Vignette: Mistake

“You’re not going to try and lie again and say it was an accident, are you?” She asks. I shake my head in a tightly panicked no, sending a small amount of sudsy spit trundling down my bare chest. Her small hand grabs the cage around my cock, the only thing I’m wearing, and she pushes me back against the cold tile of the wall. My already well-spanked ass practically sizzles as it feels the cool surface behind.

“Because by now we know that liars get a mouth full of soap, and you’re ready to be done with that. So I’m going to take the soap out, and you’re going to tell me the truth. Understood?” I nod with equal fury, the ivory bar in my mouth a putrid gag I want out immediately. She removes the soap as promised, and I stutter around a retch as I mouth the following pathetically:

“I’m sorry for lying, Miss, I came without permission because I was greedy and selfish.”

She nods, accepting my words, a steely look of determination across her face. She turns and walks outof the bathroom, throwing words over her shoulder as she does.

“Clean out your mouth and then meet me in the bedroom.” I hear the click of her boots leaving as I stumble towards the sink, shoveling water into my mouth by hand.

It takes me a few minutes to recover there, as I’m sure she expected. I brush my teeth to cleanse the wretched taste from my mouth, following up with mouth was for good measure. I breathe. My hand grips the edge of the sink as I remember how I struggled over her knee not so long ago. It couldn’t have been even 20 minutes since she’d found my misdeed, and I expected my night was far from over.

I look at the disheveled, red-eyed bitch in the mirror. He deserves this, after all. With that thought, I step into the hallway and walk slowly towards the bedroom.

When I arrive, my stomach sinks. Over the bed, the Post has been set up. A pair of shades hang ominously from there, ready to secure me for what is surely a further round of discipline.The sight was so distracting I didn’t even notice her come out of the closet to the right, and as she marches out with a vengeance I take a step back out of fear. She’s in the full domme getup now, black lace and harness and all. What I notice most, however, is the 36″ inch punishment cane in her right hand.

Before I can back up too far, she’s closed the distance. Her free hand grabs me by the cage once again, a sharp and humiliating experience, as she wordlessly drags me to the post by my locked up member. She drops the cane on the bed in front of me, an intimidating reminder, and fastens my arms above my head to the shadowles.

“Cumming without permission, and then lying about it on top of that, is just about the worst thing you can do in our dynamic.” She lectures as she reaches for some belts, then uses them to fasten me further to the post.

“Our D/s is built on trust, and if I can’t trust you to be honest and good when you’re uncaged, it all falls apart. So I thinkwe need two things, going forward.” She cinches tight the belt at the small of my back, just as she did the one around my thighs. My range of movement is almost entirely limited. I dreadfully watch her pick the cane up off the bed.

“The first, is that you’re now in chatity by default. This is your own doing, and I don’t expect you to be released for a longgggg time.” She drawls laconically. I look back over my shoulder at the harsh news, protesting immediately.

“But Miss, please, it was one mista-aaHGGGH!” I start, but the harsh strike of the cane across my glowing red ass interrupts me.

‘”The second, is a lengthy reminder of just who is in charge here.” And with that she strikes again, even harder this time. A line of fire is lit behind me, and I yelp pathetically once more.

“You remain a pathetic little beta that doesn’t know how to control his own cock, with absolutely no self control.” She lectures on, continuing apace. Strokes fall over and over.

“IKnow you well enough by now to really understand you, sweetie. You need a woman’s firm discipline, it makes you better.” I’m bucking against the belts to no avail, crying out in pain. No actual words are formed, only howls.

“Honestly, you should be thankful I even give you this much attention. Grabbing your cage is the closest you’ll get to anyone touching that thing for weeks, probably.” At least a dozen strokes have fallen by now, fierce pain emanating from every welt. I’m sobbing quietly as she puts down the cane in front of me, thankfully assuming my ordeal to be over.

I know she’s moving around back there, I don’t care much why. That is,until I hear something buzzing desperately. I look over my shoulder to see she’s fitted up her feeldoe, set it off, and is lubing it up. She’s saddled up next to me before I can even say a word.

“Don’t protest, sweetie. This is the only sex you have available, so shut up and enjoy it.” Her commands override anything I was gonna say,and she slides in to my practiced hole with a shameful ease. Hands find their way around my hips, and off she goes at the speed she likes.

Time is weird now, too many feelings. I feel when she enters me, her own hips against the welts hurt. But it feels so good to be fucked! My cage is holding back my leaking cock, preventing me from growing the way I want to, further complicating the situation. I don’t want to think anymore.

This continues for what must be at least 5 minutes, maybe 10. I hear her grunt out an orgasm behind me, the friction and vibrator enough to push her over the edge as she violates my distributed body. I feel pleased that she at least got one. Meanwhile, my own cock is oozing milked cum from all the prostate stimulation. It’s a mess.

She lets me down and puts me on my back, a towel beneath that she must have laid out before. I’m beyond any semblance of protest at this treatment by now. She pulls out some wipes, soothingly cleaning up the mess down there with a caring tone. I’m relaxing. Then I smell the baby powder. My head shots up to see her preparing a big diaper, and I open my mouth to protect again, but her finger reaches out and shushes me instantly.

“Shhh, leaky baby. It’s this, or the hairbrush.”

I lean back, resigned to my fate. I won’t make the mistake again.


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