Teacher's Pet? Ch. 03

I hurried home, knowing that she would arrive soon. My shopping trip the night before had pretty much gotten me beyond my initial appreciation, and I was now past the point of no return. I was excited by the attention she was giving me, and excited by the unknown of what she was going to make me do or do to me.

When I got home, I made sure that the apartment was cleaned up, and I laid out my purchases on the coffee table for her to see. I also stripped down to my panties, garter and stockings so I would be prepared when she arrived. The hour passed quickly, and soon I heard her knocking on the door. I moved to the door, knelt down, and opened the door. I kept my eyes gazing at the floor. As soon as I opened the door, I had a sudden realization that I hadn’t even looked through the peep hole to make sure it was her. My heart immediately began to race, and I felt a wave of panic sweep through me.

The door pushed open, and before me I saw two black spiked heel boots. I hadto be her, although I knew I couldn’t look up if it was her, and I was afraid to look at whomever it was if it wasn’t her. So, I swallowed the lump in my throat, and simply greeted her, “Hello Mistress, thank you for allowing me to serve.”

“Good pet, you are welcome,” she answered calmly and walked past me. I let out a sight of relief and closed the door. I don’t know if she noticed my panic, but I’m sure if she had, she probably enjoyed it. “Did I tell you to close that door? Are you sure someone else wasn’t with me? Are you sure you didn’t just slam the door on one of my friends?” she asked.

I immediately opened the door again, fearing I had actually just closed the door on someone. “I’m sorry Mistress, I wasn’t thinking. Please forgive me,” I apologized, and tried to look out the door without looking up.

“Fortunately for you, I am alone. You may close the door,” she replied. “You are going to have a sore ass if you continue to disappoint me. Now, come over here. Let’s have a look at your shopping trip.”

I crawled to her. She was sitting on the couch in her usual spot. She had already picked up a pair hot pink satin panties from the coffee table. It was matched with a black and pink garter and black sheer stockings. She put them down, and picked up a red satin and lace thong. A red lacey garter and red stockings with white accents completed the set. She proceeded to pick up each pair of underwear, brushed her fingers over the fabrics, then turned to me. She gestured for me to come closer, and when I was kneeling between her knees, she reached out and stroked my cock through the smooth silk of the panties. Her touch had me instantly hard. She smiled at my reaction.

“Hmmm…it appears my pet truly does enjoy lingerie. You are a dirty little slut aren’t you?” she asked rhetorically. Looking back at the table, she noticed the envelope that contained the gift certificate. “Bring me that envelope, slut,” she ordered with a particular emphasis on ‘slut’. I handed her the envelope. She opened it, and a smiled. “I am proud of you my pet. You are thinking of your Mistress. Was this your idea?”

“Um…well…no. The girl in the store suggested I get it so that you could get matching bras…well…er..so I could get matching bras…well…she assumed that I was shopping for a girlfriend, and I told her I didn’t know what size for the bras, so she suggested I get a gift certificate so that my girlfriend could get the matching bras. I think she really knew that the lingerie was for me, and knew she could make a larger sale. I guess it worked, because I couldn’t say no.”

“You are weak, and she was smart to see act upon that. I should meet this girl. Perhaps she would enjoy teasing you too?”

“Please Mistress, I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

“I’ll decide what is or is not a good idea. I’ll take this gift certificate from you. I don’t think you are ready to go back to that store by yourself. I will protect you from yourself. Now, you have an appointment to make, so you are going to need to get dressed to leave. Keep your special lingerie on, and just dress like you were at school,” she told me. She reached over and caressed my cock and balls through the silk panties again. Then, she pinched some of the hairs that were peeking out along the bikini line and pulled on them. I gasped in pain, but maintained my position.

“Good, my pet. We are going to take care of this mess today. Now, get dressed, we must go.” With that, she gave my ass a playful spank, and pushed me toward my bedroom to get dressed.

I didn’t know where we were going, and I was more concerned with being seen in public with Mistress outside of school. When I was dressed, Tish led me to my car, and told me to drive to the highway. I could tell that my appreciation was visible on my face.

“You are so cute when you are scared. Don’t worry my pet, Mistress will take care of you. We will head south on the highway to Adamsville. Your appointment is there,” she explained in the car. I was afraid to ask her what my appointment was for, and I inevitably knew she would tell me if she wanted me to know.

