Teacher-Student Arrangement Ch. 01

Ok guys, here’s chapter one! And just to clarify, all characters in this story are over the age of 18. Hope y’all like it. 🙂


I look up from signing the agreement to be Mr. Jackson’s “trainee”.

“Well, now that that’s settled, time for our first order of business: punishment for not doing your homework and for breaking dress code,” Mr. Jackson says.

“B-but, sir! You said I wouldn’t be punished for that if I agreed to your training!” I shriek.

“Correction: I said I wouldn’t report you to the office. I never said there wouldn’t be a punishment,” he says seriously, but I can see him trying to suppress a gleeful smile. I’m almost in tears, but I nod sadly, knowing the alternatives and what they could do to my chances of college.

“It looks like we understand each other. Now, come around here,” he orders me from behind his desk. I obey sullenly, going to stand in front of him.

“A quick question, Ms. Eldridge: have you ever had corporatepunishment?” Mr. Jackson asks intently. I star at him, dumbfounded.

“C-corporate what?” I ask. What was he talking about? A business punishment?

This time he can’t suppress the smile or a jovial laugh. As he snickers right in my face, I start to glare. Is it not enough that he has me where he wants me? He has to laugh at me too? I’m fuming. Finally, his laughter subsides.

“I apologize, Ms. Eldridge. That was completely uncalled for.” His voice is solemn, but he’s still grinning.

“Corporal punishment, my dear, is a spanking.” He tells me this and watches as I acknowledge what he’s saying. Surely, he wouldn’t…

“Now, if you don’t mind, I would like you to lay across my lap. I will give you a total of twenty spankings: five for each day of not having homework, and five for the dress code violation. You will keep count out loud,” Mr. Jackson tells me. I’m in shock. Finally, I speak.

“No! I’m not going to do this! You can’t make me!” I scream at him and walk towards the door.

“You’re right,” he says. This stops me. I turn around and stare at him. He shrugs.

“I can’t make you stay. All I can do is fail you, not help you, and turn you in. I can’t make you do anything. I can only account for myself. If you want to leave, then off you go. I’ll see you in class on Monday,” he states calmly, and looks down at his papers and begins to grade. I walk back his way.

“I’m sorry, sir. I shouldn’t have done that. I am very grateful that you are willing to help me and I’m ashamed of my actions. Please forgive me. Please…spank me.” I hang my head. In his own twisted way, Mr. Jackson was trying to help me.

“Honestly, I don’t think you deserve my help, but you’re lucky I am a gracious man. Five additional spankings will be administratored due to your rebellion, making the total twenty-five. Now, over my lap,” he says while backing his swivel chair up so I can lay across his lap. I’m shaking as I do so.

“I must informyou, Ms. Eldridge: every spanking I give you will be bare-bottom. Are you ready?” I nod.

Mr. Jackson pulls up my skirt. I’m terrified, but a part of me is excited. I feel the familiar tingling of horniness in my pussy.

‘Oh, my God!’ I think. ‘This is kind turning me on! Please, please, please, don’t notice, Mr. Jackson.’

He pulls down my panties and puts them in his pocket, exposing my round bottom. My pussy is resting against his thigh. I can feel his hardening cock against my stomach, and my pussy leaks a little more.

‘This can’t be happening! He’s attractive, but he’s my teacher and he’s about to…corporally (?)….oh, screw it: he’s gonna spank me!’ I think, right as his hand comes down on my ass.


I squeal and start to hop up, but his hand on my butt keeps me down.

“Forgetting something?” He leans down and whispers to me evilly. Then, it dawns on me.

“One,” I whisper.

“Good girl,” he tells me, and my pussy gets even wetter.

‘Stop it, Jenny! You’re gonna leave a stain on his pants!’ I tell myself. He spanks me again.


“TWO!” I shriek.

‘Why does he have to hit so hard?’


“THREE!” I scream.

This goes on and on. Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, all in quick succession. My ass burns, and I’m close to tears, but my pussy aches so much and I want to touch it. His stiff cock is pressing up against my stomach even more prominently.

Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. I’m whimpering now, and the tears are flowing. Suddenly, Mr. Jackson leans close to my ear as he massages my bottom.

“As your trainer and mentor, you know that I have complete access to any part of you. Nothing is off limits. You are mine. Is this clear?” He whispers in my ear. I nod weakly.

“Good,” he says, and I feel his hand moving towards my wet pussy.

‘Oh, please don’t! You’re going to know how aroused I am!’ I think, but another part of me has different thoughts. ‘Finger me, fuck me, anything! Just make me come, damp!’

He slights a finger in my cunt, and it takes everything inside me to keep from moaning and grinding on his finger.

