Tease Toy Orientation 00: Prologue

Authors Forward: I originally designed this as a sequel to Strip Club Tease Toy, but as I began working on the project and developing the characters, it morphed into something quite a lot larger than I expected, and a very intricate web of characters, rules, and devices with which torment the hapless Dan Green began to form. This is Part One of a planned six part series I’m working on which will tell the story of Dan’s first week “working” at The Tease, but I have a lot more planned for after Orientation, so stay tuned. There isn’t a ton of action here yet, but don’t worry, that is coming (pun intended) very soon 🙂 This installment is, instead, intended to introduce you to the complete new cast of Dan’s torqueors, and to introduce some of the fun rules and situations which Dan will find himself struggling with. Also, just a warning: I wrote Strip Club Tease Toy in its entirety before beginning to publish it, so these installations will be coming out (hopefully only slightly) more slowly, but let me know if you are enjoying the direction! Feedback means the world to me, and is an amazing motivator to keep writing. Thanks for checking out my stuff!


Dan didn’t sleep much that first night. After he had returned home (half naked and humiliated) to find Sarah’s letter, he had gone quickly inside and shut the door, putting on reasonable evening clothes and shedding the ridiculous women’s baby-T and protest sign that he had covered himself with during his harrowing journey home. Then he accessed his email on his phone with trembling fingers. Just as she had said, he found his inbox full of pictures of the two of them together. Several shots highlighted her guiding him into the back door of the club, a hand against the small of his back. Several more showed his cock in her mouth, in her hands, Between her tits as he looked on, bug eyed. There were several videos of Dan begging Sarah to get him off. Every image (even the videos, amazingly) seemed to masterfully frame around the fact that he was bound against his will, or under emotional duration in any way. In fact, he couldn’t bring himself to fully accept this, but…it almost looked like he was ENJOYING himself in these images and videos.

He couldn’t begin to imagine how they had taken such high quality pictures of him without him being remotely aware that it was happening, but there they were, staring back from the bright phone screen. He was terrified…but the images also excited him, and the memories of his desperate thrusting into Sarah as her tits enveloped his face bubbled to the forefront of his consciousness. He tried to push these memories, these feelings away, but he soon felt his cock growing hard again. He knew that these images were the tool of his demise, but…God, Sarah really was so damned beautiful, wasn’t she? The insane sexual encounter Dan had experienced that evening seemed to have broken down the very carefully constructed barriers of his decade long sexual repression, and reawakened something within him. Almost in spite of himself, Dan found himself stumbling into the bathroom with his phone in his left hand, clumsily pulling his cock out, and masturbating furiously, cumming into the sink with a gasp within two minutes as he stared at the damning images on the screen, remembering Sarah’s jiggling curves and warmth against him.

He felt shade burn in his cheeks with the emotional and mental clarity that comes immediately following the male orgasm, and he headed back to his bedroom, trying to begin to figure out some kind of way out of this situation. He thought about bringing a recording device himself, to turn the tables somehow, but dismissed the idea almost immediately. If tomorrow was anything like today, Dan would most likely be completely naked within 10 minutes of entering The Tease. He fantasized about reporting her to the police, but no matter how he looked at it, there was no way to do this without admitting his part in their sexual escapades.

Then he thought about all of the employees he had fired and friends he had rightfully ostracized from his church over minor moral infections over the years, and his belly tightened. There would be no coming back from this for him. His life, his career, his legacy, all of that would be over. These thoughts swirled around in his head for over an hour as he lay there, thinking. Periodically, he would open his email again, hoping ridiculously that there would be nothing there, that this would all turn out to be some insane dream. But there they were, every pixel capturing what had happened in irrefutable binary. After checking for the third or fourth time, Dan felt his cock twitch and began to stiffen once more at the sight of Sarah’s naked body, and he began to reluctantly, hopelessly, touch himself again as he lay in bed.

This cycle went on for most of the night, with Dan oscillating wildly between desperately trying to problem solve his way out of the situation (with no success), and then reluctantly masturbating again to the images on his phone and hating himself for it. No matter how many times he came, he couldn’t seem to slake his sexual hunger, and Dan finally drifted off around 4 in the morning, and managed to get two to three hours of restless, fitful sleep, as he dreamed again and again that he was tied up in Sarah’s dressing room once more, unable to move his helpless cock as she slowly slurped away at him.

