Teacher's Trap Ch. 02

NB All characters are over 18.

Zara had had plenty of time to work on her plan. He had avoided her during the rest of the trip to Switzerland, as a result of her accusing him of rap. That evening as he stood at her door, she could see it in his eyes, his new found confidence, rapidly melt into the throes of fear. Now back home, it was time to turn the screw on him.

All it needed was to set a little trap. One that he would willingly fall into. He couldn’t help himself, poor boy. She needed him in a position of weakness, alone. And then a short sharp shock of humiliation. She’d be doing him a service, really. A bit of education about consent and consequences. Already, she had noticed his demeanour was more nervous, and his work in her French lessons was deteriorating. It was almost as if he could not concentrate, the poor love!


For Leo, the invitation by Zara Williams to her room was the start of his problems. He had, admittedly let go, and had forced himselfon her after her initial kiss. But now she was claiming rap, and he knew that she could very easily act on her threat to get him arrested. But she had alliced ​​him, all the same, and whatever she might do it would not look good for Leo. After getting back from the Swiss trip he had found it hard to engage with his work and it seemed as if all the staff were watching him intently. The atmosphere at school seemed to have changed, there was an air of suspicion and he felt others were talking about him.

At least there was one friendly face in the form of Chloe Hardaker. She was in his French class too, and had sat alongside him. She was a petite blonde girl, quiet and unassembling in her nature. Although she was very shy, she was increasingly prone to giving him the odd admiring glance when she spoke to him and this gave him a warm glow. Zara Williams seemed to notice, however, and glared at them if they began to talk in class. Zara seemed to be watching him constantly, and this was making him nervous.

It was a relief when finally Zara Williams called in a favour. Maybe normality was returning, he began to hope. It was after his French lesson, and just before Geography.

“Leo, can I ask you to stay back for a minute?”

“Yes, Miss.”

The others left the class and Leo noticed that Ralph, the class wise guy, had a knowing smile on his face as he walked past.

“Leo, I have some new textbooks just delivered, and I need to take them to the store, they are pretty heavy, and would you mind giving me a hand?”

“No, not at all, Miss.”

“You won’t be late for your next lesson?” They both knew that he would be.

“No, I am sure I can help, Miss Williams.” Maybe she would ease up on him if he was helpful to her, despite his lack of time.

Zara motioned to a large cardboard box by her desk. “Ok, can you get hold of that, and I’ll take this smaller box. The store is on the next floor.”

Leo got a grip of the heavy box and followedZara along the corridor, and up the stairs. She went down to the end of the next corridor and unlocked a small storeroom.

“Great thanks.”

“Is that it?”

“Well, I need to separate out the books on the shelves.” She looked firmly at Leo straight in the eye. He showed. He was going to be late.

“It won’t take long. Can you take Series 1 out… oh and yes, get the Plastic wrapper off.” Leo obeyed and realized that Zara was in mind to make things awkward. Mr Thomas his Geography teacher, would be less than amused. After sorting out five series of the books on the shelf, Leo looked at Zara.

“Can I go now? I really should be in Geography.”

“You should have said! Yes, off you go!”

Leo picked up his school bag and ran back down the corridor, down the stair and out to the next building to his Geography lesson. Inevitably Mr Thomas was irritated as he walked into class.

“Oh, and where ‘ave you been?”

“I was asked to help by Miss Williams.”

“Couldn’t it wait? After this class maybe?” Leo stayed silent. “And I hope you have completed your assignment at least.”

“Assignment?” A cold sick dread spread over him.

“Yes, on urban planning. Two examples from the UK.”


“Ok, Leo, detention!” barked Mr Thomas dismissively. “Now can I get on with the lesson?”


Leo was fuming. Up until now he had had a perfect record with no detentions from school. Until Zara had decided to wild her influence. He made his way up to the staff room later that day to take instruction from whoever was on detention duty. He was quite surprised to see Chloe Hardaker there, she never put a step wrong. Alongside her was Bryony Watson, ah, well, less Surprising.

“Afternoon, what do they put you in for?” he asked them.

Bryony looked bored with the question. “Miss Williams decided that I was being cheeky. You know, not answering back when she is talking,” she gave a sardonic false smile. Leo nodded. And probably being sarcastic to her as well, he thought. He turned to Chloe.

“I was writing up the report from the Swiss trip, and Zara Williams decided that I needed close supervision for some reason. She kept expecting updates very few days and I got fed up of it, and I told her so.”

