Teaching The Girl Ch. 05

The alarm clock woke it her, and it took a few seconds for her to register what the noise was. she looked up at the bed, and He smiled down at her, giving her the key and telling her to unhook her ankle. When she did that He told her to get undressed. she couldn’t help but grimace as she pulled the dress off; she had been wearing it so long, and it was so stiff from His come it was almost like pulling off a layer of skin. He gagged and leashed her as soon as she was naked, and then led her into the bathroom, letting her pee before tugging her into the shower with Him. Usually when they showed together it turned into a slippery, soapy hour of lust and giggles, but she didn’t get her hopes up. He did give her a light kiss on the cheese, but then whispered, “Wash Me”. she was never at her best first thing in the morning, but the thought of getting to stand up for that long made her smile delightedly.

What really surprised her was that the smile stayed on her face the whole timeand she found herself putting all her effort into the task. she gave His head a good massage as she shampooed His hair, scrubbed His back the way she knew made Him purr.

He let her get clean while He dried off and shavled, and she hummed and smiled as she washed, planning what she was going to wear to work. After she was clean and dry, He took the gag off her so she could brush her teeth. she was rinsing her mouth When He casually mentioned that He had talked to her boss the day before, letting Him know she wouldn’t be coming back to work. she gasped in shock and anger, choking on the water in her mouth. she spit it out in a fury and raised her head to start yelling; He had been waiting for it and gagged her fast, before she could get the first word out. she was so caught off guard and so mad, she raised her hand to slap Him before she could think of what she was doing.

He had her bent over the counter and pinned before she could even regret her action. He picked up her hairbrush and proceeded to tan her ass with it, and long before He was through spanking her, she was crying. When He was done, He all but dragged her back to the bedroom and cuffed her back to the bed.

she cried the whole time He was fixing breakfast. she hadn’t realized just how much she had been expecting things to go back to somewhat normal as the workweek began, how much she had been counting on the sanity and routine of her job to offset the uncertainty of the rest of her life.

He managed to surprise her yet again when He came back in. He was carrying a tray with two plates, each with a full breakfast of bacon, eggs, taters and toast, milk and coffee, and two forks. He sat the tray on His dresser and handed a plate to her. she automatically held up the plate, not really wanting to, but her butt was still singing from the hairbrush, and she didn’t want to have to deal with another spanking.

Instead of unzipping His pants, He handed her a fork, and she looked at it asIf she had forgotten what one was. He sat on the floor across from her and took the gag off her.

“We are going to talk while we eat, pet. Can you behave well enough for unrestricted permission to speak?”

she had to think about that as well, marveling somewhere in her head that it had taken less than three days for the concept of an actual conversation to seem almost alien. she nodded slowly, hoping she was telling the truth, and then started eating, almost having to remind herself how to eat with a fork. After a few bites, she realized He was waiting for her to speak. she wanted to just scream “what the fuck”, but she took a deep breath and tried to choose her words carefully.

“Why didn’t You consult me ​​about this? Of all the things You’ve done without asking me first, how could You do this on Your own, make this decision for me?”

“Look, princess, you have got to internalize one very simple fact, or you are going to be miserable for a very long time. As of Friday night, you no longer get a choice about anything. The last choice you made will be the only choice you will ever have with Me again: either stay or leave. You will always have the choice to leave, at any time, but that is it. From now on, every choice in your life will be made by me, from what you eat to what kind of tampons you use, or even if you get to use them at all.”

“But something this major, this important, how could You not take my wishes into consideration?” He closed His eyes and pinched the bridge of His nose. When He spoke, He kept His voice as patient as possible, but it wasn’t easy, and she could tell.

“Okay, this is the very last time I am going to say this, so you better fucking listening well. I did not consult you because I don’t fucking care what your feeling are in this matter, or any other one. All my decisions have been, and will be, based on what I want, and nothing else.”

she had to look down at the floor to keep from crying. More than anythinging, she felt as if she was just in over her head; that for the first time in her life, she had actually bitten off more than she could chew. Queen of Creation and Liberated Woman each started yelling, asking her why the fuck she was putting up with this crap, and before her head could answer, her heart spoke up for the first time. her heart knew why: because He not only touched her in a place no one had ever even found, but for the first time in her entire life she felt she was with Someone who could truly care for her, who could love her no matter what she did. He softened a bit more as He read the struggle in her face.

