Teacher's Discipline Ch. 01

(This is a fantasy written for fun. All characters are over 18. It contains spanking and humiliation, so if you do not enjoy please skip the story)


It was Friday afternoon work was just winding down, when I received a phone call from my step-daughter’s math teacher. “Mr. Jackson I would like you to come to the high school immediately, it’s about your daughter Kate,” I explained that it was difficult for me to leave work now, even though I owned the business. However, Ms. Henderson was inevitable that I leave immediately, as she wanted to go on a skiing trip. She was extremely rude, and I wound up saying that I would be right over, but it had better be important or she and I would be visiting the Principal’s office.

When I arrived at the high school, I went straight to Kate’s classroom. There I saw my 18 year old step-daughter standing with her nose to the wall sobbing. Ms. Henderson was seated at her desk with a very smug look on her face. I immediately asked her what was the problem and she said Kate was caught cheating on a test. I knew this was impossible as Kate was one of the brightest kids in the class. “Why is she standing in the corner crying?” I asked.

“I spanked her and told her to stand in the corner,” She responded very curtly.

“When and where did you spank her?” I questioned not pleased with Ms. Henderson’s attitude.

“I spanked her right in front of the class. I believe that punishment should be immediate,” I saw the straight-back chair in the front of the room and the ruler sitting on top of it.

“Katie come here,” I instructed.

She turned, wiping the tears from her eyes and stood in front of me. She was wearing the traditional outfit of St. James Academy for Girls. She had on her blazer, starched white blouse, blue skirt that ended at the knees, white knee socks and loafers. It made her look much younger than 18, as she was a senior at the school. She hated the school uniform. She stood at atAttention, heels together, head up, hands at her side, just as I had taught her over the past two years, when she is going to be questioned about an incident. I had married her mother two years ago. Ms. Henderson looked very impressed at her obedience.

“Kate did you cheat on this test?” I questioned.

“No Sir,” She answered.

“Why does Ms. Henderson think you Did?”

“Because I passed a paper to another student prior to the test”

“What would happen if you cheated?” I asked.

“You would spank me so I wouldn’t be able to sit for a week,” She said rubbing her skirt covered backside.

“Lets see the spanking Ms. Henderson gave you, bend over this desk,” I pointed to Ms. Henderson’s desk. She bent over to the desk and stretched herself across it holding onto the other side. I turned towards her and flipped her skirt above her waist revealing white cotton panties and very red ruler marks on her thighs.

“Pull your panties down to your knees and show me yOur bare bottom,” She did as instructed. Her bottom was fire engine red from the spanking that Ms. Henderson had given her. You could see the marks from the ruler all over her rounded cheeses.

“Ms. Henderson did you do this to my daughter?” I questioned not happy at all with the spanking.

“Yes I did,” She answered reluctantly

“Did you do this in front of the other girls?”

“Y-es,” She answered not quite so confident.

“Did you have my permission?” I asked sternly. She knew that she must have permission from a parent to spank a student.

“W-ell no, but.” She stammered that was an offense, which could get her suspended. “There are no but Ms. Henderson,” I am not pleased with you.

“Did you actually see my step-daughter cheating?”

“Well no … but.” Again she stuttered began to be afraid.

“What did the note says,” I questioned.

She said: “It asked Jackie if she wanted to meet her after class at her house to study.”

“So KateShe was not cheating. She was spanked without my permission in front of her classesmates. Is this all true, Emily?” Addressing Ms. Henderson by her first name

“Well Y-es.” She said lowering her eyes to the floor.

“Fine, Katie stand up and pull your panties up and go to back to the corner, Ms. Henderson and I have something to discuss,” I ordered.

“Yes Sir,” She quickly did as she was told heading for the corner.

“Ms. Henderson it seems to me that what you did to Kate was wrong and I believe you overstepped your bounds. You should have asked my permission prior to spanking her. In addition, you were wrong about her cheating. Do you have anything to say for your self Young Lady?”

