt a piece of himself dying of humiliation, and then his cock twitched again in the tight embrace of the stimulator. Her eyes held a secret, shining intensity and his cock surged against the moist, tight embrace of the stimulator. Its gentle movements were suddenly too slow, insufficient, and Mark’s needs shifted from a need to escape to a memory of those lips.

The stimulator continued to slide against his rock hard cock, and Mark started to move his hips in earnest. To his cute discomfort Thalia continued to stare at him, obviously trying to suppress a smile. Nurse Jacklyn appeared to be disinterestedly inspecting the computer screen, but he caught her glancing away from him as well with an unreadable expression, and more intensity than seemed strictly professional.

“See here, this trace? He’s responding very strongly now – it started just about when you came in.” Mark closed his eyes in embarrassment, then realized that was too obvious and tried to nonchalantly stare the ceiling. Why would she point that out?

“I wonder what provoked the sudden change. Oh,well. Because he’s on an alternate procedure, however, I’d like to continue to characterize his responses. I’m going to reduce the autostimulator and change the anal probe to a new program.” And with that, all pretense seemed to be ripped away for Mark. It wasn’t a “response probe” any more, and a “response trace”. He was strapped to the table with an anal probe, and Thalia was staring at him thoroughly non professionally.


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