Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.
Susan was finishing her annual physical. She sat on the old leather examination table, paper wrinkling under her butt. It was always a little too chilly in this office, and goose bamboos shivered over her skin.
“All right, open up and say ‘Aaaaa’,” instructed her doctor, Barbara. Susan, her straight brown hair cascading over her shoulders and the flimsy clothes examination gown, opened her mouth and said, “Aaaaa.”
“Good, thanks”. Barbara put a wooden tongue depressor in her mouth and took a quick look with her flashlight. “Great! We’ll just check your ears, and then I’m about done.”
While her doctor swapped out the little flashlight and tongue depressor for an otoscope, Susan crossed her arms in front of her chest. Her heart rate was climbing. Her bare thigh brushed one of the unused restraints dangling from a corner of the examination table, and she feel her heart skip abeat.
Barbara turned back to Susan, tilting Susan’s head one way then the other, looking in each ear. She turned back to the old computer on the wall and made a few more notes.
“You’re looking good! 120 lbs is a good weight for your height, and I can tell all that college lacrosse is paying off. Make sure you keep eating a balanced diet. I know I don’t have to remind you to exercise,” she said with a wink. Susan blinked in surprise, and momentarily forgot her trepidation. A wink looked as out of place on old doctor B as … well, something that doesn’t go.
“Well, good luck with your sophomore finals!” said Barbara, moving a clipboard and stethoscope to one side to quickly put a hand on Susan’s shoulder. She already looked preoccupied, mind turning to the next patient. “Nurse Jacklyn will be right in to finish with the exam. I hope it’s not too uncomfortable! I bet it’s quick, it usually is for our younger patients. See you next year!” And with that, Barbara was out the door.
Susan looked around again, and pulled her legs up against her chest. She could feel the dry paper crinkling again under her butt, now the only sound in the room except the thumb of her heart. When she pulled her legs up and rocked forward slightly her exposed pussy now also rested on the paper. She could feel it stick uncomfortable. Time slowed down, and Susan bit her lip.
An eternity Later there was an abbreviated knock on the door and Nurse Jacklyn stepped into the room. The nurse was about forty years old, quite a bit younger than her doctor, and appeared to be all business. She quickly washed her hands in the corner and put on a pair of examination gloves.
“Well, let’s go. I got your vitals already at the beginning of the visit, so there’s only the sexual function test left. I think you know the drill by now?” She arched an eyebrow at Susan.
Susan stared. Her heart was beating erratically now. Her sweaty palms stuck to the paper and tore it a bit wheren she moved. She bit her lip again. She tried to think of something to say, but her mouth had gone dry. A habit of obedience made her nod her head.
“I’ll get set up over here. Now that we know what you like, this should be simple, yes? A woman like you, you should know your body and how it responds.”
Susan nodded blankly once more. She turned around, slowly, in a daze, and began to lie down on the table as Nurse Jacklyn opened up one of the large cabinets and wheeled out a cart. She bit her lip again. Embarrassingly, the paper stuck to her crotch as she twisted. Nurse Jacklyn noticed and may have chuckled a bit, but when Susan looked over her face was business like. Flushing red, Susan turned around on all fours and then lowered herself to the paper-covered leather. She let the examination gown fall open a bit as she did, and let her hands and ankles stick out over the side.
Nurse Jacklyn nodded her head once in approval, brown curls bouncing quickly around her somewhat severe face. She turned away from the cart she was working on and stepped quickly back to Susan. “All the way, please.” She placed a hand on Susan’s back and gently pushed her all the way down.
“We found out the first time that you yelp and twitch. We can’t have you bothering the other patients, and we don’t want the equipment to get twisted up, now do we?” she said somewhat sweetly. Her mouth curled up at one side, but her eyes remained intent. “So let’s just get you set first and make sure this is done right. We’ll be done in a jiffy.”
Susan squeezed her eyes shut, and extended now trembling limbs further. The nurse quickly and efficiently picked up each restraint at the corner of the table and wiped it with an alcohol wipe. Then she buckled the nylon webbing Around each ankle or wrist. The inside of each restraint was neoprene, soft and compressible. After buckling each firmly, Nurse Jacklyn then cinched the straws down tight. She used surprise pressure, and Susan felt her arms and legs pulled out tight. She twisted a little, but she couldn’t move at all and felt constant pressure pulling each arm and leg.
