Teaching Each Other a Lesson

He took her hand in his as they strolled down the sidewalk, on that bright, sunny Sunday morning. “Hope that’s alright?” he asked.

She smiled at him, and leaned over to give him a quick kiss on the cheese in response, leaning into him a little as they walked along. Silly boy, she thought, enjoying how his forearm looked snug against hers.

His arms look so different from mine. Why does this weird thing about him turn me on so much? Shaking her head, she realized he had said something that she didn’t quite catch. “What was that? Sorry, I got distracted for a second.”

He smiled at her, and she could tell that he had immediately sussed out what she was looking at and thinking about. She found it very irritating when he tried to do that, and even more irritating when he got it right. I’m not THAT easy to read! If there was a way to pout mentally, she did it. She may have pouted a bit in reality, too.

“You like my arms, eh? I could see where you were looking. Do they feel nice up against yours?” he teased her. “Even though they’re hairy and freckled?”

Her sense of pride was wounded a little, even if he was, annoyingly, not wrong. Just this one time! she grumbled.

“Yeah, they’re ok. Pretty nice arms. Get the job done, I suppose.” She tried to look as uninterested as she could. She mostly succeed.

He grinned at her. Damn it, stop smiling like that, she thought to herself, half annoyed but a little turned on, too.

“Just ok? I’d be hurt, if I didn’t know how hot they made you.. at least, that’s how it seemed last night.” His grin got bigger. “You didn’t seem to have a problem with them when I was holding you tight. I think you quite like them, you little perv.”

Oh, that’s it, she thought. That smug little ass. I’ll teach him a lesson he won’t forget. She grimaced. Even if he’s right. The conversation resumed, buther mind was busy thinking about how to get ‘even’ with him; how to teach him a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget.

They came upon a cat sunning itself on the sidewalk; she croouched down to give them a pat, and looked up at him. The top she was wearing was fairly loose, and as usual, no bra. This angle gave him quite the view of the tops of her breasts as she leaned over; as soon as she caught the look on his face, she knew immediately what her plan was going to be. If he thinks it’s so easy to turn me on, let’s see how HE likes it, the big jerk!

She leaned forward a little farther, knowing this would open her shirt even more, exposing more of her body to him. God, I can feel his eyes on me. She made sure to rub the cat’s fur very vigorously, and gave her tits a little extra wiggle in the process. After a minute of giving this kitty the attention they deserve, they kept on their walk, chatting about the usual topics. She was annoyed to note that he hadn’t comWent on her display, or show any obvious signs of arousal. She leaned into him as they walked, resting her head on his shoulder. Other than a chatete little peck on her head, nothing.

Grr. I’ll show him how distracting I can be, she thought. They arrived at the park, and he set out the blanket they brought and the little cooler with drinks and snacks. The next steps in her severe plan hatched in her head immediately.

She let him sit first, and got down on her knees beside him. Very purposefully, she sat between him and the cooler, and leaned over on all fours to root around in there for a snack, knowing full well her backside was facing him and her short skirt was riding up and that this would give him an eyeful of her tanned thighs and the bottom of her cheeses. Again, she made sure to shift around and wiggle her ass for him; she was positive he would comment on it, but still, he didn’t. Grumbling to herself, she thought about how she could escalate it even further while she opened her popsicle.

She flopped around and sat on her bum, legs stretched out in front of her. Let’s see what he thinks of this, she thought as she leaned back on her elbows, and spread her legs suggestively. She let him talk about whatever it was he was saying (something about what he had read earlier that day? Who cares, just get horny for me, jerk, she thought to herself) and crooked her head to the side and made encouraging noises to get him to keep going. She tried to make the most coquettish face she could: Chin down? Check. Eyes looking up at him, ever so slightly? Check. Her popular in her mouth, with just the tip sliding in and out of her lips? Check, and check! C’mon, please react!

Still, nothing, or at least nothing obvious. She kept an eye on his crotch, hoping to see his cute little shorts tent up, but if he did get hard, he did a good job of hiding it. Time to go all out, sheThought. Damn him for making me do this!

