At the end of a long corridor lit by flickering wall sconces cented with cedar, two servants stood at a thick, wooden door. As the two women approached, the door was opened for them, light streaming forth into the darkness.
Penelope guided her into the room, stopping for a moment to take in the seating arrangements and the number of guests. It was a happy accident her father had returned from his quest tonight. Other travellers The room they entered bore a high ceiling, vaulted with plain, glaiming, black, alabaster-faced columns. The furnishings were strdy and well-made, of the highest quality, gathered from many lands, but there was little or no gilding. Many different lamps of brass or bronze filled the room with a soft glow. Several low couches were situationd around a collection of tables laden with aromatic dishes, fragment rice, and sweetmeats. Again, the serving dishes were finely made, but not overly ornate
Sophia’s eyes flickered around the room until she found Yunan reclining on a couch in front of a beautiful fresco. Through a painted window covered with overhanging grapes, the scene showed fishing boats about to set sail on an azure sea. It was a scene so reminiscent of Sophia’s own home, she almost cried out, but her attention was caught by Yunan.
Penelope was whispering to him as she greeted her father with a kiss. He rose gracefully to a sitting position, indicating Sophia should seat herself on a vacant couch nearby. A handful of people were seated similarly, two men and two women. Penelope joined a couple sitting to her father’s right hand.
Yunan smiled. “Please, be welcome to our table.”
For a moment, Sophia remained standing at the entrance to the room, unconsciously drawing all eyes to her. With her chestnut hair hanging down her back and in her new clothes, no-one would havehave recognized the witness dancing girl Yunan had found just a few days before.
Taking a deep breath, she went and knelt before Yunan, taking his hand, kissing it and recalling a very old and formal blessing of thanks for safe protection under his roof together with good wishes on his family and his ancestors unto the fifth generation.
No-one could deny how heartfelt her thanks were nor that she would have offered her blessing with or without witnesses. This was her first opportunity to really thank him and to show him how grateful she was.
Yunan inclined his head, acknowledging her words and actions.
“That was very gravily said, Sophia. Thank you.” Once more his hand waved towards the couch next to his. “Will you sit and dine with us? We should be honoured.”
His courtesy was not forced, it was part of him – part of his essence.
Sophia nodded, closing her eyes in assent; sitting deeply where he indicated. One by one, Yunan introduced her to their dining companies. The first was a tall man, with a shamen head and a full grey bear. His expression was grave with dark, hidden eyes.
“This is Mordh Kauras – he is – how might I describe you Kauras? He is – let me say -a smuggler.” The bald man blinked but said nothing, inclining his head to Sophia. “The lady with him is a very good friend, I think.”
Kauras cleared his throat, “This is Limma.” The young woman blushed as he spoke her name, but said nothing. Although the flowing silks of her robes, her young body was curved and voluptuous, echoing the thick, tangled curls of her jet-black hair. Her mouth glistened with syrup from nibbled sweatmeats as she licked sticky fingers, her large black eyes accentuated by the khol she wore.
Her gaze flickered over Sophia, judging whether of not she would be arival to her companion’s attentions, but soon decided she faced no threat since Sophia’s obvious pregnancy put her out of bounds.
Yunan gestured to the man seated onhis right.
“This other gentleman is a countryman of mine named Ikton and his companion is his sister, Herea. This is the Lady Sophia, recently rescued from a dreadful ordeal of which we would rather not talk.” He turned to smile at Sophia, “How are you now, Lady?”
“My body is much eased by the kindness of your daughter, my Lord. My mind…”she stopped, looking him full in the face, “….my mind returns.”
He smiled, offering her a platter lady with stuffed figs. “Indeed, my Lady – I can often find a long journey leave me most disoriented – do try one of these.” He nodded encouragementally as she took one from the plate, holding it carefully in both hands as she nibbled the delicacy.
The smuggler, Kauras, was gazing at Penelope with an openly interested expression, much to the announcement of his companion. Penelope was deep in conversation with Here, the two women sharing points of significant amusement.
“I see your daughter is here, Kallikrates. I thought shewas sent away, since…”
Yunan smoothly picked up the unfinished sentence without missing a beat. “She returned some days ago. I missed her so; it seemed a greater hardship to be without her.” He turned to Sophia, his gaze level and meaningful, “So, Lady Sophia, my daughter tells me you remember your last visit here?”
For a moment, Sophia hidden behind closed eyes but then opened them to face him.
“I remember being here, yes – not everything, but enough to know what occurred.”
A momentary spasm, like a cloud flickered across his face, but it passed almost unnoticed. “Then we shall exchange reminiscences – later perhaps…?”
“If it pleases, you, my Lord.”
Without falsetering he became once more the genial host, calling to the service holding the wine carafe.
“Where are my manners? Wine for the Lady. You will try some of the local produce?”
Sophia could not remember the last time she drank anything other than water or fruit juice.
“Nothingtoo strong, I fear I have no head for it these days.” A sudden thought came to her. “I believe you are fond of a fresh white grape.” She named a local wine from her father’s land.
Yunan sipped from his own goblet thoughtfully.
“Indeed, yes. It was a favourite of mine, although in recent years, there has been a change in quality, a loss of spirit or flavour. They say a great tragedy befell the family that owned the land. They had no heart for the grape or the craft any more.” He looked at her curiously. “How came you to remember that?”
“It was the story of Penelope, told to a small child many, many years ago that I remembered. You had a glass of the wine in your hand as you told the tale.”
Yunan did not respond, instead looking into the middle distance seeming to see through walls to something a long way away.
“There was a girl who said in a very clear voice she would never wait ten years for any man, King of Ithaca or not and that she’d have rattled the suitors’ teeth with her spinning weights if she’d been Penelope.”
He turned towards Sophia, their shared smiles mirroring one another.
“Small girls do not understand time, my Lord.”
“We none of us do. We seek to catch it in an hourglass, or burn it in a candle and yet there is never enough, but always more of it. I have spent months that seemed like years and days that fled like minutes.”
She nodded, her eyes never leaving his, “I’m sure that has been true for all of us.”
In the quiet silence following their exchange, they became aware Ikton was making inconsequential talk about the weather and building materials. Sophia gained the impression he was an architect of some kind.
“Speaking of time, Kallikrates,” he said, “I was astounded you managed to get those repairs done in here so quickly. The damage from the fire was quite severe. I see they have followed my plans to the letter, I hope you are pleased with the results.”
Yunan frowned slightly,concerned by the turn of the conversation. He nodded towards Ikton, stealing a glance towards Sophia to see if she heard. She was serving herself from a dish of lamb with saffron rice and dried fruits. He saw her pause, her spoon hanging in midair for a long moment. He spoke clearly and slowly, aiming his remark at her ears, but apparently speaking to Ikton.
“The important thing is we all came through unscathed in the end and the damage has been repaired. I am very pleased with the artist you recommended. His frescos bring me much pleasure.”
The talk turned to other things, the meal continuing through several courses until everyone had eaten and drunk their fill. Sophia leant back among the cushions letting the conversation wash over her. The softness of her couch soon lulled her tired body into sleep. As her eyesilids flickered, she thought herself back in her own home listening to the tales of merchants come to visit her father and haggle over the price of wine.
She hardly noticed when someone picked her up and carried her to her room, nor the gentle hands which unwrapped the clothes from her body, sliding her between silken sheets covering a mattress filled with the softest down. She slept soundly for the next day and night, not waking until the stars were once more high in the sky.
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