“There you go. Now, as I said, you made more noise than we like the first time. We can’t have you bothering anyone else, this IS an office. Okay, open up, I think you know the drill now …”
Susan hesitated a moment, then opened her mouth. She knew this was her last chance to advocate for herself, to say something. Anything. This wasn’t normal, was it? She was an adult – couldn’t she try again? Too late – Nurse Jacklyn had already fit the small gag into her mouth and buckled it around the back of her head. Susan was now breathing in deep, irregular snorts through her nose. Her tights twitched, and she felt cool air on her wet pussy. Her ass clenched in terror and anticipation. She could feel the seams of the examination gown and its rough stitching against her sharply erect nipples. She allowed her silky hair to cascade down aroundher face, hiding it from view.
A snap of latex. Another bottle opened, and she heard the nurse pick up something else. A wet slathering sound. Footsteps behind her. A cold hand, slightly damp from the lubricant, suddenly on her inner thigh.
“Okay, Susan, this should be the easy part. I’m placing the response probe in you now.” The hand moved farther up her thigh, and rested at the top of her crotch. The slippery latex fingers moved back and forth slowly against the moon of her pussy, and Susan shivered.
With one hand, the nurse pulled her butt chef where it met her leg to one side, exposing her to the air. Holding Susan firmly, she picked up the piece of equipment with the other hand. Susan felt the thin metal probe touch her pussy, and slowly move inside.
Once the tip was maybe an inch inside of her, her nurse quickly pushed it the rest of the way in with one smooth motion. Susan gasped and tried to arch her back, pulling on her hands, restrains flexing against her skin, fingers curling usefully. The probe wasn’t very thick, maybe a quarter of an inch, but in a quick push Jacklyn had inserted it seven inches, all the way in. She was expecting it more slowly, less deeply. She gave a ragged breath and turned her head. Her pussy cramped once, twice, against the unyielding metal probe. It was completely straight and she could feel it, completely rid against her, right up against the end of her pussy. She tried to relax her legs. Her head pounded, her mind swam. This was actually going to happen again. She had somehow thought things might be different this time, that she would get a normal examination.
“There we go,” Nurse Jacklyn said slowly. She took a step back, eyeing the probe, gauging Susan’s reaction. She was working more slowly and deliberately now, watching the goose bamboos on Susan’s pale shivering ass. She picked up the cable connections and attached them to the probe, then the computer.
“I’m going to do a quick response test, and make sure it’s placed properly.” Ugh, why?! Susan could feel its placement perfectly. If she didn’t have to wear this cumbersome gag, she could talk back like a normal patient. Why didn’t she says she’d be a good girl this year? Why had she frozen up? She took two more shuddering breaths.
A small buzzing sound, a small tingle from her pussy. Then a series of sharp jabs, each ending in a warm buzzing feeling. The probe was a series of silver and black rings. Each jab came from a different ring on the response probe, and rapidly moved up the probe to the end. Each jab came with a sharp involuntary contraction of her pussy, the muscles squeezing the hard metal rod uncomfortable, assigned out of their normal slight curve. It was over in five seconds, and Susan breathed again.
Nurse Jacklyn, after making a note on the keyboard, started bustling again. She could hear the large equipment on the cart being manipulated, but couldn’t see it. A few metallic clanks werehear as the old metal articulated arm was snapped into position, and Nurse Jacklyn began adjusting it to the proper height and angle.
“Hmm, which stimulator tip today? Last time we used a 6-XB. Let’s try the 7-XB this time. I think I have just the program for you in mind. Every patient is different. Your plan is designed to get the right response from you. Slow, deep, and firm. We know just What you like now – we’ll have you moaning in no time.”
7-XB? Susan tried to think, but appreciated washing all thoughts away. She heard another slathering sound, and knew Jacklyn was now lubricating one end of the stimulator. This stimulator was special. On her last visit Jacklyn had explained that it wasn’t often used for these tests, but for older women who had difficulty orgasming and needed more intense stimulation. She squeezed her eyes shut again, pulled steadily with her hands on her restraints, and waited. Her knees dug into the table at a slight angle. Oh shit oh shit oh shit.
