Teacher's Pet Ch. 02

And here it is, the sequel to Teacher’s Pet Chapter 1, the further adventures of Ron and Cindy. Thanks to CB for helping to inspire this story and remember to vote and send me feedback.


The week after Thanksgiving was a busy one for most college students and faculty. For Cindy Williams, it was insane. Not only did she have two classes of Introductory Psychology to teach and research to conduct for her Ph.D. but she also had to work with the students she tutored, preparing them for their final exams. One student, in particular took up a quite a bit of her spare time.

Ever since she’d found a way to motivate him, Ron Matthews seemed more than willing to do the necessary work for the class but he was, by his own admission, in over his head and he needed extra help. He also loved the fact that Cindy was never afraid to confront him when she felt he wasn’t working hard enough and those confrontations sometimes ended up with him over her lap getting his bare butt spanked until it was critic. If one ever pressed him for the truth, Ron might admit that occasionally he didn’t really mind the ‘punishment’ and that he often provoked it. And if one ever pressed Cindy, she might actually admit that she enjoyed the feeling of him squirming on her lap as she paddled him. In fact, it had almost become a private game between them.

One thing Ron wouldn’t admit to Anyone other than himself, though, was that ever since Cindy had shown up on his doorstep to celebrate his good grade on the midterm exam and gave him a playful paddling as well, he had yearned to turn the tables on her. It was a secret that he kept far back in darkest corner of his imagination and only let come out to play when he needed a release and pleasured himself. He admitted that part of his reticence to even broach the subject stemmed from the fact that she was, in many ways, an authority figure in his life. The thought of spanking his spanker somehow seemed wrong. He also knew thathis own experience on the giving end was somewhat limited and wasn’t sure if he was really any good.

During college he’d had a few girls that he’d coated into it, mostly by starting with an ‘innocent’ birthday spanking, and while some were more receptive than others, he couldn’t say that any of them experienced the same sense of eroticism that he associated with the act. Of course, he really didn’t know if Cindy would find it as stimulating as he did either but something told him she might just like it. She had admitted to him that she’d got her share of spankings as a child. He assumed her blush had little to do with the fact that she was admitting to her bad behaviors and more with the fact that she had liked the punishment. Try as he might, he couldn’t quite figure out a way to possibly suggest The idea of ​​switching roles on her. She was way too perceptive and he knew she’d see through any kind of subterfuge he might try. No, it was going to have to be the direct approach but he’d still have to be cagey about it.

Cindy met up with Ron the Sunday after Thanksgiving to begin preparing him for the final exam. Though it was clear he had spent some time studying for the exam over the holiday, the proportion of wrong answers to correct ones still had her concern. She began mentally running through her schedule for the upcoming week to see if she could work in some extra time with him.

“Hey, what’s up?” Ron asked, seeing her brow furrow and noticing the dark circles under her eyes.

“Oh, I was just trying to think if we could squeeze in any extra time together before your final next week.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

“Ron, I’m afraid that based on what I’ve seen here tonight, you’re not going to do any better than a C on this exam.”

“So? It’s not like I’m at risk of failing the class any more, thanks to you.” He patted her knee in gratitude.

“Is that all you want? Just to pass?”

Her examination made her voice almost shrill. Ron took both her hands in his, squeezing them gently.

“Look, I appreciate your concern but we both know that I only signed up for this class cuz I thought it was gonna be an easy A. Admittedly, I was wrong but so long as I pass, I stay on the basketball team and my scholarship is safe which is my main concern.”

She opened her mouth to lecture him but he put a finger over her lips.

“My other concern is that you’re running yourself ragged. You could pack for a two week cruise in those bags under your eyes.”

“Oh thank you very little,” she retired.

“Hey, why don’t you go home and get some rest. Don’t worry about me this week. I promise I’ll keep on working on this stuff and I’ll be fine by the time the exam rolls around.”

Intense skepticism rolled over her face. She knew he was capable of working independently but wasn’t sure just how effective it would be if she weren’t around to quiz him and make certain that he was on the right track.

“Really!” he insisted. “Look, I’ll even make you a bet.”

“A bet?”

“Yeah, I bet you that I can walk away with an A on this test and do it without any further help from you.”

She chuckled in spite of herself. “You know, I really admire your self-confidence but that’s pushing it.”

