Author’s forward: Ugh I found a ton of typos in the Prologue after I published it. Lesson learned. Tried to make sure this one was really clean, and I’m going to be a lot more careful moving forward. I should have Wednesday out sometimes next week. Thanks for reading!
Tease Toy Job Orientation: Tuesday
Without another word, the gorgeous, firey maned goddess turned from Dan and began to walk towards the backrooms. Her hand never left him however, and Dan tried not to react as he felt Lexie’s confident grip tighten against the fabric of the front of his khakis, pulling it against his raging member beneath her steely fingers. She tugged at him lightly without looking back, and he began to step forward, feeling dizzy as she led him by the cock back into the nude-poster lined hallway with which he was now so familiar. As the door to the main room began to close behind him, he saw Krista sit down on the couches next to Destiny and start to talk to her, and saw Sarah smailing at him one final time from the bar, wiggling her fingers at him in a flirty wave. Then the door clicked shut, and he was alone with Lexie.
She didn’t say a word, and continued to walk forward, her arm stretched back and leading him along like a puppy on a leash. Her round ass rolled in quick, perky motions as she strutted ahead of him, every step inhumanly precision, and the click of her red soled pumps against the Wooden floor echoed through the room. She led him to a door about half way down the hall, and then stepped inside, pulling him firmly in behind her. Her independent guiding hand caused the fabric of his pants to rub against every inch of his throbbing cock, and he let out a slight, wavering moan as he stepped clumsily forward. Lexie immediately turned and pulled the door shut behind her, letting go of his throbbing erection and (this time Dan noticed immediately) latching the deadbolt firmly.
Dan look around the room and took in his surroundings, trying to catch his breath and gain his bearings. This was bigger than Sarah’s dressing room had been, and for a moment he thought it looked more like an office break room, but then he scanned the room further and saw that it’s design and purpose clearly had two distinct personalities. There was a large, open space in one half of the room (the half they were standing in), with a few small easy chairs, a mini fried, and a wound love seat bordering the walls. He noticed with milk anxiety that the walls seemed to have been effectively soundproofed: there were interlocking, cushioned panels covering every empty wall space.
As his eyes followed the soundproofing panels along the wall, he noticed the other side of the room. Trixie was already here, he saw, and was crouched in the corner, rummaging through a big black steamer trunk that was pushed against the far wall. She was on her knees and leaning face first in the trunk, so that her bright pink panties and small but round ass wiggled at him invitingly beneath her short, black pleated skirt. A rack of stark, minimalist metallic shelves hugged the wall next to the trunk, and the surface of every shelf was covered with bits of wiring, batteries, power tools, duct tape, and plastic and metal casings and piping. An industrial workbench with a florescent light positioned over it sat at a ninety degree angle to the shelves, against the far wall, and Dan saw a batteryed laptop with a small rubber and metal device connected to it with multiple wires on the workbench’s surface. Some kind of complex program seemed to be running on the laptop’s screen, as symbols and code flickered across the cracked surface of the glass.
In the center of all of this was what looked like a streamlined dentist’s chair, a contoured, black plastic molded design that was stabilized about four feet off the ground by an adjustable, chrome, electric base. Dan saw small, fabric restraints woven into the black plastic at the head, hip, hand, and foot level,and decided he had a pretty good idea what the chair was probably for. This room was some kind of cross between a normal social office space and a crazy mad scientist’s laboratory. Trixie was fully engrossed in her preparations in the corner, and had now pulled a bizarre looking object (as far as Dan could see, it looked like a large bundle of strips of metallic fabric, weaving together and covered with fastening buttons, attached to Some sort of small plastic casing) from the steamer trunk, and she slammed it down on the worktable next to her, before running over to the shelves to grab something.
Lexie had sat calmly in one of the easy chairs in the “normal” side of the break room, observing Dan closely as he took in his surroundings. She let her arms fall back against the armsrests, pulling the pumping neckline of her silky black jacket wider, putting her Delicate, full breasts invitingly on display, and crosser her legs slowly, her skirt stretching tight against her shapely, freckled thighs. Despite her calm demeanor, she was QUITE looking forward to this first session with Dan, and wanted to use her time (2 and a half hours left in the shift, by her estimation) as effectively as possible.
