Author’s Forward: I’m back! Sorry for the wait everyone, and thank you for the encouraging comments, both public and private, they mean a great deal. I was feeling a bit burned out after finishing Thursday, and decided to take a break to hope the muse would replenish itself, and I certainly felt refreshed while writing this. I’m a bit concerned I’m going in too many different directions with this one, as it’s a bit more ambitious than what I’ve done so far, but I THINK overall I’m very happy with it, so please let me know what you think!
Disclaimer: If you are NOT interested in dominant women, submissive men, and tease and denial, don’t read this! I honestly don’t know what to tell the weirdos writing misogynistic comments on a femdom series. This ain’t for you, cool: I don’t need to hear about it.
All characters portrayed are over 18.
Tease Toy Orientation: Friday
Dan was tired up abruptly Friday morning at 5am by a loud dinging from his phone. His grabbed for it clumsily in the dark, trying to ignore his throbbing morning erection and the humiliating sensing of the high tech cock ring that encircled his genitals. Like every night since he had been ensnared by the erotic dancers of The Tease, his dreams were haunted by the women who had quickly become the center of his universe, kissing, licking, giggling, and rubbing against him every time he drifted off to sleep. He blinked a few times, trying to clear the sleep from his eyes, and then focused on the phone’s screen, seeing the hot pink notification alert. Sarah had sent him a text message.
That woman him up. God, what was he in store for today? He clicked on the pink bubble with a sense of anxiety rising in his gut, and read. “Hiiiii Dan!” The message began, “I hope you had sweet dreams…I can’t believe you’re already almost at the end of your first week as Practice Coach for our humble little strip club! Destiny tells me that she is VERY excited to get to know you this week…and I’m sure you are very much looking forward to Sunday night, aren’t you, you horny little pervert?
“All the girls are telling me that you’ve been a REALLY well mannered employee: so if you keep it up, Sunday should be pretty fun! 😉 Anyway, once you show up tonight, you belong to the club for the weekend, don’t forget! So make sure you pack a weekend bag: you should bring a nice suit (something dapper!), a couple changes of casual clothes, and any toiletries or medicines that you need, ok? Oh, and don’t eat dinner before you come in for your shift: don’t worry, I’ll explain later. See you at 6! XOXO”
While he was staring at the message, trying to wake the rest of the way up so that he could process what his life had become, another message came Through, this time a selfie of Sarah. It was just her face blowing a kiss, which was remarkable tame for her, but Dan found himself studying the soft curve of her round, simpled cheeses, the adorable spattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose, her soft and full pumpering pink lips, her piercing and laughing blue eyes, and he found his cock beginning to twitch. “God”, he thought miserably, “She really is SO fucking beautiful.” Again, in spite of himself, he found he was looking forward to smelling, tasting, touching her again tonight, and suddenly felt a strong drive to crawl out of bed so that he could begin packing.
As he gathered clothes with shaking hands, his mind turned to Destiny, and the short time he had already spent with her on Tuesday. He thought about those massive breasts, jiggling and swaying against the straining fabric of her bikini, and he licked his lips. He had never seen curves like hers, not even with Sarah, and a light involuntary shudder passed through his body as he thought about What the soft warm, silky skin of her breasts had felt like pressed against his arm, pillowing around him. Her thighs had been thick and round, and every inch of her dark skin had shimmered in the house lights as she had danced on that stage. By the time he finished packing, he found himself breathing heavily, his cock beginning to throb again, and he decided it was time for the long, ice cold morning shower that was quickly becoming part of his daily ritual.
As he got undressed, he considered what he knew about his new “owners”. Over the last few days, Dan had begun to develop a sense of how each of These girls operated…he didn’t want to rely too much on any observations he had made, as a large part of the games they played with him revolved around fucking with his sense of reality, but he was definitely starting to feel pretty confident about some of their preferences and character traits. Sarah seemed to enjoy openly mocking and toying with Dan for the most part, but she definitely had a soft side that she loved to use to keep him off balance. Lexie seemed satisfied with cultivating pure terror at her wrath, and enjoyed making Dan feel psychologically weak. AndKrista seemed to simply enjoy the experience of physical domination and making a man feel helpless. The other two, however…
Trixie, with her shy act and incredible creations, was still a bit of a mystery to be sure, but the biggest question mark for Dan was Destiny. The tall, voluptuous, kind eyed, African American dancer had been on his mind more than once since he had seen her on that stage. He turned the knob and stepped into the shower. As the freezing water blasted against him, and he gasped to catch his breath, his thoughts turned from Destiny’s body to her eyes. “Her eyes had felt so kind when she smiled at me…” he thought to himself, as rivulets of freezing water streamed down his torso and brought a small but much needed relief to his aching testicles.
