Tease Toy Orientation 02: Wednesday

Tease Toy Orientation: Wednesday

About 5 minutes after Trixie had left, Dan felt the bands against his body slacken again, and he removed the Exoskeleton. He took it off slowly and carefully (he wanted to smoke it against the wall and rip it to shreds while he screamed, but he wisely abstained), and left it on Trixie’s work table, trembling with frustration and sexual need as he did so, his cock still bouncing and dribbling.

Then he dressed himself in a daze, pulling his clothes back on in relief and trying to ignore the snug fit of the Control Ring against his still aching scrotum. He breathed slowly and did his damnedest to think about anything in the world except beautiful women or the gnawing hunger in his balls. Once he was dressed, he exited the break room, heading out into the nude poster lined back hallway of The Tease, and then hurried out to the back alley before he could get cornered by another one of these insane women.

Dan walked backto the spot where his car had been parked for two days now, moving slowly and with a wide legged, almost limping gait as he tried to calm his erection. As he walked up to his unobtrusive Camry, he found a parking ticket sticking out from under his windshield wiper, a result of leaving the vehicle parked here for over 24 hours.

He closed his eyes in frustration “Fuck.” he thought, “Just a perfect end to a perfect day.” It was about a 30 minute drive to get home, and he listened to music as he drove, slowly allowing his body to calm down enough for his desperate erection to begin to go down.

He tried to pay attention to the road, and not to think about the way that Lexie had smelled while she had been riding his cock, or the sounds that Trixie had made as she had diddled herself on the couch next to him while he watched. He pushed the thoughts away, forcedly. With this ring locked around him, any sexual thoughts or stimulation would mean nothing but more frustration, assuming he didn’t want Sarah’s damned pictures emailed to his entire office.

He was pulling around the corner and onto his street when he heard his phone ding loudly in his pocket, and after he pulled into his driveway and parked, he pulled it out to see what it was. A notification message had popped up on his screen that read “The Tease App successfully downloaded” and Dan stared at it dumbly, feeling his stomach began to sink as he sat in his parked car.

He went to his phone’s homepage and saw that a new app icon, a hot pink rounded box with a red lipstick kiss at its center, sat on his home screen. He suddenly remembered that he had essentially given Trixie complete access to his phone before she left tonight, and surprised, reaching forward with a trembling fingerprint to click on the icon. With a loud, aggressively sexual, female moan, the app expanded, filling his screen with pink.

Dan saw five icons appear, each a small circle containing one of the faces of the five womann who had so elegantly taken over his life in the course of forty eight hours. Feeling suddenly very exposed while parked in his driveway, he looked around quickly before bringing his attention back to the screen.

Then, as he watched, the image of Trixie’s face, her eyes sparkling beneath her glasses and her purple lips curled in a wry smile, lit up, enlarged, and a text message appeared below the icon. “Hi Dan!” it read, and Dan clicked on it to find that the app seemed to work exactly like the standard iPhone text and call screens…except everything was in bright shades of red and pink.

The message read: “It’s me, Trixie! I figured this would be the easiest way for us to all talk to each other, so none of the girls have to actually give you their numbers…sorry, you little perv, no 3am begging drink calls 😉 Just make sure that if you get a text from one of the girls that you get someplace private and respond within 20 minutes, ok Dan? You don’t want to make us feel like you’re the kind of guy who doesn’t write ladies back the next day, after they let him play with them, right?”

Dan looked down at the message, trying to fully process his situation. It seemed like every time he got milkly familiar with his circumstances, the dancers at The Tease throw another curveball at him…So now he was on call 24 hours a day, through this app that his gothic, nuclear, mad scientist tormentor had designed?

Dan considered what this really means, and Trixie messaged him again, asking, “Dan? Daniel? Are you there? Hellooooooo?” Then, as he sat there, trying to figure out what to write back, he felt the steel ring wrapped around the base of his still deflating erection began to vibrate in a dull hum, sending delicious and horrible vibrations up his member.

He gasped in surprise, dropping the phone Between the seat cushions as he stiffened in reaction. Then he panicked for a moment, grabbing dumbly at the ring before realizing the real solution to theproblem, and he scrambled for his phone, scanning with his fingertips to reach it between the seats. He finally did…after about 20 seconds of fumbling, and he typed as quickly as possible, sending a hurried reply, the message filling with typos. “I’m here Im her pleeeze stop Trxie please I’m sorry Im heer.”

