When Thalia saw Alicia enter Exam Room 5, she did a double take. Thalia was a relatively new nursery assistant in Doctor Barbara’s practice, but she had recently begun taking on more advanced duties. When she saw Alicia’s long blonde hair and obnoxious smile entering her practice, Thalia was momentarily thrown for a loop.
She generally considered Alicia a bad person, a real scumbag, for some time now. Last summer Alicia had started sleeping with Thalia’s best friend Betty’s boyfriend, Justin. Betty had found out about it and broken up with Justin, and it had broken her heart. Thalia had sat with her in their local bar for many nights, quietly buying her drinks and listening to her let out her feelings. They had been dating since high school. Even worse, in Thalia’s mind, Alicia had stopped seeing Justin once Betty had found out, probably because the thrill was gone. No one else knew what happened with Justin and Betty, Betty had wanted to keep it quiet out of shame, and Thaliahated seeing her friends still treating Alicia with respect. Thalia didn’t think Alicia knew she knew.
Looking at the board, with a jab of adrenaline Thalia saw that she was scheduled for Exam Room 5 in that slot, taking vitals and getting her ready for the main visit. Doctor Barbara was running behind this afternoon and Thalia knew there was plenty of time before anyone else would be coming in to see the patient. Her heart beat a little faster, and some ideas began to form.
Alicia looked up when Thalia knocked and entered the room, and smiled once more. She had forgotten her friend worked here, but looked forward to lording it over Thalia where she, Alicia was the customer (as Alicia saw it) and Thalia was trapped in her professional role. She watched as her friend strode into the room and shut the door, her friend’s long, straight black hair swinging around her brown face. Something wasn’t quite right, though, Alicia expected Thalia to be more deferential, more embarrassed to be seen at work.
“Okay, clothes off please,” Thalia stated sharply. Without looking at Alicia to see if she compiled, she opened the small wardrobe and took out one of the flimsy examination gowns. Alicia gave a start of surprise, the unexpected assertiveness catching her off guard. She began to disrobe, piped her clothes in the corner.
Thalia watched her undress with a cool star. Alicia stripped off the tight T-shirt, and pushed down the form hugging jeans from her muscle thighs, and then paused. Thalia cocked an eyebrow, said “All the way, please,” and set the gown on the examination benchmark next to Alicia. Again, Alicia was slightly taken aback, but she ranlied. She wouldn’t take this from some little nobody. Alicia made eye contact with Thalia and slowly unhooked the bright pink bra over her perky tits. She slide down the pink cotton panties, stared at Thalia for a beat, then picked up the gown. Thalia saw Alicia’s ass and breasts were a pale white against her more tanned skin – she must have been hitting the beach. She felt a flush in her own cheeses staring at the hard lines of Alicia’s muscle body, and hoped it wouldn’t be visible against her own darker cheeses.
“I’m ready,” Alicia said, smiling once more. Then she frowned, trying to close the gown more tightly. Thalia had deliberately given her the smallest size, and hoped Alicia would be too embarrassed to ask for a different one. She wanted her off balance for what she had in mind next.
“Over here, please,” Thalia instructed, gesturing to the scale. Okay, thought Alicia, if she wants to play this cool, I will too. The rest of the pre-exam followed quickly, with Thalia taking her height, weight, blood pressure, and other measurements.
“That’s about it for the vitals,” said Thalia, making a final note on the computer. “Next, I’d like you to please lay back on the table.” Alicia, a little confused, got on the old padded leather table covered in wrinkly paper. “Why – wheree’s Doctor Barbara?”
“Didn’t the front desk says when you came in? The Doctor is running behind today. I’m going to be performing your sexual function test before the rest of the physical.”
Alicia obviously blanched, the color running out of her cheeses. Thalia held her eye with what she hoped was a cool, professional star. After a moment Alicia blinked and said, “Well, okay, if that’s what you’re into,” and winked.
Thalia’s heart skipped a beat, and she began to prepare. This, in fact, was not the way the schedule was oriented: Nurse Jacklyn was scheduled to perform this test at the end of the exam, as it was normally done. But Thalia had learned how to perform these duties recently, and had an idea.
Thalia raised the back of the examination table and Alicia lay against it. She opened a drawer underneath it, and brought out the usual supplies and lay them on a small cart: lube, a large personal massager, disposable sticky electrode leads. She bought herself attacheding the electrons to Alicia in various personal locations, and hooked them up to the recording leads on the computer. Alicia lay back and tried to smile confidently, but Thalia noticed a little more hesitation, a little uncertainty on her face.