“pet, it’s not always going to be like this, not always going to be this hard, but this is the only way I can teach you what it truly means to be a submissive. you have to relinquish all your power, all your control, to Me. And you can do it, once you stop being stubborn. you can trust Me to keep you safe and happy.”

she nodded slowly, trying to keep the tears from spilling down her face. she couldn’t speak, couldn’t reply; she knew if she did it would all bust through, all the fear she didn’t know how to articulate. she did the only thing she could think of: she raised her plate up, offering it to Him. He leaned over gently pushed the plate down and gave her a very gentle, very tender kiss.

“No, pet, not this morning. This morning you are just going to eat a decent meal. We will get back to that at lunch”

After they finished breakfast and coffee, He uncuffed her and had her help Him dress. He left her in the room a minute, coming back in with two things: her cell phone and a journal. she took the journal, but just stared at the phone. It was yet another thing she had completely forgotten about, and it gave her a glimmer of an idea of ​​just how much she had changed over the weekend. Before Friday night, she had never even gone into another room without making sure she had her cell, had never gone more than a few hours without talking to someone on it. He put it down on the floor next to her.

“The cell phone is for safety, pet. I don’t like the idea of ​​leaving you attached to the bed unattended, so this way I can call and check on you as often as I want. you will be back on restricted talking, so you are not allowed to spend the day calling everyone you know, but if something does come up, if something goes wrong, I need to know you will be able to get in touch with me, ok?” she nodded, relaxing the tiniest bit at the thought He wanted to keep her safe. she held up the journal and looked at Him. “Starting today, you are going to keep a daily journal. You can write absolutely anything you want … but you might want to keep in mind, I will read it every night.” she looked some alarmed at His words, and He couldn’t help but chuckle. “And it’s ok if you fill the pages calling me a motherfucker. I would much rather read it than hear it come out of your pretty mouth.” she nodded again, having to smile atthat, and He kissed her again before He left, promising He would be home at lunchtime to check on her.

she spent the morning writing, quitting only when her hand cramped up so much she couldn’t hold the pen. she hadn’t realized just how bad it had been, that not being able to express herself had been the one thing that kept pushing her over the edge. As soon as she had written the first word, it had all Flooded out of her, and it was all she could do to make her hand try to keep up with her head. she never realized she was crying as she wrote, not even when tears fell on the pages. It wasn’t until she had to put the pen down that she discovered the tears, and they didn’t surprise her at all. she felt really sane for the first time in days, and she was so grateful for the journal she kissed it.

He had to smile when He came home from lunch, finding her sleeping, curled up with the journal and a big smile on her face. He didn’t want to wake her yet, so He sat down and gentlyput her in His lap, rocking her while she smiled and snored. He had missed her warmth, had missed being with her, and had to pat Himself on the back at thinking of the journal, knowing it was going to help get her back in His lap faster. she woke up a few minutes later, and the smile she gave Him was so sweet He had to laugh and kiss her again before uncuffing her.

They both felt a pang when it was time for Him to go back to work, but they didn’t let it ruin what had been a very peaceful, happy hour together. He had given her unrestricted permission to talk, and she had surprised Him again by simply asking how His day was going and chatting lightly with Him about work as they ate. He had expected her to start a heavy discussion, to bring up all the things she had been thinking about. He patted Himself on the back again, but at the same time, He didn’t let Himself get His hopes up. He knew at some point she would have at least one more meltdown; He could only hope that the journalmight mitigate it some, but He had to admit He’d be surprised as hell if it actually did.

The next two days were almost idyllic. she stayed sweet and relaxed, for the most part, and He made sure He was as patient with her as He could be. The only snag they had was when He came home from work Tuesday and found her masturbating with abandon. It tuned Him on so much to catch her like that He could only watch, and when she happened to see movement from Him and realize He was there, it turned her on so much to be caught she came immediately. He blistered the inside of her tights with His belt, but since He hadn’t actually told her that wasn’t allowed, He turned her over and blistered her ass until she came again.

