There was something about the way he put his cufflinks on. I languished, hair on the pillow. Exhausted and smiling, if only every morning were like this. My skin was gleaming, it must be.
I didn’t mind him leaving. He wasn’t the type for holding a woman through a night, and to be honest I wasn’t the kind of girl to need it.
Olive skin, mid night shirt, white teeth and black hair… One of his dimples created under the angle of his cheek bone. I rolled over and turned my back on him. He didn’t say anything and I heard the shuffle of the wood over my carpet.
“Make sure the latch catches on your way out, darling…” It was catty, but it felt good. He wasn’t leaving me, he was dismissed. It was good that he knew that. He had been privileged to get into my bed. Not I, for having him in it.
Memories glided between my thighs, and I let out a sight. My eye lids heavy, torn between slutty desire, and the strong workout my sex had been given turned me into a soporific sloth.
I began suckling two fingers, as my other hand vexed my quivering sex. I loved when my channel contracted post mind shattering. He fucked so hard. He bit my shoulders, and slapped my ass when I called him names. He anchored himself with a fist full of my hair, and he held me immobile while he slammed all the way in.
“Still want more?”
I flipped over. His eyes were mocking.
“isn’t it obvious?”
“What’s that?” His eye’s softening at the edges.
“I didn’t get enough.” Matter closed. “I thought you were leaving.”
“Did you?”
“You were supposed to.”
“Am I?”
“Get out Daniel.”
He held his ground, and I leaned over and swiped up my robe. Mindless of his eye’s I swung it on, and looped the sash once, twice, three times before pulling it tight. I walked past him to the door. “As much as I enjoy your cock, I can’t stand you.”
“You’re standing right now.”
“Very droll…”
“Are we playing at the moment?”
“What kind of fucking game would this be then?” He was silent, accessing me. “What? Only just found your muzzle?”
My face was threatening to exploit. He was not supposed to come back, he never came back. He was playing mind games, and I was not into ‘his fucking mind games…’ He was sexy when he was arrogant, and he was the most conceited bastard I’d ever had the pleasure of taking to my bed.
I felt the heat of him all the way down the stairs, my bare feet over the tiles of the hall, and the warmness of the carpet as we entered the living room. I ignored him and headed on to the kitchen. It was raining. Not just raining, the water was bouncing back up toward the sky. I sneered at it, and then at him.
“Afraid you’ll ruin your hair?” I’d mean it as a joke. I did like his hair, but If he thought I was taking the piss, he was right.
“If you weren’t so sexy, and such a damned good fuck…”
I sneered at him again. I emptied the kettle into the sink, and filledit up again. Manoeuvring around him, I struggled on tip toes to reach the coffee. I still my movements when I felt him behind me, big warm fingers on my hips. My bum made contact with his hardening crotch. I liked this. I stayed where I was.
“Are we playing now?” My own voice rasped in my ears, and adrenaline thumbing through my system.
“Are you my slut again?”
My elbow came back hard, and he made a soft and satisfying sound. We were not in bed, and his name calling only pissed me off. “Get the fuck out of my house…” I snarled at him.
He laughed and slid back, resting his weight against the opposite counter — long crossed legs blocking my path. Gratefully I glanced away from him when the kettle clicked.
“Do you want to wear the coffee?” Goading him, I couldn’t make him physically leave, he was too big. I did also imagine wanting his fine dick in me at some distant point in the future. His continued presence niggled at me. It didn’t make sense. I peered at him out of the corner of my eye when he moved closer to me.
He reached over and picked up the kettle before I could get to it, and gently took the coffee from my fingers as well. “Wouldn’t want to wear it…”
I opened the dish washer, and took a mug out. He could get his own. My foot tapped impossiblely on the floor, and then I plucked up the cafetiere from his grap, and then padded off. He came Through not long after having clanged in his search for a mug. “If you were looking for a mug, there’s a mirror in the bathroom…”
“Careful Jen…” I raised my eye browser at him, and he smiled in his perpetual cavalier way before continuing…”You still want my cock.”
We drank the coffee in silence, and listened to the rain.
“What were you thinking, as your fingers glided along your slit?”
“About the man I fucked last week.” The man being him obviously, the bastard…
“You have the mouth of a whore…”
“Hmm, so I’ve been told.” And I raised my mug to him. “One to another…”
“Whores know their place. You believe yourself to be something different.”