A cold object pressed up against her. This time, it wasn’t against her pussy. Why wasn’t the stimulator for her pussy? It was soaked now, and occasionally clenching on the response probe. A normal vaginal response probe would have been thicker. This thin metal probe gave very little satisfaction. A normal vaginal probe would have been curved slightly forward, instead of distending her with its boldity. It would have had a pleasant shape, she knew. This probe was designed for anal work, an accessry probe to measure additional responses. Jacklyn had explained that on her first visit two years ago.
The thin response probe remained rigid in her pussy. Against her ass the special stimulator pressed. Cold lubricant dripped down on her anus, between her ass cheeks, down her pussy and across the exposed shaft of the response probe. The smooth object began to press now into her anus, stretching it against her will. She could feel half an inch sliding inside her rectum now, forcingher open. Nurse Jacklyn smoothly spun a wheel on the extension arm, and the stimulator advanced. The device was old, and built from heavy steel like something from a machine shop. Jacklyn wasn’t using any motorized function – yet. She was spinning a small wheel to extend the stimulator arm, gears clicking, advancing half an inch a minute. Susan gasped.
The front of the stimulator was only half an inch diameter, but it was made from a thick rubber or polymer. Susan knew from uncomfortable experience that it could expand.
Slowly, relentlessly, the stimulator advanced, plunging into her ass. She was not accustomed to this. It was extremely uncomfortable and she began gasping. Her toes curled violently, she pushed her eyes down. She squeezed it, she bore down almost involuntarily, her tight ass clenching, squeezing it. She shivered at the intimate intrusion. It was so fucking real. All her pressure did nothing to slow it down. She could feel every pore on its surface as thecool stimulator slide, slide, slide relentlessly into her as Nurse Jacklyn spun the wheel. Her tight ass squeeze it, tried to grab it, but the surface was smooth with thick lubricant, and it was so slippery. It slide inside. Two inches. Three inches. With each involuntary squeeze, with each spontaneous cramp of her ass, the sensing increased. Tight, oh god she was tight. The stimulator wasn’t tapered, and she could simply feel the slippery rubber penetrating, splitting her, going IN in a place where that was not supposed to happen. She felt dirty, she felt used, and she felt her face flush again. Without meaning to, she moaned and turned her head. Her ass shivered, her tights fight her leg restraints, and still it entered her.
There was no sound in the office, no sound at all except the quiet squeaking of the wheel and its mechanisms, her breaths through her nose. She exhausted. She heard footsteps in the hall, she heard muffled laughter from two office staff members. She heard aprinter. Did they know? Did they know out there what was happening to her? It seemed such a normal place. How could this be happening? How could this be happening in a normal office, five feet away from someone in a blouse typing out billing memos?
What would those people think if they opened the door and saw her like this? White ass in the air, face down, stimulator disappearing into her nether regions, splitting her open? She felt so used. She was dirty, she was penetrated. She was on fire.
Oh god. It slip inwards, slowly. Five inches. Five and a half inches. Her ass cramped. Was it supposed to go this deep? Did Nurse Jacklyn place it this deep last time? She opened her mouth to ask and tasted neoprene. She moaned again.
“Yes, a little more to go, don’t you think? I hear your moan. The response probe is beginning to pick up activity now. Your pussy is coming alive, just like last time. Just a little, but it’s rising. Maybe another two inches.”
Two inches?! Shewas already full! Where would it go? No no no. Oh shit. She pulled on the restraints again, and her shoulders popped. Her muscle lacrosse thighs squeezed. The ankle restraints were relentless, pulling her down with constant pressure. Her ass. Oh god her ass. How much more could she take? How long could she take it? Her pussy shivered.
“There we go. That was a nice sparkle. The response meter lit up. I think another inch and a half … slowly does it, easy does it. That’s a good girl. We know what you like, don’t we?”
No, we do NOT! thought Susan. This is NOT what I wanted!
The last inch was ago. It must have hit the top of her rectum. The gentle rubber advanced, and she feel a cramp. Her stomach dumped, her pussy spasmed, and dampness spread on the table. She moaned louder.
Time stopped. She stopped. She lay there on the table, and breathed. The stimulator sat there, simply existing, inside of her. The rubber still felt cool, ever so slightly textured.
