I’d been traveling cross country by train for two days when the train pulled into the Amtrak Station. I wanted to sleep in a nice bed, shower and spend a day seeing some sights before continuing my trip. I had no specific plan, just the idea of resting overnight and continuing my trip the following afternoon. I walked off the train, into the small station, that’s when I saw HER. She’s dressed in a conservative, form fitting bloom that was just a little low cut, making it impossible not to notice her cleavage. She wore a gray conservative dress that was just above her knees, but clung just enough to show off her ass.
She couldn’t know it, but she excited me because she looked like a woman who lived next to the summer home my parents rented when we visited the Jersey Shore. The woman whose bed room window faced my bedroom window. The women who used to strip down to stockings and lie on her bed masturbating with her shade up. Since there were no other properties around, no one,except me, could see her masturbation. No one else could see how she seemed to delight in putting on nightly shows for me. I became convinced that the shows were for me because one night I had some friends over, and after her bedroom light went on she drew the shade down, presumably after noticing the presence of other people who could also share the view. That was so very long ago, but the memory still made my knees shake.
The women in the train station must have seen me looking at her because she made eye contact, and took the initiative, smiling, and saying “you look lost.”
“I’m just got in. I’m looking for a local hotel.” I replied.
She said she knew one, and offered me a ride, which I accepted. She introduced herself to me, taking my hand and shaking it, while using her other hand to gently stroke my Other arm a couple of times, in a friendly, if some over familiar manner.
“My name is Lil” she said, as we went to her car.
As we drove off Lil asked questions, “Where you from?” “How long will you be in town?” And we began to talk. She told me she was a high school teacher. I watched her as we talked, my eyes drawn to the cleavage revealed by her low cut blouse. I notice that every once in awhile she used her open hand to stroke her leg. We soon pulled up to the hotel. It looked rather sleazy, but the rooms were clean.
“Can I come in and use the bathroom?” she asked as she parked the car.
“Of course” I replied.
I checked in, and went up to the room. She accepted my offer of something to drink and sat down. As we made small talk as she started struggling her arm with her hand. I’m nervous, looking at her, realizing how turned on I am, and remembering the way her hand felt struggling my arm in the train station. I’m thinking she wants to fuck, and am trying to think of how I will make a pass as my eyes drift over to her breast. She notices this and calls me on it.
“Are you looking at my tits?” she asked.
I licked my lips, but make no reply.
“You licked my lips, but make no reply.
“You began to mumble an excuse. She cuts me off.
“You think I didn’t see you leering at them in the car? Do you think I like it when you stare at my tits? How would it make you feel if I stared at your dick?”
Just the thought of it makes my cock throb.
“You’re a pervert, you disgust me. You should be punished. Didn’t they teach you manners in school? If I was your teacher I would have taught you some manners. In fact I think I’ll teach you that lesson right now, ” she said sternly.
“Take your pants off and get over here.”
Embarrassed, and knowing full well I deserve the spanking, I comply.
I remove my shirt and pants and take a few steps towards her.
“Over my knee, lets go.”
I lie across her legs. I can feel the warmth of her tight through the soft clothes of her gray skirt that separates my cock from her skin. That, and the soft scent of perfume gave me anexhilarating rush. All of a sudden “WHAM” her hand lands on my ass. Hard enough, but not too hard. With enough force so I know I’m being disciplined. A reprimand means to teach a pervert a lesson, rather than the sadistic infliction of pain. In between slapses she chatises me for my conduct.
“So is that the type of thing you do? “SLAP.”
You like to leer at women, stare at their breast and then think about it while you stroke your cock?” “WHAM.”
I’m silent.
“Well, answer me, is that what you do?” she ask as she strokes my warm ass cheeses.
I answer with a vague admission “sometimes, I can’t help it. You have such nice tits.”
“WHAM” her hand lands on my ass again, as she continues to spank and chastise me.
“This will teach you not to use my tits as fantasy material to masturbate.” “SLAP”
Her graphic language makes me move faster against her tigh. As her hand lands on my ass I move around, causing my cock to rub up and down against the graycloth that covers her thigh. I move as her hand lands, pretending it’s from pain, but she knows better, she’s done this before, with other guys. In between slapses she strokes my ass, encouraging my frottauge. I mimic her stroke of my ass by rubbing my cock against her gray skirt at a speed and tempo that matches her hand on my ass. I’m enjoying the sensing of massaging my cock against her dress, and my rubbing becomes increasingly obvious.