“Daniel” she said quietly, and she smiled inwardly in approval at the speed with which he spun around, snapping to attention. She knew Sarah was good, maybe almost as good as her, but she hadn’t expected the man to arrive today so thoroughly trained. Sarah must have done a real number on him yesterday. She cleared her throat, and spoke up slightly, but she kept her voice relatively low, and Dan stepped forward slightly to hear her better.
“We need to talk about some of the details of your job description as the new Practice and Morality Coordinator for The Tease, Daniel. But in order to do that, we have to begin with a few necessary demonstrations of some of the equipment that you’ll be working with.” Every word was spoken slowly, deliberately, and withperfectly clear enunciation, giving her an air of complete control. She cocked her head slightly to look around Dan, and raised her voice only a little. “Trixie, my darling, are we about ready to begin the proceedings?” Trixie didn’t look up from the table, but held up a silent thumb of approval as she made several small adjustments to the bundle on the work table, and the response apparently satisfied Lexie, who looked back at him with deadly serious eyes. “In order to continue Dan, the first thing you’re going to need to do is take off the rest of your clothes.”
Her look invited no debate, but Dan suddenly felt bizarrely shy. Yesterday, Sarah had torn his clothes from him by force, and that somehow felt entirely different than being forced to strip, revealing his almost painful erection, as this beautiful woman sat before him and watched. He looked back to Trixie, not even knowing what he was hoping for, but he saw that she had stopped her tinkering now, and had turned aroundto watch the show, quietly curious. He watched her eyes slide up and down his slightly gangly body before zeroing in on the tent at the front of his pants and pursing her purple lips slightly. Dan closed his own eyes as shame burned in his cheeks and he reached down to remove his shoes, but he stopped when he heard a disapproving noise from Lexie, and again, so softly that he had to strain to hear her, she whispered, “Look at me Daniel. Don’t close your eyes. Look at me.”
Dan took a deep ragged breath, and obeyed, mortified. He clumsly ripped off his shoes and peeling off his socks as he held her stunning gaze, and then he stood up, and began to slide down his slacks and underwear, hooking his thumbs into the waistband and pulling both layers down in one motion. He watched Lexie’s face brighten slightly for the first time, giving a small, prim smile of approval as his raging hard on burst free, and she reached out a hand with her palm up, as if expecting something. When Dan movedhopefully forward a step to push his dick into her hands, Lexie snorded at him and pushed back firmly against his chest. Then she nodded to his pants, rolling her eyes at him as if he were an exasperating child.
“I wasn’t asking for you cock, Daniel. You can give those to me now. The first think that you need to know about your Practice Coach shifts is that you won’t need to worry about clothes for them. When you arrive to begin your shift in the future, please remove all of your clothes immediately once you have entered the building, including, shoes, socks, underwear, and any jewelry, and leave them folded neighborly by the door. Then you may head to this room, and wait for your scheduled practice partner or partners to arrive.”
Dan handed her the pants and watched as she folded them Carefully, and placed them on the arm rest beside her as he stood there naked and humiliated, his cock twitching and bouncing. She then looked him right in the eye, and slowly unbuttoned the only button on her silky business jacket before leaning back against the chair and placing her forearms lightly on each armrest again. The movement caused the jacket to fall open and back, so that each side fell away from her, exposing her delicate collarbone, her tight, fit stomach, and more than half of each of her glorious, pert, freckled breasts.
In fact, he noticed with a watering mouth, the fabric had almost slide completely off of both of her breasts, but had caught on each of her erect nipples, which now poked prominently into the silky material, as it fell down around each breast at a 45 degree angle. She arched her back slightly, accentuating the effect, and then she spoke again, slightly louder this time, “Are we almost ready to get started back there, darling? Time is money, you know.” She never broke eye contact with Dan as she said this, and it took him a moment to realize that she wasn’t talking to him.