When his morning alarm went off at 6:30, he burst back to consciousness with a start, painfully erect as the phantom sensing of Sarah’s dreamland tongue faded with the morning light. Dan took the bus to work (he had had to leave his locked car parked across the street from The Tease all night), and could barely look his elderly secretary, Mrs Mitts, in the eye as he Walked into his office at Return to Family Values, past the emblazoned placard on the doorframe that proudly proclaimed: “Dan Green, Director of Programming, Morality Consultant”.

Dan spent as much of the workday as possible trying (again) to desperately think of some way to escape this, but by the time late afternoon rolled around, he had resigned himself to his fate. In fact, there was a part of him, one that he was trying very hard (with little success) to ignore, that WANTED to go back. No matter how hard he tried, Dan couldn’t forget the sensings that Sarah had made him feel. And the suggestion in the letter that Sarah had friends who wanted to play with him like that, too…Oh god, that thought filled him with a combination of dread and desire that was very hard to artisticate.

As he locked up and left for the day, almost as if it was an out of body experience, Dan found himself skipping the bus line to take him home, and waiting for the next line, which would drop him off downtown, less than 3 blocks from The Tease. He felt his stomach turn and clnch as he boarded, and his breath grew short as the busgot closer and closer to his destination. Although powerful fans of jumping off, running home, getting into bed, and hiding from reality until this all somehow went away, he stayed seated.

When Dan reached his stop, he got off numbly and walked towards the strip club, and then down the alley leading to the back entrance. The closer he got to that back door the more real this all began to feel, and when he finally reached it, standing in the same spot that he had stood naked, panting and terrified, the night before, he thought briefly about the police one final time. But the desperate, twitching curiosity between his legs won out, and he stepped forward, rising his fist to the door and trying to knock as confidently as he could.

The door flew open, and a woman Dan had never seen stood before him, looking mildly annoyed. “Ya? What do you want?” She spoke quickly, so that “what do you” came out like “whadduyuh”. She was shorter than Sarah, 5’5″ or 5’6″, and appeared to bePuerto Rican or Dominican. Her tight curls bounced playfully around her face, a pair of thick, gold hoop earning dangling and glinting out of the sea of ​​curls, and her thick hair shoe a deep auburn brown in the evening light of the alley. She had a strong jawline and thick lips (and appeared to be chewing bubblegum), big, chocolate brown eyes, huge lashes, and gorgeous, shining bronze skin. She was wearing a spaghetti-strap light pink cotton undershirt that stopped at her midriff, revealing a tight flat tummy, and Dan felt himself growing dizzy as he noticed the gleam of the small gold ring piercing her belly button.

She looked slightly older than Sarah, and Dan guessed that she was probably in her early to mid thirties. She was svelte, and had a small chest, and the pink fabric of her shirt clung to her skin deliciously (like Sarah, this woman didn’t seem very interested in bras, and Dan reeled as he noticed the dark outline of her nipples against the clinging cotton). She wasWearing the tightest daisy duke jean shorts Dan had ever seen, revealing all but two inches of her thick golden thighs, which curved back out deliciously from the tight, acid washed denim. Despite her small frame, her thighs were like tree trunks, and Dan subconsciously hungered to see the back of her. A pair of pink and white, heeled sneakers completed the ensemble. As he took her in, trying to figure out what to say, she looked more closely at his face and her eyes widened in excitement, as if she had just seen a celebration.

“Oh shit, you’re him!” She exclaimed, and grabbed Dan by the supposed, pulling him inside. The door shut, and the click of the latch somehow felt very metaphorically relevant to Dan. He was back in the nude poster lined, back hallway of The Tease, and like the previous day, he could hear the muffled pulsing of music and the idle chatter and laughing of women coming from the other end of the hall. The woman who had pulled him inside clapped him on the back firmly, and introduced herself. “I’m Krista! You’re the guy! The begging guy, the fearing guy!”

She looked at him expectedly for a moment, and then rolled her eyes and snorded, “Oh I guess you wouldn’t remember, haha. I was the one who checked on you when you passed out yesterday! I’m training to become an EMT, so I really appreciated the practice, you know? But I guess that’s not the only thing you’re gonna be helping me practice, right?” She laughed again at his confused expression, smacking her gum as she talked, and had a distinctive east coast, Bronx-y/Jersey accent. Dan was bizarrely reminded, in terms of voice and manners, of Rosie Perez from Do the Right Thing, or Marisa Tomei from My Cousin Vinny.