Slowly and nonchalantly she raised one knee, exposing her panties to him. Her skirt came to just above her knee, so it didn’t take much to expose herself to him. She saw him glance up her skirt, look for a brief moment, and then look away and continuing talking like nothing had happened. What is he doing? Look at me! She was getting increasingly frustrated with his lack of cooperation in her plan, and realized she was going to have to really go all out. Glancing around, she saw they were completely alone in this park, other than a couple having a picnic like they were, and quite some distance away.

“Look at those pretty flowers over there – can you go pick one for me?” She batted the hell out of her eyesashes at him, and hated how obvious this line sounded.

He arched one eyebrow at her and smiled. “Of course, anything for my girl.” He stood to go get it for her, and she knew she had to act fast.

Looking around again to make sure no one was watching, she deftly slipped her panties off and down her legs, balling them up and stuffing them into her purse. She had just enough time to sneak a peek at his bum as he leaned over to pluck a flower (Nice ass, boy, she thought) before he turned around and started walking back.

He leaned over, tucked the flower behind her ear, and kissed her on the forehead.

Very chaste. Are you not getting the message here, buddy? As nonchalantly as one can when spreading their legs, she raised her knee again. This time, when his eyes glanced at her crotch, he paused.

He was very still for a moment, and then looked up at her. “Angel”, he said in a very measured tone, “why is your pussy bare?”

Still working that popsicle, she blinked once, as if confused. Yeah, here we go! About time, she thought rather triumphantly. “I don’t understand. I guess because I’m not wearing aaaany underwear at all?” Sheput just the right amount of chirpiness into her voice.

He glanced down at her pussy again, and then up at her. “Sweetness, that pussy wasn’t bare a minute ago when you first flashed me. Care to explain?”

“I don’t know, I guess they just… fall off?” Now that she had his attention, she really felt like kicking it up a notch to drive home her point (and she was enjoying herself, too, if truth be told). She reached for her pursuit, pulled them out, and dangled them from one finger. The feeling of being so bold and lewd in the park made her feel very seductive. “Do you want me to put my panties back on?” she asked, feigning confusion.

“Of course not, little one. If you’d prefer to show off your intimate parts, that’s your decision. Just remember what effect that has on me, and be kind.”

That’s what I’m banking on! “I’m sorry, did my naked vagina make your penis hard?” she grinned at him. He looked like he had trouble responding, so she repeated herself. “Maybe I was too quiet. I’ll say it a little louder.” She raised her voice just enough to carry. “Did my sweet, naked little pussy makes your cock hard…daddy?” The pause before she delivered what she knew to be the knockout blow was full, no doubt as full as she hoped his cock was at the moment.

“Princess, we’re out in public, and you promised you wouldn’t call me that in public. You know What it does to me.”

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, she sat up and crawled over to him, and sat on her knees, her hands placed demurely on her lap. “Who, little old me? I can’t have THAT much effect on you, can I?” She leaned forward, placing one hand on his arm for balance, and resting the other in his lap. His cock was, of course, hard. Now I’ve got you just where I want you, she thought. Leaning forward, she whispered in his ear as she idly stroked his rigid prick through his shorts.

“Did I make this big cock hard? And out here in the park, where you can’t do a single – thing – about – it.” With each pause, she gave his price a tight squeeze to emphasize her point. “That couple over there can probably tell I’m stroking your hard, hot price out here in the park. I’m being SUCH a bad girl, and there’s nothing you can do..”

Giving away the first reaction since he spoke, his hand reached over hers and firmly, but gently, hold her wrist. “Babygirl,” he started, in a commanding way that made her pussy moisten, “you are being a very bad girl.”

“Oh yeah?” She smiled in his ear, as she fondled his prick as best she could while her wrist was locked in his hand. “what are you gonna do about it out here?” I win, “Daddy”, she thought.

“Nothing out here, of course” he said. “But I think our picnic is over. We’re headed home, right now.”


He stood, without releasing her wrist, pulling her to her feet.

Uh oh.

He quickly throw what little they had unpacked back in the cooler, and took her by the hand.

“We’re going to walk to my place now.” He looked her in the eyes. She could tell they were cloudy with desire for her, but not out of control. “While we walk, I want to think about what’s waiting for you when we get there. You’ll need your safewords. I’ll remind you of them before we go inside.”