He felt cool, thin fingers begin to draw something over hisbare shoulders from behind, and the sensing started him so much that he yelped, and began to spin to see what was happening. Just as he started to react however, Lexie actually raised her voice for the first time, in a way that pierced right through him, “DANIEL. Stand…Still.” and the command was delivered with such force that he frozen instantly, a rabbit in headlights. He had not seen much of these women yet, but he had received the distinct impression that Lexie was not the person in this group he should risk fucking with, under any circumstances. He turned back towards her, almost standing to attention, and she nodded in milk approval at his obedience. As he tried to stand perfectly still, he watched nervously out of the corner of his eye, as Trixie’s long pale fingers, tipped with shiny black nail polish and a tiny purple heart in the center of each nail, began to draw a mesh of silvery, interwoven bands (about half an inch wide) across his shoulders, over his chest, and down his arms.
Lexie began to speak again as Trixie did this, and she lifted her hands from the armsrests and began to lightly fondle the silky material that fell to either side of her, tugging the fabric teasingly. Then she sensitively crossed her legs again as he goggled, and continued, “Daniel… Because we are running short on time today, and we have so much to cover, this may be a bit of an exercise in endurance and concentration for you.” Though not supernatally endowed in the way that Sarah or Destiny had been, Lexie’s breasts were surprisingly full for her frame, and he found his eyes glued to her body as she tugged at the fabric. “While Trixie starts working on introducing you to some of the more important hardware you’ll be using while working with us, I’ll be going over any questions that you have about the contract that you’ve agreed too. Basically, you can think of Trixie as IT, and me as Human Resources.”
She smiled a little at this, clearly mildly amused by her own wit, and then shrugged her shoulders together and slide her neck and torso down and forward, shrugging off her shimmering black jacket as she extremely stood up before him. The movement made her appear almost serpentine, and as she straightened back up, his eyes crawled hungrily over her bare chest and his dick began to twitch a little faster. Her breasts were incredibly perky, and her nipples were small and pink. She reached her arms back, over her head in a theatrical stretch, and Dan’s mouth watered as he watched her breasts stretch tight against her, and then bounce free once more as she lowered her arms. As she continued to stretch and prenounce theatrically before him, she kept speaking.
“I hope the outline of your shift organization in the contract was comprehensive enough for you. You will, of course, receive a copy for your own records. On Monday through Friday, you must be in this room by 6pm, naked, for the start of your shift. After your first week, we are going toexpand your duties: basically you will be available in this room to support performers working before and during their shifts…until midnight, when someone will return your clothes and send you home. I pointed out to the group as we were designing your contract that the dancers actually work weeknights until about 3am, but the rest of the girls decided your shift should be over at midnight so that it doesn’t interfere too much with your day job. Wasn’t that so sweet of all the owners Daniel?” Her eyes never left his as she spoke, and the soft movement of her full red lips was hypnotizing.
As she spoke, Trixie continued her bizarre work, beginning now to fasten some of these strips of fabric together with tiny plastic fastening clamps (like those on a backpack) around each of his arms, tightening them against His shoulder, above and below his elbow, and at his wrist. As Dan tried to ignore this, Lexie stepped closer to him now, her eyes flashing, and she snapped her finger in his face, repeating her question (with a slight but important difference that an overstimulated Dan didn’t notice until he replayed the evening back later in his head), “HEY! I asked you a question: Wasn’t that so sweet of all your owners, Daniel?” He opened his mouth, stammering, “Yes, Lexie. That was really really selfless of all of you. I’m so sorry I didn’t answer right away. Thank you so much Lexie, thank you for being so understanding.”
Suddenly a shy, younger female voice spoke from behind him, and Daniel realized he was hearing Trixie speak for the first time. “Hey, Lexie, if we’re short on time, you can help me get him all done up while you keep going over the rules. Now that I’ve gotten started, I think it should be pretty obvious where everything goes.” Her voice sounded incredibly informal and young when juxtaposed against Lexie’s liquid grace and confidence. Lexie nodded in agreement and stepped forward, pressing the cool palm of her hand against Dan’s chest, and lookng him in the eyes very sternly. “You will stand perfectly still unless instructed otherwise by Trixie or myself. Do you understand, Daniel? You do not need to speak, a simple nod will suffice.”