I looked directly in her eyes. She was tall standing about 5′ 9″ in her high heels and blue suit, but I was taller at 6′ 1″. She started to look away, but then became very defiant. “Look I am 35 years old and will not be talked to as if I am afraid of something. I am going skiing and haveno more time for this nonsense. If you have a problem go see the Principal, she will back me up. I have to go.”

She spun around and started to leave the classroom. She had long blonde hair, her legs were long, lovely and straight; her short skirt and tan colored stockings displayed them beautifully. I grabbed her by her wrist before she could leave the room and sat down on the straight-backed chair that was still in front of the room. Over my lap she flew her head on one side and her long legs on the other. I swatted her 5 times on her skirt covered backside, which got her attention.

“Yeoooooo – You HAVE NO RIGHT WHO do you think you ARE!!!”

“Kate go down to the office and bring the Principal here to Ms. Henderson’s classroom, I want her to witness this,” I happened to know Linda Dawson very well having dated her a few times and having spanked her on more than one occasion.

“Young Lady, your attitude and rudeness leave a lot to be desired. Not only were you wrong in spanking Kate and embarrassing her in front of her peers, but you are an unrepentful brat. Now you stand here until Linda arrives, and we will see what she has to say,” She stood before me rubbing her skirt covered bottom

Just then Linda arrived and I explained to her what I intended to do to Miss Smarty Pants and that I wanted a witness. Linda started to protest but I gave her one of my “don’t Say a word looks” and she immediately agreed. I told her that since Kate was the one punished she should also be a witness. Emily started to protest, but once Linda gave me the okay there was not very much she could do. Linda explained that Ms. Henderson should have informed her if a spanking was needed and she would have called the parent for permission. She did not follow the established rules.

“Hand Linda your jacket,” She was wearing a long-sleeved silk blouse under her jacket. I then told her to bend over and to grap her ankles, as I wanted to see if she would have to remove her skirt, as it was short and tight. Emily hesitantly, turned perpendicular to me and planted her ankles about two feet apart and bent forward, gripping her trim ankles firmly.

I watched amazed, as Emily’s skirt tightened around her backside and rode up her back, the small slit at the bottom of the rear of her skirt opening as wide as it could. From my angle her hem line was in a taut straight line in front and I could see the tops of her pantyhose in the back where the color changed to a darker hue. Her waist was trim, the top of her skirt tightly encasing her silky white blouse. Her feminine hips swelled and her legs were graceful and tight. Her hair fell forward, most of it tumbling down the left side of her neck.

I knew her skirt would rise over her hips, if I wished to spank her on her panties. “Young lady stand up and come over here,” I was standing beside the straight backed chair.

She approached me with her head lowered. I made her stand directly in frontof me. “Now, stand at attention Young Lady, I want your hands at your side, your heels together and your eyes looking directly at me, just as Kate was standing a few minutes ago,” Intimidated she did as she was told.

Her face turned a bright red as she looked at both Kate and Linda, who were both watching intently. She tried to push her tight skirt back in place as it had ridden up from bending over. “Ms. Henderson, you will answer me with a Yes or No Sir. Is that clear?”

“Yes Sir!”

“First, I want you to reach under your skirt and pull your pantyhose down to your knees.

“Absolutely NOT!”‘ She yelled at me. “There is no way you will treat me like this,” She shouted.

“Is that so?” Once again she found herself over my lap. This time I was determined to teach her a lesson in obedience as a warm-up to her real spanking.

“This is just a warm-up for when I really spank you, when I give you an order I expect you to obey it immediately,” I said.

Whack!Whack! Whack! Emily cried out in shock and in disappoint. Whack! Splat! Spank! I noticed the material at the seat of her skirt bunched up for a second each time my hand landed on her backside, then jiggled as Emily’s bottom absorbed the swat The material tightened again as her bottom returned to its normal, lovely, round shape. Her rear hem had ridden up a few inches by now and I could clearly see the base of a pair of small, lacy, silky, white panties, the middle scrunched deeply in the middle of her cheeks.