The meltdown happened just when He expected it would, over what He had known would cause it, but He had never expected it to be as bad as it was. He had to kick Himself for not at least suspected it could be so bad, but He didn’t let that stop Him from punishing her as hard as He could.

He had made arrangements for His best friend to check on her during lunch on Wednesday, not only because He had a meeting He couldn’t get out of, but also because He needed to reinforce her submission. He told her over breakfast about the change in lunch plans, and He knew just by the set of her jaw today would be the day. she disliked His friend as much as His friend disliked her, and using him to teach her a lesson was not going to sit well with her. He knew His buddy would love it, would love the opportunity to take her down a few pegs, and the fact He understood both of them made Him kick Himself harder later.

she stewed and fumed about it all morning. she had tried to get a grip, had tried to find a place in her head where she could deal with it, but she never could. Even writing in her journal couldn’t help; in fact, the more she wrote the angrier she got. she was so mad she was almost scaring herself, and it took every ounce of steel in her soul to clamp down on the impulses shooting through her. she sat in a tight ball, waiting for lunch hour to come, holding herself in so hard by the time she heard the front door open her muscles were twitching from strain.

she had absolutely forgotten she was naked; she had not forgotten clothes since Monday morning, and was starting to forget they existed, but as soon as he looked at her, she felt her skin burn. she gritted her teeth, Refusing to look up to even take her lunch plate from him. He all but throw it on the floor, and then leaned against the wall, letting her know he wasn’t going to leave until she ate. she picked up the plate and started eating, and if she had looked at the plate before she put the first bite in her mouth, things might not have gotten as bad as they did.

It was something in the taste that made her stop chewing. she looked down at the plate, eyes widening in fury and disbelief. she looked up at him, and the way he was smiling down at her starting flipping the switches, but it was his words that pushed her over the edge.

“I even gave you an extra load, princess.”

she spit the mouthful of food at him and then throw the plate as hard as she could. she hit him dead on with both, the bite of food hitting his chest and the plate catching him full in the face, and she didn’t even both to try to hold back her scream of triumph and fury. Before he could even wipe his face she was up and leaping, forgetting about the cuff around her ankle, never noticing she yanked on it so hard she cut herself on the edge. she throw a punch, connecting a third time, and after that, things got really out of hand.

He ended up having to hogtie her, and he made it as painful as he could. At one point he got too close to her mouth and she bit him hard enough to draw blood. It wasn’t until he was pretty much sitting on her that she realized he was on the phone and Who he was on the phone with. It cut through the red fog in her head just enoughfor her to realize what she had done.

she had managed to calm down, but she couldn’t help trembling as she heard the front door slam. she couldn’t make herself look up from the floor, not even when He stood in front of her. He ended up having to knee down in front of her, grab her chin, and force her head up. she started crying when she saw His expression, because the thing she saw most on His face was concern. He asked the important question first, the one that had made Him drive like an idiot to get home as quickly as He could.

“Are you ok?”

she nodded, her face a study of misery and anger. He searched her eyes to make sure, and when He saw she was telling the truth, He slapped her as hard as He could, holding her chin firmly so her head wouldn’t snap. she didn’t cry out, but she Couldn’t stop the tears of shame from falling as He put a leashed muzzle on her. she didn’t know how bad it was going to be, but when He untied her and handed the leash to His friend, sheHe knew it would be worse than she had imagined. she wanted to scream when he told her to heel, wanted to just exploit again, but somehow she managed to do it, to not fight as he dragged her down the hall into the kitchen.

she closed her eyes as she knelt on the floor, not wanting to have to see what was going to happen. A hard slap on the face made her open her eyes, and she couldn’t keep the anger out of them as she looked at him.

“Keep your eyes open, bitch, or I’ll tape them open.” she looked over at Him, to see if maybe He would tell her she didn’t have to, but when she saw the expression on His face, she knew she was going to have to obey a man she hated. she looked back up, telling herself to just behave, to just get it over with, not make it any worse than it had to be. It took all her will, to be still and silent as he took the muzzle off her, then looped the leash through itself and put it around her neck. she had a moment of almost panic, knowing the leash had justhave been made into a choke-leash, but when she heard Him snap His fingers behind her she relaxed a little, knowing He would keep her safe while He let His friend use her however he wanted.