Within seconds, the victory against his sensitive cock stopped…but the damage had already been done, and the hunger he had been so carefully trying to do between his legs had reawakened in full force. Dan groaned in frustration, and then looked back at the screen as he heard the ding of another message.

“Hehe, so I guess that means the long range remote equipment I set up works? 😉 Lol, ya I know you’re there dummy, I can see your read receipts…Don’t worry, I didn’t set those up on your end, so you won’t have to worry about when we’ve seen your texts or not. Anyway, sorry Dan, I just couldn’t resist with the vibrator! It’s strong right?”

“I just love showing off my toys for you…Ok, I promise I’ll leave you alone for the night as much as I can, I know you had a long one today. I have a diagnostic I need to run later tonight that might be a nuisance for about 30-45 minutes, but I promise that’ll be it! I’ll text you and let you know before I got started, so you aren’t surprised, ok?”

Dan wrote back as quickly as he could, trying to breath deeply and reverse the damage that her damned remote control buzzing had done to his hungry, frustrated cock, “Yes Trixie it was very strong. Very impressive. Thank you for understanding Trixie, and giving me some time to rest, that’s very sweet of you.”

Trixie sent back a final kissing emoji, apparently signaling the end of the conversation, and Dan dropped his phone, falling back against his car seat, and Almost screaming in frustration. He had no idea what she meant by “diagnostic” but he was almost positive it wasn’t going to be very fun.

He sat there, trying to breathe slowlyfor several minutes, and then he grabbed his phone, got out, locked his car, and walked into his house. It was almost 9:45, which would have felt like bedtime for Dan even a week ago, but after the night he had had, he couldn’t believe how wired he felt. He did in fact, take the longest cold shower of his life, finally beating his raging libido into submission by about 10:30 or so.

Then he spent the rest of the night reading, watching television, and eating…doing anything he could, really, to keep his thoughts away from the delicious and frustrating memories of Sarah, Lexie, and Trixie that were trying to bubble to the surface of his hungry, frustrated mind. He absolutely saved these small freedoms after his ordeal, but even this quiet time held a twinge of constant dread to it.

He kept his phone at his side constantly, worried he would miss another message from Trixie and suffer for it. He wondered again and again what this “diagnostic” could be and when it would happenn…and the snug fit of the Control Ring against his scrotum never let him fully forget his circumstances.

He finally settled in to bed around midnight, and was just starting to drift off to sleep when the cellphone on his nightstand began ringing, a noise that ripped away the floating, fading sensing of slumber with sudden, jagged anxiety. His eyes opened wide in instant panic: no one Dan knew would ever call him this late: this had to be Trixie. He flipped the light on, trying to move as quickly as possible, and scrapbled for the phone, pressing the answer button before he even looked at the screen, pulling it quickly to his ear. “H-hello?” he stammered. “Trixie?”

Dan heard laughter from the other end of the line, and even from the laugh Dan recognized the voice of Krista, the beautiful East Coast Latina woman who had first pulled him into the back hallway yesterday. “Oh maaaan! Did someone get a little crush on Trixie today, Danny boy? I mean…I know she’s fucking adorable and all, but you’re going to hurt my feelings! I figured you would be psyched to hear from me before our shift together tomorrow. Trix told me that she set up your phone with her little app. It’s cute right?”

Dan lifted the phone away from his face, saw the pink, Tease app facsimile of the call screen read simply “Krista”, a beautiful picture of her smiling face beneath the name, and he held it back to his ear, answering in a stumbling, confused response, “H-Hi Krista! No, I’m sorry, I…of course, I’m so excited to hear from you, you’re the best…It’s just, Trixie told me she was going to text me later about…” He trailed off, suddenly remembering Trixie’s request that he keep the fact that he was still wearing the Control Ring tonight a secret. Jesus, he was going to have to be more careful than this. “Nothing,” he finished weakly, “don’t worry about it, it’s not important. Anyway, why were you calling Krista?”

He tried to end his question as innocently as possiblee, and there were 2-3 seconds of deafening, terrifying silence while Dan waited to see if she would ignore this sudden, suspicious behavior…but suddenly she laughed again, and he heard her snap her bubblegum into the phone loudly.

