Teaching The Girl Ch. 02

He let her get about four steps down the hall before speaking. The humor she heard in His voice made her stop and arch an eyebrow, wondering just what game He was playing now.

“Just where do you think you are going?”

she smiled at Him, figuring she’d play along for a minute, just to see what He was up to. The notion that the rules had indeed been changed never entered her stubborn, spoiled mind.

“Uh, duh… to take a shower like I always do when we are done playing.”

He walked over to her, His smile widening. He had to admit to Himself He would have been very disappointed if she had been broken that easily. He kissed her forehead and then grabbed her hair, yanking her head back hard. she yelped and tried to pull her hair out of his grip, which only made Him pull harder. His voice was still full of laughter, but she could hear the steel will in it as well.

“Did I say you were dismissed yet, bitch?” He grinned wickedly as He saw her expression change to incredulous surprise and immediate anger.

“No, asshole, and I didn’t fucking ask.”

He tightened His grip on her hair and lightly backhanded her across the mouth. For a moment, she was too stunned to even speak, and He took that second to push her up against the wall. He slide His hand around her neck, not squeeze yet, just gripping enough to get her attention. He leaned His face to hers, staring her down.

“Next lesson, bitch – you better learn to watch your mouth, and you better do it quickly.” she opened her mouth and He quickly moved His hand up from her neck to cover it before she could start yelling and cussing. “I’m fucking serious, Cinderella. The next time you start running your mouth I am going to find out just how many clothespins I can fit on your bitchy little princess tongue.” her eyes widened even more as she realized He was totally serious. He wasn’t playing the same game anymore, and she had no clue what the new one was. A small voice in the back of herhead tried to tell her He wasn’t playing, and it was no longer a game at all, but her arrogant parts were still furious over the kitchen scene and were screaming so loud about it all she couldn’t hear.

Before she could even register what she was doing she bit down hard on His hand, trying like hell to draw blood. He all but roared as her teeth sank into the soft spot between His thumb and index finger. He ripped His hand away from her mouth and even as pissed as she was, she knew she had just fucked up big time. His hand came up fast and she tensed hard, squeezing her eyes shut, expecting Him to backhand her again. When He didn’t she opened her eyes and looked at Him. He had crossed His arms over His chest, and was just standing there, looking at her. The very last thing she wanted to do was apologize, but she was smart enough to know if she did anything else, He probably wouldn’t be able to stop Himself from hitting her.

“I’m sorry.”

He didn’t say anything, just shook his head slowly, His eyes never leaving hers. she thought for a second, and then tried again.

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

He shook His head again and put His hands on her shoulders. He pushed down hard, forcing her to her knees, then crossed His arms over His chest again and looked down at her. He spoke through clenched teeth, and she knew she had better get it right this time.

“One last try, princess.”

she looked up at Him, and the way He was looking down at her made her drop her eyes. It clicked for her suddenly, the significance of kneeing, and why she had always resisted it. Somehow, the simple fact of being on her knees before he had shifted part of the power in the room, and she knew by the way she didn’t want to meet His gaze that the shift had not been in her favor. she forced herself to look up at Him, but couldn’t bring herself to lift her chin to do it. she hated that, but the things she hated more were the small tear that slipped from her eye as she spoke, and the sound of submission in her voice.

“I am sorry I bit You, Sir, so very sorry I displeased You.” she had to drop her eyes again, had to try to shield herself in some way. she felt too exposed, and not just because she was still only wearing an apron and high heels. she felt exposed from the inside, know the expression on her face was showing Him exactly what was going on in her head. That had Always been another thing that had rubbed between them; she wanted to show Him only the parts of herself she wanted Him to see, and He had always wanted to see it all.

“Look at Me, pet.” she raised her eyes slowly, trying to clear her mind of the tangle of thoughts racing through it, trying to hide as much as she could. He smiled down at her, knowing what she was doing and knowing His next words were going to clear her mind very fast.