Even when the others had been laughing at him, giggling at his disappoint, seeing him as some sort of plaything, Destiny had seemed generally…interested in him? He thought about something that had occurred to him when Sarah first introduced him to the rest of the girls on Tuesday: the idea that it was possible that not all of them knew that he was actually being blackmailed. What if she was the one who could help him out of this? What if she was the one he could convince to turn on the others, to help him escape?
In spite of these thoughts, a small part of Dan was starting to realize that there was an internal change happening in his mind. He was still thinking about escaping and going to the police, but those plans were somehow becoming more…what was the word? Ephemeral? It was like he knew it was important, but he couldn’t seem to find the energy to do anything about it. He kept promising himself he WOULD…just later, when the timing was better. He was finding himself more and more constantly thinking about Sarah’s gorgeous, dancing blue eyes…and Lexie’s creamy, freckled, pert breasts…and Krista’s thick, round bottom…and the scent of Trixie’s moist arousal on the hot pink panties that she had wrapped around his head. And he was finding it harder and harder to deny that he was hungry for more.
Dan grunted in frustration as he felt his cock began to twitch and grow again, and he almost punched the wall of the shower in frustration and confusion. He turned the stream of water directly on his genitals now, and closed his eyes, shuddering and struggling to catch his breath. No. He was going to beat This. He wasn’t going to be manipulated like this. He was a man, goddammit, and he was in control.
He took deep breaths until he felt that he had steadied himself. He would show up tonight, he decided, as he finally got out of the shower, toweled off, and began to get dressed. Just in case Destiny was the weak link, after all. This is what he told himself, at least, as he drove to work, his nicest suit and 3 days of clothes packed in a bag in his trunk. That he wasn’t going to the police yet because he still had other options for fixing this, for gettingout of it.
He also told himself that the memory of Destiny’s miraculous breasts pressing against him, which for some reason kept flitting through his brain, had absolutely nothing to do with the decision.
When Dan got to The Tease, he was careful this time to park somewhere where he would be alright if he couldn’t get to his car for a few days. As he walked towards the unobtrusive Gentleman’s club that had quickly become the center of his world, his weekend bag in one arm, he found his breath growing short in his chest, his mouth beginning to water, and his cock beginning to excitedly twitch in anticipation. “God, Pavlov was right, I guess.” He muttered to himself in dismay. He was so deep in thought that he jumped a bit as the back door to the Tease bounced open upon his approach.
Sarah was standing there, a big, friendly smile spreading across her grogeous face. “Hi Dan!” She giggled excitedly, and pulled him inside the increasing familiar, nude posterlined back hallway of The Tease. The instant he saw her he felt his body respond. She was wearing a white, low cut, spaghetti stick top that clung to her like a second skin, and a lacey red bra that he could see the outline of through the thin cotton fabric of her shirt. She was also wearing bright red, skin tight shorts that hugged the curve of her hips, and Dan again found himself absolutely mesmerized by the way her body jiggled slightly with every shift and step. She was barefoot, and Dan saw that her toes, like her fingernails, were today painted in a glistening red.
A gorgeous, geneuine smile spread across her face as she pushed the door closed behind him, and to Dan’s dismay, he felt something akin to love rise up in him as she brushed her electric blue bangs out of her eyes. She was almost supernaturally beautiful, and when she looked at him like that, he felt like he was falling into her eyes. He suddenly remembered how important it had felt to him to help her withKrista and Lexie’s bickering yesterday, and again he wondered silently what was happening to him, but the thought was cut off when she slide her arms around his neck and pulled her face close to his, filling his mouth and nostrils with her scent.
