Tease Toy Orientation 03: Thursday

Tease Toy Orientation: Thursday

Dan stumbled out of The Tease Wednesday night, trying to wipe the last vestiges of Krista’s juices from his face as he began his walk towards the bus station. He still couldn’t believe that Krista had fucked with him so openly and in public like that yesterday. This whole thing was starting to get even bigger than he realized.

He spent the long bus ride home terrified that he was going to be subjected to some other crazy sexual game, but his evening (surprisingly) turned out to be relatively uneventful: in fact, he didn’t hear from any of his captors and torquers until nearly midnight. The quiet was a relief: he was exhausted, and after another long, cold shower, he settled in front of the TV, watching a History Channel series about Civil War submarines as he tried to relax.

As much as he enjoyed the peace and quiet, however, he found his mind struggling to calm itself, returning to the sights, and sounds, and smells, and touch ofhis beautiful…what had Lexie called them on Tuesday? His Owners. That’s right.

The word made him shiver, but whether in terror or arousal, he couldn’t tell. In fact, several times throughout the evening, he found himself wondering what was in store for him the next day, almost with…was it excitement? But, surely that was just because his body was so hungry for release…right?

It was incredibly confusing, and he tried his best not to think about it, but he felt himself drifting off into fansies of being back in the Break Room, bound, teased, and humiliated again and again, in constantly new and exciting ways, as the night went on. He couldn’t even begin to guess what Krista and Lexie alone in a room with him was going to look like tomorrow.

As he settled in to bed, his phone began to ring loudly, Sarah’s smiling face appearing on the screen, and he felt unwanted and uncontrollable excitement flood suddenly through him. “What’s happening to me?” He thought to himself, “Am I starting to enjoy this?” He answered quickly, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

“H-Hi Sarah! How are you?” He heard her giggle, and respond in a soft, friendly voice, and the instant he heard her voice, every taste and touch and smell and image of her in his mind flooded him with sense memory. His cock twitched involuntarily. “Hiiiiiiiii, Dan! Did you have fun with Krista tonight?”

“Uh, ya Sarah, we had a- a lot of fun.” Dan responded, trying his best not to give her the satisfaction of hearing him struggle, either with sexual frustration or this new, dizzying confusion. He tried to push this bizarre suddenly excitement (desire?) aside, although with little success. “You can’t be excited about this, she’s fucking blackmailing you!” he screamed internally, furious with himself.

“She’s the best, right?” Sarah exclaimed, before continuing at a soft volume, “Well I just wanted to call and thank you- I caught up with her a little on her break and she said you were so sweet tonight! She told me that she was feeling kind of intimidated about her tag team shift with you and Lexie tomorrow…”

Suddenly, Sarah’s voice changed, and swelled with what almost sounded like pride, “But then she got this big smile on her face, and said that when she told you she was nervous about it, you offered to wear the Control Ring for her so she would have the ‘home field advantage’ tomorrow…That is so CUTE Dan! I can’t believe you would offer to do that for her!”

Dan scrunched his face in frustration, trying to work all of the frustration out with his clenching muscles so he could keep it out of his voice. These fucking games were never ending. As he responded, however, he realized with sudden clarity that he knew exactly what he was supposed to say Here: he had listened to every syllable that had come out of Krista’s mouth that evening with laser focus, after all: he was living under the constant terror that he was going to miss some verbal tripwire and be thrown into further frustration and humiliation.

“Uh, ya Sarah, of course. I just didn’t want her to feel bad about herself. I know some of the girls are intimidated by Lexie, and Krista told me how much this stuff is about feeling good and powerful for her.”

Sarah almost gasped, and she spoke with what certainly SOUNDED like geneuine, beaming pride, “Oh. My. God, Dan you are seriously turning into just the SWEETEST man! You’re becoming a good little listener! Wow…I think this new lifestyle regimen is very healthy for you! You know Dan…” and suddenly her voice dropped in both volume and octave, becoming slightly husky, “If you keep it up like this, I think you may have quite a lot of fun at the Sunday Hearing. It’s really nice to see how happy and confident you’re making all my girls.”

