Team Bonding Ch. 01

It was a typical day in the office and once again, business was slow. Emma and Sarah, pretty girls in their early twentyties who shared a cubicle, were bored. They had already passed on the latest gossip, chatted about last night’s TV and were now browsing the internet. Over the last few days they had become increasingly daring, skimming through the online games and chat sites until, inevitably, they were looking at pornography. Today they found themselves flicking between a number of sites all focused on bondage and the world of BDSM. A few minutes of browsing later and both girls were beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. They perused pictures of beautiful girls tied and gagged, and watched videos of models in various stages of bondage, having orgasm after orgasm forced out of them in their helpless state. By now the two girls were giggling nervously, each to shy to admit that what they were watching they were finding very arousing.

Suddenly they were interrupted by the manager’s PA advancing towards them. Quick as a flash the lewd images were replaced by graphs and spreadsheets as they slipped easily into the well practiced façade that they were hard at work.

‘The boss wants to see both of you in his office right now,’ announced the secretary haughtily.

The two girls looked at each, feeling like two school kids who had been caught being naughty. Surely he has no idea what we were up to, they rationalised as they rose from their desks and made their way to his office.

‘Come in,’ he commanded after they had knocked on his door and they found themselves standing in front of his desk.

‘Do you have any idea why I have called you in here?’

‘No Sir,’ they replied in unison.

‘Then I’m sure you won’t be able to explain this!’ he exclaimed, passing them a freshly printed page of A4 paper. Both girls gasped as they read the printout. On it was listed all the websites they had visited that day.

‘I’ve been watching you fora few days now,’ he stated ominously.

‘Need I refer you to our company policy document, which you both signed, that states that; Any abuse of the company network will result in discipline action, up to and including instant dismissal?’.

‘Please Sir, we’re both so sorry,’ cried Emma.

‘It won’t ever happen again!’ backed up Sarah.

‘Now, I know that this is not Your first breach of company policy,’ he continued, ignoring their pleasures,

‘And given the graphic nature of the sites you have visited, I have no choice but to issue you with the harshest punishment. You have the rest of the day to clear your desks.’

Although the two girls didn’t really enjoy their work, they couldn’t bear the thought of being fired and left jobless.

‘Sir, you can’t do this!’ pleased Sarah. ‘We’ll do anything to make it up to you!’

‘Just give us a chance to prove ourselves!’ agreed Emma.

Their supervisor pondered this for a second.

‘There is one other option. I happen to know of a training course designed specifically to re-educate errant workers. However, this course does require complete commitment.’

‘We’ll do it!’ exclaimed the girls with relief.

From his desk he produced two contracts and passed them in front of the pair.

‘Sign these and I’ll put you on the course.’

Quick as a flash they put pen to paper, relieved at being offered a second chance. He then handed them a card.

‘Be at this address at 8 o’clock sharp tonight for the start of the course’ he commanded. ‘Now get out of my sight!’

The two girls turned on their heels and scarpered through the door. Once they were gone he sat back in his chair, a wry smile on his face in anticipation of what was to come. His contact would know exactly what to do with these two, and he also knew he would be first to receive the video footage.

At five to eight that night Emma and Sarah met outside an education centre on the outskirts of town. Dressed smartly in blooms and skirts, they walked in together and were met by the receptionist who took their names and ushered them into one of the classrooms. They were left alone as the door clicked shut behind them and had chance to exchange nervous glances before the met their instructor. He appeared from another door, tall and handsome and dressed in black. He carried an air of authority, amplified as he spoke;

‘I will be your teacher for this course. Whilst you are here you will address me as Sir. Any questions?’

Both girls nodded meekly.

‘I am here to teach you about teamwork, honesty and above all discipline. We will start with an exercise in cooperation. I have read your reports and so thought this would be appropriate.’

From a box at the side of the room he produced two lengths of rope.

‘Now, turn around and put your hands behind your backs’

They did as asked, slightly afraid of the tone of his voice and a little bewildered as to what was going on. Quickly he tied the ropes around their wrists and elbows, securing their arms firmly. Each girl tested their bonds unsuccessfully, experiencing the first feelings of helplessness.

‘Now hold on a minute!’ protected Sarah. ‘This doesn’t seem right’

‘You will shut up now!’ he snapped back, walking in front of the girls.

‘From now on you will speak only when you are spoken to!’

From his pocket he produced the two contracts the girls had signed and pointed out the small print.

‘This legal document clearly states that for the duration of this course you will do exactly as I command.’

They gasped as they read it. How could they have been so stupid as to sign something without reading it fully?

‘You have no rights, and will not be leaving This building until you have completed the course. However, on my part, you have my word that, as long as you follow my orders to the letter, you will not be harmed. In fact, you may even enjoy the experience.’

‘So, the first test. You will now take off your skirts and shoes’

They paused, shocked, long enough for him to deliver a singing slap to Emma’s bottom. She cried out, more from surprise than from the pain.

‘What did I just say! If you comply it will be easier for you.’

They could see no way out and so did as he asked, struggle with the zips before wiggling the skirts off their hips and onto the floor. Their shoes were kicked off into the corner of the room somewhere.

‘That’s better. Now I am going to remove your tops. You would be advised not to resist.’

In turn he unbuttoned their shirts, revealing matching underwear. Their bras were also removed and left hanging over their bound arms. He stepped back to admire. Both girls had fine Figures, Sarah with slightly larger breasts and Emma having a wonderful pert bottom (which glowed slightly red from the slap).

‘Now, face each other, about two meters apart’ he ordered.

They compiled and each girl observed the other, not daring to speak but attempting to find support in each other’s eyes.