“Now, you fucking little bitch, you are going to beg for my come, and you had better make it good.” As he spoke he unzipped his pants, pulling his cock out and slapping her across the face with it. It took her Several tries to spit the words out, and even as she heard herself speak, she knew she was going to get slapped again. Even she could hear the fury and disdain in her voice.

“please, give me your come.” she blinked in surprise when she heard him laugh, wondering what the hell was going on.

“Oh, perfect, you fucking little princess, I was hoping you’d give me a reason to beat the arrogance out of you.” As he spoke he pulled the leash, tightening it around her neck as he pulled her head up. He drew back and slapped her, putting all his weight behind it, letting go of the leash as the blow knocked her to the floor.

“Now, you want to try again, or do I get to hit you more?” she tried again, but it was no better than her first attempt. He yanked on the leash and pulled her back up, slapping her other chef and knocking her back to the floor. “Hey, I can do this all day, you stuck-up cunt; I’ve been waiting a long time for this chance. So just keep on like you are, keep that snotty tone in your voice.”

It took her four more tries, and by that time her face felt like it had been it by a truck. she was crying hard, choking on her tears, but it helped her sound the way she needed to as she cried and pleased for his come. she couldn’t help cry harder as he knelt in front of her, because instead of coming on her face, he came on the floor, and she knew what was coming next before he Even said another word. she started licking the floor, and she didn’t know what made her cry more, that he was laughing at her, or that He was getting hard as a rock watching Hisslut lick another man’s come off the floor.

When the floor was clean she just put her forehead down on the tiles and tried to stop crying. A hard tug on the leash jerked her head up, and another slap knocked her back down on the floor.

“Now thank me, bitch. Kiss my fucking shoes and thank me for giving a snotty bitch like you the honor of my come.”

she moved to put her mouth over his shoes, but Before she could, he stepped back, making her crawl towards him. Every time she got close he’d move back, making her crawl across the kitchen floor, all the while taunting her, telling her how good it was to finally get to see her how she should be. By the time he stopped and let her start kissing his shoes she was crying so hard she didn’t think she’d ever be able to stop. The only thing that keep her going, the only thing that enabled her to kiss and lick his shoes, to thank him, was the knowledge that He was watching, that if she didn’t get it right and learn to submit to anyou He chose, she would lose Him.

she was almost grateful when he pulled off his belt and began beating her with it; at least a beating was something she was learning to get through silently. she lost track of how long it lasted, because he didn’t just stop at whipping her ass. He used his belt on every part of her body, until she was red and welded from her shoulders to the bottom of her feet. she didn’t even Realize she had started crying again at some point; it wasn’t until she heard herself begging for him to please stop that she knew she was well beyond her threshold of pain. It felt like every inch of skin was covered in ants, and she was willing to do anything to make him stop hitting her. He could have pissed on the floor and she would have lapped it up willingly, anything to make him stop.

He toned down the torture after that, but Not by a whole lot. He coated a large ponytail dildo in cinnamon oil and plugged her ass with it, then made her crawl into the living room on her belly. she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming in pain as the carpet scraped across her tender skin, but when he laid down on her back and rammed his cock into her, she couldn’t keep quiet. He fucked her hard, and every thrust scraped her body harder on the carpet, until the burn in her ass and the burn on her skin had her almost impossible to breathe. He pulled out long enough to flip her over to her back and pull the tail from her ass, before thrusting forward and ramming his cock deep into her ass. she tried to keep her eyes closed, to send her mind somewhere else, but he wouldn’t let her, slapping her face until she opened her eyes and looked at him. she felt her mind teetering on the broke, and in desperation she looked around the room until she found Him. He was leaning against the wall, watching intently, and somehow she was able to draw on His strength to push the madness out of her head. Something inside her gave way, some inner wall crumbled, as she realized Hewas pleased with her, that she had behaved well enough. she turned her head and looked back up at the man she had hated, and without stopping to think about it, she apologized through her tears, and as she felt him come inside her, she was even able to thank him.


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