Then, she spoke in a low husky voice, purring into his ear through the phone as she talked, “Oh I just figured you had a long day, and wanted to see how you were doing Dan. I know Lexie can be a little rough with the new guys, sometimes. She doesn’t have a lot of appreciation for what the men in our line of work go through…You doing alright Danny? “Mistress” Lexie wasn’t too hard on you?”

Dan spoke as carefully as he could, not wanting to give her any ammunition that they could use against him. He was starting to feel insane and constantly paranoid, as he tried to determine how much of each interaction with these women was part of some cruel and creative new game. “No Krista, not at all! Lexie was wonderful, she was so sweet to me. I had a grat time.” Krista scoffed, and when she spoke, he could hear goal for him in her voice, which sounded oddly cute coming from her thick East Coast/Bronx-y accent.

“Oh WOW. Danny, baby, Lex really did fuck you up! You poor guy, you sound like a robot! Oh Dan I’m so sorry, see…THIS is why I was calling! We need to take care of you if we’re going to try to keep you around! Fucking Lexie, you can’t just be a terror ALL the time.”

She trailed off for a second, and then her voice came back, soft and playful, purring again. “Hey Dan, maybe I could make it up to you, tell me something, have you jerked off yet tonight? You know, since you got home, I mean? I bet your cock was pretty hungry when you left The Tease tonight, wasn’t it? Did you come in and just go to town like an animal? …or were you waiting to make it special?”

Her gum squished juicily in the phone, filling the otherwise deafening silence. This felt like another trap of some kind, but he couldn’t figure out exactly how… after a moment or two of contemplating his options, Dan decided that, in this instance at least, the safest answer was probably the truth…but as little truth as possible. He would just try to simply talk around the Control Ring, and stay on everyone’s good side.

“Uh, No Krista, not yet. I was…like you said, trying to wait…to, you know, to make it special.” The sound of her lips smacking against the gum into her phone was oddly erotic, and when she responded, he noticed again how attractive her “tough girl” accent was to him.

“Good! Oh man, I’m glad, I was worried…I figured you were gonna run straight home and jerk off six times after what Trixie and Lexie put you through today! But…I’m really glad you didn’t Dan,” and suddenly her voice got much soft, and much closer to the microphone, “I knew you would be exhausted after today, and super frustrated, so I figured before I started my shift tomorrow, I’d show you that we’re not all so bad, and give youlittle treat…I thought we could have a little phone sex? I could help you get off tonight, so there’s no hard feelings when we get started tomorrow…What do you think?”

After her purring, breathy pitch, Krista grew silent, clearly expecting a response, and Dan closed his eyes again in desperate frustration. With the Control Ring locked around his scrotum, ready to send his blackmail pictures to his entire office the instant he shot his load, and with his coerced promise to Trixie that he wouldn’t tell anyone that she was “breaking the rules” by making him wear it home, he had been painted into a pretty uncomfortable corner. He was going to have to fake his way through this.

He tried to summon as much eagerness and excitement to his voice as possible (He still wasn’t sure what was real and what was part of some fucked up head game, and he wanted to make sure he sold his performance as much as he possibly could in case this was real) with his response., “That…that sounds amazing Krista! I can’t believe you would think to do that for me, that’s incredibly selfless and thoughtful of you. I would love that so much.”

Krista giggled into the phone, snorting indeed, and pursued back in a voice like silk, “Oh wow you are a CUTE little guy, aren’t you Danny boy? So polite. I bet Sarah and Lexie looooved that, didn’t they? But…you’re not totally right, it’s not THAT selfless of me…” she breathed, and then moaned a little, “I’m playing with myself too, after all.” She gasped into the phone then, the distorted blasting of her breath against the mic coming through at a volume that was disorienting for Dan.

Despite his attempts to keep his body calm, he could feel his (finally) slumbering penis began to twitch and awaken slightly again. Then he heard a loud ping in his ear, and Krista gasped again, whispering breathily, “I sent you a little present, Danny. Why don’t you put me on speaker phone so you can look at my present.”