“There’s my sweet guy!” She exclaimed, stepping forward so that her body pressed firmly against his. She gave a little wiggle as she continued, giggling a bit at the way Dan’s breath caught in his throat as she moved against him. “You are such a rock star Dan! I don’t know what you did yesterday, but it’s like night and day with Krista and Lexie. I really appreciate all your hard work, I hope you know that Dan.” She nuzzled her nose lightly against his, and then pressed her mouth against his, kissing him deeply, her tongue flicking playingfully against his. She tasted incredible, and Dan breathed her in hungrily. Then she pulled back, and smiled again.
“I’m really excited for you to ACTUALLY get to know Destiny today. I just know you’re going to love her. Why don’t you get undressed, put your clothes in your bag, and then follow me back to the Break Room, okay Dan? I need to explain a few things about how today’s going to work before we got started.” She stepped away, looking at him expectedly with a playful smile, and he surprised and began to undress. No matter how many times he did this, alone or with an audience, getting stark naked like this in the back hallway of a strip club made him feel friedningly exposed and dirty, and he could feel Sarah’s eyes crawl all over his body as he did so. When his underwear came off, she giggled at the sight of his cock, half erect already, nestled securely in the Control Ring.
Once Dan had shoved his clothes into his weekend bag, Sarah beckoned slyly for him to follow her into the Break Room. From behind, he could see that the soft cream of each round ass cheek peeked out from her incredibly tight red shorts, and he felt a wave of digestive pass over him as he watched those rolling hips. As soon as he entered the room, and Sarah had latched the door behind him, he saw the Exoskeleton that he had been introduced to on Tuesday lying on the couch. He jumped slightly, as he felt Sarah come up behind him and began to drag one finger playfully up and down his spine, from the nape of his neck, to the cleft of his buttocks.
She leaned forward, pressing her lips against his ear, and when she spoke, the puff of hot breath and the light touch of her mouth against his ear sent an involuntary shudder through his body. “Why don’t you go ahead and put on your uniform, okay Dan? That way I can explain how tonight is going to work while I watch you stick yourself in.” The finger tracing his spine was joined by the rest of her hand at the small of his back, and she pushed him forward, Slightly but firmly, so that he stumbled clumsly for a moment before catching his balance, and then she walked over to the large, overstuffed easy chair in which Lexie and Trixiehad teased him so relentlessly on Tuesday, and sat down, crossing her legs and eyeing him with a hungry grin.
Dan’s cheats burned with embarrassment, and he began to fasten the many thin, silvery straps that made up the device around his body, starting with his ankles and moving up each bare leg. Sarah began to talk as he did so, and he could again hear that dancing, almost imperceptible laughter behind her voice as she explained what Dan’s Friday “shift” would consist of.
“So, you know, obviously we’re all strippers, but what you may not realize, Dan, is that sometimes stripping is just one part of the job for a successful sex worker. A lot of girls are looking to develop skills that go beyond a simple lap dance, after all. For example, Lexie makes most of her big money working as a Dominatrix, actually. Trixie has a pretty successful OnlyFans account. Krista’s done a bunch of phone sex work. You gotta make that money anyway you can, right? Well, anyway, Destiny’s pretty new to the professional side of cock teasing, and she asked some of the more senior girls to teach her some things that go beyond the strip club skill set. So, Lex and I have been helping her come up with a Dominatrix Scene that she wants to practice on you. It’s sort of like a… homework assignment for her, I guess you could call it.”
Even just talking about this was already turning Dan on, and Sarah giggled as she watched his cock began to thicken and twitch as he strapped Trixie’s Exoskeleton to his torso, before continuing, “See, a ‘scene’ is basically just a sexual fantasy role play scenario…and the best ones work the best because they’re creative and dynamic…So Lex and I gave her a few basic suggestions, and asked her to come up with something. Destiny’s going to come in in about 5 minutes and she will be in character for the entire scene. She’ll explain the rules, and then the games will start, ok? I’m just here to give advice and provide her support, so just keep yourattention on Destiny.” Her eyes narrowed for a moment and she looked at Dan warningly. “She worked hard on this, so make sure you play along. Is that clear, Dan?”