Leo breathed out from the corner of his mouth. “Sounds like she’s losing it,” he remarked.

“Losing What?” The door had opened and Zara Williams was at the door of the staff room.

“Chloe’s friend,” lied Leo.

“Oh,” Zara gave him a look with her lips pressed together in manner which indicated the depth of her disbelief. “Well you know I am working detention today, and we have some special tasks for you.” She surveyed her three charges.

“Leo, the caretaker has said the cells are filthy because some of your schoolmates have taken it upon themselves to have little smoking parties there. Someone made a copy of the key presumably. Anyway, the Head is keen to see that area cleaned up. Ok? I have a key from the caretaker and I expect it to be thoroughly clean, I will show you the cleaning cupboard. Girls. We are going to sort out books in the library, and I will be there to keep an eye on you.”

With that she led them past the cleaning cupboard, ordered Leo to take out a broom and a dustpan and motioned him in the direction of the cellar. She took the two girls to the library got They to retrieve the books which had been returned or were lying loose around the room.

“So, you know why you are here?”

“Yes, Miss.” The girls nodded.

“So…” Zara continued more slowly. “You know about Leo Tempest?”

“What, Miss?” Bryony sounded bored, even when intrigued.

“There is good reason you are separated from him. You need to know this. I know of a girl who he took advantage of, and she refuses to disclose it. She just indicated to me that he had forced himself on her.”

Bryony turned in anger. “Really, Leo?… The bastard!” Zara turned hergaze to Chloe. Oh, Chloe, who made little puppy dog ​​eyes at Leo. How would she react to her hero’s fall from grace? Chloe looked puzzled and doubtful. Of course she would.

“I can’t say who, naturally. And she was really upset and unsure of who to turn to. But she doesn’t want to press charges. So, what can I do?” Zara looked meaningfully at the girls.

“Get him dobbed in, Miss!”

“I would,” Zara replied “only, she needs to be a witness.”

“So, she is reluctant?” asked Chloe.

“Absolutely. Seems to be thrall to the monster.” Zara had them where she wanted. “So, listen to me. I didn’t know I’d be on duty with you lot today. Mr Fell was ill. But it does give the opportunity to, let’s say… put things right?”

“How, Miss?” Bryony was now much more alert at the prospect of some drama.

“Ok, so let’s present the facts. Leo thinks he can get away with assault. It’s awful and humiliating for the girl. How about if something humiliating, not, I assume you, painful … happens to him?”

“Why not painful, Miss?” asked Bryony angrily. Oh, she could count on Bryony. Bryony was physically imposing and had that permanent air of intimidation about her.

“Well we could induce pain,” Zara began slowly. She waited for a reaction. Chloe looked troubled.

“…Or at least even the score a little. Why should guys have this sense of entitlement all the time? How about if we made him very, very small indeed?”

Chloe seemed to get the picture. “What… so to sexually demean him?”

Zara smiled to herself. “Perhaps.” She gave it a moment, looking intently at Bryony and Chloe. “I mean, as one of his peers, I take my lead from you.”

“He doesn’t seem the type,” Chloe shook her head. Bryony snorted.

Zara pressed her fingers together in an arch. “Ok, say one of your fellow students had it where Leo decided to take her. Really, nothing shall come of that?”

“But what would the victim say about this ‘act of justice’?” Chloe waved her head to emphasise her phrase.

“I’ll tell her. Maybe take a picture of him, showing him to be humiliated, to keep her mind at rest. To keep him under control.”

Bryony grinned. “So he’s in the cellar, we grab him, strip him, and tie him to the radiators and…what?”

“Well, he could stew for an hour or two there.” Zara was content for Bryony to do the running on this. She needed Chloe to be in on this, though. Seeing Chloe, his only friendly contact, turn against him would destroy him. She just needed a little pressure to set her mind in the right direction.

“Chloe. Imagine that you know Leo well, and like him? You were friendly, and, say, maybe, you went out? Suppose he decided, suddenly, that he had the right to impose himself on you, physically?”

Chloe frowned. She hated the idea that Leo was capable of such things. It had shattered her view of him, assuming the worst, but maybe it was more complicated? But if he got arrested, it would be far worse. So, maybe, a little lesson in consequences would not be a bad thing. She could at least control it from getting out of hand. She knew Bryony would be keen on revenge and someone had to be present to ensure he did not get to be maimed, whatever had happened before.

“Ok, I’m in.”

“Good, right, we can get some rope from the gym and go down to the cellar.”

“Are we hanging him, Miss?” Bryony was almost predictable.