I continued to whack her bottom over and over, as she struggled to get away. She twisted and bucked over my knee in a desperate attempt to relieve the ache and sting. I took hold of her right arm as she reached back to stop the spanking and pinned it to the back of her. I continued my spanking upon her skirt covered bottom. until she stopped squirming and resigned herself to her punishment.

Ten more hard spanks and she was sobbing quietly, her head had dropped and wasresting next to my leg, her legs had stopped kicking she knew I mean business and was willing to submit if I would stop spanking her.

“Okay Young Lady on your feet,” Emily got to her feet quickly glad to be off my lap. “Now Emily what did I ask you to do?”

“Pull down my pantyhose Sir,” She was showing her submissiveness.

“Do you think you will do so Now or do you want to spend another five minutes over my lap?”

“No Sir I will do it.”

“Okay fine, stand at attention, reach under your skirt and pull your pantyhose down to your ankles and stay like that until I tell you to move,” I ordered.

She reached under her skirt and wiggling from foot to foot because her skirt was so tight. She started to lower her tights. They lowered past the hem of her skirt, down her knees to her ankles. Ms. Henderson stayed just as I had ordered, bent over her firm chefs pushing against her skirt, her head touching her knees, her hose at her ankles.

“Now, so that youlearn that what I say goes, I want you to practice raising and lowering your pantyhose until I tell you to stop. Now begin,” She took her tights and reversed the procedure, up her legs, over her knees, and pulling the pantyhose under her skirt once again having too wiggle to raise her hose over her hips. Her face was blushing a bright red. She started to hesitate, but quickly did as she was told, after a quick swat across her skirt.

I made her do it five times. Each time she had to wiggle from foot to foot to complete the task and each time I caught a glance of her lacy panties. I finally ordered her to stop, as I was anxious to begin her real spanking. I ordered her to come and knee in front of me for the next part of the session.

She knelt in front of me as I sat on the straight backed chair, I reached down and placed my hand under her chin and made her look into my eyes. I wanted to make sure she understand every word I was going to say.

“First, you will never agoin spank my daughter or any other student in front of the classroom again. If you do I will do the same thing to you. Is that clear?”

“Yes Sir,” She answered in a very low voice tears coming down her cheeses.

“Second, before you spank my daughter, I want to know about it. If you don’t notify me I will spank you again. Is that clear?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Third Young Lady, I want you to stand up in front of me and raise your skirt above your waist. I want you to apologize to my daughter for spanking her,” I said

“You will also apologize to her on Monday in front of the entire classroom.” Is that clear?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Fourth, once you are finished apologizing to Kate, I want you to ask me for your spanking. I am going to paddle your behind with the ruler and by the time I am finished with you, you will not sit for a week. Is that clear?”

“Yeees, Siirrr” By now her tears were streaming down her face from embarrassment and concern over the spanking she was about to endure. Her bottom was singing from the two spanking she had just received and they were over her skirt. “Now stand up and raise your skirt over your hips and lets get started.”

She stood and started to raise her skirt, once again because of the tightness of the skirt she put on quite a show, as she had to wiggle this way and that way to get it over her hips. Her white lacy, silk bikini panties were Now fully on display. They were extremely skimpy and barely covered her two cheats, which were a light rose colored hue from the earlier spanking. All of her arrogance had left her. “Now proceed with your apology and make it since or else,” I ordered.

“Kate I am so sorry I spanked you in front of the students, I was wrong. Please forgive me. I will never do it again.”

“Very good Ms. Henderson, now stand up straight, hands at your sides, heels together, we are going to have a question and answer session before I tan your bare backside.”

“Do you deservea bare bottom spanking?” I questioned.

“Yes Sir”

“Who spanked you and why?”

“My Daddy did for lying to him.”

“Did he spank you hard?”

“Yes Sir”

“Was it on your panties or on your bare bottom?”

“Over my jeans Sir.”

“How old are you now Young Lady?”