“Let me guess? On her knees, looking up at you, breasts jutting out, to in the crack of her ass. Just waiting, adoring, and pleading. And then when she can’t take anymore you slap your cock against her cheek and slide it between her ruby red lips…”
I looked pointedly at his crotch then, his eyes taking in the emotion on my face. I was turning us both on but I had no intention of getting on my knees for him but he could give me carpet burns if he liked.
The votelain linked on the glass when I put my cup down. I got to my feet and slinked towards him, and from my queue swigged the last of his coffee and put his mug on the windowsill behind him. Now empty of his hands lifted in ready welcome, and my knees know their place and slide naturally either side of his thighs. Daniel pulled me closed.
“Say you’re sorry for being rude to me.” His lips pouted and he looked up at me. I wanted them.
I leaned into kiss him, and his hands went into my hair. I saw as I felt his fingers curling around the nape of my neck. He may be a bastard but he knew how to give me what I wanted.
“I’m sorry.”
I leaned in and moaned as my lips brushed over his. He pulled away, and directed his attention to the crook of my neck. His hands deftly untied my silk robe adorned with exotic birds, and pulled it from my shoulders.
“Tell me you want me to take you on the floor…”
“I want…” The word’s stuck in my throat. I could have what I wanted, but I had to say it. I didn’t want to.
My eye’s flicked open. Leg’s spread wide, naked in his lap in the middle of the morning. I couldn’t. I was only hidden in darkness when I shut my eyes. His voice ran over my skin, and his fingers caresed my curves with practical finesse.
He was smiling at me. I tried to get up, but he pulled me back down. His cock lengthening as I squirmed…He took my wrists and manacled them behind my back. I still and centred myself again by retreating within. I schooled my features to calm. He wanted to play. I wasn’t giving him the satisfaction of doing it with me.
Daniel switched hands – I pulled – he had me secure a moment later once more. His writing hand finger exploring my pussy lips, at the same moment I bit the inside of my cheek to stifle a moan. I hated this, but challenge any woman not get off on what he was doing to me. He was vexing my little clip, just as I’d been tormenting it when he’d walked in. A digit moved in to my pussy, and his thumb made tight hard circles around my clip.
His eyes drew my attention to what he was doing to me. He used the pad on his thumb on my clip, and then he slid first one and then two fingers inside me, and I felt his ring finger ticle the vulnerable little hole of my anus. I twisted roughly, as he taunted me. My stomach liquidfied, and my pussy gave a few helpless little spasms. His fingers pushed deeper inside me, going after my g spot. My mouth fell open and my spine bowed. I whimpered he pulled me against his chest. My heavy breathing and wanton writing turned his eyes black with predatory lust. “Beg me now, or I’ll make you do it on your knees…”
“Daniel…Please…” The digit against my ass pressed in a millimetre and then retired. His thumb was relentless against my clip. Too slow to provide release, just building, as every muscle in my shoulders, arched back and trembling legs to my curled toes, scrunched and pressing against his ankles.
He worked me slowly, building it, I couldn’t take much more. I was shaking with the need to cum. My hips thrust, and rolled against his hand.
My vision was blurred, and I tried to focus on his face to gage When the age would end. Then my mouth fell open and pussy and ass clenched together. My sodden pussy lubed his finger more than enough to slide into my ass. I sobbed against him, his thumb rubbed faster and harder on my clip. I couldn’t escape as he worked me to climax the slight grate of his nail sent me higher.
“I can’t…Please don’t do this to me…I need…Daniel please.” I was incoherent, and then from my toes it started. A build I knew would shatter me. I began to struggle again, and his grip on my wrists tightened to point of pain.
“I’m not giving you a choice.” It sent me over the edge. I imagined how I must look to someone outside the room in his arms. My head fell back, and he made me ride it all the way through. I mewled as he ground out the last spasms of my climax. I buried my face into his neck as the ecstasy ebbed away. I couldn’t move.
He finally let go of my wrists, and stroked my hair.
He was still hard. It pressed into my quivering sex. I whimpered as he shifted his weight. I couldn’t move.
“You killed me…” I moaned.
He chuckled at that. I leaned back, my hair stuck to my face. He stroked it outof my eyes, and kissed me. “We’re going back to bed, where I’m going to teach you something you’ve been begging for…”
I couldn’t help it. The words went straight to my crotch. I stood up on unsteady feet, having disclosed my robe where it lay I staggered up the stairs, with him close on my heels.
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