“Lay back now, please. I’m starting the recording. The computer is now tracking all of your responses.” Thalia wiped down the large, soft head of the personal massager, and handed it to Alicia. Alicia placed it against her bare pussy, turned it on to a low setting, and closed her eyes. A gently buzzing was heard in the room.
After a few minutes with her eyes closed, Alicia began increasing the speed of violences. Thalia noticed her lips getting redder and wetter, and the computer was now recording clear responses to the stimulation. Alicia kept her eyes closed, probably blocking out Thalia and her embarrassment, and continued the test.
Every patient over 18 was administrator the sexual function each year as part of their fullphysical examination. The idea was to record their body’s response to various stimuli, help them learn how to receive pleasure, learn what their body liked and didn’t like, and tailor a program to their own needs. Many women especially had their first orgasm here in the office, as the computer algorithm guided their feedback and helped them learn to listen to their body. For most women, a simple vibrator was sufficient, and Alicia at 22 had learned how to quickly move through the function test.
As the response traces on the computer screen indicated Alicia’s body was getting closer to climax. Quietly, Thalia pulled her phone out of her pocket, set it to record voices, and put it back in her pocket. Then she stepped over to Alicia, standing beside her spread legs. Alicia had her feet up on the table and knees spread, with her flushed and pink pussy on display to the world, hips rising unconsciously into the air to press against the massager. Thalia picked up the bottle of lube, and applied it to her left hand.
“Just a minute. I saw something on the response trace, and I need to check something.” Thalia placed her right hand on Alicia’s inner thigh. Alicia’s eyes opened, and Thalia saw she was having trouble focusing. “What?”
Without waiting for anything else from Alicia, Thalia took the index finger of her left hand, placed it firmly against Alicia’s anus, and with one quick motion shoved it in. Alicia gasped and her grasp on the massager wavevered. “Hold still, please,” Thalia tried to say in her firmest voice.
“What the fuck?” Alicia was trying to look outtraged, but surprised competed with trepidation on her face. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Thalia kept her finger firmly inside of Alicia’s warm ass, and feel her muscles clenching around the digit. With her right she continued to press firmly down on Alicia’s hip, holding her in place. “I saw an anomaloous response on the computer trace. I needed to perform a more … through … invAs she said that, she began crooking her finger up against the top of Alicia’s ass, pressing against her pussy from the inside, as if trying to hit her G-spot.
Alicia grunted, and Thalia saw indecision on her face. Continuing to move her index finger back and forth in Alicia’s ass, she extended her middle finger and worked that into her tight passage as well, gently but firmly pushing the lubricated, gloved finger into Alicia’s tight ass.
“Ow!” Alicia swore, then grunted. “Dammit, that’s uncomfortable! Are you supposed to be doing that?”
“I’m sorry, but yes, this is standard procedure for a tier two investigation. Please hold still.” Thalia was now slowly pushing and pulling the two fingers deeper into Alicia’s ass, the tight opening popping over her second knuckle. Thalia had titled the computer screen where she could see it from by the examination table, and noticed that after a momentary diploma Alicia’s response was increasing again, once more moving towards climax. Alicia grunted again and pressed the massager into her clip hard, and Thalia felt her ass clench around her fingers.
“Why don’t we talk while I finish this exam? I never see Justin around any more. I wonder what happened.” When Thalia said that, she looked up and made direct eye contact with Alicia. Alicia started with surprise once more, and then as another small shudder convulsed her pussy she smiled. “Yes, why don’t we talk? Why don’t you tell me what happened with those two losers – you always were friends with that limp rag Betty.”
Thalia’s smiled tightened. “Oh, I think you might know more about it than you’re letting on.” And she pushed both fingers as deep as she could. Again she was rewarded with a moan from Alicia. Breathing deeply now, Alicia half closed her eyes. “What are … you … talking about?”
Thalia pulled her fingers most of the way out of Alicia’s ass, extended a third and rammed them back into her, dropping her pretense of an examination, and beginning to fuck Alicia’s ass seriously.
“You … lesbo … bitch!” Alicia panted out, her eyes opened to slits. “Yes, it was me! You’re … right! I did Betty a favorite, Justin’s … a sadsack and lousy in bed!” Gratified to get the confession on tape that she wanted, Thalia kept fucking Alicia’s ass with her hand. Alicia was spasming around her fingers, moaning and rolling the vibrator across her clip. She tipped her head back, closed her eyes, and more quickly than Thalia expected, came. Juice dribbled out of her pussy, tiny “a-ah-a” noises came from her throat, and her ass gripped Thalia’s fingers like a vice. As Alicia began to relax onto the table once more, Thalia slowly withdraw her fingers, leaving a small gap behind. She walked over to the biohazard trash, peeled off her gloves, and dropped them in.