“Good. And now you are going to prove how sorry you are, by crawling down the hall and getting the bag of clothespins and bringing them back to Me.”

she could only star at Him in stunned surprise, as just about every part of her screamed out an emphatic ‘oh no fucking way’. she knew she was going to do it, though. she had to. It was choice time again, either do it or walk out the door, and one thing they both knew was she did not want to walk away from Him. she felt her chin start to lift and she knew He was going to break her down, but she was determined to not break easily. she told herself it wouldn’t be any worse than mopping the floor had been. she saw His smile widen and knew He had just read her mind. she managed to keep the smile off her face, but wasn’t quite able to keep it out of her “yes, Sir”.

Still, it was one of the hardest things she had ever done, to actually start moving, to start crawling down the hall. she gritted her teeth and Did it, though, and by the time she was halfway down to the linen closet she was playing her own game with Him, trying to see just how much she could make Him droolwatching her. she put all her kitty cat-slut heart into showing off, and she was glad she was facing away from Him, because she couldn’t keep the wicked grin off her face.

He knew exactly what she was doing; He knew the moment her head straightened up she was taunting Him. He let her go with it though, because He knew she had neglected to take a simple matter into consideration, and when she realized what it was it was going to be a very good swat on the nose for her.

It took about five seconds, as long as it took her to stand up and lift the bag of clothespins. she looked at the bag, and then at the floor, and as she realized the only way to get the bag back to Him was carrying it in her teeth the haughty, spoiled look on her face turned into a twitch of dismay. He couldn’t hold back a chuckle as He watched her face. When she looked at Him He grinned, and His arrogance made hers flare bright. she grinned back and put the bag in her teeth, crawling back down the hall towardsshim the way a stripper crawls across a stage.

she gently placed the bag at His feet and leaned back, kneeing and looking up at Him with a Cheshire cat grin. He had to admire her cockiness, and He realized He was trying to think of the best ways to bring it out, because He wanted her at her stuck-up best when he knocked her flat on her ass.

He knelt down in front of her, opening the bag and spilling a pile of clothespins on the floor. He searched through them all, finding the ones with the tightest springs, and then pinched her lips together and put the first one right in the middle. He smiled sweetly at her as she tried not to jump.

He managed to get five pins on her mouth, and by the time He was done, she could not open her lips at all. she was breathing slowly and deeply through her nose, riding out the wicked pain, determined to not even whimper. He put the tightest pins in his shirt pocket and pointed to the rest, telling her to pick them up. she tried to speak,and her eyes flashed when she realized she couldn’t. she looked at the floor to keep Him from seeing the glare in her eyes.

When she was done, He patted the top of her head and told her to clean the rest of the house, starting with the dining room. she nodded her head, smiling even with the clothespins on her mouth. she assumed the housework would involve similar treatments as the dishes and floor, and started working happily. It took about ten minutes for her to realize He wasn’t it the room with her. she looked around, finding Him stretched out on the couch, facing away from her and reading a book. she turned her attention back to the job at hand, knowing He wouldn’t be able to ignore her while she was cleaning the living room. she worked quickly, not only to get done, but to help forget about the pain sinking deeper into her lips. she had never realized how much she moved her mouth before, and every time she unconsciously did, the pain would flare and sink a bit deeper.

sheworked quickly through all the rooms, saving the living room for last. she made sure to bend and stretch as much as possible while she cleaned, trying to make sure she looked as exclusive as she could while she worked. she thought it was working when He came up behind her. she felt a ticket on her leg and glanced down at the feather duster He was holding, forcing herself to not smile. When He leaned in to kiss her cheek she expected Him to ticket her with it, and yelped in surprise when He popped the handle of it up her ass. The yelp had tugged the pins on her lips to spots where the nerves were still awake, and the pain made her groan. He kissed her cheek again and whispered in her ear.

“I’m going to go take a shower, Cinderella. Make sure you’re done by the time I get back.”

she found herself slamming things around as she cleaned, pissed as hell about being ignored. Her mouth was starting to hurt horribly, and it wasn’t the kind of pain she liked, the feather duster was getting uncomfortable in her ass, and by the time she was done she was all the way over to bitchy again. she stamped her foot when she realized she couldn’t even sit down and wait for Him to be done with His shower. she stood in the middle of the floor, stewing, and by the time He walked back into the living room she was surprised steam wasn’t coming out of her ears.