“What is this?” He asks, but he knows exactly what it is. “Is something wrong, Ms. Eldridge? Is someone feeling horny?” He asks me, and I can hear the grin in his voice. I feel his cock get harder (if that’s even possible). I’m silent.


“Sixteen,” I gasp. I wasn’t expecting that.

“You will answer me when I ask you a question. Are we clear?” He says, sternly.

“Y-yes, sir,” I answer fearfully.

“Good. Now answer me. Is there something wrong? And are you horny?”

“N-n-nothing’s wrong. I am h-horny,” I say, with a moan at the end. Admitting it made me even hornier.

“I can tell. What about this is making you horny?” He asks while going back to massaging my ass. I’m trying desperately not to hump his leg.

“I-I’m not sure, sir,” I answer honestly.


“SEVENTEEN!” I yell. My butt burns so much!

“Not good enough, Ms. Eldridge. Give me an answer.” He says this, and starts to finger me slowly. I can’t help it anymore: I’m rocking my hips.

“Ohhh,” I moan. ” I guess it’s just that…mmmhhh…I’m so helpless and I’ve never…ahhh…been spanked. It feels so…oooooh…naughty,” I gasp as he pulls his finger out. I grind against him in need.


“Eightteen, ninetEEN, TWENTY,” I screech.

“You are not to hump me like a bitch in heat. When I want to give you pleasure, I will. When I don’t, I won’t. This is your problem: you want everything your way. Well, it’s not going to happen like that with me.” He says while rubbing my hiney. “You’ve soaked part of my pants. Did you realize that?” I blush fiercely.

“N-no, sir. I’m s-sorry, sir,” I say with my head down.

“It is fine. Ms. Eldridge, tell me again how old are you?” He asks, patronizingly.

“Eightteen,” I whisper.

“I thought so. However, though you may be an adult in age, but everyone knows the truth. After all, you can’t help that you are a horny little teen whore, can you?”

I’m silent, crying softly.


“Twenty-one,” I sob.

“You will answer my questions!” Mr. Jackson admonishes me.



“Now answer me! You are a horny little teen who loves cum, aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” I answer respectfully.

“Tell me what you are,” he commands me as he slides two fingers in my dripping pussy.

“I’m a horny little teen who loves cum,” I whisper.

“Louder,” he says, Still driving his fingers in and out of my sex hole.

“I’M A HORNY LITTLE TEEN WHORE WHO LOVES CUM,” I shout, my face burning with humiliation and hoping that no one is in the building to see Mr. Jackson fingering my horny pussy as I moan answer tremble.

“Good girl,” he says encouragingly, but take his fingers out of my pussy. I want to scream with frustration.


“TWENTY-THREE!” God, my ass hurts so bad but every time he slapses it, my clip throbs. I’m so focused on trying not to reach between my legs and rub it that I almost don’t notice Mr. Jackson rubbing something: my asshole. When I do, I jump.


“TWENTY-FOUR!” I’m in shock and trying not to move as me circles and rubs my forbidden hole.

“What? You weren’t expecting me to touch you there? Tell me, Ms. Eldridge: has anyone ever played with your asshole?” I can hear the smile in his voice.

“No, sir,” I whimpered. “I never let him.”

“By him, I’m assuming you mean Jerry Carter, correct? You let him fuck you?”

“Yes, sir,” I sobbed with the humiliation of my teacher knowing with whom I’d had sex.

“But this is different. I can do whatever I like with you. I can do this,” I gasp as he inserts a bit of his finger in my anus, “And you can’t stop me. You get no say.” I can hear the glee in his deep voice. “Right?” he asks, gently fucking my ass with the tip of my finger.

“Right, sir,” I say, almost too embarrassed to speak. He removes his finger.


“Twenty-five,” I say, overjoyed at my punishment being over.

I start to get up, but he holds me down, rubbing my ass. Next, I feel his finger at my clip. He’s rubbing me just the right way and I’m moaning and grinding as my pussy juices soak his leg. All of a sudden, he stops and I groan.

“Stand up,” he says. I obey and stand in front of him. He has my panties, so I can feel the cool air of the room on my burning pussy.

“You are to report to my house at 7am in the morning for your training. You are to wear your school uniform with your skirt hiked up so the very bottom of your buttocks shows and your shirt will only have the last three buttons buttoned. Wear no bra or panties. Wear your highest heels. You are dismissed.” I rush to the door.

“Oh, and Ms. Eldridge?” he calls.

“Yes, sir?” I answere.

“No orgasMs. You are not allowed to get yourself off anymore unless I directly say you can. Any pleasure you receive will be at my discretion.” I star at him in horror.

“Off you go…unless you want more spankings and to stand in the corner for the rest of the night?” He threatens, grinning with an evil glint in his eye.

I worry away.


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