Teaching The Girl Ch. 01

The tip off wasn’t that the house was a mess when He got home. The real clue was that she was lounging on the sofa in a Donna Reed outfit: sleepless dress with a poufy skirt, pearls and high heels and an apron. she smiled up at Him as He leaned back against the door and loosened His tie. He tried for a stern tone when He spoke, but He couldn’t quite hide His delight. He loved this game as much as she did.

“So, honey, what have you been doing all day?”

she rolled on onto her stomach and looked at Him over her shoulder, smiling as her eyes flashed Him a ‘dare You’.

“Oh, nothing really, mostly just …. playing”

He nodded as He walked over to the couch, His eyes scanning the house, the open floor plan letting Him see all the rooms. He knelt down by the couch, near her head, His hand softly struggling her hair. He leaned over a bit, inhaling her scent, and as he spoke, His hand tightened in her hair.

“From the smell of your cunt, I’d saying playing is all you’vehave been doing, instead of the housework you were supposed to do.” He switched His grip on her hair to left hand and used His right to slowly pull the hem of her dress up to her waist. He smiled as she moaned and arched her ass up off the couch a little. He rubbed His hand over her bare skin, dipping it down between her legs to get His palm wet, then yanked harder on her head. “Tell me, slut, what am I going to do with you? You just keep thinking you can get away with whatever you want, and you just keep making Me prove you can’t.”

He brought His hand down twice, once on each chef, fast hard smokes that tattooed her ass pink. she bit into her arm to keep from yelling out, but couldn’t stop her hips from arching harder, pushing her ass higher into the air. Instead of smacking her again, He put His arm under her and scooped her up, tucking her under His arm and carrying her into the kitchen. When He got to the middle of the room, He stopped and set her down. Before she could get her bAlance He spun her around and pushed her over the counter, one hand between her should blades while the other yanked her dress back up. He grabbed a wooden spoon off the counter and rubbed it across her ass and the top of her thighs.

“How many times did you play with yourself today, My greedy little slut?”

“Six, Sir.”

“Hmm, and with four rooms you didn’t clean, that makes ten strokes…to start with.”

He gave her long enough to put her head down and take a deep breath before bringing the spoon down on her ass. He gave her five strokes on each chef, pacing and spacing them well. He didn’t want to blister her ass yet, just tenderize it a little. It was going to be a long evening and He didn’t want to wear her out too quickly. By the fifth stoke she was arching up into them, moaning Steadily against the cool granite counter.

After He was done, He tossed the spoon into the sink, still holding His hand on her back to keep her still. He reached up into the cabinet over her head, where she kept all her baking supplies, and pulled out a small bottle of oil. she thought he had grabbed a bottle of almond oil to rub into her skin and gasped in surprise when the hot, sharp smell of cinnamon reached her nose. she expected Him to rub it into her ass, to heat her skin up more and gasped again when He pushed her feet wider apart and slipped His hand between her tights. she still didn’t catch on, thinking He was giving her a treatment, a quick little orgasm to get the rest of the night off to a roll. It wasn’t until the warmth started penetrating into her delicate tissues that she realized He was rubbing the cinnamon oil into her clip. she tried pulling her hips forward but He pushed down harder between her shoulder blades, pinning her to the counter. He couldn’t resist a chuckle as He leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“Oh you are a greedy, arrogant thing aren’t you? Did you really think I was going to get you off this soon?”

she moaned and shook her head as He rubbed her clip harder, working the oil into her most delicious flesh. He moved His mouth to her neck and bit her sharply, not trying to draw blood, but with the define intention of hurting her.

“Don’t try to bullshit me, pet, or I will have to make this unfortunate as well as painful.”

she managed to gasp out a ‘yes, Sir’ in between moans. The oil was lighting up her nerves, Making her aware of even the air in the room blowing across her dripping cunt.

He moved away from her long enough to wash His hands before pulling a stool to the middle of the room and sitting down. she looked over her shoulder at Him, blushing as she saw He was staring at her exposed cunt. He knew how much it unsettled her, being exposed as she was. she would rather be completely naked than to just have parts exposed, but He also knew it turned her on as much as it bothered her. He kept His gaze steady on her ass until she started whimpering, then smiled at her and pointed atthe dishes.

she moved to the sink and started to open the dishwasher, but His simple, stern ‘No’ let her know He expected her to hand wash the dishes. The cinnamon oil was working into her skin, the tingle-burn making it hard to ignore her cunt. she tried to concentrate on stacking the dishes and getting the dishwater ready. she managed to get everything ready without dropping anything, but when He moved off the stand to stand behind her, she dropped the glass she was holding. It fell into the dishwater without breaking and she breathed a sight of relief. There had been a shift somewhere in the tone of the evening, something that made her aware the night wasn’t going to be just a fun game of slap and ticket. There was something darker in the air, and it tasted like cinnamon and tears. He leaned down to kiss her cheese before whispering in her ear.