“You think I don’t feel what’s going on? I feel you rubbing your cock across my thigh. Are you trying to masturbate onto me?” she demanded.
Not quiet sure what to say I remain silent, and accusation just hangs in the air.
“Answer me do you like rubbing yourself on me?”
“Oh yes” I moan as I continue rubbing against her.
“You inconsiderate pervert, all you think about is the relief you’ll feel when the cum shots from your cock. What about my dress? Do you think I want you to my gray dress stained by when your hot whitecum starts spurting out? Get up and go sit down.”
I sit opposite her. Pre-cum, some of it already visible on her skirt, is dribbling out of my cock. She puts her elbow on the armrest of the chair, leaning forward, resting her chin on her open, upward turned palm, She studies me. Then she leans forward, giving me a good look down her blouse, she’s wearing a black bra, and that excites me even more. She laughs as she sees me look.
“You like that? You like those tits. Well enjoy them because that’s close as your going to get tonight. Your a pervert. I suppose your going play your dick as soon as I leave, aren’t you?”
I look down and touch my cock.
“Well, answer me!”
“I need to,” I reply.
“You really are a degenerate. Don’t you have any self respect? Are you so desperate for sexual release that your ready to stroke that thing in front of a woman you hardly know?”
“You have such a nice body, it’s turning me on. I’ve been on the train for two days,and I can’t help it.” I reply.
“Your pathetic,” she says in a stern tone, “that’s why I had to punish you. You needed to be taught a lesson. Then she smiled, “it’s obvious what your going to do, and as your teacher I need to make sure that you learn to do it properly. Go ahead, masturbate.”
I begin to stroke under her supervision. Stroking my cock as I watched her watching me. Without speaking she controlled the speed of my masturbation, as I mimicked the speed of her hand giving slow firm strokes up and down the arm she was resting her chin on. My eyes dart back and forth, looking down her low cut blouse, then back to her hand stroking her arm, and then to the look on her face as she watches me stroke. I’m stimulated by the verbal assistance she gives me. The relief is tremendous. Jerking off in front of my beautiful discilinarian is both humiliating and intoxicating.
“Stroke it!” she orders, moving her hand up and down her arm. “Stroke it, stroke it!”
“Up and down, up and down!”
My whole body felt hot as I continued to jerk off for the teacher.
“Stroke it, up and down, stroke it!”
My balls and cock started to turn warm in my quick moving hand.
“Stroke it! Stroke it! Up and down, up and down!”
She continued her verbal directions, knowing how much it excited me. She knew the effect she was having because she’d done this before, with other men. As she sensed my need, the strokes of her hand on her arm became less firm, moving faster, encouraging me to speed my own strokes. She continued to give verbal assistance with her tantalizing, sexually charged, chatisement. She sensed my excitement building and snapped her fingers, raising her voice and yelling. “Faster! Faster!”
Her eyes were drawn to the pre-cum that had covered the head of my cock. I felt the cum getting ready to spurt. She sensed I was ready to cum “OK, it’s time, I want to see how much cum is in there, milk it dry while I watch” she said firmmly, and with that the cum began gushing out of my cock, landing on my stomach and on the floor, after these initial spurts the flow of cum continued, covering my hand and much of my cock.
As the euphoria of the sexual release wears off I start to feel embarrassed. I met this woman less then an hour earlier, and instead of acting like a man and turning her visit to my hotel room into a normal liaison I’d proved my low status as a masturbator. She He knew what I felt. She had experience in these matters. She took pride in being a good teacher, and she treated her perverts just like she treated her high school students. She understand the importance of not making a student feel stupid if they didn’t understand something. She understand and took pride in having a report of being strict, but fair, so when she spoke next she did so in reassuring tones.
“Did you like that?”
I’m silent, but my shame is obvious.
“It’s OK, there are lots of guys like you. I’m a teacher and I can give you the type of lessons you need.”
I feel comfortable, she knows my secret. I feel desire, she knows what I need.
“Would you like to get dinner?” I ask, promptly.
“Yes, we can discuss the rest of your education, I expect you to stop by here whenever you pass through this area, we need to complete your lessons.” she said, looking at me as I sat there as my cum covered cock began to soften in my cum coated hand.
She opened her purse, reached inside and took out a tissue, extending her hand and offering it to me so I could wipe off the cum. As I take the tissue and begin to wipe myself clean, she smiles and says “Good boy, clean up the mess. You handled that problem pretty well, I’d say you deserve an A.”
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