“Shit, that was intense. You better not tell anybody about that, right? I could get you fired for that, right?” said Alicia.
“Oh, no, I don’t think so,” Thalia retreated. She pulled the phone out of her pocket, displaying the on going recording. “No, I think you’d rather keep this quiet, and not have everyone find out what a fucking bitch you are. So we’ll pretend this is over, and when you get a chance, you’ll find a way to make it up to Betty. Deal?”
Alicia laughed. “Sure, sure. I’ll make it up to the wet rag.” And she cleaned herself quickly with some paper towels. Thalia wiped down the equipment, put it away, and tore off a new sheet of paper for the table. Alicia seemed confused about this, as the physical wasn’t over yet, but Thalia didn’t say anything.
“Doctor Barbara should be here in a few minutes. Just wait until then.” And with that, Thalia stepped outside, the first part of her plan complete.
After another forty minutes or so, Thalia looked up from her paperwork and noticed Doctor Barbara leaving Exam Room 5 again. Moving quick to head off Nurse Jacklyn, who would be performing the real sexualfunction test, she darted back over to the door.
Thalia was just finished getting back inside the room when a knock came, and Nurse Jacklyn entered. “Hello, Alicia. Welcome back. Now that we have vitals and the physical done, I’m here to administrator the final portion of the visit, as you know. The sexual function test. Please lie back on the table.”
Alicia’s eyes widened, and she began to protect, but Thalia caught her eye. Theatrically, Thalia held up her phone and mouthed the word “Cheater.” Alicia paused, bit her lip, and lay back.
“Okay, then, I hope you won’t mind if our nursery assistant observes the beginning of the test. She’s in training to administrator this portion herself. Lie back please, that’s right, legs up. Thalia, would you please get the leads ready?”
While Nurse Jacklyn brought the cart over and configured the computer, Thalia was opening the drawer again and pulling out more disposable leads. She began to re-attach them in the same places to Alicia, who looked like she couldn’t decide what to do. In the end she bowed before the brisk and efficient Nurse Jacklyn, and silently accepted the proved massager. Once the computer was up and recording her responses again, Alicia surprised, lay back, and began to use the massager on herself.
Whether out of embarrassment and confusion, or because she found it harder to come a second time in a row, Alicia began to get frustrated. Her eyes opened, she leaned forward, and she began to growl. “Come on, come on.”
After about twenty minutes with no further progression in responses, Nurse Jacklyn leaned forward. Thalia thought she caught a fleeting hint of a smile on Nurse Jacklyn’s face, but couldn’t tell. Nurse Jacklyn had a report as tenacious in pursuing the test, and some of her sessions went very long indeed. “Well, it seems the normal protocol is insufficient. Don’t worry, these cases are exactly why this test was designed. Turn over, and I will initiate an advanced procedure.”
“Advanced?” Alicia said. “Yes, this is very normal. Don’t worry, it is designed for the comfort of the patient. Turn over, please.”
“Um, if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not. I’ve passed the test every year. I don’t have any trouble fucking, I mean, having sex. Why don’t we just do it again next year?” And Alicia moved to get off the table.
“No thank you. We will continue the test,” spoke Nurse Jacklyn, in a whiplash schoolteacher voice. “Please turn over.” Nurse Jacklyn opened a drawer that Thalia had never used before, and began to produce several pieces of black neoprene equipment. “Open up, please.”
“Wha -” Alicia began, but as she opened her mouth to ask a question, Nurse Jacklyn had popped the Small gag into place and was quickly buckling it around Alicia’s head. Thalia stared, fascinated. As Nurse Jacklyn locked it in place and moved to Alicia’s wrists, she said, “This is simply part of the advanced protocol. We don’t want you to disturb the other patients here. This will ensure no unecessary noises escape this room, which would also be embarrassing to you. Wrist, please.
Alicia Shook her head, possibly trying to dislodge the gag, and said something into it. Whatever it was, it was lost in the muffling. “Mmm-mm-mmmm.” While Alicia was adjusting to the neoprene gag in her mouth, Nurse Jacklyn had finished attaching the cuffs of the corner Restraints of the table to her wrists. She motioned to Thalia, who quickly moved behind Alicia and attached the ankles.