As we drove down the highway, she rested on hand on my crotch, lazily struggling me. I was hard, and I could feel my cock pressing against the silk panties. I tried to focus on the driving, but I couldn’t keep myself from looking over to Tish. I saw movement in the corner of my eye, and when I looked, she had pulled up her skirt, had on leg on the dashboard, and she was slowly running her fingers up and down her pussy lips with her other hand.

“Keep you eyes on the road, my pet. You don’t want to have an accident, now do you?” she said, giving my cock a gentle squeeze. When we got to the downtown exit for Adamsville, she directed me to take it, then turn into a shopping area that was filled with small boutiques and high end shops and cafes. We found parking, then she told me to follow her. She got out of the car, and started walking.

She didn’t wait for me, so I had to walk quickly to catch up to her, setting in a step behind her. I tried to look casual, and I avoided looking at her ass, knowing she was bare beneath her skirt. I didn’t want to look like a horny guy following a young hottie down the street, although I knew that’s exactly what I was. I felt myself going flush with nervous excitement and embarrassment. My cock was still hard, and I knew that the tent in my pants was clearly visible. Tish stopped, and turned to look at me.

“Now, my pet. You are not to speak unless spoken to. If you are asked to do anything, you are to comply as if I was giving the order. We are going to get you cleaned up like a good little slut. Are you ready?” she asked.

I looked over her shoulder and saw that we were at a high end beauty salon. I wasn’t quite sure what she had in mind, but I nodded. She looked at me disdainfully.

“Yes, Mistress, sorry. I amready Mistress,” I managed.

“Good, now come,” she order, and turned and entered the salon.

I followed her into the salon, and I was immediately surrounded by the sounds and women chattering to one another as they had their hair and nails done. I couldn’t make out any of the conversations, but I knew what it felt like for a woman to walk into a barber shop as many glanced my way, and had curious looks as if to ask “What are you doing here?” The girl at the counter, wearing a name tag that read “Cheryl” greeted Mistress.

“Hello Cheryl, yes this is the one I was talking about. He’s ready for his appointment ,” she answered.

“Of course, I remember. Hold on one moment while I tell Vanessa that you are here.”

A minute later, a buxom blonde wearing a white lab coat with “Vanessa” embroidered on the chest walked over to us, and greeted Tish like an old friend, giving her a hug and a peck on the cheek. Tish returned the gesture, then looked at me while talking toVanessa.

“Nessa, this is the one I talked to you about. He’s in need of some cleaning up. You’ll see once we get him undressed,” she explained.

I felt myself getting more and more flushed. She had been talking about me to the women at this salon previously, and now loud enough for all to hear. I was still unsure what was going on except that I did clearly hear “undressed”.

“No problem, dear, you know me, I’ll make sure not a hair remains when I’m done with him,” she said, smiling at me.

She and Mistress both turned and began to walk into the salon towards the back. I looked around, and noticed that many of the women were looking at me and grinning. Clearly they knew that was going on. I looked back up to see Mistress glaring at me from across the room, and I quickly joined her, trying to keep my eyes down to avoid making eye contact with anyone in the salon. Vanessa led us into a room and closed the door. In the room was a table, like a mass table. The room smelled like candles. It was at that moment that I realized what was going on. My brain was clearly not processing well because I should have realized it earlier, but I was so distracted by Tish’s antisciences in the car that I didn’t put two and two together until now. My heart began to race.

“I’ll step out while you disrobe from the wait down. You can cover up with this towel,” Vanessa said casually.

“Oh, that won’t be necessary. He has nothing to hide, do you pet? You can just stay while he strips, right? And he won’t need the towel. That will just get in the way, right?” she asked me rhetorically. My hands were shaking a bit with my nervousness as I began to undo my belt and take off my pants. “Oh, I almost forget. Pet, please remove your new garter and panties, you wouldn’t want to get wax on them. But I think your stockings will be OK, don’t you think Nessa?”

“Of course, we’ll be careful. If your shirt tails are long, you can either hold them up out of the way, or feelfree to remove the shirt too,” Vanessa added.

“Yes, good idea, remove your shirt too, just leave on your stockings. I like the way your legs look in stockings,” Tish said.

