Teacher Is The Pet Ch. 01

Chris Collins was nervous and excited at the same time. The 24 year-old petite blond high school teacher flitted around the small house her husband and she had purchased a year earlier when they had moved to the small Texas town from Chicago after completing their advanced degrees.

The house was neat and clean, but she adjusted things as she moved around. This activity was all to hide her nervousness in the Last few minutes before four of her high school math students would arrive for some private tutoring.

Private tutoring. Surely that term would get a new meaning this day.

Chris thought back to the events of the previous weeks, and a smile of excitation crossed her face. She felt her labia fill with the blood of her excitation, as she thought back to the events leading up to this Saturday evening. She felt the inside of her sex began to moisten along with the external signs of her growing lust. The memories were vivid and complete.

She had been in the smallsupply room her classroom included, straightening the metr supplies the school district provided, trying to assess what she had to work with when things began to take a turn.

The school district was primarily poor agraarian families, and many of her students didn’t have pencil or paper to do their assignments on. The district though poor provided some of these items with federal funds provided by the ‘No Child Left Behind’ Act.

Her attire typical of every other day at school.

A mid-calf dress that flowed from her tiny wait. If it weren’t for the fact her rather large bust always had her looking like she was about to bust the buttons on the front of the dress, she could be characterized a frump.

Chris had always had problems with her DD bus line. It had always attracted attention from men. She wasn’t comfortable with the kind of attention it gained her, but she had grown used to it and had several tried and true techniques to avert their attention when thingsappeared to be getting out of hand.

Yet there had been some instances where she had almost not used these techniques, because of the feelings some of these encounters had aroused in her. Some of these more aggressive occurrences had been like she had ‘seething slut inside’ tattooed on her forehead. When the men had gotten aggressive she had almost not been able to implement one of her canned responses that always worked to cool them off.

She needed to have her order for replenishment ready by the first of the week and so she was busy counting reams of notebook paper and pencils, etc. She was lost in her thoughts and hadn’t heard Roger White, enter the storeroom.

Roger was typical of most of her students. Big strapping East Texas youths that were muscled and hard body, not from workouts in the gym, but from hard days working the fields or logging in the Piney Woods of East Texas. Most boys and even some girls went to the fields or the woods as soon as they were old enough to handle whatever implement the work required. This was necessary to augment whatever meter family income the others in the family brought home.

Roger was also the self-appointed leader of a small group of boys of mixed ethnicity that though not a gang was as close as you would find without going to the hoods and barriers of the inner city.

A seems rough lot, their principal tactic was intimidation of the Weaker students in school.

Truth be told they had probably never committed a crime greater than disturbing the peace, or drinking underage.

When Roger entered the room, he had quietly closed the door behind him. The lack of light penetrating the room from the open door had caught Chris attention and she turned, just as Roger was upon her. The room was almost completely dark except for the small beams of light that penetrated under the door.

He quickly shoved her up against the wall her diminutive 5’2” form no match for his looming 6 foot plus present. His hand came down over her mouth and his eyes looked omino in the semi-darkness. They almost glowed like a predatory animal thought Chris.

“Hello, Mrs. Collins. I have waited for this moment since the beginning of term. I am going to remove my hand from your mouth. If you scream I will be forced to hurt you. I don’t want to have to do that, but I will, so just keep quiet and do as you are told and you won’t get hurt.”

Slowly the strapping 18-year-old high school student took his hand away from her mouth and Chris wisely kept her words in check. She had started to scold the boy and try to regain some semblance of control, but instead remained quiet and almost revealed in the lack of control she was being forced to endure.

The hand that had covered her mouth dropped to her small neck and encircled it. Not tightly so as to cut of her wind supply, but firmly enough to hold her pinned to the wall.

His free hand dropped to the front of her dress and gripped the large melon of her right breast, through her clothes, and began to freely fondle.

Chris hand came up to capture the boys grip on her grip throat, but the fist that mauled her breast had tightened to a vise like grip that sent lightening bolts of pain through her breast and thrilling feelings of helplessness through the young woman.

“You are wrong. I will go where I please and do what I like, bitch.”

His grip continued to tighten on her breast and after a moment her hand just dropped away from his. Whether it was the pain, the pleasure in the pain, or the total helplessness of her situation might never be known, but his grip eased as soon as she stopped trying to push it away from her breast.

“I see youget the picture slut. You are my bitch from now on. You will do as I say and serve me as a good and proper slave should. Do you understand?”

His words thrilled her. She didn’t know why, but she had to have this. It was wrong and she could get in big trouble if she was found out. She sensed rather than know his demands on her would be sexual, and that played in her mind for the briefest of instances before she replied. That would mean cheating on her husband, but he was a worthless wimp both sexually and in life. She reasoned the boy was 18 so there was nothing illegal if she were required to have sex with him.