This was not normal, she knew. The sexual function test was part of every annual physical. The idea was once they turned eighteen to help educate them about how their bodies responded, properly plan health care, provide relevant education, birth control supplies, and any necessary therapeutics or coaching. Of course they talked about it with their friends.
Her friend Becky told her about her own sexual function tests, and it made a lot more sense. Becky said when she went in, they placed two small electrons on either side of her pussy with a little bit of conducting jelly. The nurse had her lay gently on her back on the examination table, and brought out a large vibrator with a soft head, like a Magic Wand. Becky lay down and helped her move the vibrator into the right spot.
Becky said it was embarrassing, but not bad. After a minute to clear her head the powerful vibrations did the trick. Adjusting the vibrator position and intensity while watching her response trace on the computer monitor from the electrones, her nurse quickly got her to cum. They recorded the time it took and her responses and it went into her chart. Each year after that was a repeat, and Susan knew it was similar for most of her friends. Girls who had never orgasmed before, either masturbating or with a partner, usually had their first orgasm at such a visit. The response trace allowed for nearly perfect stimulation. It was a valuable service, teaching them all how their bodies worked now they were grown up. They learned what an orgasm felt like, they learned it was possible to achieve, and what they liked. It was healthy.
Susan shuddered as her ass gripped the intruder. It was unutterably intimate, dirty, taboo. It was driving into her and there wasn’t anything she could do about it.
No one else had Nurse Jacklyn. Only Susan received what seemed to be “special” treatment. She remembered her own first visit. She had been very nervous about the sexual function test. For Susan, being nervous made her mouthy. She had made a snide comment to Nurse Jacklyn as she was setting up for the test.
Nurse Jacklyn had just arched an eyebrow, and asked Susan to roll over onto her stomach. She spread her legs with her hands and set the Magic Wand, or whatever the healthcare brand equivalent was, down next to her.
“I’m going to try something a little different today, Susan. You seem nervous, and the first time can often be a little difficult. I’ve found girls often respond well to a little … additional … stimulation. Have you ever played back here before?” And to Susan’s shock and horror, Nurse Jacklyn’s latex gloved hands pulled her ass apart, and she placed the tip of one finger on her anus. Her rosebud clnched.
“What? N…nooo!”
“I’m going to use an alternate response probe today. Usually they are just stick-on leads around your pussy, but this might be a little more effective. Like with body temperature, of course, we always get abetter reading with an internal probe.” She opened a bottle of lube. Susan’s head whipped around.
Nurse Jacklyn had opened a drawer and pulled out a long, metal object, maybe a quarter inch in diameter. It had altering silver and black rings. She began to lube it up. “You know, it’s common for the boys to have an anal component, at least in their first visit. The prostate is an important part of the male sexual response, but is often forgotten. I don’t understand why they are so reluctant to explore it. It’s perfectly normal. In my opinion, the girls shouldn’t be treated much differently. Look forward, please.”
She had taken one hand and gently, but firmly, rotated young Susan’s head forward. The other had begun to place the probe. Susan had remembered little after that. The Magic Wand was used between her legs, and she had cum, hard. The next year Nurse Jacklyn reviewed her chart, and noticed the strong response from the internal probe, and had suggested the “new procedureure”. The new procedure involved the rarely-used restraints, and the equipment for women with trouble reaching orgasm. After an unbelievably humiliating visit, Susan had cum harder than ever, and had left with a sore back passage and a face flushed red. Susan had never brought herself to speak about it with her friends.
Susan brought her mind back to the present. Her wrists and ankles ached, and her ass spasmed. The anal response probe sat in her pussy. Susan had learned that the object in her ass was designed originally for vaginal stimulation. Nurse Jacklyn had reversed the two last year, to “improve stimulation”. She had remarked on the strength of the anal responses, and determined a “custom course of treatment”. Nurse Jacklyn stepped thoughtfully to the side.
“Last time you rubbed yourself a little raw. Your cliporis is very sensitive, you know. I’d hate for it to get irritated or abraded. Let me just get a little jelly. This will cover it and protect it. We’re out ofRegular petroleum jelly, but I have some that we use for the men quite often. It has a small amount of numbing agent, but I don’t think that will be a problem, and might even keep the involuntary rubbing down.”
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