Dan tried to sound bashful, and to ignore how generally pleasant he found her praise…not to mention the sound of her melodic voice, or of her laugh, like windchimes. “Oh, well, I- I didn’t do it because of THAT Sarah, I just…I just wanted to help.” He was starting to get nervous that this was going to turn into some weird, trapping accusation that he was taking credit for something he didn’t actually do, but Sarah’s voice stayed sweet as she responded.

“I’m really glad to hear that, Dan. Really glad.” She said, and he could almost HEAR her smile through the phone, but then her voice grew frustrated, “God, I love Lexie and Krista both like sisters, but…they just get on each others nervouss, you know? I’ve known them both forever though. It really stresses me out, I hate when my friends don’t get along with each other…” She told, her breath distorting slightly through the mic of the phone as Dan listened quietly, trying to figure out where this was going or what he should say.

“Part of the reason I wanted you around was I thought that having someone like you would be a great team building exercise kind of thing, you know?” She asked rhetorically before continuing, “Destiny actually NEEDS the practice, and Trixie’s gotta learn a little more confidence, but honestly, the rest of us KNOW what we’re doing, we don’t really need you to practice…I was just hoping that you would bring me, Krista, and Lexie closer together. I just want the two of them to get OVER it, and work together. Be a team.” She grew quiet for a moment, and then spoke up again. “Dan? Can I ask you a favor?”

Dan almost screamed: the word “favor” out of the mouths of these women was beginning to fill him with Pavlovian dread…but he also found himself oddly excited again, and he thought (to himself of course), in both bitter frustration and hopeful excitement “Sure Sarah, here it comes…you want me to jerk off 15 more times tonight Without cumming? Do you want to send me some naked pictures? Should I come over and let you fuck me again? What’s it gonna be? Will one of you FINALLY fucking let me cum again soon?” Then he steadied his nerves and opened his mouth to actually respond, “Sure Sarah…What is it?”

Her request wasn’t at all what he was expecting, however, “Just…just try to help them get along tomorrow…okay?” She asked in a quiet, serious voice, “I mean it, I really want the five of us girls to be a family, a team, and I…I think you could really help us all get there. They’re both so goddam talented, and they Both love this shit, they should be best friends…” Her voice was incredibly serious, and as far as Dan could tell, she was being surprisedly sincere. “Would you just try to get them to work together? For me?”

Dan assured her he would, confused at the disappointed reaction of his body to this entirely non-stimulating request…Yesterday he would have given anything in the world for the ring locked against his cock to stop vibrating, but now he a part of him wished he was getting that same attention now. Sarah thanked him again, saying goodnight with a wet kiss against the speaker befor hanging up.

Dan settled into bed, trying to process the call. That had felt nothing like the teasing, pornographic call he had had with Krista the night before: Sarah seemed generally interested in talking to him, which had felt surprisingly nice, and he found himself oddly swelling with pride instead of arousal at the idea that he could help her feel better. “God” he thought to himself, dizzy with conflicting Feelings, “Seriously, what the fuck is going on with me?”

He tried to fall asleep, but found that he could’t calm his mind, and eventually, after 20 minutes of tossing and turning, he turned on his reading light and thumbed through a well read copy of Crime and Punishment (which he kept in his nightstand for emergencies of the insomniac variety, like this) until he finally drifted off. He dreamed of beautiful, understanding female bodies, undulating against him in a dark void as bolts of crisis silk slide around his body with serpentine, life-like movement.

Ashe drifted through the void, with every movement he made, the silk slide tighter and tighter around him, cooling against him, as the bodies around him multiplied, pressing tighter against his flesh, filling his nostrils with smell of perfumed soft flesh and his mouth with the taste of smooth, salty skin. Tighter and tighter the silk slide around him, allowing less and less movement, and soon, his arms and legs began to feel like they were moving through tar, and all the while breasts, and tighs, and fingers and lips slide against every exposed inch of him as he hurdled through the inky blackness…

Dan awoke with a start, his erection a massive tent beneath his sheet, to the sound of his 6am alarm. “Jesus,” he thought, “I feel like I just closed my eyes.” He got up, took another long, cold shower, and began to go about his morning. His day, like his “post-shift” evening, was mercifully eventless, and it was maybe because of this that he found himself again wondering whatwas in store for him today.