Dan gulped slightly, and nodded, and Lexie smiled slightly again, nodding back. Then she slide down onto her knees, her hand moving firmly down his chest for balance as she lowered herself. Once on her knees, she began to slowly fasten more of these odd, metallic fabric strips around his feet, his legs, his knees, his tights…and as she did this, she let her fiery red hair begin to lightly brush against the sensitive head of his cock, first allowing it to ticle against him, and then tilting her head slightly so that it slid into her hair, and pulling back, so that his cock was pulled down the length of her luscious, thick wavy hair, like a brush.
The sensing, and the image, of her flowing, tugging, sliding hair against his cock was incredible, and Dan let out a high pitched moaning sound. He was trying to react physically as little as possible and to stand completely still, but she reached for his other leg now, and repeated the motion again, pulling her hair against him in the opposite direction, and he Shook violently. She managed to make it look as though this bobbing, teasing maneuver was related to her work with the metallic fabric she was now fastening against his left ankle, and completely ignored his sounds, Continuing her overview of his “contract” as she lightly teased him with her criminal locks.
“Now, I imagine your work as a live-in Morality Coach is fairly clear as well: you’ll be assigned a different Tease performer to spend your weekends with each week…Although I bet you have some questions about what exactly a Control Ring is, don’t you Dan?” She looked around Dan’s legs, and up at Trixie, who was fasting a few more bands against Dan’s chest and wait. “Trixie, are we ready to begin our tech demonstration of your wonderful little devices?” Dan heard Trixie respond behind them in a concentrated, quiet voice, “Aaallllmost done…” before he heard one final click, and she walked around the front of him. Then, Trixie and Lexie both stepped back to admit their work, smiling with amusement.
Dan was covered in thin metallic bands from ear to toe. This was quite literal: bands encircled his wrists, his elbows, his hips, his chest, his groin, his knees, his ankles, and a band slide lightly up from his chest to his neck, splitting at the ground of his throat, and then traveling along his jawline, and looping around his ears. He could feel a contoured (about six inches in diameter) plastic casing nestled against the small of his back, and he could feel the bands that traced the lines of his spine, his hips and his buttocks feeding into it, anchoring it in place. He looked like some kind of naked Tron character, his raging erection looking even more ridiculous as it burst out between two bands that passed under his groin, and around his buttons and hips.
Trixie smiled widely and excitedly, bouncing a little (in the largest display of emotion he had seen from her yet) and then she fell back onto the love seat, spraying out. He saw that she was holding a small metallic device (about the size of a dvd player remote, with a tiny LCD screen at the top, and a grid of tiny buttons across its surface) in one hand, and she grinned now, Her purple lips pulling back in an expression of glee, and her eyes glinted. “We’re going to go over the Control Ring in just a minute Dan, but I want to show you this first. It’s something new I built just for you. I call it The Exoskeleton. I’m really, really, REALLY excited about it. Do you want to know what it does?”
She held up the remote, and pressed a button theatrically. There were a soft click, and then suddenly, Dan felt every band wrapped around him harden like steel, holding him perfectly in place. The bands against his jawline and ears locked his headin place, the bands against his biceps and wrists locked against his arms, those against his spine and wait locked his torso, and those against his thighs, knees, and ankles locked against his legs and feet. The instant this happened, he had been slightly shifting his weight from one foot to the other, and he suddenly found himself falling backward, unable to move his limbs or redistribute his weight to correct his fall as he tipped back towards the ground.
Dan yelped ridiculously as he fell, wriggling his fingers in desperate, wide eyed panic, and he clatered to the floor like a wooden board, completely stiff. He felt the air go out of him upon impact, and took several seconds to catch his breath. Trixie let out a triumphant whoop, throwing her hands up into the air in celebration, and Lexie got up from her seat, walking across the room. For a moment Dan thought that Lexie was coming to check on him after his fall, but she walked right past him and towards the other side of the room and (as his head was locked frustratingly in place) out of his line of sight.
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