My middle daughter, Allison, and her three kids were entertaining guests at my waterfront home. I’ve been a widower for a few years, and all four of my kids still come by often to play at the old homestead. Frequently they bring friends along. I only have a few simple rules; one of which is that little kids cannot be left unattended at the beach.
Lisa Muller and her two kids were visiting today. Lisa has been Allison’s friend since they were both in Junior High School and has been at my home so many times she is just like family. Certainly she knows the rules as well as Allison does, so it really surprised me to find all five kids swimming and playing at the beach with no adults around.
“Allison, Lisa!” I hollered. “Where the hell are you two?”
A couple of minutes later the two of They came waltzing around the corner of the house. They were both holding cans of beer.
“How many times do I have to tell you two that it only takes a second for a kid to thrown?” Ilectured, “You girls know the rules, I ought to the tan the hides of both of you”.
I was fuming, and when I realized what I had said about tanning their hides, I decided to do it.
“Lisa, you stay here and watch the kids. Allison, get your ass up in the family room”. I steamed.
I went up to the garage and got a knife and then went to the end of the driveway where a big old willow tree grows, and cut a three foot long switch. When I got up to the house, I began lecturing at Allison.
“You’ve got to learn to pay attention. You know the rules, and you have to follow them. You’re getting ten swats on your bare butt. Get your swim suit bottoms down and lean over the edge of the couch”.
Both Allison and Lisa are in the early forties, and it had been over thirty years since I’d given Allison a spanking. I don’t think that I’ve ever used anything other than my hand on her.
“As long as you’re going to be using my home, you have got to follow my rules. This is going to be a lesson, and I hope like hell you’ll never forget it.”
“Oh dad … I’m sorry, I know you’re right.” Allison responded, and with very little hesitation she dropped her bikini bottoms and leaned over the end of the couch.
“I’ll be giving you ten lashes, and I want you to count them.” I instructed her as I brought the switch back and with a swift wrist action, brought it in contact with her bare ass.
As soon as the switch landed on her backside, she let out a howl, and brought both of her hands back to cover her bottom. A bright red mark showed on her pale white skin, and tears came to her eyes.
“Keep it quite.” I said, “We don’t need your kids, or the neighbors coming over to witness this. Keep your hands away. We’re not finished yet, and we’re not playing games. Do it … now!” I forcedly instructed her.
“One”, she said. And then she announced two through ten as I quickly gave her the rest of her punishment. When I was finished, she just kepther position on the couch.
There was a tube of Aveeno baby lotion on the table, so I put some on my hand and gently rubbed it onto her inflamed rump. After a moment or so, she stood up and pulled up her bottoms. She turned, and we hugged.
“I love you”, I said, “But I also love your kids, and I don’t ever want any harm to come to them.”
“I know”, she said, “I love them too and I promise I won’t ever forget not to watch them. Thanks dad.”
“You go back down to the lake and watch the kids,” I instructed. “Tell Lisa that I want her to come up to the house.”
Just a couple of minutes later Lisa came in through the back door.
“Did Allison tell you what happened?”
“Yes, Mr. ‘G’,” Lisa said with her eyes downcast. “I know I deserve the same punishment.”
“Well then, get your bare bottom over the end of the couch.” I spoke this before I realized that we had a problem. Lisa was wearing a one-piece bathing suit.
Lisa looked right at me and then rEach up and pulled the suit straps from her shoulders and pulled the suit to her waist. Her boobs stood out from her body and were a whole lot bigger than I had ever thought they were. Than in one swift movement she had the suit down off her hips and around her knees.
She bent over and tugged the suit past her knees and then kicked it free of her feet. She stood and faced me and, with what I think was an unconscious motion, fluffed out her pubic hair. She pushed her shoulders back, stuck out her chest, and stood as tall and as straight as her five foot five frame would allow.
She than asked, “May I lay across your lap rather than the end of the couch?”
Now I was starting to get the beginnings of an erection. Lisa is a very pretty girl. She maybe could be considered a little over weight, but she is what I would call zaftig. She is a complete woman, and has all the right curves in all the right places. She has long light brown hair that was pulled back and tied in a ponytail. She has big brown eyes that are almost doe like.
With her standing in front of me buck ass naked, I wasn’t sure I could maintain the proper decorum. I was wearing tennis shorts, but I didn’t think it would be a problem, so after hesitating a moment, I said that that would be OK.
I sat down in the middle of the couch, and Lisa came over and straddled my left leg and kind of scrunched down with her head into the left-hand corner of the couch. Her fleece cover public bone was pressed tight against the bare skin of my thigh. She reaches back with both hands and spread the cheeses of her bottom and then moved her hands up to her waist and claped them together there.
Lisa jumped just a little when I brought the switch down with a sharp crack on her taunt butt.
“That’s one sir,” she responded without me ever telling her to count the strokes.
I didn’t go as fast as I had with Allison, because I was beginning to enjoy myself. By the time I got to four, Lisa was rubbing her cunt vigorously against my leg, and the fragment of her sex was filling my nostrils. By the time I got to eight she had smeared her copious juices the length of my thigh. By the time the count reached ten both of us were right on the broke of orgasms.
I dropped the switch and squeezed a large amount of baby lotion from the tube onto my right hand. I moved the lotion all around her bottom and was applying some to the upper parts of her legs when she again reached back and with both hands pulled the cheeses of her bottom apart. My hand went lightly over her anus and down over the lips of her pussy and very firmly rubbed her cliporis.
“Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh… God!” Lisa exclaimed. Each time letting more and more air out of her lungs as an orgasm washed over her.
She turned More towards me and I wrapped both arms around her as she smoked her breasts against me. We stayed that way for several moments until finally Lisa sat up on my leg facing me.
She took my head in both her hands and kissed me fully and passwordately on the lips. She sucked my lips, licked with her tongue and slobbered all over my face.
“Thank you, Mr. ‘G’,” she panted. “You can bet your ass that I’ll never leave my kids unattended by the water again. Also I want you to know that you have fulfilled one of my lifetime fans, and I thank you oh so much. I love you dearly.”
With that she got up and without ceremony put her bathing suit back on and headed back out the door towards the lake.
Me, I sat there stunned with a wet spot showing on the front of my shorts. Now, I’m wondering, and hoping if truth be known, that good old Lisa has one or two more unfulfilled fans. We’ll just have to wait and see what the future Holds.
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