He thought, not for the first time, that if these girls just let him fucking CUM once in a while, this might even be a little fun. “But that’s not going to happen! AndI can’t just keep getting blackmailed like this for the rest of my life!” He suddenly thought to himself, feeling his resolve harden once more. If he didn’t find a way out of this by the end of the weekend, he was going to pull the trigger and damn the consequences. He couldn’t go on like this forever, after all.

His resolve certainly made him feel better as the day went on…but when 5pm rolled around he noticed that this “resolve” didn’t cause him to feel any less physically exhilarated as he left his office, got into his car, and drove as fast as he legally could downtown.

As he slipped in the back door for what was going to be his fourth evening in a row at The Tease, he could feel his cock begin to swell slightly already, in simple anticipation of the evening. He undressed quickly, and had finally finished folding his clothes nearby in a pile by the door, the terrified excitement of his nudity making his body feel electric, when he heard a voice from the other end of the hall, causing him to jump in surprise.

“Hi Danny!”, called Krista, peeking from the doorway to the main room at the far end of the hallway, “We’re not going to be in the break room today- Lexie and I decided we wanted to show you something special! But you gotta follow me back through the main club, okay?”

Dan tried to remind himself that the only people who were here right now were the girls, almost all of whom had already seen him naked and humiliated, but the slow nude walk down the hallway was still terrifying, and when he walked into the main room, he saw with relief that other than Krista, it was entirely empty and uncharacteristically quiet in The Tease this evening.

“C’mon!” Krista exclaimed, gesturing to him to follow her in the direction of the private rooms. She was wearing black legs, a pink half t shirt with frayed edges, and a pair of pink and black heeled tennis shoes. Her curly, wild hair was pulled back into a short pony tail with a pink scrunchie, but several strands fell loose, bouncing in tight, luxury curls across her dark brown eyes as she looked over her shoulder, smiling back at him.

Dan followed, wondering why the change in Venue, his cock twitching as his eyes slide over every inch of her strutting body. Her ass and legs looked amazing in the skintight legs, and when the light hit them in certain ways, he could see the tone of her skin through the fabric.

Krista lead him past a pair of thick black curves, and then past several small rooms, all decorated with couches and plenty of mirrors. “Those are the champion rooms,” Krista explained, a dancing laugh creeping into her voice. “Those are for guys with extra cash to throw around, or VIPs…but we’re going to our MOST extra special room today Dan. EVery just calls it “The Bedroom”. We don’t even use it most nights, a guy’s got to drop some real cash to get in there with one of us, believe me.”

She looked back at Dan, smiling again, “But you were so sweet to help me out yesterday…I figured you deserve a treatment! So you’re going in there with TWO of us! Don’t you feel honored, Danny Boy?”

Dan started to give a fumbling, half baked response, but before he could get out more than a word or two, Krista stopped at a door at the far end of the hall, opening it, and gesturing theatrically for Dan to enter with an extended palm and a sweet smile. He walked in, and his first, stupid thought was “Well, I guess I see why every calls it ‘The Bedroom’.” The walls were lined in black velvet, and the room was completely unfurnished except for a clock on the wall, and a massive, incredibly strdy looking four post, California King bed in the center of the room.

The posts of the bed were thick, unpainted dark wood, and Dan sawWithout much surprise that thick leather bondage straps hung from each of them. The bed’s ceiling was mirrored, a massive reflective pane almost 8 feet across, and the bed itself looked like it could easily fit 4 to 5 people. There were sheets on the mattress, and pillows resting against the headboard, but as Dan walked closer, he saw both the sheets and the pillowcases were made of, not clothes, but some kind of smooth, rubbery material. On the ground, at the foot of the bed, was a massive jug of baby oil.

As he surveyed the room, again trying to figure out exactly what was in store for him, Krista crept up behind him quietly, and slide her arms around his waist, causing him to jump slightly. After how vividly she had ticked him yesterday, he was still terrified of her, and it definitely showed. She pressed her lips against his ear, and whispered breathily into it, “Why dontcha get on the bed, Danny boy? Don’t worry, we change and clean the sheets every time someone uses The Bedroom, and besides hehe…as you can see, they’re stain proof. Lexie will be here any minute and I want to make sure you’re all ready to go when she gets here.”