Dan pulledthe phone from his ear and pressed the speaker icon, and then looked at his screen. A new notification (hot pink, as opposed to the standard green that his phone was supposed to be set to) let him know that Krista had sent him a picture. He opened the message with a trembling forefinger, almost afraid: Krista was framed in the shot on what he assumed was her bed, completely nude, on her knees with her back arched and her upper body pressed Against her pink sheets, naked and toying with her exposed slide with one hand sticking up between her thighs.

She was facing away from the camera, so that her ass was in full prominence, and Dan’s mouth watered. He had wanted to see her ass yesterday as she had led him through that bizarre introduction to the staff, before his “shift” with Trixie and Lexie, but hadn’t had the opportunity. He wasn’t Disappointed now.

Krista’s tree trunk thighs and firm rounded ass cheeses were absolutely mesmerizing, and every inch was the same silky, sunnybronze as the rest of her…it feel like a silly thing to notice, but the light in the image bounced off of her bare left ass cheek beautifully.

He could see a small, tightly manicured tuft of dark public hair leading to the soft lips nestled between her legs, and he saw two of her fingers frozen in time within the image as they slide against her wet slit, the long curve of her gleaming, tea nails pressing against her. Her dainty, soft looking feet were framed into the direct foreground, her toes curled up and back in pleasure at the movement of her fingers, the gleaming teal of her toenails acting as tiny highlights of bright color in the bottom right hand corner of the image.

She was looking over the shoulder, back into the lens of the camera, her luscious brown curls played out against the pillow behind her. Her big, liquid chocolate eyes ran deep with pleasure, and when he looked at the image of her on his phone, he felt like she was looking directly into his soul somehow.

Her voice giggled from the speaker again, and continued to coo at him, her accent making his head spin a little. “Well? Do you like what you see Danny? Am I turning you on? Are you touching yourself looking at that picture of me?” Dan’s cock was growing again rapidly now, in spine of itself, and he groaned as he felt his erection swell back to its previous, now familiar, snug tightness against the steel ring at its base.

Dan tried to verbally keep up as she continued to pant and moan into the phone at him, and he could hear the wet sounds of both her gum smacking and the wet glide of her fingers into herself now. Her voice was incredible, this picture was unbelievable, and he wanted nothing more than to grab his cock and start pumping in kind…but the thoughts of his destroyed life and legacy made him keep taking deep breaths, and keep his hand as far away from his dick as possible.

Despite his herculean self control, the sounds that Krista was making into the phone were having a noticeable effect on him, and he tried to think of baseball, desperately willing his cock to go back to sleep. He didn’t think he could handle any more blue balls tonight.

Suddenly, as Krista spoke, another hot pink message popped up over the image of her naked body, this time from Trixie, which Dan saw with horror read, “Diagnostic starting any minute Dan! Sorry I’m starting so late, it was a loooong shift! Don’t worry though, this shouldn’t take too long…but make sure you’re somewhere private, ok? Hehe, some aspects of the diagnostic program are a little…distracting, I guess would be the word ;)” Then, as he tried to figure out what that means, he gasped loudly, feeling the steel ring of his prison began to expand and contract, pulsing against the base of his cock every 3 to 4 seconds.

The sensing felt like someone had wrapped their hand against his cock and began to squeeze in short, firm bursts. Krista heard his involuntary gasp, and giggled into the phone, “Oh I heard that Dan! Haha… are you touching yourself now? Are you stroking that big hard cock and thinking of me? Are you thinking about my ass Dan? Are you thinking about my pussy? It’s right here for you and it feels sooooo good. Fuck, I’m so wet. Tell me Dan…tell me what you’re doing to yourself thinking about me.”

Dan gulped at the torrent of sexual language and imagery coming though the phone, trying to ignore the pulsating gripping sensing against his cock, and opened his mouth to respond. Dan had obviously had very little experience with phone sex, and the fact that he was trying desperately to hide that he was wearing the Control Ring didn’t make the experience any easier, but he dove in, desperate to keep her from asking any difficult questions…he didn’t know exactly what his punishment would be if he revealed Trixie’s “secret”, but he didn’t want to find out.

“O-Oh, yes, Krista…” He started, clumsily, “You-you’re making me so fucking hot right now. My cock is getting so hard for you, and this picture you sent me is absolutely stunning and…” He closed his eyes. Everything he had just said was true, and now he was trying to plan out his lie as effectively as possible.


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