Then she slide an arm down around Dan’s wait, pulling him against her slightly, and her perfume wafted to his nostrils. She smelled like bubblegum and flowers, and her lips parted in a gorgeous smile as she caught his gaze. Her sharp jawline somehow accentuated the large, beautiful features of her lips and eyes: her lips were plump, and her lipstick was a deep, liquid umber. Her eyes were like melted chocolate, and her large lashes batted cutely at him. He was so enamored with her face that he was struck dumb, and barely noticed as her arm firmed against his back and she began leading him down the hall. “That was hilarious! We were all in the main room listening to the show, so we all heard it. Jesus, you were LOUD yesterday, my man! Ha!” She snorted, shaking her head, and continued, “Suddenly, everything got so quiet…I couldn’t believe it when Sarah came running out. She was hilarian, she comes out and goes, ‘Fuck, Krista! I think I killed him!’ But I let her know you were made of sterner stuff than that! Right Dan?” She looked at him, expectedly as they walked down the hallway.

Dan was completely disoriented. He had been expecting to be greeted by Sarah at the back door, and had still not entirely caught up, cognitively speaking, to theSurprise of being greeted by Krista instead, but now he was also trying to process the information that a bunch of women had been listening to him throughout his entire, screaming, begging ordeal the day before, and that they were expecting him back for some specific reason. He struggled to form a cooperative thought, and spoke in an apologetic, almost confused tone, “I…sorry, Krista- right? I…I don’t know if I’m…if I’m quite sure what’s happening right now…” Krista laughed, and unlike Sarah’s light, melodious giggle, the EMT-in-training’s raucous laughter bucked out of her, and echoed through the hallway. They had nearly reached the end of the hall at this point, and Krista chuckled again, and said, “Aww I’m sorry Dan, I’m getting ahead of myself, why don’t you meet the team, and then we’ll talk.” She lightly pushed the door open with her free hand and then pulled Dan through into the strobing, pulsing, main room of The Tease.

As he entered, he saw that it was the size ofa middleing restaurant, with a large pit cut into the center of the room, and a lucite stage with an embedded stripper pole planted in the center of the pit, surrounded by couches. To his right was a fully stocked bar and some small tables. To his left he saw the curtains leading to what he assumed were the “private rooms” he had heard so much about. Pulsing, relative house music pounded throughout the space, and shakes of colored light bounced around the room from a series of high tech disco balls embedded in the ceiling. Dan saw that there were four other women spread throughout the room, and Krista led Dan around the room firmly, in a small arc, introduced each of the women as they walked past.

To Dan’s right, immediately after entering, he saw a young woman sitting cross legged atop one of the small tables by the bar. She had dyed, jet-black hair, which was pulled into two stiff pigtails that stuck out from a grey knit cap pulled down around her ears. She was wearing a lacyblack bra, which clung to her tight chest in curved triangles of shimmering fabric and left her small waist and flat tummy entirely exposed. She also wore a black pleated skirt that reached a third of the way down her thin thighs, and black, knee high, Doc Martin boots.

She was wearing glasses, thick, box, black frames, and, combined with her deep purple lipstick, and a thick dusting of glittery purple around her eyeselids, they made her astonishingly beautiful. Her skin was snow white, and Dan saw that her lip, eyebrow, and nostril were all pierced with glaming silver. A colorful tattoo sleepe ran down her right arm, with intricate patterns, symbols, and faces covering every inch of her skin from shoulder to wrist. Another tattoo, a purple and black jagged symbol of some kind, stretched along her swan-like neck, from right beneath her earlobe at the back of her jawline, around the front of her and into the light indentation where her throat met her collarbone. As someone who hadNot experienced much of punk rock fashion and culture, Dan’s closest point of reference to describe her was, insanely, the title character from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

“That’s Trixie- She’s basically Sarah’s little sister.” Krista explained as they walked, and she leaned in to talk over the music, her lips brushing against Dan’s sensitive lobe and her smacking gum echoing in his ear, “She is sooo fucking cool, Dan! She’s an absolute wizard with gadgets and electronics and shit like that. She’s a little shy…sometimes she just likes to watch, so it might take a while for her to warm up to you Dan, but don’t worry. This is going to be so much more fun because of her! She LITERALLY makes the best toys.” Trixie was hunted over what looked like a circuit board, lightly pressing a metallic pen, which was attached to a cord that slide down to a whirring apparatus beneath the table, against the board with tiny bursts of showering sparks. Cross legged on the table like this, Dan saw the briefest flash of bright pink panties dotted with tiny black skulls between her pale tights as he passed. She looked up from her project and caught his eye, smiling sardonically. Her eyes were dark, but they glinted slightly at him as he walked by. She was noticeably the youngest (and the thinnest) girl in the room, and looked to be around 25 years old.