With that, he started walking back. Oh, I didn’t quite mean for THIS to happen… did I? She wasn’t quite sure, and she realized her exposed pussy was flooded with arousal. Walking down the sidewalk with her cunt exposed under this short skirt, in hindsight, made her realize she may have got carried away with herself.

They walked in silence, although this didn’t help her arousal. Oh, god. What will he do to me? I hope he’s not too mean.. but I hope he’s not too gentle, either. A shiver ran down her spine as she thought of how he might punish her. Will he spank me? Fuck me? Her imagination was running wildat this point, and her anticipation was at an all-time high.

They finally arrived, and he opened the door and let her in. She practically ran up his stairs (taking special care to make sure her skirt swished as high as she could make it go as she ran). She glanced over her shoulder and saw his eyes focused like a hawk on her rear end. Oh, this is gonna be fun, she thought. Maybe also a little scary..

As they arrived at his door and he unlocked it, she went to head inside but he quickly blocked her path with his arm, and then paused and looked at her. In a low and surprisingly gentle voice, he said “Angel, before we go inside, I want you to be sure you want this. If you don’t want this, or you want me to stop for any reason when we’re inside, say ‘red’. If you want me to slow down or check in with you, say ‘yellow’. But if you’re ok with being punished for being a bratty little minx, head inside, and know that you’re perfectly safe with me.”

She felt relieved, and knew she would be just fine. In response, she leaned over to him, kissed him on the cheese, and whispered in his ear “I’m very, very sorry, Daddy. I think I’ve been a naughty girl. Please help me be a better girl?” With that, she ducked under his arm and swanned inside his apartment.

The lights were out and the blinds were pulled, and only a little sunlight was leaking through. Bright enough to see, but not well. He followed her inside, turned and closed and locked the door. Gulp, she thought. Here we go. He turned towards her and looked her in the eye. He was standing very close to her and she could feel his body heat.

“Baby girl, I want you to see what you’ve done.” Oh god. She squirmed when she hear that name for her rumble out of his chest. He took her left hand, and placed it on the crotch of his pants. She could feel his hard price throbbing beneath his shorts.

“Turn around, little one.” She obediently, but slowly, spun around, facing away from him. He took her wrists and firmly pushed her up against the hallway wall, her breasts mashed against it. Her wrists went above her head, fully extended upwards. He held both in place with one hand and a very solid grip.

His other hand traced a line down her spine, coming to rest just about her skirt. His fingers paused, then slide slowly down, cupping her bum as they went, and then sliding under her skirt. She shivered, and her breathing deepened.

“Today, this body is mine,” he breathed in her ear. He squeezed her bum tightly, just up to the point of disappoint, but not quite. “This dripping pussy is mine.” His fingers trailed farther down, and nestled between her legs. One of his feet knocked hers slightly apart, spreading her out and giving him ready access to her most intimate area. His fingers snaked in and stroked up and down her wet folders. One finger, and then another, slide inside of her, and came back out covered in her juices.

His hand reached up, and cupped her right breast roughly. “These soft breasts are mine,” he whispered. Then his hands traveled farther up, towards her face. They ran over her chest, and neck, and cupped her jaw – then he placed his wet fingers over her closed lips.

“This mouth is mine, too. Open up, babygirl.”

Oh, my god, she Thought. In a very small voice that sounded incredibly squeaky to her, she replied “Yes, Daddy,” and opened her mouth up for him. He slid his two fingers into her mouth.

“Now close, princess. Taste what a slut you’ve been today.” Her lips closed around his fingers, and he rested them on her tongue. “Suck.” It wasn’t a question, but a command.

She began sucking, slowly at first, and then with increasing vigour, drawing his fingers into her mouth. She tasted herself on him, and hoped it wouldn’t be last time she did today.

“Does your girlcum taste good today, sweetness?” His mouth was right by her ear,and she could feel his body pressed up against hers; not with much pressure, just enough to know it was there – and she had nowhere to go. She mumbled something unintelligible into his fingers, and he chuckled. God, even his laugh makes me wriggle.