He walked over and kissed her cheek, chuckling at how mad she was. He gave her a swat on the ass and moved off to the couch, picking up His book and sitting back down. He started to read, ignoring her completely, until she couldn’t take it any more and stamped her foot again. He glanced up at her, only half paying attention.

“What, pet?” He started to read again and then looked up at her and grinned. “Oh, that’s right, you can’t tell me what, can you? Well, go take a shower, and make it fast. I left an outfit on the bed for you to wear.” she made a noise and pointed to her mouth, and He snapped His fingers and got up off the couch, pulling a small bag from His pocket as He walked over to her. “I did forget something else, didn’t I?”

she closed her eyes in relief as He unclipped the one in the middle, and then shrieked as they flew open again, as He clamped something harder onto her lips. He was smiling at her; a grin of nothing but pure wicked evil, holding up the small vise clamps He was going to use to replace the clothespins. she shook her head, unable to help it, and He casually grabbed her by the hair; holding her head still, staring at her and no longer joking at all.

“Listen, you biting little bitch, you will be fucking lucky if I unclip your mouth at all tonight. I do not intend to ever have to teach this lesson again. Do you understand?”

she nodded carefully, even the brashest of voices in her head silenced by the serious menace in His voice and eyes.

“Very good, pet, you would hate to find out just how much more I can make your mouth hurt.” He replaced the clothespins quickly, and then swatted her off to take a shower.

she couldn’t help laughing at herself as she got out of the shower, knowing she must have just set a world’s record for showing and shaving. she had made sure to do a good job; not wanting to take a chance that anything might delay getting the clamps off her lips. she had to admit, if only to herself, that she had most definitely learned her lesson about biting.

she stamped her foot again when she saw what He had laid out for her to wear. It was the one outfit He had bought her she absolutely hated. It was a black Lycra body stocking, and not only was it crotchless, the whole ass was cut out of it, and the body was cut out to expose the breasts. He was picking all the things she hated, to push every button she had, and it frustrated her so much she had a little mini-fit, stamping and gnashing before she could herself under control. she grabbed the outfit and put it on, more determined than ever to hold out aslong as she possibly could.

He looked up from His book when she came back into the living room. she stopped in the middle of the room, her internal warning system flashing when she saw He had changed the furniture around. He had moved the coffee table away and placed an armchair from the dining room at an angle, right next to the couch, and on the seat was what seemed to be a jumble of items under a silk scarf. He pointed to the chair and she walked over to it, unable to keep the appreciation out of her eyes.

“Lay down on the floor, pet, ass right up to the chair, and put your legs up on the arms.”

she hesitated just a moment, but it was enough. He quickly picked up the small cane He had next to His leg and snapped it hard on her ass. she gave a small shriek, and then another as the first one pulled at the clamps on her mouth. The pain in her lips bloomed fresh again and she did as He wanted, quickly, ready to do almost anything to stop the pain in her mouth.

When she was in place, He leaned over and lifted the scarf off the chair, letting her see what He had brought out to play with. Rope, duct tape, cinnamon oil, and a hood were neatly placed on the seat, all lined up and ready for use, but it was the two other thing on the seat that made tears start in her eyes. His digital camera and digital camcorder sat benignly on the striped silk seat, but to her they looked like the Very worst passes in Pandora’s box. she looked up at Him, her tears coming faster when she saw He wasn’t smiling. He knelt down by her, leaning over to kiss her forehead, softly stroking her hair, looking at her gently.

“This can go quickly, pet, or this can go slowly. The choice is up to you, and this is the last choice I will ever give you. I am going to unclip your lips now, but hear me well: you are to stay completely silent until I give you permission to speak. Can you do that?”

she nodded, and He quickly and carefully removed the clips. He gently rubbed her lips and cheats for a moment and then leaned back down to her. He kissed her hard, biting on her lips, and it was all she could do to not cry out. A little switch flipped in her head as He raped her tender mouth, and she couldn’t stop herself from twining her hands in His hair and kissing Him back just as hard. He broke the kiss long before she was ready to, smiling down at her before standing back up.

