Brian reaches for the box I had left him. It was full of toys to use on me. What would he decide to do to me? Maybe he would shock me with electricity, or put a butt plug up my ass and go back to fucking me, or maybe he would even use a different vibrator on me. He had something much different in mind. I heard him move things through the box, latex and rubber grinding against wood and metal. But then I heard the familiar clang of metal on the tile floor below me. I knew what he was doing. He was setting up the fucking machine.
“Is that for me?” I asked innocently.
“Yes, but only after I find the lube,” he said as I laughed. He must have found the lube because before I knew it a rubber dildo was being pushed into my soaking wet pussy. His cum and my juices were still dripping out onto the floor. It went in with ease, I almost didn’t feel it. But I certainly felt it after he stopped moving it into my pussy. My largest and widest dildo was now sitting in my pussy, and if IKnow Brian, he won’t let me off easy.
“I’m going to use the bathroom, and maybe wander the halls for a while, you enjoy yourself,” he said, “it’ll start off slow but ramp up, so be ready.” My hope that he would show me with his piss was once again dashed, but I now I had more pressing things to worry about. Specifically, I had this dildo pressing it’s way into my cunt to worry about.
I heard a button click and the machine hum to life. The dildo moved radically in and out of me. I moaned at this new sensing, I had only been fucked by a machine once before, and never while in bondage. But now I would have to do it alone. Footsteps headed towards the door and I heard it close as Brian stepped out. He would now be gone for an uncertain amount of time, and he had left me with an unfeeling machine to give me pleasure. I was definitely feeling pleasure, even at the slow speed of the fucking machine. It explored my slit at it’s own pace, far slower than I would finger myselfand much slower than Brian had fucked my pussy earlier. This however was a good kind of pleasure. The lubed up soft rubber of the dildo felt strange compared to Brian’s large and unyielding dick. He had found every creavas of my cunt in his relentless fucking. I loved every second of it, it made me cum harder than I ever had before and I still carry his semen in my pussy. But this was different. The dildo seemed to be Unsure of itself. I immediately chatissed myself for thinking this, it is merely a machine, how can it feel anything? Still, there was a feeling to me that this dildo was eager to enter me and give me yet another mind bending orgasm, but it did not yet have the courage. Brian did say that it would get faster, until then I planned on enjoying the more soothing rhythm brought by this machine.
It had not yet sped up when I began to really enjoy it. While I will never say that a dildo is a match for a dick, this dildo is giving me a new outlook on that question. This feels right, and I don’t want it to stop. It moves in and out, in and out, in and out, in an unflinching rhythm. I feel it reaches for my cervix, only to come up short every time. My vaginal walls close in around the dildo to hug it tight and refuse to let go. My lips part to allow this rubber entrance to my most sacred place. I stifle another moan as it reaches into me. I am not close to having an orgasm, but I am on my way if it keeps up like this. The machine gets slightly louder. The soft rhythm begins to speed up a little bit, just enough to send me closer to an orgasm. My body tightens even further. My walls staunchly refuse to let go of their guest. I now can’t help but moan softly with every thrust. I close my eyes, not that it matters as the blindfold is still on. I allow myself to relax and allow this dildo to take me places. My body begins to loosen. My walls relax as I relax, My tende body begins to soften. I am almost in a meditative state now, one that is self-induced. I simply allows the machine to have it’s way with me. I offer no resistance. My concerns vanish. When will Brian return? Who cares. All I care about is the gentle thrusting of this machine.
The machine is not done. I hear the hum grow louder. The first time it sped up it was almost undetectable, not so with this one. I am torn back to Earth as the machine now matches Brian’s pace. The rhythmic push and pull of the machine is replaced by an aggressive thrusting. The machine treated my hole as sacred, now it sees me for who I really am, a slut begging to be satisfied. I move closer to my orgasm, but I still cannot make it happen. It is edging me. Perhaps unknownly, it is at the perfect speed to not allow me to cum. I moan loudly, but I am frustrated. I want it to let me cum. I want it to just take me and make me shake in my restraints. I want to squirt so hard that all of Brian’s seed leaves my pussy. But this faceless machine won’t allow me the satisfaction. Is it foolish to get angryat a machine? I think it is, but this machine is not making it easy for me to like it.
The meditative state from before is long gone, the thrusting now sees to that. I am now aware of my surroundings again. The leather across my skin which I heated up with my body heat, the cold tile below the pad that I am sitting on, the fluids sloshing around my cunt, and most importantly, the large dildo violating my sacred place. It thrusts in and out faster than I thought machines could go, but apparently it will only get faster. Each inward thrust elicits a moan, and each outward pull only provides a split second to recover. The machine has taken over me again, I am now a slave to it. I beg of it to make me cum, but it refuses to. If only Brian were here. He would finger me again, or rub my tits, or even fuck me in the ass for some double penetration action, but for now all I have is the machine.
The hum of the machine, which was previously a background noise, now grows to take overmy hearing. The machine is speeding up. I cheer on the inside as the machine now ravages me. It speeds up slowly. Gaining more and more speed with each thrust, allowing me less recovery time between strokes. It is ramping up. My walls hugged the dildo for so long, now the dildo attacks them at every opportunity. The lips at my entrance are now pulled back as far as they can go, as if they are trying to avoid the dildo as well. I moan loudly and uncontrollable as it continues to speed up. I realize that the machine will not slow down until I cum. I will finally be allowed to do so. My room now sounds as if it has a machine gun in it rather than a fucking machine, and I am happy to have the latter be inside of me. The dildo continues it’s assault on my body and my mind. I feel trapped, helpless, and this pushes me further. Squirt now builds up in my pussy. I need to release it, but the machine will not allow it. I am sent flying into an orgasm. I curl my toes, squeeze my fist shut, clench my walls around the dildo, but it continues its attack. My moans are now a constant stream of noises in response to my orgasm. Waves of hot pleasure shoot through me, every wave causes a moan. The machine continues to speed up, until my pussy decides to take control. The fluids inside of me push back against the dildo and force it out of my pussy. On it’s way out, the dildo hits my clip dead on, which is just too much for me. Squirt shots out of me with the force of a fire house. I scream out so that maybe Brian will be able to hear me from across the school. And the darkness takes over me right at the height of my pleasure.
When I come to I am still blindfolded, but I feel Brian’s hands running down my back. I lift my head and groan a little bit. My clip is still buzzing from the stimulation and I can feel a gentle drip of squirt coming out of my pussy.
“Welcome back Ms. Lauren,” Brian said.
“How long have I been out,” I asked him softly.
“About thirty minutes,” he said, “I heard you screaming from across the school,” we both laughed.
“It was really good,” I said.
“Wait until you see the puddle you made,” he said.
“Well you have to untie me for that to happen,” I reminded him.
“I wanted to do something first,” he stands up and moves behind me. I hear him drop his pants to the ground. After a few seconds I feel his warm pee hit the small of my back. It runs down and hits my hair and my neck. He know of my piss fetish, and I love it. He moves his stream up my body. He soaks my ass and sends his pee into my asshole. He finished off by drenching my hair directly. The coldness of the room disappears. His pee now covers me and I couldn’t be happier. But not to be outdone, I decided to add to the puddle myself. I push and feel my own stream of pee leaving my pussy. It makes contact with the ground and warm droplets land on my feet and legs. I feel Brian’s eyes watching me pee. It only makes me hornier. I push out the last drops of pee before I let out a final moan. We don’t have to say anything. We still are not even close to being done.
If you have any suggestions for me please comment below!
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