It was a breach of her teaching contract that might result in her losing her job, but the risk was worth it. Chris had never felt so exhilarated. After the briefest of moments while these thoughts ran Through her head at lightening speed, she gave the proper response.

“Yes Sir.”

“That is a good little slave, but you will reply yes Master to anything I tellyou to do.”

Her submission was complete and she could do nothing else but comply.

Any thoughts of morality or the fraternization clause in her contract with the school district were gone. Something was awake in her and she had to have this, now.

“Yes Master.”

“That’s a good slave. You learn quickly. You will serve me well I feel.”

Roger stepped back from her and leered as he gave her the next instruction.

“Lift your skirt so I can see my whore’s body, slut.”

Without hesitation, Chris replied “Yes Master” and bent to lift her skirt as commanded. She wore pantyhose that were sheer to the waist and the utility cotton panties she wore underneath could be clearly seen. She blushed as the hem of her skirt came up under her chin.

She couldn’t Understand why she was blushing, because she was enjoying being commanded and putting herself on display this way. It must be an unconscious reaction, she thought. Her pussy throbbed and her clip and nipples hardened under the gaze of the boy, and though vividly her mind was wondering what he would require of her next, subconsciously she wanted him to require she get nasty. She didn’t have to wait long as he stepped in close to her again.

His hand went to the waistband of the pantyhose and started to slip inside. Finding her panty’s waistband his hand descended further and further.

“Spread you legs slut, so Your Master might play with his pussy.”

Obediently Chris moved one of her legs sideways until they were supposed length apart. Her breath drew in sharply as Rogers long fingers slipped into the swamp her crotch had become in the last few moments. His finger slipped inside the warm wet tightness of her cunt.

“I see my little whore is pleased to be in the presence of her Master.”

She could only reply in one way, even if she had thought to reply otherwise, which never crossed her mind.

“Yes Master.”

“You are to never wear panty hose again slut. You will purchase thigh highs or a garter belt and stockings. You will also get some sexy panties and not the horrible cotton things you are wearing. You must always wear these to be prepared to serve me when I come to use you.”

“As you wish my Master.”

Roger took his hand out of her panties and held his finger to her lips.

Chris smelled the muscle of her sex as he instructed her to lick it clean.

“Clean your whore’s juice from my finger slut.”

Obediently and without a hint or even a thought of protest, she took the finger between her lips and sucked her juice from it like she was sucking a small cock.

Roger placed his hands on her shoulders and started to push her towards the floor. Chris knew what this means and dropped her skirt while going to her knees without protest.

Roger’s crotch, the bulge of his cock huge inside his baggy jeans, was even with her face as he spoke.

“Service me whore.”

Reaching for the fly of his jEans she looked up and replied “Yes Master.” Her fingers quickly unzipped and unbuttoned his jeans and in a small moment, his jeans were down around his ankles, his boxes following quickly and Chris was struggling the last bit of life into his semi-erect cock, before engulfing it with her small mouth.

She thrilled at the heady aroma of sweat and urine, which was not from lack of hygiene, but more likely commonplace this late in the day. More than that though the size of his man meat thrilled her.

Though she didn’t have a lot of experience in this regard, she knew her husband was likely on the small size of normal at only about five inches. Her student-turned-Master was closer to 10 inches now that he was fully erect.

Fueled by an unconscious desire to please this aggressive dominant male that had become her Master, she found she had little difficulty taking his cock into her throat in what was her first experience at deep-throating a large cock.

She sucked his cock lovingly as he assailed her with humiliating diatribe.

“Suck it you nasty slut.”

“You are nothing but a nasty whore.”

“You will serve me well and those I bring to you for you to service.”

“You are a nasty slut who wants to be used like a who aren’t you, bitch.”

Her answer was automatic. Even if she had thought about it, it wouldn’t have been different.

“Yes Master, I am a nasty slut who wants to be used like a whore as you might command me.”

Roger grabbed the sides of her face and started to thrust his hips forward and backward as he fucked her face rather than allowing her to just suck his cock. Chris revealed in the ferocity of his use of her oral orifice like it was a pussy. She moaned around his thrusting cock as her lust continue to build.

This was so fucking nasty and so fiercely aggressive, she thought. Secretly she longed for him to get even more brutal in his use of her. She couldn’t understand these feelings, but they werenone-the-less real and she loved feeling this way.

As his cock erupted in her mouth, she felt her own orgasm sweep through her fevered crotch. She began to swallow his spew, something she had always refused to do with her husband. She didn’t lose a drop other than the errant dribble from the corner of her mouth, which she chased back inside with a finger once he withdraw his cock from her used facial orifice.

He adjusted his clothes and left.

“Be ready each day, for I will come and use you again.”