“Why? Don’t you think I can do it? After all I got a B+ on the midterm and I’m light years ahead of where I was back then.”

“And I suppose you’ll want the same kind of motivation tonight that you got before the midterm?” she asked remember how she’d lost her temperature and laid into his bare ass with his own belt.

He blushed a little and grinned rather sheepishly. “Well, I wouldn’t object.”

“I Thought not.”

“But really it isn’t necessary. Just knowing we’ve got a bet going is motivation enough.”

“Honestly, Ron, I wouldn’t even know what to bet.”

“Well, if you’re so confident that I’ll lose, then choose something you want if you win.”

“Well, if you’re so confident that I’ll lose, then choose something you want if you win.”


She thought about it for a few moments, weighing the options. While she honestly didn’t think she could lose, she didn’t want to do anything that would undermine his confidence in his own abilities either.

“Okay, but what if, on some weird chance, I actually lose?”

“I’ll choose my own price.”

“And do we reveal our choices now?”

“Well, it would help me if I knew what I was working to avoid.”

“Okay, hotshot, when I win, you will take me out to dinner at the New Orleans House for the seafood buffet.”

“That’s it?” he asked, incredulously. “That’s the best you can come up with?”

“Isn’t that enough? After all, the New Orleans House isn’t exactly fast food, so you would have to dress appropriately and not wear your baseball cap.”

“Okay, okay.”

“And what about you? On the very slim chance that you win, what do you want?”

Ron looked up and appeared to think for a moment.

“I’m not sure. Can I get back to you on that?”

Cindy took this as a sign that he really didn’t believe he could win so he didn’t have anything to claim as a price.

“Okay, but here’s the deal. We will both submit our fighters to Professor Donigal before the exam. Then after she finishes grading them, she’ll tell us who won.”

“Do you think she’ll agree to that?”

“Yeah, I think I can talk her into it.”

“Fine, then I’ll have my price written down and ready to go before class tomorrow.”

Ron held out his hand and they shook on the bet and the he stood up still holding her hand. With a gentle pull he helped her off the couch as well. He took a moment to help her on with her coat and watched as she put her papers back into her briefcase.

“So, now, go home. Take a nice hot bath. Give yourself a manicure or something and relax for the evening knowing you’ve got one less thing to worry about.”

“Not to mention a nice seafood dinner to look forward to,” she added with an impertinent grin.

He longed to reach out and give her a playful swat on the butt for her remark but he didn’t, knowing that the thickness of her wool overcoat would certainly dull any sensing and might even make him miss his mark.

“Good night, Cindy,” he said casually as he let her out.

“See you tomorrow.”

Before class the next day, Cindy had a private discussion with Professor Donigal. While she didn’t mention that she’d no longer be helping Ron with his studies, she did say that they had made a friendly fighter on the outcome of the exam and asked if she’d be the neutral third party to hold the results. As she suspected, the professor was willing to help. When Ron came in he spoke to Cindy for a moment and they each gave Emily a sealed envelope, containing the terms of the bet. They shook hands again and as Ron turned to take a seat, he quickly scanned his classesmates to see whom he could turn to for help in Cindy’s absence. It didn’t take him long to make a couple of choices and he vowed that even if the grades in his other classes suffered a bit, there was no way he was going to lose this bet. The one thing he had going in his favorite was that this would be his first final exam. Once it was finished he could throw himself into his other classes.

The day of the test arrived and Ron felt modernly confident. He’d spent a lot of time studying with two girls who were majoring in Psychology and seemed to be up on everything that had gone on in class. Darla was so awestruck that he’d even look at her that she eagerly agreed to help. Michelle, however, saw it as an opportunity for some quid pro quo and said that she’d do it so long as he helped her with her Intro Chemistry exam. Knowing he could do that work in his sleep, he readily agreed.

As he selected a desk for the exam, he looked around to see If Cindy had come by. He didn’t know what her schedule was but thought she might drop by to check on him. Moment later he was flanked by Darla and Michelle and they all gaveEach other a good-luck squeeze of the hand.

Three hours later, Ron’s confidence was flagging. While he knew he’d done a good job, he didn’t feel like he could count on that A. He told a moment as he took one last look at his answers and decided that even if he didn’t win the bet, the chance to take Cindy out to dinner wasn’t really like losing and maybe he could find some other way to get her over his lap. When he left the classroom and stepped out into the hallway, he found Darla and Michelle waiting on him.