“35 Sir”

“Do know what I am going to do to you Ms. Henderson?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Come over here Missy and stand to my right side. I am now going to treat you has if you were a youngster about to be spanked by your Daddy only it won’t be over Your jeans but on your naughty bare bottom. Now lay yourself across my lap and stretch out as far as you can for your tanning,” She slowly bent over my lap her hands were positioned in front of her and her long legs were stretched out straight to my right side.

Her skimpy white lacy panties rode up between her cheeks, as she stretched over my lap. I took my thumbs and grasped the inside waistband and slowly and deliberately pulled them down over her full hips, making her rise as they passed over her bottom. Slowly they descended, inside out, down to her knee hollows. “Kate gives me the ruler Ms. Henderson spanked you with and hand it to me. I am going to give her the same treatment she gave you and I guarantee she will be crying loud sobs once I am finished.”

I was determined to make sure that this spanking would have the proper effect on her attitude. I slowly and deliberately patted her bottom with the ruler, first one chef than the other. She started to fidget nervously on my lap, as if she wanted me to get the punishment finished. I decided to oblige her and using my wrist snapped the ruler solidly across her right cheek. It left a red mark on her already blushing red fanny. Again I lifted my hand and SMACK on the identical spot as the first spank. Once again I spanked her on the same spot. Threeterrific spanks on her right check. Emily started to kick her legs up and down and I could hear her trying to stifle a cry.

I then repeated the performance on the left cheek and she started to cry. Her head was bobbing up and down and her legs were kicking in unison. “Stop jumping all over my lap or I will add to the spanking I am about to give you,” I said

This seemed to slow her down, but her bare cheats continued to twitch. I then started to spank her in earnest up one side of her bottom and down the other. Once her backside was a vivid red I started on the top of her legs and continues right down to her knees. After her thighs and behind were a deep crisis, I started concentrated on the creams between her backside and legs. She laid still all of the fight out of her, accepting her punishment. Her attitude had changed I could feel her defeat.

“Now, young lady, do you think you have learned your lesson,” I punctuated my question with the flat of my hand on her already singing backside.

“Yes Sir” She wailed.

“Will you ever spank another student without informing their parents,” Once again I swatted her on her full round bottom.

“No Sir” She sang out. “Pleaseeee NOOO more it hurts. I will be sooo good,” She started to cry.

“Do you think you have more respect for me and the rest of the parents,” This time I gave her three quick but forceful spanks on the middle of her buttocks.

“Yes Sir,” She squealed.

“Okay get up, leave your panties and pantyhose down and go stand in the corner. I want to speak to your Principal,” Up she stood, wiping her eyes and sniffling. She started to rub her bottom, but thought better of it, and did a funny little dance hoping from one foot to the next holding her dress up to her wait. You could see the ruler marks on her thighs and bare bottom as she shuffled slowly towards the corner. Her pantyhose and skimpy panties were at her knees.

“Linda, come over here as the Principalare responsible for your teachers actions, I think maybe a few minutes over my knee will make you remember your responsibility.” I said.

I grasped her wrist and in one motion pulled her over my knees. Flipping up her skirt I was treated to her silky black panties framed by her garter belt and dark stockings. WHACK! WHACK! I spanked her before she had a chance to protect the indignity of her position

Down came her underpants, where I could see the red palm prints. I began to spank her bare bottom over and over WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!

“Don’t ever let this happen again or I will tan your backside until you won’t sit for a month.” WHACK! WHACK! By this time Linda was sobbing and trying to catch her breath. I continued to spank her until she started to hiccup from her crying. I then tucked her skirt into her waistband, and ordered her to her feet.

“Now stand here and listen to me I should use the ruler on you, but I am going to let it go this time, but don’t ever let this happen again. I want Emily to write 500 times on the board”


“You will supervise her and let me know when she is finished I expect a call from you later tonight, do not let your skirt down or pull your under panties up until Emily is finished. I am going to take Kate home with me. NOW get over there and supervision.” I ordered as I landed two swats on her bare bottom and headed for the door Katie in tow.


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