By now, I was no longer thinking clearly. I was overwhelmed with embarrassment and fear at the same time. I focused on Mistress’s voice, just trying to follow her directions afraid that one misstep and she’d humiliate me in front of the whole salon. In a minute, I was stripped to my stockings only. My cock was sharpid. I knew better than to try and cover up, and given what I knew was about to happen, I had nothing to hide. Vanessa gestured for me to lay down on the table, face up. She gently took my shake and moved it this way and that, inspecting me.

“Well, Tish, he has quite a bit of hair here. I think we’re going to have to use some clippers to shorten up the hair before we wax him.” Vanessa opened a drawer, and pulled out a standard hair clipper. She attached a guard, walked back to the table, and plugged it into a plug that was mounted on the leg of the table. “Now, don’t move, I wouldn’t want to accidentally catch you in the clippers. With this guard, we should be OK, but one never can be too careful.” With that warning, she turned on the clippers, and started trimming my public hair. With each stroke, she left a swath of hair behind that was less than a quarter inch long. My cock remained hard as she handled me. Mistress even lent a hand, literally, and held my shake or pulled the skin taught on my balls as Vanessa continued to work. She raised my leg, and clipped the hair between my legs as well, running the clippers to my ass crack and back.

“There, now that’s better. I think we can work with this,” Vanessa said, satisfied. “Its not everyday that I get a helper in here, thank you, Tish. Vanessa continued to talk with Tish, ignoring me completely and treating me like I couldn’t hear her. They talked about me in the third person. Vanessa got her waxing gear ready, andBegan to spread hot wax over my hair. The warmth of the wax felt nice, but my mind knew that it was just a tease as I watched her press a strip of white clothes to the wax. Without warning, she yanked the strip off of my skin. Pain like electricity shot through me, focused right where the clothes had been. I gasped, but suppressed any other reaction as best I could. I looked at Mistress as Vanessa applied more wax. Mistress was staring back into my eyes as I felt the next strip ripping the hair from my body. She was smiling like a proud coach does when they see an athlete performing well on the field. I focused on her face to try and escape the pain. It wasn’t terrible especially after having with stood Mistress’s hair brush spanking, and seeing her look back at me gave me that sense of approval that made me flush with warmth.

I could feel Vanessa adjusting me this way and that. Mistress was still helping hold my skin teach or to hold my shake out of the way as she worked. I lost track of time, and just keep watching Mistress, hiding beneath her protective watch as Vanessa sent singing pain through me every few moments. I felt her moving my leg, and I moved according to her guidance. She worked between my legs, and around my ass as well, and it what felt like a few short minutes, I heard her declare that she was done.

Mistress looked down at my crotch, and I followed her glance. Besides a little redness to my skin, I was no worse for wear, but I was completely bare now. It looked a little odd, but I had seen enough porn on my computer to also feel kind of like a porn star. Many male porn actors keep themselves bare or at least nearly bare now. I realized that I felt larger now. My cock seemed thicker and longer, although I know it was just a visual trick now that you could see all of me.

“Wonderful, Vanessa. Thank you for taking care of my pet. He so needed a good grooming. After all, we couldn’t have him unkept with his new panties, don’t you agree?” Mistress said.

“I agree, Tish, I think he will find this much more comfortable, and I think it looks much nicer. Judging from his chest, he doesn’t have much hair on his legs, would you like me to do those as well? I could do them for free as a new customer gift for him,” Vanessa offered.

“Oh, that would be sweet of you Vanessa. I know that he would love that. Pet, please remove your stockings so Vanessa can do your legs too.”

After removing the stockings, Vanessa quickly removed the hair from my legs. The legs didn’t hurt nearly as much, and she was right that I didn’t have much leg hair, so she had little to do. When she finished, she and Mistress together rubbed some lotion into my legs, and Mistress took the initiative to do the same to my entire genital region. Vanessa took that time to clean up the strips of clothes. The feel of Mistress’s hands on my cock, balls and all the surrounding areas was like I had never been touched before. Feeling her hands slide overthe my skin, soft and slick, was wonderful, and I felt my cock twitching with excitement. Mistress caught my eye, and I could tell her expression was warning me to control myself.

“OK, pet, time you got dressed,” Mistress said.