“You don’t need to be so jumpy … well, not yet at least. I just realized I forget to do something.” He slide a hand down and grasped the hem of her dress again, letting it slowly, softly brush against her skin before tucking it into the apron tied around her waist. He tucked and checked and then stepped back to admire the effect. He leaned forward and again kissed her cheek before whispering to her. His warm breath and low voice made her nipples stand at attention.

“Now that looks fetching, my dear. That big pretty bow from your sweet little apron makes your exposed ass look like my favorite present.”

He went back to the stool and sat down. she somehow managed to get going with the dishes, trying to ignore the fact she could feel His gaze on her ass. she wanted to just get the chore over with but made herself go slow so she wouldn’t drop anything else. she didn’t realize how tense she was getting until He got up off the stool again and stood behind her. she squeaked as He put His arms around her, His hands lightly brushing across her rock hard nipples as He grasped the neckline of her dress and pulledit down. He tucked it under her breasts and pinched her nipples, tugging them up to make sure her breasts were fully exposed in the neckline. she started trembling as she looked out the window they were standing in front of. There was the barest of sheer curtains hanging over the window, and she couldn’t help a whimper when she realized that if the neighbors happened to look out their kitchen window they would see her – more of her than she wanted They to see. He whispered in her ear one more time before moving back to His seat.

“Just convince yourself they aren’t home, or else you are going to get too jumpy and do something you might regret.”

she tried to concentrate on breathing steady and washing the dishes, but the cinnamon oil on her clip and the air on her exposed ass and tits had her whimpering in a matter of minutes. she bit her lip, getting Through the last of the dishes through sheer willpower.

she had been concentrating so hard on getting through the dishes she didn’t realize He had stood up from the stool again and taken off His belt. she yelped in surprise when the first lash hit her ass. she started to move, but His voice held her still.

“No, don’t move. Finish wiping the sink.”

she followed His instructions, trying her best to not yelp and jump every time He brought the belt down on her asscheeks. He wasn’t going for a full whipping yet, just warming her ass up, but she still had trouble keeping herself on track. When she had everything wiped down she simply stood still, gripping the edge of the counter tightly. He increased the tempo, making sure to land the belt all over her ass. He kept it up until she was shaking and moaning, then stepped up behind her and rubbed His hands over her warm pink cheeses.

“Now, pet, I am going to fix up some mop water, and you are going to take that dress off.” she looked up at Him, eyes wide at His words. He kissed the corner of her mouth, whispering against her skin. “Put the apron back on, and leave everything else, just lose the dress.” He reached behind her and unzipped her dress, then pointed to the middle of the room.

she walked over slowly, her hands shaking as she untied her apron. she relaxed a little when He pulled down the blinds over the kitchen window, but couldn’t help but wonder what He was up to when he pulled a bucket out from under the sink. she got it when he added a scrub brush, and the knowledge that He was going to make her scrub the floor on hands and knees made her want to come and fail at the same time. she was an arrogant girl, and was honest enough to admit it, and she knew the commonness of the task was going to eat at her. she was able to handle being a painlut, even able to handle being submissive, but crawling on the floor on her hands and knees was pushing her limits. It was even worse Knowing how exposed she would be while she did it, knowing He would be watching her. she got out of her dress and tied her apron back on, trying to control the shaking that wanted to rip through her body, and not succeeding very well.

When He had the bucket full enough He sat it and the brush on the floor, then walked over to her. He walked around her in a slow circle, softening just a bit when He saw how bad she was shaking. He stood in front of her and put His arms around her, stroking her hair and kissing her softly before giving her a very serious look.

“you have to learn, pet. I’ve let your hazardousness and arrest slide until now, and I won’t do it any longer. It’s time you learn just Who is in charge here, that you no longer get to decide what games we play and when. I am Dom, and you are sub, and it’s time you take that lesson to heart.”

she hated that she couldn’t keep her chin from quivering, Couldn’t stop the tears leaking from her eyes. In the back of her head, she had known it would come down to this, to this choice. Either she had to submit totally or walk away, because He would no longeraccept her whims, her arrogant need to be in control. she thought about just walking away, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to make herself do it. As much as what she was going to have to have to hurt her enormous pride, she knew walking away from Him would hurt even more. she looked up at Him as the tears dripped down her face and nodded the tiniest bit. He hugged her tightly and kissed her, knowing the choice she just had to make, and then pointed to the bucket.

He sat back down on the stool, laying His belt across His lap as she went to the bucket. she kneeed down, got the brush wet, and was about to start scrubbing when His voice made her stop.

