Whips and chains command them in such a violent manner, you would wonder what they really have in mind you don’t really know.
The dark haired woman lit a cigarette in the nervous cold chambers. Her field of vision was clouded with rich dark smoke, the same smoke that filled her lungs as she inhaled and exhausted throughout, her body quivering so. She licked her dry cracking lips over a bit coquettishly and wondered on what would happen next, the smooth leather laying forgotten in the palm of her hands. Toying with it subconsciously–she glanced over at the mirror puffing up aggressively with a little snarl and giggled; a shake of the head ensuring. Her silhouette was cast on the backboards of the long slender maple bed that she sat upon, leaning into the velvet lined mattress; hands imprinted against it; the whip swung down following the outline of her thighs; drawn and swinging pathetically over the edge of the bed.
Certain relative thoughts filled her mind, they alwayscame, always. Right before she would begin. There was no avoiding the sweet but sick nostalgia that hit her in her bones, tears ran down her cheeks and she sniffled. Gasping for breath–feeling more bereft than ever in the constricting room–it shrank and shrank around her–the walls made her want to suffocate. The cigarette slammed into the glass ash tray with a twisted grinding; pulverizing it down to nothing but a flimsy smoking debris. Coughing and waving her arms about to get rid of whatever smoke was left around her–cursing at herself for smoking when she knew she shouldn’t. She couldn’t help herself, it felt euphoric.
The ticking of a clock in the corner woke her to her senses–tock,tock,tock. Five more minutes. Warmth spread out between her legs–her nipples hardened–that tingly feeling invaded her entirely. The Thoughts hadn’t left, they never left, not until she began, not until she was in her own world, her own universe. She was Queen, she was ruler. When others weree her servants, her playthings.
The nervousness that was once there was dissipating into bursts of excitement, in wanting to meet up with her, she would come tonight. She, she, she. Tock, tick, tick.
Standing aback she tugged at her leather skirt and fixed her hair, giddy now, forgetting the melancholy thoughts that plagued her before a scene. Questionable thoughts–who am I? what am I doing here? What do you want out of life?
Life be damned it was time to play. She tossed the whip aside, forgetting she till clung to it between her knuckles fiercely and protectedly. Opening the door wide, heading passed the spacious living room, and letting her guest in.
She snapped and shut the locks into place, leading in the smallish girl by her elbow with a loving roughness. Glancing at her up-and-down with greetings and quick bouncing hug–the firmness of each others bodies lifting her spirit–the old familiar tune of lovers; old chemistry between them arising. Well placedkisses were presented between each other as they passed their surroundings in a total haze of loving abortion, respiting in between to whisper those quiet nothings that lovers share–they were hot for each other by the time they reached the dark haired girls room. The smallish girl, with the blonde kinky hair licked her lips and jutted her breast out. Opening her blouse open to her fragile hands–bursting out naked with a leather collar round the neck; dangling with the bright round gold medallion that designed her as the dark-haired woman’s submissive– and only hers. Eternal lovers tossed in a tumultuous sea, meeting, embracing.
The lovers met.
Sweat pouring from her pores, nervous, jittery. A huge rush passed over her as the dark-haired girl snapped the whip off up the ground and whacked it into the smallish girls behind, narrowing her eyes and with an air of steamy authoritative commands her to present herself, and her body to her mistress. The smallish girl compiledat once moving with every gesture she hears from her partner–like clockwork, frame by frame her body opening wide; her blonde cunt glittering in the lights. Knee’s pinned to the floor–tentative in pushing her ass back onto her heels, a waft of innocent air as she becomes exposed.
Electricity sparkles in the air for those long brief hesitant second were the one in command get’s put into the spot of deciding, finally, totally in control. To that be damned however as with a sweeping rush instincts take over–the dark haired girl shined with lashes, glorious lashes to the smaller girls tighs and buttocks. Dancing around with the whip, putting her entire being into it–burising the smaller girl to the point of a wheezing ecstacy.
The smaller girl took every hit with an exalting breath–letting go, and feeding off the pain. This was the one moment she cloyed for–she revealed in it more than the mistress did. What was mere seconds became hours in her mind that caused her to reel–to be in the hands of her lover, her friend, her Domme. A connection that could not be broken, that would last far far longer than the red lashings on her buttocks–she bit her lip and spoke up, begging, begging for more, for anything at all that would feed her desires.
Hair disheveled and eyes aglitter with the sense of command, the dark-haired girl was more than willing to oblige, she to had this need. Stripping her clothes off, then up, up off the ground she motioned and she pinned her hands into the curling blonde hair; her fingers flowing into it like silk; tugging at it. Snapping the blonde haired girls head back towards the heavens with a vitality–towering over her with dozens of matched kisses; their bodies pressed over each others in unison. Leading her down into the comfy mattresses of the bed with legs wrapped around, on-top, the curve of her vulva pluckered against the other. Each buckling against the other; their clients throbbing in the pain of wanting to be struck–rubbing, rubbing against each other with kisses.
Her blonde hairdrawed along her eyes, she lay on the bottom, taking the pleasure she was giving and receiving. A cyclical feed of pleasure between them–the dark haired girl on top riding the bottom one, smushing her face into the mattress. The bottom one buckling her hips upwards to fill her need for flesh–a rhythmic banging. Mumbling incoherently in their coitus, their tongues lashing hotly with both cares and words between each other–private words that neither would remember after they had finished–but which would last a lifetime.
Orgasm came quick and fulfilling, both gasping, both wanting air and each other. They cuddled amongst each other. Still against each other, the dark haired girl sliding off–reaching for a cigarette. She puffed away–the blonde girl snuggling into the crook of her arm. Tonight was a quickie-tomorrow would be better for both of them–their thoughts and speech folded against each other as daylight broke–sleep took them both.
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