He felt her slap his ass playfully, her open palm smacking against his cheek and leaving a light, warm singing sensing. “Spread out face up, okay?” Dan obeyed, crawling onto the bed, his hands and knees sinking into the softness of the mattress beneath the rubbery sheets, and then he flipped over and stretched out, feeling extremely humiliated and exhilarated.

Then, as he watched, she walked around the bed methodically, grabbing the restraints hanging from each of the posts one at a time and fasting them around his wrists and his ankles, pulling his naked body tight against the bed like a starfish. Every movement she made as she did this was methodical, theatrical. She posed, preened, stretched, and strutted, smiling at him constantly, and never breaking eye contact for more than a few moments. He found hiself ogling every inch of her that he could see as she moved around the bed, and he realized that he was already sporting more than half of an erection. God he was so hungry to touch her, to taste her…he almost couldn’t wait for things to get started.

As she was finishing up her work, the door opened, and Dan saw Krista’s previously happy face tighten immediately. He lifted his neck up from the pillow to see who it was. Lexie strutted in, wearing the slinkiest black dress he had ever seen (the neckline plunging and the clinging hemline shockingly short) and a pair of black, strapped open toe heels. Her hourglass figure was astounding, and in his already heightened state of arousal, the sight of her made his mouth begin to literally water.

She clicked into the room with an incredibly sour expression on her face, letting the door slowly swinging shut behind her, and looking around the room, incredibly unimpressed. “Good evening Daniel. Krista. Are you just about finished securing him, Kris? Or will I need to double check the fastings before we got started?”

Krista rolled her eyes, and her demeanor became more aggressive almost immediately. “Oh fuck you, Lexie…and don’t call me Kris. That happened like one fucking time, and it was 3 years ago.” She pulled at Dan’s wrist again, making sure he was stretched as tightly as possible, and the theatrics were gone now: she was All business as she finished her work. “And that was just because there was a bad buckle on the left arm restraint. I kept telling the old owners that and no one would listen. That’s half the fucking reason we decided to buy the place, remember? Because they didn’t fucking listening when we told them shit was broken?”

She turned to look at Dan, rolled her eyes again as if just for his benefit, and then she Sighed, relaxed, and in a loud, fairly pointed voice, said “But we’re not here to talk about our problems today…right Lex? This is our time with Dan, after all, and we want to make sure he gets the attention he deserves.”

Lexie said nothing to this, and instead strolled over to the right side of the bed, still looking sour and unimpressed. She stood opposite Krista, who was on the left of the bed, and she leaned down to remove her shoes, her plump, freckled breasts swing sweetly as Dan looked hungrily right down the front of her dress. She seemed to struggle with the strap around her left ankle for a moment, and her tits jiggled deliciously as she did, her criminal curls cascading down around her face.

Dan shook at this, already cursing his restraints…and in his state of overwhelming arousal, it didn’t even occur to him that Lexie was not the kind of person who struggled with shoes, and might be intentionally doing this for his benefit. Then, as she placed her heels in the corner and began to move back towards the bed, she said, quietly (but not too quietly) and in a terse tone, “Well, all I know is that in MY 8 years of tying down customers, I’ve never had one break free on ME.”

Dan heard a snort that sounded much more angle than amused, and pulled his eyes away from Lexie’s curves for long enough to see real rage flicker across Krista’s face, and the East Coast, Puerto Rican beauty snarled, “Oh FUCK YOU, Lexie.” Krista was getting obviously agitated now, and Dan was beginning to feel a little frighted, very aware of how helpless he was, tied naked and vulnerable between these two women in what was clearly a rapidly deteriorating situation.

Krista smiled at Lexie, but the smile was cold, sharklike, and didn’t get anywhere near her eyes, and her hands fell to her hips in an aggressive, challenging moment. “Well, I don’t know, Lex- MAYBE I’ve got a bigger problem with that then you because none of your customers give a shit about touching you!”

Lexie’s glittering emerald eyes flashed back, and Dan sensed that things were about to take a much more dangerous turn between these two women. Panicking, thinking about his call with Sarah the night before AND his physical safety, he suddenly blurted out, “Lexie, Krista, PLEASE!” so loudly that both women turned to look at him, shocked and surprised.


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