“No, we are just giving him a little shock that’s all.”

“Yeah, but I am thinking about that girl, Miss.”

“So am I. She would hate to be the cause of death or injury. Understood?”

“Yes, Miss. But humiliation, right?”

They went into the gym and picked up the rope before making their way to the cellar. Leo was There, broom in hand, sweeping the floor.

“Ok, Leo, it is reckoning time.”


“I told the girls about the assault on one of your schoolmates.”


“Yes, Leo. Don’t make things difficult. We have two ways of doing this. Either I get her to press charges, or you get to learn your lesson here and now.”

“What do you mean?”

“You humiliated her. Now you are going to feel what it is like to be humiliated.” Leo looked silently at the three who had a unified air of intent. A flash of fear ran through him.

“What do mean?”

“You are going to strip your clothes. And spent time secured onto the pipes.” Zara waved the ropes. “Until you have learned something.”

Leo surprised. It this what it took, so be it. He saw Bryony with the phone camera. Not good.

“Get them off, Leo” ordered Bryony. He obeyed and started to pull off his clothes. He checked for Chloe’s reaction. She looked hard and unmoved. He felt a pang of sadness that she was involved. Naked, he backed onto the pipes as Zara Williams got the ropes and tied him firmly to the cold hard metal.

Bryony waved with her phone camera. “This might find its way round the class!” she snickered.

“No Bryony, I’ll do the photo. Ok?”

“It’s not worth me giving my side of the story?” he ventured.

“We know enough.” Zara countered. “See you in two hours.”

Zara turned to the two girls. “Ok girls, we can leave him to it.”

Leo looked up. “It’s a bit cold,” he said plainly, trying to get Chloe’s gaze, but not to no avail.

“- So’s jail,” snapped Zara, and led the girls out.


After an hour or so in the library, Zara went out to make herself coffee and left the girls sorting books. Bryony could not resist the chance to quickly go down and have a little vengeance on behalf of the girl.

“Chloe? I’m just off to the loo.”


Bryony hurried down the corridor checking for Zara Williams and then made her way to the cellar. Zara had not locked it, which was convenient. It was showtime.

“Hey Leo.”

“Hey Bryony.” he looked up at the girl, her face focused and angry. She was quite tall, and had been known to pusha few others around, not all of them other girls. Could be a nasty piece of work if she was minded. And she was minded right now.

“You’re not so big now, eh, Leo? Aww, sat there naked. Come on, show me yourself. Is that what you did to that girl, who will remain nameless, you showed yourself then, eh?”

“You mean Zara?”

“Come off it. Don’t lie!”

“I’m not lying. I got the wrong impression from Zara. It was in Switzerland.”

“Wrong impression? Is that what you call rap?”


“You deserve a lot of fucking pain.”

“So you’re judge and jury without hearing what actually happened?”

“Yep, better believe it. And I know how to give a lot of pain.”

“Well I won’t be ‘showing myself.’”

“So shy?” Bryony approached Leo and pushed a hand in between his legs. Her voice softened.

“I bet you could be big for me.” Her words had a cold malice. Her hands gripped his cock and he felt a sense of dread as she started to gently rub him, with a steely look in her eyes. Although everything he felt he was beginning to react. A smile showed on Bryon’s face as he felt the beginnings of an erection. She took her phone from her pocket and began taking pictures.

“I think you’d look great with some panties on. It would be an insta-storm, don’t you think?” He hands reached over and taunted his manhood again. He was bracing for sharp pain When suddenly Bryony’s phone buzzed. She slowly reached into her pocket and brought the phone in front of her whilst keeping Leo under her gaze. It was a text.

“Gotta go, lover boy!” Bryony swiftly withdraw and left the cellar. She rushed back to the library to find Zara Williams waiting for her.

“Long visit to the loo, Bryony?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Ok, you have been to the cellar haven’t you? Hand me your phone.”


“Hand me your phone.” She took the phone from a reluctant Bryony. She saw the text from Chloe, but ignored that for the pictures. She turned toBryony.

“So you are going send out your naughty little pictures of little Leo? Yes? Ok what happens? Scandal around the school, I lose my career, the photographer gets done for kidnapping… have you seriously lost your senses, Bryony?”

“No, Miss, I just wanted a little memento.”

“Come off it! I know within minutes that would be all round social media and we would all be seriously in trouble.”

“Yes, whatever, Miss.”

“Think for a second. Anyway, I’ll take care of him. God knows what you were going to do, by the looks of it. I am deleting those.”