As I dressed, I retired in the new feeling of the fabrics against my virgin skin. The silk panties in particular were magic. I was afraid I was going to be hard all the time now. When I was completely dressed, the tent in my pants was ever present. Vanessa had already left the room, and Mistress stood by, waiting for me.

“There, now, don’t you feel better? I very pleased with you today. Tonight, I am going to reward myself for your good behavior. Clearly, my instruction is helping you become a better slut,” she said, smiling at me. She took my hand, and Walked me out of the room, proudly displaying me to the women in the salon. Everyone knew what had just happened since that room was used for waxing, and they could see my excitement in my pants. I feel my face heating up as I flushed with embarrassment. One woman watched me through the mirror, and I could tell she was admiring my excitement. I now know what it felt like to be looked upon as an object. Mistress led me to the counter, and the woman who had greeted us was with Vanessa.

“Here is a cleanser we recommend that he use on his skin. He should use it at least once a day. With the cleanser, your total is 120 dollars,” she said to Mistress. I was watching Mistress, and realized she carried no purse, and I knew she had nowhere to hide a wallet on her clothes.

“Of course. In fact,” she said, turning to Vanessa, “my pet is so happy with his new waxing that he’d like to schedule a follow up appointment every 4 weeks, this same time. Will that be OK?”

“I’ll check the calendar, but I don’t see a problem with that,” Vanessa answered.

“Pet, please pay, and I’m sure that Nessa would appreciate the big tip you said you wanted to give her,” Mistress saidto me. I reached into my pocket, and handed over my Visa card. ***** When we returned to my apartment, my cock was aching for release. Mistress had teased me for the entire drive back. She had even unzipped my pants and had stroked my cock through the silk panties while she teased her own pussy. My car smelled of her sex, and by now, I could barely think. I just knew that I needed release, and that I’d do anything to get it.

When we got inside, Mistress had me strip down to my lingerie. Then, she sat down on the couch and ordered me to knee between her legs.

“So, my pet, as I said, I am going to reward myself for your good behavior. I think I deserve a reward, don’t you?” she asked, and raised her booted foot. “Unlace my boots, pet. I stood through your entire waxing, and they could use a massage.”

I unlaced her boots, removing each. Then she swiveled on the couch, so that her legs were stretched out along the cushions, and gestured for me to sit on the couch.aised one leg to me, and I took her foot into my hands, and began to massage her arch. I could see her naked pussy as her skirt rose up when she lifted her foot to me. She saw me looking and smiled.

“Mmmmm…that feels nice. I guess you’ve earned a little reward too. You may enjoy the view,” she purred, leaning her head back, and closing her eyes. With her other foot, she rubbed up and down along my shake through the panties. After a few minutes, she had me switch feet. She continued switching feet every few minutes, alternating between them for almost a half hour. By now, I could see that she was getting very aroused. Her pussy lips were swollen, and her wetness gleamed on her lips. My cock strained against the silk panties, my head protruding above the lace trim. It was almost silent in the apartment. I could hear Her breathing, and her little moans of approval when I touched the right spot on her foot. Using her soft moans of approval, I learned how she liked me to rub her feet.

“You are good at this. Who knew that you would be so good at math and rubbing my feet?” she giggled at her little joke. “Be a good little slut, and suck on my toes.”

I was so turned on by now, that I didn’t think twice, excited to be able to taste any part of her. I took each toe into my mouth, one by one, sucking on it, and pushing my tongue between her toes. Her moans of approval continued to guide my actions. I worked both of her feet like this for another 20 minutes before she stopped me.

“Thank you my pet. You are doing so well with your new role. Aren’t you glad that we have come to this arrangement?” she asked. Hungry with desire, I was in total agreement.

“Yes, Mistress. I am very happy with our arrangement,” I answered.

“Good. Now, all this sucking, and I bet you are hungry, aren’t you? I know I am,” she said with a glimmer in her eye.

“Yes, Mistress,” I said, feeling short of breath.

“Well then, what are you making me for dinner?” Iwas caught for a second. She had teased me all afternoon, and I hadn’t expected this question. “Ooohh…you dirty little slut you, what was on your mind?” she teased me. “Don’t answer that. I know what your dirty little slut of a mind was thinking, but right now, I want you to fix me dinner. Surprise me.”


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