He worked quickly, bending down to grab her hips. He pulled her up until just her head and shoulders were on the floor, her back straight up against the front of the chair, and her legs spread wide and stretched down the arms. He picked up the rope and tied her legs to the arms, securing her at her ankles so her knees were spread as wide as possible. she felt herself blush all over, wanting to cry out in dismay. Her cunt was Totally exposed, and she didn’t think it could get any worse until He picked up the duct tape. He tore off several pieces, sticking them to the back of theseat. He picked up the silk scarf and used it to wipe her skin dry, making sure there was no mood on the outside of her cunt or on her inner thighs. she had to bite her tongue hard as He spread her outer lips wide and stuck a piece on duct tape on one side. He pulled the tape to the side and fastened it to her inner thigh, then did the same on the other side. He checked and added more tape, making sure her cunt was as spread open as He could get it. When He was done, He looked down at her and smiled.

“Good thing you shavled well, pet.”

she couldn’t even look at Him; if she did she wouldn’t be able to keep quiet. she wanted to beg Him, promise Him anything, if He would just stop, stop exposing her like this. The outfit she had on just made it worse, made her feel so thoroughly exposed she Thought she might scream. But somewhere in the back of her head, the fire He had lit with His kiss was starting to take off, and she blushed even more when she realized she could feel cunt juice literally dripping down the crack of her ass.

He picked up the cinnamon oil and dripped some directly onto her clip, rubbing it in well before putting the bottle aside and picking up the hood. she couldn’t stop a shudder at the sight of the hood, but compared to everything else, she knew she could handle that more than the rest. He got it on her quickly, giving her a small kiss when He was done. The hood was solid except for a mouth cut-out, and in a way she way grateful for it. It hid the embarrassed blush that covered her face, would hide her expressions at whatever came next.

she felt Him move away from her, and realized the drawback of the hood was she couldn’t see what was happening. her nerves craneted up a notch, and she strained to hear something, anything that would give her a clue what to expect. she twitched When He whispered in her ear, the fabric of the hood changing His voice, making Him almost sound like someone else.

“Look at you, slut, all exposed, nothing but cocksucker mouth and tits and cunt and ass. You look like the most deliciously nasty whore I’ve ever seen. In fact, too good to keep to myself. “

she wanted to scream at Him, to ask Him just what He means, but a small voice in the back of her head asked if she was sure that had been His voice, because it also sounded a lot like His best buddy’s voice. she couldn’t see, could hardly hear, and for all she know the whole room was full of people, people looking at her, seeing her so exposed. her mind went into overdrive at that thought, and she hard to use all her iron will to push the panic back.

The flash of the camera caught her off guard and she almost lost it right then. He kept taking picture after picture, but He talked to her while He was doing it, and His words went straight to where she needed then.

“Oh, pet, you do look nasty and slutty, and you are the sexiest sight I’ve ever seen, so beautiful and helpful and exposed. You make me proud, girll.”

she started crying harder, His words softening her up, letting her turn on to what He was doing.

“Do you realize just how wet your cunt is, pet? It’s throbbing and clenching and dripping, you love being exposed like this so much, don’t you?”

The cinnamon oil was working on her too, lighting her nerves, and she was getting off on what He was doing to her, what He was saying. she knew if she were still in this position when He let her come her cunt would squirt like a fountain. her whole body was trembling, and the tears that leaked out of her eyes and stained the mask were tears of pure desire and need. she felt Him lift her head a bit and pull the mask off. He was smiling again as He wiped the tears off her face.

“That was very good, sweetheart. Almost done now, but remember, be quiet.”

she nodded her head and took a deep breath, knowing if He felt He needed to remind her, He was about to do something that would make her want to yell. she bit down hardon her lip when she saw Him pick up the small cane from the couch. He untied her feet and held one up on the air, and when He looked down at her again, He was no longer smiling.


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