A dull silence followed. Zara handed the phone back and then sat down at the library desk. “Right, you carry on for another hour, and you can go home. But you are not leaving my sight until then.”


Leo know he had been saved by the text message and he guessed it had come from Chloe. So Chloe must have had Bryony’s number. He wondered how long it would be before Zara would come, presumably she hadNot approved of Bryony’s little visit. He was stiff and cold, and ached from being tied up. The light was dim in the cellar, the air musty and his clothes were out of reach, even if he were able to move his arms.

Some time later, the door was pushed open and Chloe appeared. What now?



“So…” she drew in a deep breath. “What actually happened?”


“You and this girl?”



“Yes, she invited me in to her room when we were in Switzerland. She kissed me and then I got a bit excited and took things a bit too far. That’s what happened.”

“Aha.” Chloe paused, processing this information. Was this to be believed?

“So, what puzzles me, is why you got detention, Chloe.”

“For some pathetic reason.”

“Who put you in?”


“And she gives you detention, on some made up reason, and then she gets you down here.”

“Yes, why?”

“Maybe she thinks you like me, and it is away to get at me?”

“I…well I did, I mean I don’t know, I…”

“So that’s what happened.” Leo gave the tiniest of shrugs, given the restraint of the ropes. “I guess she will come down a release me in a bit.”

“Yes, I guess so.” Chloe studied Leo curled up, naked and tied by the ropes. He looked like a trapped beast, dusty from the dirt in the cellar and bound up. She felt a wave of sorrow for him, but was still doubtful. Should she leave him for Zara Williams? Zara would most likely wait until the end of the detention period, still half an hour away.

Then the penny dropped. She had been used by Zara, her clean record for detention blemished, just for the sake of Zara’s revenge on Leo. This was going to stop now, she reckoned, she was not having it.

“Ok, Leo, I going to notie you. Give you a chance to get dressed eh?”

“Really? Oh Chloe, thanks, thanks, really – and big, big thanks for saving me from Bryony!”

“Oh… the text, you realized. Very good.”

Chloe lent over and reached for the rope behind the pipe. She was close to Leo, her breasts touching his chest. “Never mind,” she thought, “it’s just for a moment”. The knot was quite taut, so she had to pull on the rope behind the pipe to loosen it, and in going so she found she rubbed against Leo. She knew that might cause a reaction. It was unavoidable, and she let herself steal a glance down to see Leo’s erection. A little flash of pride was mixed with little wave of anxiety. She pulled again and the rope loosened, she undid the other rope and stood back to let Leo free. She lowered her gaze but still could not help herself, she caught another glance of his shaft standing proud. She beat a hasty retreat, looking away.

“I’ll get gone.”

“Yeah, wow, thanks, Chloe, I owe you.” He staggered up and then reached over to his clothes.

“You do,” she smiled back. She was unnerved by the fact she now felt slightly aroused, and wanted to play for time, to adjust.

“Leo, if she comes back, are you waiting for her here?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Well, do you want me to be around just in case?”

“I… yeah, that’s be great Chloe. But I don’t want you getting into more trouble.”

“No, it’s fine.”

Chloe then realized Leo was telling the truth. If he was happy her overhearing Zara and himself, then she knew that by hearing Zara confront Leo, any lies would be exposed. So that was decided.

“Ok, I’ll stay.”

“Good, because I don’t know what she will do. Not a lot if I am untied.”

“Hah! Imagine, if she saw, instead of you tied up – it was me! That would shock her!”

“You’re crazy, girl!” He paused. “Yeah… that would fuck her up a bit!” The idea was very exclusive for Leo.

“Come on, then!” Chloe walked up to the pipes and sat by them, gathering dust on her school skirt as she did so.

“You want me to tie you?” This isn’t some trap is it?”

“No, come on! She will freak!” Chloe pictured the air ofdisgust and confusion on Zara Williams’ face.

“It’s mad!”

Leo brought the ropes over and bent over Chloe, his face by her blonde locks as he reached over the pipes. In the excitement to tie her up, he had forgotten to get any clothes on and he could feel the sexual tension rising. It was hot. But he really could not. Not this time. She looked so exclusively all bound up, in her sullied school uniform. So deliciously degenerate. He could start to picture himself pushing inside Chloe with her skirt drawn up, and then fucking her wildly; it was all too close to reality for a scenario, but he could not betray her. He focused on tying the knot reasonably tight but not too hard; she could probably not until they herself if needed.


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