“So, how’d ya do?” Michelle asked.

“Umm, okay. I’m sure I passed.”

“Well, of course you passed,” Darla insisted, “You had us helping you.”

He had to chuckle. “Yeah, you’re right. I suppose there shouldn’t be any doubt about that.”

“So, we’re going over to Lee’s Deli for an early lunch. You wanna join us?” Michelle invited.

“I’d love to girls, but I’ve got a 2:00 exam this afternoon that I still need to review for. But maybe we can all go out for beers some night?”

“Sure. Let’s do that.”

Ron trusted back to his apartment and throw together a sandwich and some chips to eat while he reviewed for his economic geography final. The course had been pretty easy so he wasn’t expecting anything too difficult but sometimes the professor liked to throw in some confusing terminology so he wanted to refresh his memory.

Tuesday Afternoon, as he was working with Michelle for her Chemistry final, his cell phone rang. He looked at it for a moment to see if he could let it go to voicemail but when he recognized Cindy’s phone number he picked up.


“Ron, it’s Cindy. Professor Donigal has your test results finished. Can you meet us in her office?”

“I’m kinda tied up at the moment. Can you give me an hour?”

He held his breath waiting while she consulted Emily.

“Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll see you then.”


He flipped the phone shut and looked at Michelle, ready to pick up where they’d left off.

“Hot date?” she asked.

“Hardly. But I’ve got to go to Professor Donigal’s office in an hour. Something about an evaluation for Cindy’s tutoring,” he said, quickly coming up with a lie to cover his tracks.

“Whatever,” she said flippantly as she returned to her notes.

An hour later Ron stood in front of Emily Donigal’s desk, butterflies doing aerobatics in his stomach. The professor’s face gave no clue as to what his test score was but it seemed she was having a bit of fun with the challenge.

“So, as I understand it, Ron, you bet that you could get an A on the final exam, even though you’ve only had one A all semester and Cindy bet that you couldn’t.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Well, Cindy, I must say that This is a rather different way to motivate a student. I would have recommended that you bet in favor of him but I suppose there is merit to playing devil’s advocate.”

She picked up an envelope from her desk but it was face down so neither of them could see who was going to win the bet. Ron held his breath and he could tell that Cindy was doing the same. She turned to Cindy and handed her the envelope.

“I’m pleased to say that Ron is the winner with a score of 93%.”

It was all he could do not to shout his victory and dance around the office. He settled for sharing a very enthusiastic hug with Cindy and even one for the Professor. When everyone one calmed down a bit Emily turned to her protŽgŽ.

“So, Cindy, what did he win?”

Ron could feel the color drain from his face as Cindy began to open the envelope. He hadn’t thought about the fact that the surprise would be unveiled here. Would she read it aloud, not knowing what was in it? His heart pounded even faster and he fixed his eyes on her, silently Begging her not to go through with it.

Cindy saw the look of desperation on his face but couldn’t fathom why he’d be so anxious. She assumed that he’d pick the opportunity to playout one of the spanking fans he’d shared with her; something that would require more creativity than their usual discipline sessions. Knowing that, she already had a response formed in her brain.

She withdraw the paper and took a quick look at it. What she saw caused her slowly read it once again.

“Cindy?” Emily prompted.

“Something he’s been wanting for a long time,” she said, automatically falling back on her planned response.

She hastily folded the sheet of paper and stuffed it back into the envelope and then crammed that into her coat pocket.

“Well, I hope you enjoy it, Ron.”

While he wanted to say that he was sure he would, the fact was that he still wasn’t sure Cindy would go through with it even though he’d won.

“Thanks, Professor. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some other tests to review for.”

He left with one parting smile at Cindy, unsure of what would happen next. He was down the hall and almost out of the building befor he heard her call his name. He turned and saw her walking very quickly towards him. He waited until she caught up and then held the door open for her to leave first before stepping out behind her. Once they were out in the frosty December air, she turned and looked up at him.

“Are you serious about this?” she asked, waving the envelope in his direction.

“Serious as a heart attack.”