“Don’t worry. The advanced protocol can be a little … intense, and we don’t want you to move around and get tangled in the wires, disrupting the test or tugging on a sensitive piece of equipment. One moment please.” Nurse Jacklyn quickly and forcedly pulled each of Alicia’s wrists down, and rapidly tightened the straps against the table. Faster than Thalia would have guessed, Alicia was spread eagle and tied down to the examination table. So THAT’S what those attachments on the corners are for! Thalia thought.
Alicia had flushed pink and had begun grunting, looking around the room rapidly. From the base of the table and behind Alicia, Nurse Jacklyn began to take out new pieces of equipment. “Thalia, this is not part of the basic test, and so you are not expected to be familiar with the operation of this equipment. As you can probably tell, only the nurses here can use these protocols. You may continue your other duties.”
Thalia moved back to the door, but paused to watch Nurse Jacklyn set up the “advanced” equipment. Alicia was starting to whip her head back and forth, eyes wide in fear, trying to see what was happening behind her. Her wrists were pulling against the neoprene restraints, but Nurse Jacklyn had pulled the straps very taut and there was no give at all.
From the cabinet beneath, Nurse Jacklyn was lifting a large machine. It looked kind of like a machine shop drill or lathe, but tipped on its side. It had a large, extending metal arm and heavy metallic controls, again like a machine shop. On the end was an attachment that made Thalia blush. Next to it Nurse Jacklyn had laid out a few more objects, which Thalia recognized as various response probes. One was the anal internal response probe Thalia had seen used on certain male patients in the past.
Unable to delay leaving any longer, Thalia stepped out of the room and closed the door. She returned to her paperwork, but stayed close to the door of Exam Room 5. Half an hour, then forty five minutes passed.
Nurse Jacklyn was something of a legend among the nursery assistants in the office. She was known to occasionally run multi-hour sessions for certain patients, older women. Jacklyn specialized in women with difficult achievement orgasm. One of the purposes of the sexual function test was to bring anyone who was able to orgasm, by whatever stimulation necessary, and to help guide their responses so they could enjoy a fulfilllling, healthy sex life at home. No one know exactly what happened in those long sessions, but Thalia had not suspected the equipment she had seen today existed.
After an hour, Thalia decided to see what was happening in Exam Room 5 again. This was the second part of her plan – she knew that if Alicia had trouble completing the normal sexual function test, Nurse Jacklyn might keep her for a special session, adding to Alicia’s embarrassment. Thalia burned with curiosity to see what was happening.
Holding her clipboard as nominal cover, Thalia quietly opened the door and entered the room. She was greeted with the sight of Alicia still tied spread eagle down on the exam table. The room felt about two degrees warmer. Alicia was polithing, and periodically moaned slightly, spit leaking down the side of the gag. Her eyes were shut. Her shaped legs and ass were clenched, and sweat beaded her body all over. More sweat rolled down her sides and made the paper under her stick to herthighs. Her toes were curling.
Nurse Jacklyn had set up the machine directly behind Alicia on a cart. Wires came out from between Alicia’s legs everywhere, a thick forest going into the computer. Some kind of response probe was in her pussy, Thalia could tell from the extension protruding out. The old heavy machine was positioned about six inches above Alicia, and the heavy metal arm was pointing straight at her ass. At the end, a thick rubber probe, maybe two inches in diameter, glistening with lube, was plunging slowly into Alicia’s ass. Alicia’s ass, glistening with sweat, was twitching and trying to move side to side, but the heavy metal of the machine was immobile and merciless.
“Hello again, Thalia. I think we are making good progress here,” said Nurse Jacklyn. “Come on over and I’ll show you the response so far. Fascinated, staring at her “friend’s” quivering ass impaled by the remorseless instrument, Thalia walked over to the workstation.
“Because the initialfailure of cloral stimulation, I’ve not spent more time on that aspect in the diagnostic program. I inserted a high quality response probe suddenly at the beginning – as you know, internal probes provide the most accurate and detailed feedback. The leads picked up a strong response, confirming my initial guess, so I replaced the probe with the old stimulator here. This sees use in some of my more stubborn cases. I’ve focused on anal stimulation since Then. After manual palpation of the vaginal canal and G-spot, Alicia demonstrated another response. However, because I do not think her responses are vaginal or clitorally oriented, I’ve not wasted any more of her time on a fruitless exercise. Instead, I’ve configured the anal stimulator for maximum stimulation of the G-spot, though the vaginal wall.”
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