As they continued forward pass the bar, Dan noticed the woman standing there and his heart caught in his throat. She was a redhead, which had certainly been a lifelong weakness for Dan, and her hair was long, wavy, and luxury, the firey red of it streaked beautifully with natural strawberry blonde highlights. She had huge, liquid emerald eyes, startlingly sharp cheesebones, and full inviting lips. She was classically gorgeous, projected an air of refinement and absolute confidence, and if Dan had been the kind of man to enjoy the work of Instagram models or porn stars, he would have said she looked exactly like Austin White or Summer Hart.

She was wearing a sleep, silky black business jacket, her fiery hair was pulled around her so that it weaved around her delicate neck and dangled down the front of her chest, but Dan’s breath grew short as she slide one hand into her gorgeous mane and flipped it over her other shoulder in one fluid motion, revealing as she moved that she wore nothing underneath the tight, silky jacket. The neckline plunged to her bellybutton, so that Dan had a clear view of the large curve of her breast nestled in the shimmering, black material. Every inch of her skin was lightly dusted with tiny, rust colored freckles, and they peppered the creamy skin of her breast as well. She wore a matching black skirt which clung tightly to her round hips, and the entire ensemble accentuated her insanely tiny waist and hourglass figure. His eyes traveled hungrily down her shaped legs to her elegant black Louis Vuitton pumps as Krista continued to guide him around the room, smacking hergum in his ear loudly as she spoke.

“And THAT’S Lexie,” Krista continued, and Dan swore he could almost HEAR her roll her eyes…but he also silently noticed that she lowered her voice quite a bit as she continued, “Queen bitch of the universe Lexie. She thinks she’s so much better than some of us, just cuz she thinks she’s slumming it with us down-in-the-trenches girls. I guess she mostly only works with exclusive, high tier, big fish guys these days, but she and Sarah go way back, and I guess she was intrigued by the enterprise, so whatever, fuck it.” Lexie was lounging against the bar, lightly sipping a martini as they passed, and she looked at him cooly, her startlingly green eyes sliding up and down him in appraisal, and her soft, full lips pursing slightly. Her gaze made him feel three inches tall, and he felt the bizarre impulse to hide behind Krista for a moment before he stifled it. She sniffed and turned her attention back to her drink, as Krista guided Dan to the leftand they headed towards the pit.

As they walked towards the center, Dan saw that Sarah was sitting on one of the couches, dressed in the same white shirt and red skirt as yesterday, leaning back, relaxed, with her arms stretched across the back of the couch. She was talking to another woman who was idly, almost absentmindedly, spinning around the pole on stage. The woman on stage was Black and very tall (Dan guessed 5’10” or 5’11”). She had an incredibly kind, round face, big soulful brown eyes, and her hair was pulled into two puffed out afro pigtails which bounced pretty behind each ear. Dan divided in amazement as he watched her twist, going and spin: he had never seen a woman with curves like this. Her breasts were massive, putting even Sarah to shade, and her skin was the color of rich, deeply roasted coffee. Inch of her Almost gleamed in the strobing lights.

She was wearing nothing but a tiny, American flag string bikini, the small triangles of red and white striped fabric barely holding together against breasts that threatened to spill out with every movement. Dan’s eyes slide hungrily around the globes of mocha skin that burst from the straining material, and then down to the star spangled fabric that hugged the shape of her ass, clinging to her. Her wait curved in slightly from her enormous chest (her stomach was surprisingly toned for her size), before giving way to thunderous hips, and the fullest ass that Dan had ever seen. She looked almost as young as Trixie, and Dan guessed she was about 26 or 27. Like Sarah, this woman wasn’t overweight, but she was incredibly thick, and her body quivered with every movement as she spun expertly around the pole. She was barefoot on stage, but she exhibited a true dancer’s grace as she spun idly, her toes curling, pointing, and bracing for impact excellently with each turn and twist of her Rubenesque figure.


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