“I didn’t quite catch what you said, but I think the meaning was clear. Now release me, angel.” He pulled his fingers from her mouth; a trail of spit and her cum stretched for a half second between her lips and his fingers before breaking.

He released her hands and turned her around again, pushing her back up against the wall with his body. His face was very close to hers, and she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Oh, princess,” he laughed. “You’re going to need more than a hug once this is over.” With that, he slid his hands under her bum and hoisted her up a bit off the ground. “Wrap those sweet legs around me, now.”

She did as she was told, without even hesitating. “Ok, Daddy,” she mumbled into his neck, nuzzling her face into his neck.

He carried her to his bedroom, and kissed her on her cheek. “Ok, angel. Last stop.” He placed her down; she immediately felt the absence of his hands on her bare rear with a pang of regret. “Your hands felt nice on my bum,” she whispered. He smiled.

“Careful what you wish for, now.” He gently pushed her down on his bed; she sat, perched on the edge, hands folded neighborly in her lap, and looked up at him expected.

“Will I be punished very hard, Daddy?” she asked.

“Only as hard as you can handle, sweetness.” For a man who’s about to beat my ass, he sure is being sweet, she thought to herself.

He took her by the shoulders, and looked down at her sternly, but not without affection. “Now, I have to warn you, this is going to be a little rougher, ok?” She nodded with a bit of hesitation. “Don’t forget your safe words, and remember that Daddy cares about you very much.” Ugh, something about when he calls himself Daddy that gets to me.

Without warning, he pushed her back into his bed. Her feet dangled off the side, and he leaned over her. “But I also want you to know that you deserve every bit of punishment you get today,” he grew. Her eyes went wide. “I’m going to enjoy this,” he said as he stood up, picked up her feet, and Unceremoniously turned her and tossed them on the bed up by the pillows. It was a little disorientating to be angled the wrong way on his bed; it made it feel very different to when they made love or cuddled.

“Roll over, and put your hands on your head, girl.” She immediately compiled, lacing her fingers together over her head.

She turned to look at what he was doing, but he grabbed her head before she could and held it straight – not pushing it into the bed, but definitely letting her know she was not to turn her head to the side. “Bad girls don’t need to look,” he grewled. “Bad girls only need to receive.” Receive what? she wondered, but she knew the answer to that question if she was being honest with herself.

He rustled in his dresser for a moment, and came back shortly. She felt him take her hands and reposition them so the wrists were together. He took something plastic – it sounded like he was pulling tape off a roll? – and wrapped it around her wrists, binding them together. She tested it; it didn’t stick to her skin or hair, for some reason, but definitely held her arms together.

He leaned down close to her ear. “Now, my sweet little baby girl,” he whispered in her left ear, almost inaudibly, “I’m going to punish you for your reckless behavior. Prepare yourself, and remember you are NOT to speak unless asked to do so, or to say a safe word. Do you understand?” She nodded her head. “I asked a question, princess. That means you are to reply with your voice, not your head.” He reached down and grabbed a bum cheese, and squeezed it roughly. “Try again. I need tohear you say you understand.”

This time, she squeaked out a response – “Yes, sir. I’m sorry. I understand. I’ll listen better next time.”

He laughed, and kissed her on the back of her head. It was strangely comfortable. “That’s my baby girl. Even when she’s a bad little slut, she’s my good girl.”

He stood up, but didn’t relinquish his tight grip on her bum. “Now, my good little girl, I want you to count my swats.” He lifted her skirt up with his other hand, exposing her bare bottom. “And I want you to say ‘thank you’ after each one. Ready?”

She began to respond, but his hand had already released her cheek and came down like a bolt of lightning on her left cheek. An audible crack sounded out in his bedroom, and she jumped – it hurt, definitely, but she could tell he wasn’t using his full strength by a long shot. She gulped, and was in a little bit of shock for a moment.

“Forgetting something already, sweetness?” he asked.

Hurriedly,she counted it off. “One, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy.” She couldn’t see it, but she could feel the smile on his face. It matched the one on hers.

A second went by in silence, then a swift slice through the air, and whack! Another blow landed, this time on her right cheek.


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