‘As I said, the first exercise is about cooperation’ he continued as he produced a longer rope. This rope was tied to the ceiling behind Sarah’s back.

‘Open your legs slightly.’

Now it was Sarah turn to be spanked as initially she refused, afraid of what he had in mind. She quickly changed her mind and opened her legs enough for him to pass the rope between them. The end was then passed through a ring in the ceiling between the girls and back down to Emma. She didn’t need to be asked (her bottom still tingled slightly) as the rope was passed between her spread legs, through another loop in the ceiling behind her and finally tied to a ratchet at the edge of the room.

It took the girls a few seconds to realize their prediction as he began to turn the ratchet and take the slack out of the rope. A few turns later and the girls were forced onto their toes as the taught rope began to dig between their legs. Satisfied, he locked off the ratchet and watched their struggles. Both girls were tottering around, finding it difficult to balance on their toes with their hands tied behind their backs. The muscles in their slender legs were tight with the strain, their eyes wide with effort.

It was Sarah who broke first, dropping down onto her heels with a gasp as the rope dug painfully into her pussy. Emma too gasped.

‘Please Sarah, don’t do that again, it hurts’ she begged.

Their teacher interjected;

‘So you see ladies, you must both remain strong to help the other. Now, let’s make this more interesting.’

He produced two sets of nipple clips. Standing behind Emma first he grabbed her breasts, roughly massaging them. Although her Predicament, Emma felt a burst of pleasure as her nipples were pinched and they became hard. The pleasure, however, was short lived as the clips were put in place. She moaned through gritted teeth, desperate to remain strong. Sarah too was given the same treatment, and she felt the same almost unwelcome burst of pleasure followed by the sharp pain of the clips, causing a whimper to escape her lips.

By now she was back on her toes and her forehead glistened with perspiration from her effort.

‘Here’s the fun bit then girls. I have a number of small weights which, funnily enough, attach to those clips. The first girl will receive one weight per nipple. I will remove them at your request and they will be swapped to your partner. However, here is the catch. Each time the weights are swapped I will add another. So there’s the beauty of the situation. By making a sacrifice you will benefit your partner and also yourself. Really, it’s a win-win situation!’ he chuckled.

‘So who wants to go first?’

Sarah was first to reply, with a timing little ‘I will’.

‘Ah, a volunteer! How very brave and self sacrificing. Unless of course you’ve realized that your partner there will have to take two weights?’

With that he hung the small weights onto the clips, pulling her nipples painfully. This time Sarah remained quiet, embarrassed that he had seen through her act of chivalry so easily as the tears welled up in her eyes.

Five minutes later and she was struggling. Her pussy throbbed as the rope rubbed between her legs. Her calves ached and she was struggling to maintain Her balance. Each time she moved the weights swung, sending sharp pains through her nipples. However, the pain was having a strange effect. Each jolt was cursing from her nipples to her cunt, building her arousal. Mostly her eyes were closed in concentration, but each time she opened them she saw Emma in the same situation. To see her friend helpless like that only added to her sexual excitement. She could feel a little dampness between her legs as her panties were forced between her pussy lips.

After ten minutes it had all become too much.

‘Please, take them off. I can’t take it any more!’ she sobbed.

He did as he had promised, removing the weights and placing them onto Emma’s clips, along with two others. Sarah sank to her heels in relief so her poor partner received a double punishment as the rope dug into her cunt. Emma too was going through the same range of emotions. She knew that what was happening was degrading and humiliating and yet her body was betraying her. As the weights swung on her sensitive nipples the gasp she let out was almost one of pleasure. She didn’t even last five minutes. Her whole body was covered in sweat and she was trembling.

‘I’m sorry Sarah!’ she stuttered.

‘Not so soon!’ pleased her friend.

‘I have to,’ came the reply.

True enough the weights were removed and Sarah found three weights hanging from each nipple. Somehow she seemed to have broken through the pain barrier and each swing was a jolt of pure pleasure between her nipples and her pussy. She could no longer hide her arousal as hergasps became louder and more frequent. By now her knickers were soaked and she was rubbing herself along the rope, trying to make contact on her clip.

All Emma could do was watch as her friend almost fucked the rope between her legs. She could see the glistening mood on her thighs. Sarah’s movements were causing the rope to vibrate happily between Emma’s legs and as she watched her friend on the verge of climaxing, an orgasm was beginning to build in her own body. By now Sarah’s breathing was erratic. Her whole body burned with desire. She let out a scream of pure pleasure as the orgasm ripped through her, amplified by her restraints and the embarrassment of what was happening. As the climax subsided the pain returned and her legs almost buckled.

‘Take the weights off!’ she managed to gasp.

Emma was so aroused watching her friend come that as soon as the weights were added to her nipples the extra stimulation tipped her over the edge. With her eyes closed andher whole body shaking she cried out,

‘Oh God! Oh fuck!’ she panted over and over, getting louder and louder and culminating in a scream;

‘Ohh! I’m cumming!’ as wave upon wave of orgasm hit her.

As she opened her eyes she saw her friend, still flushed from her own climax. The smell of their wet pussies filled the air and her mind was filled with shade. How had her body betrayed her so much?

Their teacher, who had sat and watched the events with considerable interest from the side of the room, now stood up. He removed their clamps to gasps of pain as blood rushed back to hypersensitive nipples, then released the rope. Both girls almost collapsed, out of breath, as the rope dropped between their legs. He then walked towards the door. Over his should he commanded;

‘You will Now release each other from your bonds. In ten minutes time you will be standing, side by side facing the door, completely naked.’

With that he left the room, the door closing with an ominous click making it clear that it was locked.


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