Dan was just fasting the final bands around his neck and jawline, and he nodded quickly. Sarah smiled, pleased at his fast response, and stood up, gesturing to the chair in which she had been sitting. “Good, Dan! What a good, obedient man you’ve become!” She said in a sweet and condescending voice that was accompanied by a playful smile, “Well then, why don’t you grab a seat so you can wait for Destiny to come show you what she’s been working on?”
The instant Dan sunk into the chair, the silvery bands encircling every inch of his body suddenly grow as stiff and unmoving as steel, locking him in place. With a frozen neck, he looked out of the corner of his eye, expecting to see the Remote Control in Sarah’s hand, and was surprised to find that she was holding up her phone instead. “Cool, right? Trixie figured wemight want to take some of her toys for a spin out in public, so she whipped up a little smart phone app version of her remote.” She walked over to the chair, and stroked his face lovingly with one hand as he looked up at her trembling. Then she pressed her screen again, and Dan gasped loudly as he felt an incredibly slight, vibrating pulse begin to emanate from the Control Ring.
Sarah watched, amused, as Dan Strained ineffectively against the frame of the Exoskeleton. Slowly, over the course of about a minute, the independent buzzing coming from the steel ring at the base of his cock brought his hungry erection fully back to life. Then, as he panted and whimpered, Sarah walked over to him, turned off the violences, and slide down onto the chair, onto Dan, with a playful smile. She sat in Dan’s lap, so that her back and elbows rested against the right armrest, and her stunning, creamy legs dangled over the left. She had carefully positioned herself as she settled against him, so that his throbbing cock was nestled between her thighs, almost up against the skintight red fabric of her “barely there” shorts.
She slide her arms around his neck and looked deeply into his eyes, before smiling widely at him and beginning to rationally clnch and unclench her thighs against his sensitive member. Dan gasped again, and went glassy eyed as her soft, cool thighs began to firm and loosen against him, over and over. He was constantly exhilarated and terrified by how quickly these women could turn him into a mindless, pleasure hungry animal. “You know,” she whispered, as he moaned and gasped out ragged breaths, “I only met Destiny a year and a half ago. But I could tell right away that she was a natural cocktease. And the more I taught her the more I realized, it wasn’t just that she was a natural: she was just an absolute prodigy at this.”
She looked off slightly and smiled, and Dan was slightly surprised to see what looked like real pride on her face. Then shelaughed, “Honestly, with a body like that girl’s rocking, most women figure they don’t need the level of skill she’s looking for. But she’s hungry for knowledge Dan, you know what I mean? She’s driven, and really wants to get better. Honestly, pretty soon she’s going to know everything that I do. I’m really proud of her.”
As if on cue, there was a knock at the break room door, and Dan heard Destiny’s soft voice call from the other side. “Sarah? Are you two ready for me in there?” Sarah looked into his eyes and smiled before giggling in a loud voice, “Just getting him warmed up for you, D! One second!” She spun around so that her feet fell to the floor, causing her tights to twist around his throbbing cock one final time as the weight of her round ass shifted to his lower stomach. Then she stepped off of him, his now pulsing cock finally slipping free of her soft thighs, and she strolled across the room, making herself comfortable on the couch, before calling out, “Come on in!”
Frozen in his seat by the Exoskeleton, Dan was positioned directly facing the door, and he watched as the latch clicked, the door swung open, and Destiny walked deeply into the room. Dan’s jaw almost dropped to the floor, and a slight, involuntary grunt emanated from deep within him that made Sarah giggle to his right. Destiny was adorned in some kind of black and white, skintight, latex bondage outfit, and he was so entered by the sight of her every impressive curve encased in shimmering latex that it took him a moment to realize that the black and white latex head dress that she was wearing was a habit. “Oh my fucking god” He thoughtfully, and felt his cock grow even harder somehow, “She’s dressed like a nun. She’s dressed like a fucking nun.”
Destiny’s “habit” wrapped around her forehead tightly, giving Even her warm, kind face a slightly more severe look than normal, but the several wild curls which peeked out of the latex and bounced gently around her face slightly softened the effect. She was wearing a deep, almost liquid red lipstick, and she pursued her lips sensitively at him as she watched him take in her appearance. She wore a tight, white latex collar around her neck that reached from the edge of her jawline to the slight indent of her collarbone, which completed the “nun” appearance she was clearly going for very effectively.
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