“Hands and knees only, pet, and spread your legs wider.”

she did as she was told, forcing her mind to go blank; to not think about how she must look. she had Almost succeeded when He spoke again, His words slicing through the blankness in her mind.

“Oh, pet, I do have to admit how good you look like that, how much I like seeing your cunt throb and your tits sway as you scrub the floor like a common scullery slut.”

she blushed so hard at His words it felt like her skin was on fire, could feel herself blush down to her toes. she moaned in dismay, praying she could just get through this. she swallowed her pride and kept scrubbing, determined to get the humiliation over with as quickly as possible. her spoiled Leo nature wanted to put up a fight and she gritted her teeth and ignored it as best she could.

she concentrated on the chore at hand, getting into a rhythm as she realized that she was actually getting turned on, that as much as her pride was screaming, her darkly twisted libido was crranking up to full force. she spread her knees wider and arched her ass a bit, not even aware she was doing it until she heard Him chuckle softly and whisper.

“I knew it. Deep down under that spoiled brat bitch is a true little submissive, a dark little slut who just wants to be used, made to do things she doesn’t want to do.”

she felt tears threaten to leak from her eyes again and fight them off, not wanting Him to see her cry anyway. she didn’t think He would be mean about it, but until tonight she had also thought she was going to get her way forever. she bit her lip and keep scrubbing, not trusting herself to speak.

When she was halfway done, He walked over to her, letting His belt dangle from His hand. she kept going, even when she felt the first lash on her ass. He made sure to aim carefully as she moved and scrubbed, not wanting to let a stroke get away from Him. This was her reward for being so good, for doing as she was told without arguing or pouting. He kept up a steady rhythm, every few minutes increasing the strength of the blows, so that by the time she was done He was Giving her a serious whipping, turning her ass bright red as she moaned and arched her ass. When she had scrubbed the last spot she simply stopped, staying on her hands and knees but leaning down to rest her cheek on the wet floor. she arched the small of her back as sharply as she could, looking back and up at Him, her eyes dark with desire, even while her cheeks continued to blush pinkly. He paused, smiling at her when He heard her moan of frustration and need.

“Tell me, pet … tell me who you are and what you want.”

she had to try three times before she could make her voice work, before she could make her pride shut up. Even to her own ears, she could hear the need in her voice.

“i’m Your slut, Sir, Your common little who wants to have her ass beaten until she comes.” He smiled at her answer, pleased that she was doing so well. He gave her a small verbal reward for being so good.

“Oh, believe me, pet, there is nothing common about you.”

He brought the belt back down hard, striping her ass bright red, feeling His cock harden more at the groan of desire she couldn’t hold back. He planted His feet firmly and let her have it, the belt almost a blur as He whipped her ass hard. Just the sight of her was erotic, ass stuck so high up in the air, her little apron accentuating her nakedness, even her ankles crossed, her siletto heels trembling. But it was her eyes, the heat that poured from them that made His cock want to rip out of His pants. her need for His pain blended with His need to give her pain and pushed Him further along. He whipped her ass harder, unzipping His pants and pulling His cock out as He did. He knew she was on the edge, ready to come just from having her ass beat and He slowed for a minute, holding her on the edge until she was all but screaming from her need to come.

He couldn’t hold back any longer; the longer He made her wait the longer He had to wait, and He wanted to fuck her so bad His balls were starting to hurt. He picked up speed again, the belt nothing but a whistling blur as He gave her what she wanted.

she was beyond everything, lost in the fire that was building up in her. her ass felt like it was literally burning, and she walked in the pain, letting herself go with it. she screamed as her orgasm started, screamed as He beat her and made her come, her knees pushing up off the floor, lifting her ass even higher so He could hit her harder. her orgasm blasted through her, the intensity making her scream again as she felt her cunt gush, coming so hard she couldn’t even breath, could only understand on the floor, lost in a fog of lust.

He waited until she was over the crest before throwing the belt down and kneeing behind her. He swiped his hand across her cunt and slicked his cock up good, then rocked His hips forward in one swift move and buried His cock in her ass to the hilt. They both screamed at the penetration, and He grabbed her asscheeks hard, digging His fingers into her hot skin. He slammed His cock in and out of her ass brutally, growing and moaning as she pushed back against His cock. He leaned over her, holding her around the waist withone arm, holding her still and steady as He ravaged her ass. she came again, just as hard as before, and the feel of her cunt squirting all over Him, the feel of her tight ass clamping down hard on His cock pushed Him over the edge with her. He throw back his head and howled at the ceiling as He emptied His balls into her.

she slip slowly down, laying on the floor, still holding Him in her ass with her muscles, moaning happily as He laid down on top of her. she couldn’t help but moan with desire as He kissed her cheek and grew into her ear.

‘Next time, I’m going to stuff a mop handle into your ass and make you mop that way.”


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