Teaching The Wife A Lesson Ch. 02

It is Friday morning. Mike wakes up heading into the shower to wash up. Getting out of the shower Mike walks into the living room to wake Terrie up. Shaking her over and over again. Terrie not wanting to wake up starts to moan a little bit as Mike attempts to wake her.

“Wake the hell up missy or you will get what you got last night.” Mike commands. H is now getting frustrated. Terrie hearing This now springs to her feet.

“No I’m up what do you need sweetie? Terrie asks. “What can I do for you this morning?”

“Make me some breakfast and some coffee.” Mike commands in a harsh tone. Terry not wanting to make Mike mad goes into the kitchen to start making breakfast for him.

“In the nude.” Mike says looking at Terrie. Terrie looks at Mike with the dazed look on her face.

“Say what?” Terrie replies.

” I said I want you to make my breakfast in the nude. Now strip.” Terrie again not wanting to make Mike mad starts to strip. Taking off her sweater, nightgown, sports bra, and finally her silk lacey panties she is wearing.

“Is this ok sweetie?” Terry asks.

“Yes now get to work. You had better do it right or suffer my rath later.” Terrie starts Mike’s breakfast. She thinks he’ll like what she has in mind for him. Mike comes in right after Terrie puts the food on the table.

“I didn’t tell you to waste food. I told you to make me breakfast. Now what are we going to do with all this food? All I wanted was some eggs.” Mike barks out.

“You asked me to cook you some breakfast and I did just that. And now you’re getting mad at me for cooking so much food. Do you know how many men out there would love for the woman to cook like this?”

“Oh now your getting smart with me. Talking back to me like I am some kind of dog. You can talk to me however you want but when I get back from my buddies house tonight we are going out and you will regret talking to me like that. Terrie now getting a little nervous decisions not to say anything for she doesn’t want to get in any more trouble with Mike.

Mike starts eating his food. Eating almost everything on the table except for what Terrie has eaten. Mike stands up and walks back into the bedroom and starts getting dressed to leave for his friend’s house. Terrie walks into the bedroom.

“So where are we going tonight sweetie?” Terrie asks.

“Don’t worry about it. All I can tell you is you’d better have a shower and be waiting for me when I get home. I will pick out your clothes. Mike, grabbing his keys walks out the door. Getting into his car heads off to his buddies. Terrie goes back in the house and cleans the table off from breakfast and decides to clean the house for Mike to surprise him. Terrie, remaining nude starts in on the table. Clearing all the dishes away and washes them. Terrie Then go into the living room cleaning any mess she might have made last night. She then decides to vacuum the house getting all the rooms. Last but not least she makes her way into the bedroom. Making the bed. Cleaning up the bedroom all nice and neat for Mike when he gets home.

Terrie goes and gets into the shower and washes us as told to do but before getting out she decides to do something a little special for her man. She starts to shake her nice little snatch till it’s all nice and bald. Just the way her man likes it to be. Getting out of the shower she goes and puts on a pair of silky thong panties. Going into the living room she sits on the couch reading a book till her man gets home. About an hour later Mike arrives home to find the house has been cleaned and he walks into the living room to find Terrie sitting on the couch in nothing but the thong she has put on.

“The house looks wonderful sweetie. Thank you for cleaning it.”

“Your welcome baby. I would do anything for my man you know that.” Terrie replies looking at Mike. Mike walks back into the bedroom and starts to get Terrie’s clothes out for this evening’s event.Putting them in the bathroom he walks back out to where Terrie is.

“Your clothes for tonight are in our bathroom. Go get dressed.” Mike says. “Take them panties off. I don’t want you wearing any tonight.” Terrie stands up walking towards the bedroom. Terrie walks into the bathroom to find a white sleepless blouse, a black mini skirt, and a pair of black high heels. Terrie starts to get dressed as Mike opens the door.

“I forget to tell you no make-up tonight. I think you look good without it!” Terrie finishes getting dressed to go out as well.

“Damn you look good.” Mike says in his low sexy tone that Terrie likes.

“Thank you sweetie.” Terrie replies. The two of them now dressed head out the door to go to the club. Getting into the car heading down the road Mike again looks over at Terrie.

“Did you do what I told you to and not wear any panties?” Terrie turning towards Mike spreads her legs to reveal that she has no panties on. And that she also in fact hasone hell of a bald snatch.

“Look good?” Terrie asks in a low tone.

“Yes” Mike replies. “When did you shake baby?”

“When I took a shower this evening baby.” Terry replies in her sexy voice. Pulling into the parking lot Mike and Terrie walk hand in hand into the club.



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