She cursed under her breath for a moment. “Okay, look, we’ve gotta talk but I don’t want to keep you from your studies.”

“How about my place at 6:00?”

She considered it for a moment and then made a counter proposal. “My apartment at 6:30.”

“Fine but where is your apartment?”

She dug a pen out of her briefcase and scribbled an address on the back of the envelope along with brief directions on how to find it. Before she thrust it at him, she took out the paper that he’d written his prize on. He studied it briefly.

“Yeah, I know where this place is.”

“Then, I’ll see you at 6:30?”

“I’ll be there.”

Still very stunned by what had transpired between them, she turned and walked towards the lot where her car was parked and didn’t even both to say goodbye. Ron stood and watched her until she disappeared around the corner of the building. He shrugged deeper into his parka and set out towards his apartment, wondering if she’d really go through with This. He assumed that since she hadn’t outright refused, he at least stood a chance. On the other hand, he feared that he could still get shot down that night so he wasn’t about to count on anything.

Cindy managed to keep her wits about her on the way home by concentrated on traffic and the mechanics of driving. Methodically, she hung up her coat and put her hat and boots in the closet as well. She changed into her most comfortable pair of sweats and made a cup of tea to ward off the chill of both the winter day and the fear that gripped the pit of her stomach. Once the necessaryy tasks were taken care of she settled into her overstuffed easy chair and tucked her legs up under her and looked at Ron’s note once again.

‘When I win the bet, I will be the one to take you firmly over my knee and paint your beautiful behind the crisis colors of a tropical sunset.’

She wanted to believe that he was interested in some sort of body painting ritual but his allusion to the position left no doubt that what he really wanted was to spank her. She closed her eyes and tried to deny it but couldn’t. Even worse was the fact that she wanted it too. After she gave him the erotic spanking after his mid-term and she realized just how into it he was, she had wondered what it would be like to have the tables turned on her. Her last boyfriend had almost turned her off the idea completely with his rough treatment of Her hind end and she feared that Ron would think she spanked him in the same way that she wanted to be spanked. She knew he retired being paddled roughly andthe harder it got… well, the harder he got. Her tushie twitched at the thought of such a spanking and she unconsciously reached behind her to rub it.

The other thought that weighed heavily on her mind was how this would change their relationship. She’d never really thought much about it beyond the fact that she was tutoring him and therefore in a position of authority. However, she realized that with the closing of the semester, she was no longer bound to him in any capacity and she wondered if she really wanted to be. Admittedly, he was a lot of fun to be with. They had similar interests in politics and history and their tastes in music even seemed to be identified. She admitted that he was more analytical, which seemed right considering his major, whereas she was more of a gut-instinct person. Their sense of humor, however, was virtually identified.

What it boiled down to in her mind was whether or not she had the capacity to open up and be brutally honest about herself wit him. That alone would shift the dynamic of their relationship nearly 180 degrees and she wasn’t sure she was comfortable with that. She could deal with a more equitable power exchange but what if he wasn’t.

“Okay, girl, you’re getting way ahead of yourself here. You don’t have any idea as to what he wants and you’re not going to until you talk to him tonight,” she said to herself before taking a sip of her tea.

The warm drink helped calm her nerves a little but couldn’t help overcome her fears of knowing that she’d have to tell him that she not only wanted him to spank her but exactly how she wanted it. Such emotional honesty wasn’t easy for her, especially when she considered that they really were barely friends. Of course, she could actually deny him and tell him he’d simply have to come up with some other way for her to pay off the bet but she wasn’t sure she’d like his alternatives any better. No, better to face the music, admit that she wanted it as much as he didand then work for the best.

When Ron arrived at 6:30, she really wasn’t any less nervous than she had been earlier in the day. In fact, just the sight of him standing in her living room in his faded jeans and rugby shirt made the butterflies in her stomach even more active than they had been while waiting in Professor Donigal’s office. She took a moment to really look at him, not as a student but as a man. All the things she was used to seeing were still there. The height, the dark hair, the casual smile and slightly stopped posture he always assumed whenever he was standing next to her, as if he felt like he was towering over her. Finally, she looked at his eyes, assuming they weren’t called the ‘windows to the soul’ for nothing. In them she saw affection, kindness and a certain amount of hesitancy, as if he weren’t certain about the feasibility of this plan either.


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