“Yes Master.”

That night Chris stopped at the small department store and purchased the stockings and panties as she had been commanded.

The next day when she lifted her skirt she proudly wore the lace-topped thigh high stockings and skimpy bikini panties as directed.

Roger brought a chair in the small store room that day and had her bend over, lifted her skirt and slide her panties down so he could fuck her cunt.

Having never been fucked by sucha large cock before she almost felt as if she were loosing her virginity again. The loss of her virginity though had been a painful non-event and this was thrilling.

Her orgasm was massive as his huge cock pummeled her petite body and his control over her grow more deeply. She was certainly now and forever more his slut and would do anything to please him. Or at least so she thought at that moment.

As his cock spewed his seed into her lucky cunt she worried momentarily about pregnancy, but if pregnancy was a consequence of feeling this good, so-be-it. As if he read her mind his comments went to that very topic.

“I will breed you as the slave you are. If you have a child, it will be my property just as you are my property.”

Chris made a mental note to get on birthday control, but only replied “Yes Master.”

He came and used her every day from that day forth. He had fucked her face, her cunt and her ass. She compiled with everything he required of her each day,her submission growing deeper each time he used her. She had stopped wearing panties as he had commanded and as required she had shacked her pussy. The slight breeze on her now completely bald pussy was erotic in itself.

She had balanced at first when he required she clean his cock with her mouth after fucking her ass, as he did after fucking her pussy. The initial revulsion though quickly passed as she eagerly sucked His shit stained cock in her desire to please him. Besides it was totally nasty.

These thoughts went through her mind as she waited for her Master Roger and the others in his gang to arrive for ‘tutoring’. She knew the only topic that would be studied this night was human sexuality and the depravity of her slave service and math would never be considered.

She giggled softly to herself when she thought addition would be studied a bit. Adding the number of times she was used and the number of cocks or orgasms that would be achieved in her service to her Master and his friends. Addition was math after all. She giggled again at the thought.

Her attire wasn’t in keeping with what would be considered acceptable in academic circles. Her shorts were baggy cutoff sweat pants a drawstring holding them up around her tiny wait. Her top was a te cropped to just below her breasts. If she raised her arms even to just level in front of her, the globes of her breasts would appear under the top as it rode up. She wore no bra or panties and was barefoot.

Her husband, Jack Collins, had tried to accost her when he had seen her dressed like this earlier that afternoon and she had chatissed him vehemently.

“Cool your jets, I have students coming over to study in a bit.”

“You are going to tutor students dressed like that?”

“Yes, and you are to go to the den and remains there while they are here.”

He knew better than to argue with her, he was even more submissive than she was. His male vanity however never allowed him to show it, but he felt it. When she got ‘bossy’ with him, Jack actually enjoyed the feelings of being dominated.

That had been their attention initially, but had been the wall that sprang up between them over time. She needed dominance and not a wimp weasel as she called him in her most angry moments.

He fixed a cooler of iced down beer so he wouldn’t have to leave the den. Fortunately the den had a half bath for when it came time to return rent-a-beer.

The stage was set and Chris waited for her Master and his cronies to arrive.

They came to the backdoor only because it seemed criminal to do so, all four looking like they were ready to take on the world in their version of World War III. There was Roger of course, his strapping six-foot plus frame, flanked by Eric, Todd and Jamal. All were 18 with the Exception of Jamal who was 19 having been held back twice in elementary school, until they discovered and treated his dyslexia.

Eric was Mexican and as mean as they come or so he would like you to think. His short status, characteristic of his race, gave him a ‘Little Napoleon’ complex and a seeing internal anger. He dressed in Cholo styling, hair short and held back in a slick cut that took time to create under a hair net with tons of hairspray he combined out and lightly retouched after it dried and the shape was set. He wore baggy khaki pants and an A-shirt, his muscles rippling under the bronze body his ancestry guaranteed.

Jamal was a deep dark African-American. His toned body at 5’10” looked like a wide receiver in the NFL.

Todd was kind of the odd man out at 5’6”. Though at least equal in height to his Mexican friend, he was the shortest in the group, and had none of the toned musculature of his friends. He was skinny in fact, though as strong as an ox from his part in the fields and forests of East Texas. He wouldn’t be a part if Roger hadn’t been his cousin. He looked almost geek in comparison to the others.

His ‘good guy’ appears, though, was an asset though when the group needed to hustle beer with a fake ID at a local convenience store. So he was accepted into the ‘gang’.

Chris opened the backdoor and stood to one side and the four entered the kitchen. They eyed her up and down as they stepped inside, ogling her barely covered body. Chris blushed profusely at the obvious lust in the eyes of this group of her high school students.

Ch. 02 continues Chris decent into submission at the hands of Roger and his cronies.


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