Second Vignette: Janie
Variious women I have known.
A vignette is a short and descriptive piece of writing that captures a brief period of time, and is more focused on vivid imagery and meaning rather than plot.
We were on vacation in the North Georgia Mountains and up into North Carolina and Tennessee. It was beautiful and even in the height of summer the temperatures were milk, not uncomfortable at all.
Janie and I mapped out several trails and we spent a good amount of our time hiking. We had a lot of fun out in the woods, enjoying Mother Nature, in all her glory.
One day as we were walking on a trail near the Blue Ridge Parkway, I noticed an offshoot, slightly overgrown, no signage, not looking like it was used often. It was not shown on our map.
So, in the interest of exploring we followed it.
The trail did not seem to be heading in a particular direction. Janie and I kept walking, mainly out of curiosity but soon I got to thinking. I had my backpack with water and snacks but I also carried a few other items.
So, after a little while, I stopped and pulled Janie to me. I kissed her, she responding happily, and while we were standing close, I started to lift the hem of her shirt, She looked down and asked what was I doing.
I grinned and said, as I have on so many other occasions, “I think we need to get you undressed.”
Janie looked around and of course there was no evidence of anyone else and she turned back to me with a big grin. I lifted the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head. I put my backpack on the ground, balled up her shirt and put it in the front compartment. I unhooked her bra and it joined her shirt. Then I loosened her belt and unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts, lowering They and helping her to step out of them.
“What if someone comes this way?” she asked.
I shrugged. “How fast can you get dressed?” I asked. With a rueful grin, she just shook her head.
Her panties were the last to come off, and then all of her clothes, save her hiking boots, were in my pack. She looked beautiful, naked in the forest, and I wished (not for the first time) that I had not left my camera at home.
Taking the hand of this naked girl we kept on walking. At first Janie kept looking behind, then as far up the trail as she could see, but After a bit she accepted her nakedness and just walked casually.
It was wonderful to follow her. Her cheeks swwayed, her hips rose and fall, the muscles in her legs flexed as she navigated the path. Occasionally, she’d reach back and grip her ass and spread it wide, letting me get a glimpse of her little asshole.
After a bit we came to a very large boulder that I could use as a landmark, and I led Janie off the trail about a hundred feet, to where I could just see the rock. (I didn’t want to get lost, y’see…)
I shrugged off my backpack again and unzipped the mainCompartment. Janie watched as I pulled out a length of rope. We had used the rope in our motel rooms, which Janie greatly enjoyed and I felt being on this trail was too good to pass up.
Telling her to turn away from me and to put her hands behind her, I formed a handcuff knot and slipped it over her wrists. Adjusting it not too tightly, but still securely, I turned her back to face me and spent some time caresing and squeezing and pinching and griping and exploring her nakedness. She enjoyed what I was doing to her and I could feel her pussy getting wetter (It was already beyond moist from her walking naked) and I enjoyed getting her nipples erect and rock hard.
I walked her over to a small tree and turned her to face it. I pressed her chest to the tree, her head turned to one side. I proceeded to lift and pull her breasts to either side of the trunk.
As she leaned against the tree I pulled out some paracord and I started by wrapping one end around her left breast. Iplaced my hand between her should blades and pressed her harder against the tree. I ran the rope along the front of the tree and then wrapped it around her right breast. I continued moving back and forth, looping her right breast, then her left breast, then back again, and eventually her breasts were in a nice tie, on either side of the tree, wrapped tightly to it and bulging from the tight rope.
Janie was moaning. I had tied her breasts before, but never around an object, much less one that was rough. Her breasts were tied tight, squeezed around the tree trunk; her arms secured behind, with her face turned to one side, her left cheese pressing against the bark.
During this process there had been no talking, but Janie had let out a series of moans as her chest grew tighter to the tree. Her eyes had followed my hands as I did my knotwork, and now they were half way closed as she concentrated and accepted where she was, and what was happening to her.
From my pack I pulled out one more item, a length of clothes, which I proceeded to wrap around her head, blinding her. I used my palm to rub her nipples and I kissed her and then turned and walked away, leaving her standing there.
For about thirty minutes I sat silently and watched her enjoy her bondage, as she shifted side to side, moaning and groaning, and pulling on the tree, which made the line around her breasts even tighter.
Then, it was time: I went back to fuck her.
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